
[Arcade] FinalBurn Alpha Shuffle V2.3.0 16/07/12

[2] @ !!! środa, 18 Lipca 2012 09:58 CET [18-07-2012 09:45 CET]

[Arcade] FinalBurn Alpha Shuffle V2.3.0 16/07/12

Nowa wersja klonu FinalBurn Alpha - FBA Schuffle, który wciąż jest aktualizowany ale już bez repozytorium na google code. Brak nowych informacjach, co zostało zmienione.


Far East of Eden - Kabuki Klash (Hudson, 1995)

V2.3.0 2012-xx-xx

  • readded DirectDraw video driver for whom still uses very old PC.
  • fixed crash when exitting DirectDraw fullscreen mode in win7.
  • fixed autofire will be turned off after playing with kaillera.
  • Re-add back the players are still using the computer of the last century DirectDraw mode. :)
  • Fixed under win7 DirectDraw mode exit full-screen crash.
  • Amendments to the end of the networking game bursts function is turned off.

 Version of FBA shuffle is characteristic description

  • Based on FBA original custom, careful optimization and fine-tune the interface, simple and efficient variety of settings, a better user experience.
  • Add AVI recording [Gangta, and emufan]
  • Add support for the Chinese game list [of Sho, 800]
  • Exporting list of games supported import MAMEPlus! Mamep.lst. (Mamep.lst save for the utf8 the bom encoding on fbas.exe or config directory)
  • If you check the use of the local list, exported the list of games have translated the contents of the currently selected list will be included.
  • Add the IPS v4 support code from MAME Plus! Right choice in game name. (To thank Emuman, emufan)
  • Add choice and automatically select the background picture (png, jpg, bmp and other formats).
  • Add can be set to a variety of paths.
  • Add the saved default button functions, the default key settings dialog box, press the "Save as". (Divided into the neo cps. And these three, save the file in the config / presets)
  • Add a custom icon, save in the res folder, available with your favorite pictures to replace them.
  • Add the list of games scores, selection, off the end, the game ends, such as preview pictures. (Http://www.progettosnaps.net/)
  • Add support for reading compressed within the game preview images, support for zip and 7z format. (Tarball named: snap, the titles, flyers, score, select, boss, gameover, the extension of zip or 7z)
  • Supports directly read compressed cheat within the package file (named: cheat.zip/7z), support the game, cheat and reload cheat.
  • Add a game list of filters, support for screening the translation of the Chinese game name (enter "lamer" to display the game you are missing) You can edit the "user-filter" value in the fbas.xml from the definition of filter characters, separated by semicolons.
  • Favorites feature to add the game (save the file in config / favorites.xml).
  • "Revocation" and "back" function to add the game video. The blip]
  • Add the adjustable game speed (default shortcut key to the shift + + / -) and the video run frames display the blip]
  • Added 7-Zip file support. (Http://www.7-zip.org/)
  • Add the XAudio2 sound output mode (need install new DirectX runtime or DXSDK)
  • Add the OpenAL sound output.
  • Add OpenGL, GDI, the Direct2D video mode.
  • Add optional sound equipment and can provide full-screen mode select the display adapter.
  • Join bursts open bursts and change autofire delay value in the buttons settings dialog. (Check the key settings in the selection box to enable the corresponding button of the bursts, the direction key is invalid)
  • Add set custom key combination (through the key settings in the "self-defined key combination" button to enter)
  • Add a custom shortcut key function. (Thanks mauzus)
  • Add reverse stereo option and various DSP effects.
  • Add games fallback function, need to set the shortcut keys, turned off by default (memory usage, size and frame interval can be manually changed the configuration file)
  • Change the simulator does not depend on kailleraclient.dll can also start.
  • The kailleraclient.dll into the root directory, you can use a network connection function. (X64 version can not be used)
  • All romsets is synchronized MAME Plus is!
  • Clean up the useless features in the official version.
  • Thanks to the star support for the PGM driver.
  • Thank you very much OopsWare (http://oopsware.googlepages.com/) increased PGM, CPS3 and many other drivers to FBA.


wstecz18/07/2012 09:58
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