
[arcade] MAME 0.142u4

[2] @ Wtorek, 24 Maja 2011 08:19CET

[arcade] MAME 0.142u4

Mogłem się tego spodziewać, że pojawi się nowe MAME 0.142u4, dobrze, że tak szybko:) Spośród wszystkich zmian i nowych gier przede wszystkim warto odnotować nowy plugin graficzny - HLSL, o którym pisałem już wcześniej (tym, którym nie chce się szukać w dokumentacji wszystkich parametrów, a jest ich sporo, tutaj wrzuciłem listę, którą trzeba wstukać przed odpaleniem klasycznego MAME). Możemy się nim cieszyć jeśli nasza karta obsługuję PixelShader 3.0 (powyżej GF8600). Efekty jakie generuje są zaskakująco dobre i można zapomnieć, że siedzi się przed LCD.

Jakoż, że JohnIV wrzucił już swoją wersję MAMEUI, dokompiluję później klasyczne MAME. Ci, którzy chcą już natychmiast mogą pobrać ostatni SVN jaki skompilowałem przed releasem.

Notka dla kompilujących, ze względu na wprowadzenie nowego mechanizmu, potrzeba uzbroić się w nowe pliki nagłówka dla MinGw.

MAME 0.142u4

  • MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
    • 04354: [Crash/Freeze] bigappg, casino5, dodge, slither, slithera, ssingles: Heap corruption detected by VS2010 RTC (R. Belmont)
    • 04350: [Graphics] buggyboy, buggyboyjr: Missing/corrupt graphics  (Alex Jackson)
    • 04346: [Graphics] dangar, galivan and clones: Scrolling incorrectly  changes scene (Angelo Salese)

Source Changes

  • Removed deprecat.h usage for the following drivers: [Angelo Salese]
    •  - galpanic.c, gradius3.c, halleys.c, hexion.c
  • Inputs from the scratch for Champion Poker (v100) [Roberto Fresca]
  • Cleaned-up protection simulation in Yam Yam!? [Angelo Salese]
  • Implemented an almost complete Konami k053252 device emulation, adds accurate refresh rate timings and irq acks to many mid-90-era Konami games [Angelo Salese, O.Galibert]
  • Various changes for PSX HW [smf]
    • Modernised internal memory map;
    • MDEC is now an internal device of the PlayStation CPU;
    • Root counter & Serial I/O converted to internal CPU devices;
    • Moved PlayStation IRQ code to sub device of the CPU;
    • Switch input ports to use function-based constructors instead of tokens. Remove the old tokenizing helpers. Add basic classes for ports, fields, settings, and dip locations as a first step. These will be fully cleaned up later. Added machine() method to field to hide all the necessary indirection. Changed custom/changed handlers into generic read/write handlers, and added wrappers to convert them to device read/write lines. [Aaron Giles]
  • Changed input read/write and crosshair callbacks into delegates.
  • Changed signature for callbacks to take an input_field_config reference instead of pointer. [Aaron Giles]
  • Removed legacy trampolines from eeprom_device, taking advantage of new input port support for delegates. [Aaron Giles]
  • mc6845.c: Converted to C++.  [Wilbert Pol]
  • Fixed the disassembly of the "mov ax, mem" instructions (opcodes A0- A3) in the i386 and NEC disassemblers. The argument (the memory address) was being displayed as a signed number, which doesn't make any sense. [Alex Jackson]
  • Fixed a tiny bug with the debugger hex dump command: the printable characters in ASCII range from 32 to 12*6*, not 127. [Alex Jackson]
  • Fixed input regression with Racin' Force, allowing it to boot again [Angelo Salese]
  • Gave labels to many inputs in Midway's T, Wolf and Y Unit games as well as CPS1 and CPS3.  [Joe Caporale]
  • Implemented experimental HLSL post-processing support on Direct3D 9 targets. [Ryan Holtz, Bat Country Entertainment]
  • 5-pass post-processing: Upscale, Post-Process, Store Last Frame, Defocus 1, Defocus 2
  • Many tunable effects including: Scanlines, defocus, linear deconvergence, radial deconvergence, pincushion, RGB colorspace convolution, YIQ colorspace convolution, saturation, simulated dot crawl, simulated chroma subsampling, aperture masking, and more.
  • Requires a GPU that supports Shader Model 3.0 to be enabled and a powerful GPU, the entire pipeline consists of approximately 30  texel fetches and approximately 230 arthimetic ops.
  • Will supersample the framebuffer up to 9x in both X and Y, but this  requires an enormously powerful GPU that has not been invented;  users with Radeon 5000-class cards should limit themselves to 3x, Radeon 4000 to 1.5x.
  • The default configuration will NOT appear to do anything; it requires tuning to the user's liking.
    •  * Should nicely fall back in all cases except missing shaders, and it     might fall back correctly in that case as well. Report any   anomalies.
  • For obvious reasons, the Direct3D8 renderer cannont support this.
  • Enable Visual Studio basic run-time checks in non-optimized builds [Oliver Stoneberg]
  • Flush stderr, so the data is actually written when output is being redirected [Oliver Stoneberg]
  • i286 - Added 286 LOADALL and triple fault resets. [Carl]
  • i286 - Added support for 16-bit protected mode far calls and segment privilege checks. [Carl]
  • i86 - Fixed shift instructions, helps detecting proper CPU [Miodrag Milanovic]
  • i86 - Fixed handling of invalid instructions in 0x60-0x6f section [Miodrag Milanovic]
  • Major clean-up and state machine conversion for the Sega ST-V / Saturn driver [Angelo Salese]
  • HLSL Updates [Ryan Holtz, Bat Country Entertainment]
  • Split color convolution and deconvergence into separate shaders for potential GPU savings down the line
  • Added light and heavy variants of the color convolution shader, the former with YIQ colorspace removed
  • Re-worked defocus to occur prior to shadow mask application, as it would be on a real monitor.
  • Split "pincushion" into "Pincushion" and "Screen Curvature", the former affecting the only the displayed image and the latter only affecting the shadow mask.
  • Made major fixes to CVBS simulation, significantly increasing color saturation
  •  Added magnet deconvergence via a shader uniform
  • Improved phosphorescence
  • Improved YIQ codec
  • Added adjustable color carrier in YIQ processing mode.
  • Fixed resolution-change crash and likely D3D performance regression with -nohlsl on low-spec cards
  • Created a new OSD function, osd_get_slider_list, which allows OS-specific slider controls.
  • HLSL Post-Processing Updates: [Ryan Holtz, Bat Country Entertainment, cgwg]
    •  The defocus pass is now switched off when defocus_x and defocus_y are zero, allowing finer-grained performance tuning.
  •  Removed YIQ convolution from the main color-convolution shader and
    •     replaced it with a full composite encode/decode pass. This is slower,
    •     but looks amazing(ly like a terrible TV) and can be turned off.
  •  More authentic NTSC dot crawl and bandwidth limiting.
  • i86 - Implemented POP CS and MOV CS,reg instructions that are 8086 specific [Miodrag Milanovic]
  • Implemented multi-cart support to ST-V driver [Angelo Salese, Tafoid]
  • Managed to get the multiplexer/state machine emulated, amongst some watchdog fixes for BFM games. [J. Wallace]
  • Added missing bipolar PROM dumps to Lucky Lady (Wing) [Team Europe]
  • pic8259 - updated to be more according to documentation [Carl]
  • Initial frameworking for upcoming artwork updates [Mr. Do]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status

  • Doraemon no Eawase Montage (prototype)[dopefishjustin, Smitdogg, Luca Elia, The Dumping Union]

New clones added

  • Champion Poker (v100) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
  • Gunbarl (Japan, GNB4/VER.A) [The Dumping Union]
  • Amidar (Konami/1982)  [Patrik Styrnell]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING

  • Baryon Future Assault [ Corrado Tomaselli, f205v, The Dumping Union]
  • Brixian [ Corrado Tomaselli, f205v, The Dumping Union]
  • Orbatak (prototype)
  • Popeye (20p/8 GBP Token) [J. Wallace]


wstecz24/05/2011 08:19
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