
[AMIGA] FS-UAE 0.9.8

[1] # EAB | Sobota, 18 Lutego 2012 13:56CET

[AMIGA] FS-UAE 0.9.8

FS-UAE jest dość interesującą alternatywą dla WinUAE, którego największą bolączką jest... zbyt duża i za mało intuicyjna konfiguracja programu, oczywiście można traktować powyższe stwierdzenie z przymrużeniem oka, jednak ktoś komu zależy na prostej i szybkiej emulacji np. Amigi 500 bez przedzierania się przez konfigurację programu może spokojnie sięgnąć po FSUAE, który teoretycznie pozwala wybrać i odpalić grę pod emulowaną Amigą tylko za pomocą dżojstika.

Nowa wersja to poprawki umożliwiające obsługę padów PS2/3, dodanie modelu (A1200/020 z ZORROIII),specjalna wersja dla słabszych maszyn i parę innych poprawek, które umilą nam korzystanie z tego emulatora. Cóż, czas potestować przez 3,4 godziny, wieczorem zapewne odezwie się Toni Willen i wrzuci kolejną aktualizację WinUAE:)

FS-UAE Version 0.9.8 released

  • Support for SmartJoyPlus/TigerGame PS/PS2 adapter (courtesy of smuj)
  • Can specify less accurate emulation modes (for slower machines).
  • Detect when xrandr lies about refresh rates (nVIDIA twinview).
  • Fixed bug when using left crtl/alt/shift simultaneously with emulated keyboard.
  • New suggested extension for configuration files (*.fs-uae)
  • New default config file location:
    (My) Documents/FS-UAE/Configurations/Default.fs-uae
  • New default dir for kickstarts:
    (My) Documents/FS-UAE/Kickstarts
  • New default dir for save states:
    (My) Documents/FS-UAE/Save States
  • Path expansion for paths beginning with $HOME/ or ~/
  • Fixed crash when custom limits (autoscaling) rect was outside video size.
  • New model configuration: "A1200/020" (can use Zorro III memory).
  • New configuration value: zorro_iii_memory.
  • Audio buffering tweaks.
  • Clamp FSAA value to [0, 4] range.
  • Virtual file system update (ported code from WinUAE).
  • Mac OS X build is universal x86_64 + i386.

FS-UAE Version 0.9.7 released

  • FS-UAE can open configuration files without (-c) parameter, makes FS-UAE. Easier to start with config from graphical shells (Windows Explorer, Mac OS X Finder).
  • Added chip_memory, fast_memory and slow_memory options (see example.conf).
  • Fixed bug where save states would not be saved if floppies where specified with absolute path.
  • Fixed problem with opening CUE files on systems other than Windows.
  • Fixed audio buffering issues.
  • Buffer additional audio data on buffer underrun before resuming playback.
  • Fixed problem with renaming files in virtual (mounted) disks on Windows.
  • Code cleanup in libamiga, new wrapper functions for some platform-specific code.
  • Support for large HDF files (> 2GB) (untested, and not supported on Windows yet).
  • Better implementation of write_log in libamiga.
  • Updated README to clarify that you can use ALT+F11 on Mac to toggle mouse pointer (since the OS intercepts F11 alone).
  • Write information about base WinUAE version to log file.
  • Use same random number generator on all platforms.

FS-UAE Version 0.9.6 released

  • Support for hard drive images (hdf)
  • Support for mounting virtual folders as hard drives (experimental)
  • Bugfix in calculation of save location of overlay adf files
  • UTF-8 is now used internally in libamiga also on Windows, and text is converted to other character sets / encodings as needed. This enables support for non-ASCII characters in paths on Windows.
  • Added a copyright notice at startup crediting the original WinUAE, E-UAE and PUAE authors, and added a more prominent notice in the start of the README.

FS-UAE Version 0.9.5 08/02/2012:

  • added support for A500+ and A600 models
  • Video sync behaviour can now be overriden from config or command line (see example.conf)
  • new --video-sync command line parameter (auto/off/vblank/full)
  • old --vsync parameter is gone
  • fixed threading related bug which cased OpenAL output to stop
  • added a PID controller implementation for automatic audio buffer management

FS-UAE Version 0.9.3:

  • configuration option to keep the aspect when scaling the screen (see example.conf)
  • README: added information about supporting new controllers
  • example.conf: documented the kickstart_ext_file option
  • fs-uae compiles on Linux 64-bit now

FS-UAE Version 0.9.2:

  • fixed a crash occuring when swapping floppy disks
  • fixed problem with parent dirs not being created, preventing logging
  • created and added scripts/makefiles to create binary distributions for Windows and Mac OS X (debian files were already added)
  • add example.conf, README, COPYING and licence files to all distributions
  • source distribution is now patched for 64-bit support

FS-UAE Version 0.9.1:

  • add Mac OS X-specific Makefile to build an app bundle also map right alt key to emulated joystick (for Mac OS X)
  • fix compilation of libcapsimage on Mac OS X
  • support for several more gamepad devices


wstecz18/02/2012 13:56
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