
Altirra 1.9 test 16

[2] # Altirra | Piątek, 4 Lutego 2011 10:48CET

Altirra 1.9 test 16

Phaeron dorzucił kolejny fix dla tego emulatorka ATARI - poprawka głównie tyczy się obsługi obrazów dyskietek w systemie SpartaDOSX w eksploatorze plików.

Przy okazji autor napisał mały tutorial jak poradzić sobie z kartem "M.U.L.E", imo, najlepszej gry handlowo-zręcznościowej dla Atari - jeśli więc ktoś poczuje sentyment za wzgórzami planety IRATA, powinien zapoznać się z poniższym opisem:)


Altirra 1.9 test 16 [changelog 04.02.2011]

  • it does now support two cartridges, and I put in some bug fixes for writing to SpartaDOS X disks in the Disk Explorer. I still don't recommend writing to anything but throwaway disk images, but it's handy to get stuff into SDX (which doesn't support H:).
  • The M.U.L.E. image is a bit sketchy. The reason that it has problems has to do with the way that that game boots, which is that it invokes a warm start. Unfortunately, the cartridge is badly made in that it disables itself if it sees OPTION held down, but you also need that key held down in order to disable the built-in BASIC. The result is that the timing for pressing the Option key is tight: you need it held down right when the computer resets, but it has to be released before the RAM test and ROM checksum completes and the cartridge boots. If you hold it too long, the cartridge is bypassed too and you land in the self-test. You can see this behavior in Atari800WinPLus if you uncheck the Disable BASIC flag. The reason this doesn't work in Altirra is that it disables the auto-Option-to-disable-BASIC code when AtariMax cartridges are used, due to the Option key conflict. As a result, you have to disable BASIC manually and the timing for it is really tight. You pretty much need Fast Boot off to pull it off.

Altirra 1.9 test 15 [changelog 03.02.2011]

  • [features added]
    • Serial: Inbound connections are now supported.
    • Serial: Added support for A, L, M, P, Q, S, T, V, X, &C, &D, &F, &G, &P, &T, &V, and &W modem commands.
    • Serial: Added DTR and CRX signal support.
  • [bugs fixed]
    • GTIA: Fixed trigger state sometimes being initially wrong when enabling latching.
    • Serial: Telnet emulation now reads out of band data.
    • Serial: Telnet emulation now handles incoming WILL and WONT commands.
    • Serial: Fixed sporadic missing newlines on modem status messages.
    • Serial: Control line state is now reported in non-concurrent mode.

Altirra 1.9 test 14 [changelog 30.01.2011]

  • Another update... I figured out what was going wrong with Directory Opus. This version fixes that (and a regression in DOS 2 writes): I ended up having to put in a seek call to reset the stream to position 0 before handing it off to DOpus. That's different than Explorer, which hands back streams at pos=len and handles this in return, and I think it's a bug as the docs for IDataObject::GetData() mention that the valid data region is from 0 to current position. Explorer doesn't seem to mind the stream starting at 0, but I need to do some extra tests with the zip handler.

Altirra 1.9 test 13 [changelog 30.01.2011]

  • There was a bug in the decoder for the $9F opcode... fixed.
wstecz04/02/2011 10:48
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