
[arcade] DSP Emulator 0.11b2 WIP (11/05/11)

[1] @ środa, 11 Maja 2011 00:50CET

[arcade] DSP Emulator 0.11b2 WIP (11/05/11)

DSP, to multemulator, który udaję Spectrum, Amstrad, Nintendo 8, Colecovision, GameBoya/Color, Callus Capcom 1, a także wzrastająca z wersji na wersję ilość maszyn arcade. Zaiste ciekawe to zestawienie:). Emulator wymaga bibliotek SDL do poprawnej pracy.

Starym grom arcade dodano dźwięk i dodano nowe tytuły korzystające z rozwiązań NK 68k'  i 'Jaleco MegaSystem 1'   (m.in. P47 Thunderbolt, P.O.W).

DSP 0.11b2 05/09/11

  • General
    • Started rewriting the IRQ and NMI of all CPUs. Now you can have different states for one interruption
    • Fixed (hopefully) at last the driver loading when the ROM is not present, and don't gives fatal error
    • Fixed a possible problem with the directories. In windows is selected the directory separator ''and in linux is selected '/'
  •     + Timers
    • Enhanced initiation and treatment
    • Now they are dynamically allocated
    • Much more speed!
  •  Window - Fixed whole mess of resizing the main window, now everything is dynamic
  • Sound Engine - Added new engine for the sound system (more speed)
    • Simplified initiation
    • Automatically updates the position of the audio (not inside the driver)
    • Controls the channels updates (stereo or mono), and fixed a bug in the stereo downsample
  • Simplified system calls and updates for the drivers
  • Modified all audio chip to accommodate the new system
  • Sample channels allocated dynamically
  • Graphical Engine
    • Unified simple variables in a global
    • Simplified scroll system, now it's independent for each graphical plane
  •  M68000 CPU
    • Added more opcodes
    • Fixed carry flag in 'cmpi.l' (fixes 'Shinobi' and partial 'Cabal')
  • M680X CPU - Fixed a bug when initialized
  • M6805 CPU - Added more opcodes
  • MCS51 CPU
    • Fixed many bugs
    • Added many opcodes
    •  Added timers
  • HD6309
    •  Added some specific addressing modes
    • Added some specific opcodes
  • Pandora Chip - Added external definition
  • Konami K007121 - Added external definition. Fixed some bugs
  • UPD7759 - Added ADPCM sound chip
  • OKI 6295
    • Fixed bugs when resampling, better audio quality
    • Added stereo render
  • Spectrum
    • Fixed a small bug when loading Spectrum 16k or 48k ROM
  • Bubble Bobble
    • Fixed video problems: flickering and weird objects on the screen.
  • Prehistoric Isle in 1930
    • Fixed all problems, added sound and controls.
  • 1942
    •  Fixed sound CPU IRQs. Now sound speed is correct
  • Xain's Sleena
    • Added the real M68705 emulation
  • Contra
    • Changed CPU to HD6309
    • Fixed CPU clocks
    • Added IRQ control
  • Snow Bros
    • Fixed communication with the chip 'Pandora'
    • Simplified, more speed.
  • NMK 16 Harware
    •  Fixed sound, now 'Saboten Bombers' and 'Bomb Jack Twin' work fine
  • CPS1
    • Added the posibility to change OKI6295 PIN7 on the fly
    • Fixed the data screens source, should begin at a multiple of $4000 (fixes continue screen in "Captain Commando")
  • Combat School
    • Added driver with sound
  • -Heavy Unit
    • Added driver with sound
  • SNK 68K Hardware
    • P.O.W. - Prisoners of War - added driver with sound
    • Street Smart - added driver with sound
  • Jaleco MegaSys 1
    • P47 - Phantom Fighter - Added driver with sound
    • Rod-Land - Added driver with sound, graphics problems with scroll 0 (bugs in M68000)
  • Saint Dragon - Added driver, don't work!


wstecz11/05/2011 00:50
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