
[Arcade] Nieoficjalne FinalBurn Alpha shuffle V2.1.0 02/12/11

[1] @ Poniedziałek, 5 Grudnia 2011 12:55CET

[Arcade] Nieoficjalne FinalBurn Alpha shuffle V2.1.0 02/12/11

Kolejna tajemnicza wersja nieoficjalnej mutacji FINAL BURN ALPHA - FBA Schuffle, niestety jak zwykle nie wiadomo skąd, nie wiadomo jak kitajec ją wytrzasnął (kod źródłowy shuffle zniknął już parę miesięcy temu z repozytorium google code). Brak też odnotowanych zmian w changelogu.

Jak zwykle w stosunku do dystrybucji z Ecr zmieniłem język na angielski, także tytuły gier z gamelist są poprawione

Power Drift - coś co świetnie wpisywało się w nurt gier dla 8- i 16-bitowych platform niekoniecznie dobrze pasowało do salonów arcade, przynajmniej moim zdaniem.

FinalBurn Alpha Shuffle V2.1.0 20xx-xx-xx

  • This version is not compatible with the previous start libburn 1.x, please use the libburn 2.0 or later.
  • Added neogeo multi-slot simulation (game list to activate the option to run neomvs)
  • Adding more direct start gens and neogeo slot simulation shortcut set.
  • About dialog box displays detailed libburn information.

FinalBurn Alpha Shuffle V2.0.0 2011-11-11

  • Fba shuffle version number to 2.0.0.
  • The burn module can be split into dynamically loaded dll, through the Help menu under the "load burn library" to choose a different dll.
  • The filter is split into a separate dll.
  • Fixed the window loses focus and get focus after the user manually suspend failure.
  • Fixed the filter is enabled and exit the game high cpu usage issue.
  • Fixed creation kaillera game list.
  • Fixed some cases, full-screen mode the window of the image scaling is not correct.
  • Fixed a game pause when the draw is not updated.
  • Fixed vertical scan line version of the game's direction.
  • Add set custom key combination function (through the key settings in the "custom key combination" button to enter)
  • Add debug information display simulator window (by modifying the configuration file log = "true" open).
  • Added GDI video output mode (learning purposes, not recommended)
  • Add Direct2D video output mode (needs more than win7 or vista sp2 system)
  • Part of the adjustment of the configuration file structure (some options need to be reset)
  • Adjust all the cheating, configuration files, favorites, a list of local games file format xml. (You can use the tools banunu fbas to convert the old ini file, note that the original documents have to be the first non-English characters into utf8 format)
  • Modify some default settings.
  • Improved romset check, the individual need to use the bios rom of the game will not detect all of the bios rom.
  • Improved fast loading games, and now supports the choice not to set off the path compressed file directory.
  • Improved use Direct3D mode in win7 system after the effect on aero frames instability.
  • Optimization of key bursts effect, support key combinations bursts.
  • Keys to the game bursts settings are saved in the configuration file.
  • Optimize the focus of the dialog box to switch the game list. (Select or input filter will not automatically switch the focus to the following list)
  • Games list, press F3 will switch focus to the filter box.
  • If you want to import from mamep.lst local games list, you must first mamep.lst saved as utf8 bom code.
  • Remove unstable simple music box. (M1 recommended to listen to the game music).
  • Code cleanup and optimization.

Some drivers need to remove the update config / games / nv directory of the old files.

wstecz05/12/2011 12:55
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