
[Amiga] BetterWB - rozszerzenie Workbencha 3.1

[1] # PPA | Niedziela, 22 Maja 2011 10:35CET

BetterWB podobnie jak AIAB czy ClassicWB pozwala rozszerzyć środowisko okienkowego systemu amigi o dodatkowe narzędzia, próżno w nim szukać "wodotrysków", oferuje on jednak sporą ilość dodatkowych narzędzi, które ułatwią korzystanie z tego systemu. Rozszerzenie przyda się każdemu, kto ceni bardziej funkcjonalność od estetyki.


  • New and Improved datatypes for gif, jpg, bmp, png, pcx, ilbm, tga, tiff, wav and cdxl media
  • Modern backup tool (ABackup) that replaces the ancient one from 3.1
  • New Removable media partition mounter (SCSIMounter)
  • New System snooper (SnoopDOS)
  • Fast and easy to use floppy disk copier application (SuperDuper)
  • Say, the text to speech utility is back again
  • New commodities: GrabIFF, WBGauge, SwazInfo, AssignWedge, SmartWin, IconAppearer, AltTab and UnixDirs3 and AddMenu
  • 66 additional workbench printer drivers (take a peek at your SYS:Storage drawer)
  • Three new monitor drivers for improved video support (HD720, HighGFX and SuperPlus)
  • A complete set of manuals that explain all these new features (They are inside HELP: )
  • New more flexible handlers (GrabIFFHandler, port-handler and speak-handler)
  • A couple of upgraded, and new system commands (Info, Installer, Reboot, SetPatch and WBRun)
  • XPKMaster offers a data compression/decompression library available to programs that support it
  • Reworked WBPattern preferences with more options
  • Hypercom and IOblix parallel and serial port expansion boards support
  • New Finder utility that lets you search for any given pattern
  • ShowConfig now shows much more system information than before
  • New text editor with a huge feature set
  • HDInsTools replaces the aging HDToolBox, supporting more storage media and alternative filesystems out of the box
  • Totalcalc is a replacement calculator that can even be configured as an advanced scientific one
  • MinStack increases the default stack size for programs to 8KB (Can be configured to any size)
  • Enhanced Serial prefs program with more options
  • FastFileSystem 44.5 patches NSD64 devices to support drives bigger than 4GB (upto 8GB)
  • PatchRam fixes a long standing bug in ram-hadler. The Ramdisk now displays correct usage, and not 100% all the time
  • Smaller and faster picture.datatype that speeds up image display operations
  • New text.datatype that enables text marking and copying passages
  • Bugfixed and faster serial.device
  • A greatly enhanced Shell console with a ton of neat features called ZShell
  • The famous LHA archiver command is installed in its latest incarnation
  • Queue-Handler has been bugfixed
  • An incredibly faster mathtrans.library with an extra feature is included
  • Jaztools is a commandline tool to handle ZIP and JAZ drives
  • A low resource and flexible filemanager is now present
  • Support for FAT and FAT32 volumes is achieved with fat95

2.0 - Lots of updates and additions - 20.05.2011

  • New text.datatype that enables text marking and copying passages
  • Bugfixed and faster serial.device
  • A greatly enhanced Shell console with a ton of neat features called ZShell
  • The famous LHA archiver command is installed in its latest incarnation
  • Queue-Handler has been bugfixed
  • An incredibly faster mathtrans.library with an extra feature is included
  • Jaztools is a commandline tool to handle ZIP and JAZ drives
  • A low resource and flexible filemanager is now present
  • Support for FAT and FAT32 volumes is achieved with fat95
  • Cosmetic fixes regarding icons and their locations
  • Addtools commodity for workbench menu creation
  • All floppies now come with nice printable labels, resembling old Commodore ones
  • Updated xpkmaster.libary and compressors
  • Modified CrossDOS mountlist to use fat95
  • Speak-Handler got a bugfixed update
  • Less memory usage it now eats only 14KB (version 1.x ate 29KB)
  • Removed LoadMondrvs for better compatibility
wstecz22/05/2011 10:35
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