
[Arcade] FinalBurn Alpha v0.2.97.27

[1] @ !!! Piątek, 24 Sierpnia 2012 23:26 CET [24-08-2012 23:05 CET]

[Arcade] FinalBurn Alpha v0.2.97.27

Kolejna wersja Final Burn Alpha,, w której szczególny nacisk położono na obsługę dźwięku. FBA pozwoli nam pograć w gry arcade z CPS1/2/3, Toaplan, NeoGeo, SEGI SYSTEM 16, PCE, SPCE i MegaDrive (fba wykorzystuję bazę tytułów z  MESS).

Golden Axe (Sega, 1989, System 16B hardware)

FinalBurn Alpha Release - 24/08/2012

  • Sound Improvements
    • Tidied sound chip interfaces, adding support for volume and left/right selection for individual routes. Updated all drivers to support. Many drivers sound much better with these updates [Barry]
    • Fixed an issue with multiple YM2203 chips that resulted in static noise in the sound output [Barry]
    • Added pan support to Taito drivers that use panning with the YM2610 sound chip [Barry]
    • Added pan support to the Darius driver [Barry]
    • Added support for an RC filter, and added support to the Galaxian Konami sound based drivers [Barry]
    • Fixed various drivers that rendered the MSM5205 sound too fast when the sample rate was greater than 22050Hz [Barry]
    • Applied a YM2413 fix from MAME [Barry]
    • Added support for a selectable number of voices in the Namco sound module (fixes sound in the Baraduke, Pac Land and Sky Kid drivers [Barry]
    • Added multiple chip support to the Sega PCM module, updated Super Monaco Grand Prix to support the extra sound board [Barry]
    • Added support for the MSM6585 chip to the MSM5205 core [iq_132]
    • Added multiple chip support to the Y8950 interface, and hooked up in the Cybertank driver [Barry]
    • Small speedup in the DAC core [iq_132]
  • Standardised some CPU interfaces [iq_132]
  • Improved Atari slapstic emulation, and updated the Gauntlet driver to support it [iq_132]
  • Added driver for Atari Tetris [iq_132]
  • Added driver for Cybertank [iq_132]
  • Hooked up analog inputs in the Cybertank driver [Barry]
  • Added driver for games on Donkey Kong hardware [iq_132]
  • Tidied Donkey Kong driver to build with current FB Alpha, and fixed some bugs and crashes [Barry]
  • Added driver for Konami Test Board (GX800) [iq_132]
  • Added Bang 2 Busters to the Neo Geo driver [lantus]
  • Added Treasures of the Carribean to the Neo Geo driver [lantus]
  • Added Last Survivor to the Sega X-Board driver [Barry, JacKc, ShouTime, Charles MacDonald, Aaron Giles, 9ofzeven, TrevEB, Dr. Spankenstein, ghoolster, Surgeville, Tormod, Tjaberg, Waremonger]
  • Added Racing Beats to the Taito Z driver [Barry]
  • Added bootleg of 1943 to the driver [Barry, JacKc, bonky0013]
  • Added clone of Arkanoid to the driver [Barry]
  • Added bootleg of Pang! 3 to the CPS-1 driver [JacKc, porchy]
  • Added some bootlegs of Street Fighter II to the CPS-1 driver [Barry, JacKc, smitdogg]
  • Added clone of Super Street Fighter II to the CPS-2 driver [JacKc]
  • Added two clones of Thunder Zone to the Data East drivers [ShouTime, JacKc]
  • Added two clones of Dynamite Duke to the driver [JacKc, Arzeno Fabrice]
  • Added clone of War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze to the Galaxian driver [Barry]
  • Added clone of Jumping Pop to the driver [Barry, The Dumping Union]
  • Added clone of Parodius to the Konami driver [Barry, Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
  • Added King of Gladiators Plus to the Neo Geo driver [JacKc]
  • Added homebrew WW2 Demo to the Neo Geo driver [Barry]
  • Added homebrew Spiderman Intro demo, and added alt sets of TMNT and Dark Wing Duck intro sets to the Neo Geo driver [Barry]
  • Added clone of Ketsui Arrange to the PGM driver [JacKc]
  • Added clone of Raiden to the driver [Barry, JacKc]
  • Added two clones of Fantasy Zone II (System 16C version) to the Sega System 16B driver [Barry]
  • Added clone of Turbo Outrun to the Sega Outrun driver [JacKc]
  • Added clone of AB Cop to the Sega X-Board driver [JacKc]
  • Added clone of GP Rider to the Sega X-Board driver [Barry]
  • Added clone of Deer Hunter to the Seta 2 driver [JacKc]
  • Added clone of Drift Out to the Taito F2 driver [JacKc, Hammy]
  • Added clone of Rygar to the Tecmo driver [JacKc, smitdogg]
  • Added clone of Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! to the Toaplan 2 driver [Barry, Antonio Gonzalez Jr.]
  • Added bootleg of Toki to the driver [Barry, skiltz]
  • Added clone of Trojan to the driver [JacKc]
  • Fixed bugs in 4 Fun in 1 and Ghostmuncher Galaxian in the Galaxian driver, promoting them to working [Barry]
  • Changed Fantastic to use the proper PROM dump in the Galaxian driver, fixing the game colours [Barry]
  • Changed Super Bond to use the proper PROM dump in the Galaxian driver, fixing the game colours [Barry]
  • Various PGM improvements [iq_132, JacKc]
  • Fixed a graphics glitch in the Super Monaco Grand Prix title screen [Barry]
  • Fixed issue with Top Speed crashing on driver init [Barry]
  • Big-endian fixes for the Cybertank driver [lantus]
  • Big-endian fixes for the Sega System 16A and Tecmo drivers [lantus]
  • Big-endian fix for Street Fighter II: Magic Delta Turbo sprite x position [lantus]
  • Applied various libretro patches [Twinaphex]
  • Updated the zlib library to v1.2.7 [Barry]
  • Updated the libpng library to v1.5.12 [Barry]
  • Matched the Megadrive sets to MESS 0.146u5 [Barry]
  • Synced sets with MAME 0.146u5 [Barry]


wstecz24/08/2012 23:26
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