
Altirra 1.8 test 28

[1] # Altirra | Sobota, 20 Listopada 2010 23:52CET

Altirra 1.8 test 28

Tym razem mocno nieoficjalna wersja bety, news podrzucił breaker (dzięki:)), gdyż nie ma o tym relasie żadnej notki w wątku Altirry 1.8. Posprawdze po powrocie do domu (sobota - jak to zwykle bywa jestem na wojażach) i dam znać, chyba, że wcześniej pojawi się jakaś podsumowująca notka.

Altirra version 1.8, najprawdopodbniej lista nie zawiera poprawek ujętych w najnowszej test 28:

  • features added
    • Initial 5200 support.
    • Simulator: Added 16K memory size support.
    • Simulator: 576K and 1088K modes now allow ANTIC access to extended memory.
    • Cartridge: Added support for Corina 1MB + 8K EEPROM and 512K + 512K SRAM + 8K EEPROM cartridges.
    • Cartridge: Added support for Telelink II NVSRAM.
    • Cartridge: Added support for DB 32K, Williams 32K / 64K, Diamond 64K, SpartaDOS X 64K/128K, Phoenix 8K, Blizzard 16K, and Atrax 128K cartridges.
    • Cartridge: Added support for 8K right slot cartridges.
    • Cartridge: Added support for non-switchable 256K-1M XEGS cartridges.
    • Cartridge: Mapper dialog attempts to detect Atari 2600 cartridge images (unsupported).
    • Debugger: The history window no longer needs to be closed and reopened after toggling history mode.
    • Debugger: Source windows now highlight lines that have symbol information associated and can be used for execution control.
    • Debugger: Added on-screen watch byte/word commands (wb/ww/wc/wl).
    • Debugger: History window now detects and collapses loops.
    • Debugger: Added optional length parameter for dump and disassemble commands.
    • Debugger: Added dump INTERNAL string command (di).
    • Debugger: Added .iocb command.
    • Debugger: Added ya/yc/yd/yr/yw commands for manually adding symbols.
    • Debugger: Verifier now detects recursive NMIs.
    • Debugger: Font and font size can now be changed.
    • Debugger: Added 6502 miniassembler.
    • Debugger: Added detailed command help.
    • Debugger: Added .pathrecord command and documented existing path commands.
    • Debugger: Added .basic and .basic_vars commands.
    • Debugger: Console window now supports multiple history entries and page up/down from the command line.
    • Disk: Added support for D9: through D15:.
    • UI: Added DirectSound support.
    • UI: Audio latency can now be adjusted.
    • UI: Switched to larger font for on-screen UI.
    • UI: Shift key now controls whether dropped files are mounted/added (shift) or booted (no shift).
    • UI: Left-shift and right-shift keys can now be bound separately.
    • UI: Warnings are now displayed before modified images are implicitly discarded.
    • UI: Enabled themed controls.
    • UI: Removed borders on docked panes.
    • UI: Added first pass at pause button (F9).
    • UI: Ctrl+Arrow keys now give the un-Ctrl'd keys on the emulated keyboard for programs that use pseudo arrow keys.
    • UI: Mouse auto-capture is now an option.
    • Input: Input map editor redesigned for easier controller configuration.
    • Input: Input maps now support shifted subsets via flags.
    • Input: Analog axes can now be bound as either relative or absolute, with tunable speed for relative mode.
    • Input: Paddles now support rotation-based control.
    • Input: Added light pen/gun support.
    • Input: Added tablet support.
    • VBXE: 5200 support added.
    • IDE: Added option to switch between short and long BSY-to-DRQ delays to simulate platter and solid-state media.
    • Serial: Added support for 850 R: and basic virtual-modem-over-TCP emulation.
  • bugs fixed
    • Disk: Added workaround for yet another goofy way to store boot sectors in a DD ATR image (3 x 128K followed by 384K of nulls).
    • Disk: Fixed crash when opening .zip file containing files with no filename extension.
    • Disk: Disk drives dialog now highlights disk images that have been modified and not saved.
    • IDE: Fixed excessively long delay for BSY to assert after a command is issued.
    • Input: Binding mouse up/down/left/right outputs to digital inputs now works.
    • UI: Fix for crash when using Direct3D display on video cards that don't support arbitrary non-pow2 textures.
    • UI: Rewrote audio output path to use block duplication/removal rather than resampling to maintain sync.
    • UI: Fixed emulated mouse button not working reliably.
    • UI: Reduced border artifacts when using bicubic display stretching.
    • PIA: Control bits 6 and 7 are no longer writable.
    • POKEY: Fixed RANDOM offset in 17-bit noise generator mode.
    • POKEY: Fixed IRQ timing for CPU-triggered IRQs.
    • POKEY: Fixed serial output complete interrupt not always deactivating properly.
    • POKEY: Clearing SKCTL bit 1 now disables the keyboard.
    • GTIA: Phantom P/M graphics DMA is now implemented.
    • GTIA: Fixed graphic output when changing the size in the middle of a player image.
    • GTIA: Improved accuracy of graphic output when changing GTIA modes mid-screen.
    • GTIA: Latched triggers are now implemented.
    • HLE: Delete line ($9C) now resets cursor column.
    • HLE: Implemented CRSINH function.
    • HLE: IRQ handler now clears decimal flag.
    • Debugger: Fixed MADS listing parsing for code lines after ORG statements.
    • Debugger: .dumpdsm command works again.
    • Debugger: History window now shows effective addresses.
    • Debugger: Disassembly and history windows now allow disassembly columns to be toggled.
    • Debugger: Stepping in source view now steps by source line instead of instruction.
    • Debugger: Fixed uninitialized screen data sometimes appearing when stepping.
    • Debugger: Register "r" command can now set A register.
    • Debugger: Breakpoints now work on the run address of a loaded executable.
    • Debugger: Fixed .writemem crashing if filename was invalid.
    • CPU: Fixed IRQ timing around CLI and SEI instructions.
    • CPU: Fixed a couple of bugs with decimal mode.
    • CPU: Taken branches now delay IRQ/NMI acknowledgement by one cycle.
    • CPU: Fixed false read behavior for: STA (zp),Y; STA abs,Y; STA abs,X; STX abs,Y.
    • CPU: Implemented reserved NOPs in 65C02 mode.
    • CPU: Fixes to undocumented opcodes: RLA ($23, $27, $2F, $33, $37, $3B, $3F); ASR ($4B); SAX ($83, $87, $8F, $97); SHX ($9E).
    • ANTIC: Fixed occasional unexpected DLIs on cold reset, which was causing once-only emulation crashes.
    • ANTIC: Corrected NMIST change timing.
    • Cartridge: Fixed OSS 034M and M091 mappers.
    • Recording: Fixed crashes in some cases when recording start process failed.


wstecz20/11/2010 23:52
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