
[ATARI] Altirra 2.0.1 Test X

[1] # Abris | !!! Piątek, 27 Stycznia 2012 08:07 CET [27-01-2012 08:04 CET]

[ATARI] Altirra 2.0.1 Test X

Nowa wersja emulatora ośmiobitowych maszynek Atari łaskawie poczekała na moment, w którym prawie odkopuje się po szpitalno/przeprowadzkowym początku roku;P. Phaeron dodał dodatkowe dźwięki dla stacji dysków  i poprawił obsługę formatu .pro (APE ProSystem device)

Altirra 2.1 test 10 [January 27, 2012]:

Features Added:

  • Disk: Added rotation and seek sound emulation.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Disk: Fixed forced sector ordering (.diskorder) for .pro images.
  • Disk: Step delays were not always reflected correctly in command delay time (only rotational position).
  • Display: Fixed display mode matching when /f is specified on the command line.
  • CPU: Fixed cycle behavior of ASL/LSR/ROL/ROR abs,X instructions in 65C02 mode.

Altirra Version 2.00 test IX [January 6, 2012]:

features added

  • Debugger: Added heat map support.
  • Display: Text can now be copied out of ANTIC modes 2, 3, 6, and 7 (GR.0, 1, and 2).

bugs fixed

  • Disk: Adjusted step rate of 810 drive to 5.3ms.
  • Input: Improved Caps Lock key support.
  • Cartridge: An error is now thrown when attempting to save a cartridge image in .CAR format with an unsupported mapper.

Altirra Version 2.00 test VII [January 2, 2012]:

features added

  • Display: Added scanline display mode.
  • Display: Added integer-multiple version of preserve aspect ratio sizing mode.

bugs fixed

  • Disk: Format command now sends back ACK+ERROR+buffer instead of NAK on a read-only disk.
  • Input: Fixed bug in keyboard repeat detection code.

Altirra Version 2.00 test VI [December 31, 2011]:

  • Switching to RAW keys would seem to solve the keyboard lag problem, but it also totally kills the auto-repeat on the cursor keys for some reason, so that solution is not really usable for me. ()

Figured it out -- turns out "repeat count" means something completely non-intuitive in the WM_KEYDOWN message, so Altirra wasn't detecting key repeat on the host side properly. This version should work better:

Altirra Version 2.00 test V[December 30, 2011]:

bugs fixed

  • Fixed startup crash on Sandy Bridge CPUs on Windows XP.

Altirra Version 2.00 test IV [December 29, 2011]:

bugs fixed

  • Disk: Fixed handling of XF551 high-speed sector skew format command ($A1).

Altirra Version 2.00 test III [December 28, 2011]:

features added

  • Covox emulation support.

bugs fixed

  • Increased paste keyboard timer to reduce dropped keys on line processing delays.
  • Simulator: Inhibit FP math acceleration hooks when PBI ROM overlay is active.
  • Debugger: "read" and "write" terms can now appear more than twice in a conditional breakpoint expression.
  • POKEY: Fixed glitching in high-pass filtering.

Author's Comment:

  • This version adds Covox support and also fixes a bug that was causing noise in high pass filtering (affected Nemesis demo). I did also do some heavy reorganization on the CPU hooking code, so watch out for SIO/CIO patch breakage.
  • I'll have to look into the DOS XE issue. It may be another problem with PERCOM block support (grr).

Altirra Version 2.00 test II [December 25, 2011]:

features added

  • SlightSID emulation support.
  • Disk: Added support for format skewed ($66) command.
  • Disk: Format commands ($21, $22) now support high-speed operation.
  • Disk: Added emulation profile modes for various disk drives.
  • Disk: Reduced ACK-to-complete delay when accurate sector timing is off.
  • Debugger: Added .sum (sum memory area) command.
  • Debugger: Added .warmstart command.
  • Debugger: Added ap (alias pattern) command for adding aliases with patterns.
  • Debugger: Added additional aliases to a8 command (set Atari800-compatible command aliases).
  • Debugger: Added alternate L>addr syntax for setting an address range length based on an end address.
  • Serial: 1030 Modem support.


wstecz27/01/2012 08:07
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