
[Arcade] FinalBurn Alpha shuffle V2.0.0 [nieoficjalny] 08/05/11

[1] @ Niedziela, 8 Maja 2011 21:03CET

[Arcade] FinalBurn Alpha shuffle V2.0.0 [nieoficjalny] 08/05/11

Czyli mutacja FinalBurn Alpha Schuffle, tradycyjnie już skompilowany przez Mami Creamy, dzięki któremu możemy zagrać w tytuły z systemów: CPS1, CPS2, CPS3, NeoGeo czy też Cave 1st Generation.

Z poprawek i zmian w tej nieoficjalnej wersji warto odnotować - obsługę listy z Mame 0.142u2, poprawki dla użytkowników Visty i Win7 (direct2d), odświeżenie biblioteki libpng, możliwość przełączania pomiędzy wersjami głównej biblioteki programu (burn.dll) - a warto pamiętać, że eksperymentalna biblioteka np. niweluję problem odświeżania listy gier (F5).

Przepakowałem paczkę aby zmienić język na jedynie słuszny i przetworzyć gamelist na angielski.

V2.0.0 2011-xx-xx -

  • Fba shuffle version number to 2.0.
  • To burn the module can be split into dynamically loaded dll, through the Help menu under the "burn to load library" to choose a different dll.
  • To filter split into a separate dll.
  • Add Lord of Gun and Alien Challenge driver. [Iq_132]
  • Add Success Joe Driver. [Iq_132]
  • Add Varia Metal drive. [Iq_132]
  • Fixed some pgm game speed.
  • Fixed auto demo olds.
  • Fixed the window loses focus has been the focus, the user manually suspend failure.
  • Fixed enable the filter and exit the game takes high cpu problem.
  • Fixed creating kaillera list of games.
  • Fixed some cases in fullscreen mode image scaling is not correct.
  • Add set custom combination of keys. (Set by buttons in the "custom key combination" button to enter)
  • Add display emulator debug information window (by modifying the configuration file log = "true" open).
  • Add GDI video output mode. (Learning purposes, not recommended)
  • Add Direct2D video output mode. (Subject to over win7 or vista sp2 system)
  • Part of the adjustment of the structure of the configuration file. (Some options need to re-set)
  • Adjust all the cheating, configuration files, favorites, local game list file format is xml.  (You can use the tools banunu fbas to convert the old ini file, pay attention to the original files with non-English characters must be converted to utf8 format)
  • Change some default settings.
  • Optimization of switching the focus of the game list dialog. (After selection or input filter does not automatically switch the focus to the list)
  • If you want to import from mamep.lst list of local games, you must first save it as utf8 bom mamep.lst encoding.
  • Remove unstable simple music box. (M1 recommended to listen to game music.)
  • Updated libpng to 1.5.3. (Http://libpng.sourceforge.net)
  • Code cleanup and optimization.
  • Update romsets synchronized to MAME 0.142u2.

Changelog for FBA shuffle Mar.01.2011

  • Fba shuffle version number to 2.0.
  • To burn the module can be split into dynamically loaded dll, through the Help menu under the "burn to load library" to choose a different dll.
  • To filter split into a separate dll.
  • Add Lord of Gun and Alien Challenge driver. [Iq_132]
  • Add Success Joe Driver. [Iq_132]
  • Add Varia Metal drive. [Iq_132]
  • Fixed auto demo olds.
  • Fixed the window loses focus has been the focus, the user manually suspend failure.
  • Fixed enable the filter and exit the game takes high cpu problem.
  • Add set custom combination of keys. (Set by buttons in the "custom key combination" button to enter)
  • Add display emulator debugging information window.
  • Part of the adjustment of the structure of the configuration file. (Some options need to re-set)
  • Adjust all the cheating, configuration files, favorites, local game list file format is xml.  (You can use the tools banunu fbas to convert the old ini file, pay attention to the original files with non-English characters must be converted to utf8 format)
  • Change some default settings.
  • Updated libpng to 1.5.2. (Http://libpng.sourceforge.net)
  • Update romsets synchronized to MAME 0.141u3.


wstecz08/05/2011 21:03
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