
[ATARI] Altirra 2.0 test XXXIII

[1] # Abris | Poniedziałek, 29 Sierpnia 2011 08:05CET

[ATARI] Altirra 2.0 test XXXIII

I znów następna partia  zmian w Altirrze. Oprócz kolejnej porcji dodatków do debuggera, ugłaszczono trochę standard wprowadzania poleceń przez linie komend, oczywiście jeżeli ktokolwiek z systemów okienkowych pamięta jeszcze, że takową posiada, może to być dla niego przydatne.

A skoro jesteśmy przy linii komend, warto sobie zapisać poniższą ściągę:

Command Line switches

Usage: Altirra [switches] <disk/cassette/cartridge images...>

  • /resetall - Reset all settings to default
  • /baseline - Reset hardware settings to default
  • /ntsc - select NTSC timing and behavior
  • /pal - select PAL timing and behavior
  • /secam - select PAL timing and behavior
  • /artifact:none|ntsc|ntschi|pal - set video artifacting
  • /[no]burstio|burstiopolled - control SIO burst I/O mode
  • /[no]siopatch[safe] - control SIO kernel patch
  • /[no]fastboot - control fast kernel boot initialization
  • /[no]casautoboot - control cassette auto-boot
  • /[no]accuratedisk - control accurate sector timing
  • /[no]basic - enable/disable BASIC ROM
  • /[no]vbxe - enable/disable VBXE support
  • /[no]vbxeshared - enable/disable VBXE shared memory
  • /[no]vbxealtpage - enable/disable VBXE $D7xx register window
  • /[no]soundboard:d2c0|d500|d600 - enable/disable SoundBoard
  • /kernel:default|osa|osb|xl|lle|hle|other|5200|5200lle - select kernel ROM
  • /hardware:800|800xl|5200 - select hardware type
  • /memsize:16K|48K|52K|64K|128K|320K|576K|1088K - select memory size
  • /[no]stereo - enable dual pokeys
  • /gdi - force GDI display mode
  • /ddraw - force DirectDraw display mode
  • /opengl - force OpenGL display mode
  • /[no]vsync - synchronize to vertical blank
  • /debug - launch in debugger mode
  • /[no]debugbrkrun - break into debugger at EXE run address
  • /f - start full screen
  • /bootvrw - boot disk images in virtual R/W mode
  • /bootrw - boot disk images in read/write mode
  • /type keys - type keys on keyboard (~ for enter, ` for )
  • /[no]hdpath|hdpathrw <path> - mount H: device
  • /[no]rawkeys - enable/disable raw keyboard presses
  • /cartmapper <mapper> - set cartridge mapper for untagged image
  • /portable - create Altirra.ini file and switch to portable mode
  • /ide:d1xx|d5xx|kmkjzv1|kmkjzv2|side,ro|rw,c,h,s,path - set IDE emulation
  • /[no]pclink:ro|rw,path - set PCLink emulation
  • /hostcpu:none|mmx|sse|sse2|sse2|sse3|ssse3|sse41 - override host CPU detection

Version 2.00 test 33:

  • features added
    • Debugger: A matching .atdbg file is now processed when an executable loads.
    • Debugger: startup.atdbg in the program directory is now processed on startup if present.
  • bugs fixed
    • UI:Command-line processing now better matches standard VC++ escaping rules.

Version 2.00 test 32:

  • features added
    • Debugger: Go (g) command now has options to preserve and force source mode.
    • Debugger: Added batch (.batch) command.
    • Debugger: Added source mode control (.sourcemode) command.
    • Debugger: Commands can now be queued to run when an EXE loads or runs.
    • Debugger: Source line breakpoints can now be set prior to line debug information being available.
  • bugs fixed
    • Debugger: Improved parsing of MADS listings.
    • Debugger: Fixed command escaping so that escapes are no longer processed unless enabled, i.e. "foonbar".
    • UI: Adjusted default NTSC color preset. The old preset is still available.
ATARI - Altirra - Polar Pierre
Polar Pierre

Version 2.00 test 31:

  • features added
    • UI: Color settings can now be exported as a palette file (*.pal).
    • UI: Display API options can now be changed through the GUI (not just cmdline).
    • UI: Added full screen resolution options.
    • Debugger: Profiler now shows unhalted cycle counts and DMA contention rates.
  • bugs fixed
    • UI: Fixed crash if DirectX 9 is not installed.
    • UI: Display window can no longer be undocked in full screen mode.

Version 2.00 test 30:

  • features added
    • Disk: Fixed a couple of bugs with DCM disk image decoding.

Version 2.00 test 29:

  • features added
    • Debugger: Added dump double words (dd) command.

Version 2.00 test 28

When a POKEY timer was active for more than two billion cycles before the IRQ was activated. Two billion cycles is a lot. Problem is, the Atari executes about 1.8 million cycles per second, so that happens in under 20 minutes. At 1500% turbo that's less than two minutes. Ordinarily I'm pretty careful about writing code that handles timestamp wraparound, but I missed the case where a timer is running deferred for longer than that. Now the emulator checks if a timer is more than two seconds old and kicks it forward to avoid the problem.

Version 2.00 test 27:

  • features added
    • Debugger: Break on expression command (bx) can now include address ranges.
  • bugs fixed
    • Disk: Disk explorer now properly increments volume sequence number when modifying SpartaDOS X images.
    • HLE: Boot loader now sets DBYTLO/DBYTHI to $0400 before launching.
    • SoundBoard: Restricted $D5/D6xx mapping to $D500-D53F and $D600-D63F.


Version 2.00 test 26:

  • features added
    • UI: Added MRU list for booted images.
    • GTIA: Optimizations to mode 9 and mode 10 rendering.
    • POKEY: Rewrote sound core to defer repeating events whenever possible for extra speed.

Version 2.00 test 25:

  • features added
    • SoundBoard: Multiplier support

Version 2.00 test 24:

  • bugs fixed
    • Disk: Fixed H: device not handling zero-byte get/puts properly with burst I/O enabled (affected GET/PUT from BASIC).
    • Disk: H: device now supports OPEN with AUX1=7 to fix directory listing from DOS 2.5.

Version 2.00 test 23:

  • bugs fixed
    • UI: Disk sector display was incorrect for accelerated writes.

Version 2.00 test 22:

  • ????

Version 2.00 test 21:

  • bugs fixed
    • HLE: Screen setup now matches the display list and playfield addressing of the stock OS ROM.
    • HLE: Fixed cartridge handling so that cartridges are run after disk boot completes.
    • HLE: Added known RTS instruction at $E4C0.
    • HLE: CIO now allows SPECIAL commands to be issued on a closed IOCB. 

It also contains a fix for not being able to format double-sided disks, which I didn't add into the changelog because there was already an entry for fixing PERCOM block problems.

Version 2.00 test 20:

  • features added
    • Disk: Disk explorer now properly increments volume sequence number when modifying SpartaDOS X images.
    • Disk: Live disk images can now be explored directly from the disk drive entry rather than requiring an unmount and remount.
    • Disk:  Disk explorer shows timestamps.
    • Disk: .ARC compressed archives can now be explored.


wstecz29/08/2011 08:05
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