
[ATARI] Altirra 2.0

[1] @ Sobota, 24 Grudnia 2011 23:18CET

[ATARI] Altirra 2.0

Uffff... po 52 wersjach testowych, po ostatnim, niepokojąco długim okresie milczenia jaki spowił Altirrę od prawie miesiąca w końcu pojawiła się oficjalnie wersja 2.0.0. I wreszcie, wszystkie poprawki jakie zostały naniesione na ten emulator ośmiobitowej rodziny mikrokomputerów i konsol ATARI można podsumować jednym spisem zmian.

Ciekawe czy w 2.x.x doczekamy się w końcu poprawnej obsługi plików .cas (zapis!).

Altirra Version 2.00 [December 24, 2011]:

breaking changes

  • Debugger: The step over command has been changed from s to o.

features added

  • UI: Added OS Screen size setting.
  • UI: Added support for gzip compressed images (*.gz, *.atz).
  • UI: Arrow key behavior is now configurable.
  • UI: Added speed options.
  • UI: Added option to control whether emulation sees the Shift key pressed after a Shift+F5 cold reset.
  • UI: Added MRU list for booted images.
  • UI: Color settings can now be exported as a palette file (*.pal).
  • UI: Display API options can now be changed through the GUI (not just cmdline).
  • UI: Added full screen resolution options.
  • UI: Added single instance option.
  • UI: Request 1ms system timer precision only when unpaused.
  • UI: Added option to bind file associations in Windows for image types.
  • UI: Added /run, /disk, /tape, and /cart switches to force load types on the command line.
  • UI: Added mute option.
  • Debugger: Added command aliases (ac, al, as, a8).
  • Debugger: Added watch expression (wx) command.
  • Debugger: Added multiple memory panes.
  • Debugger: Added watch panes.
  • Debugger: Initial version of debug display.
  • Debugger: Disassembler can now display offsets from symbols.
  • Debugger: Profiler now distinguishes between VBIs and DLIs in function sampling mode.
  • Debugger: Profiler now shows unhalted cycle counts and DMA contention rates.
  • Debugger: Added call graph profiling support.
  • Debugger: Mouse wheel is now position-based instead of focus-based.
  • Debugger: Address range breakpoints can now trigger commands.
  • Debugger: Added log output filter commands (lfd/lfe/lfl/lft).
  • Debugger: Added .ide command.
  • Debugger: Enter (e) command now takes expressions.
  • Debugger: Added bitwise/low-byte/high-byte operators and address/value variables to expression evaluator.
  • Debugger: Break on expression command (bx) can now include address ranges.
  • Debugger: Added dump double words (dd) command.
  • Debugger: Go (g) command now has options to preserve and force source mode.
  • Debugger: Added batch (.batch) command.
  • Debugger: Added source mode control (.sourcemode) command.
  • Debugger: Commands can now be queued to run when an EXE loads or runs.
  • Debugger: Source line breakpoints can now be set prior to line debug information being available.
  • Debugger: A matching .atdbg file is now processed when an executable loads.
  • Debugger: startup.atdbg in the program directory is now processed on startup if present.
  • Debugger: Ctrl+Up/Down from output window command line now scrolls log pane by single lines.
  • Debugger: Added fill (f), search (s), and move (m) commands.
  • Debugger: Register (r) command can now set individual flags.
  • Debugger: Improved output of .pia command.
  • Debugger: Call, loop, and interrupt collapsing in history window can now be toggled.
  • Debugger: History window can now show timestamps in cycles, unhalted cycles, and microseconds from an anchor point.
  • Debugger: Extended memory syntax now allows access to hidden RAM (r: prefix).
  • Debugger: Added .tape and .tapedata commands.
  • Disk: Added support for Write PERCOM Block command.
  • Disk: Added option to auto-detect firmware overrides of disk accesses and automatically disable SIO patch for those drives.
  • Disk: Live disk images can now be explored directly from the disk drive entry rather than requiring an unmount and remount.
  • Disk: Disk explorer shows timestamps.
  • Disk: .ARC compressed archives can now be explored.
  • Disk: Fixed a couple of bugs with DCM disk image decoding.
  • Cartridge: Added another Atrax 128K cartridge variant used for SpartaDOS X.
  • Cartridge: Added support for OSS 8K, Blizzard 4K, AST 32K, Atrax SDX 64K, Turbosoft 64K, and Turbosoft 128K types.
  • Cartridge: Added support for newer MaxFlash 1MB cartridges that power up in bank 0 instead of bank 127.
  • Cartridge: Added support for 1M Megacart (different type with similar name).
  • Cartridge: Added support for a 5200 64K cartridge with 32K banks.
  • Input: MultiJoy8 support.
  • Input: CX-80 and 5200 trackball support.
  • Input: 1200XL F1-F4 keys can now be enabled in keyboard options.
  • Input: ~ key is now an alternate mapping for the inverse key.
  • IDE: KMK/JZ IDE / IDEPlus 2.0 emulation support.
  • IDE: Initial SIDE emulation support.
  • IDE: Solid-state mode supports up through PIO mode 6.
  • IDE: Read-only physical disk access.
  • GTIA: SECAM support.
  • GTIA: Optimizations to mode 9 and mode 10 rendering.
  • MMU: Added 800 8K/24K/32K/40K configurations.
  • MMU: Added 320K and 576K Compy Shop configurations.
  • MMU: Sped up extended bank switching.
  • Simulator: Added XEGS support.
  • SoundBoard: Multiplier support.
  • POKEY: Rewrote sound core to defer repeating events whenever possible for extra speed.

bugs fixed

  • ANTIC: Added emulation of bus data displaying at the very right border of a wide scrolled playfield.
  • ANTIC: Improved accuracy of mid scan line changes to HSCROL and DMACTL.
  • ANTIC: Fixed phantom DMA data during WSYNC.
  • ANTIC: Implemented phantom DMA artifacts along right side of wide playfield.
  • ANTIC: Fixed NMIs not being reactivated after a write to NMIRES on cycle 7.
  • Disk: PERCOM block is now initialized for a drive without a disk.
  • Disk: Fixed errors in PERCOM block track and sectors per track counts.
  • Disk: Switching a disk from R/W to VirtRW mode now clears pending flush errors.
  • Disk: Fixed incorrect serial transfer rates for XF551 high speed Put/Write and Write PERCOM commands.
  • Disk: Fixed H: device not handling zero-byte get/puts properly with burst I/O enabled (affected GET/PUT from BASIC).
  • Disk: H: device now supports OPEN with AUX1=7 to fix directory listing from DOS 2.5.
  • Disk: Disk explorer now properly increments volume sequence number when modifying SpartaDOS X images.
  • Disk: DSKINV hook now supports writes to sectors bigger than 128 bytes.
  • Disk: Fixed crash with very short disk images.
  • CPU: Fixed undocumented $BB opcode using abs instead of abs,Y addressing mode.
  • CPU: Undocumented $6B opcode now supports decimal mode.
  • Debugger: Profiler sometimes lost track of intermediate call frames during function sampling.
  • Debugger: Mouse wheel now uses system wheel scroll setting.
  • Debugger: Improved parsing of MADS listings.
  • Debugger: Fixed command escaping so that escapes are no longer processed unless enabled, i.e. "foonbar".
  • Debugger: Register (r) can no longer clear bits 4 and 5 of P when unsupported by current CPU mode.
  • Debugger: _ and. are now accepted as part of symbol names in expressions.
  • Debugger: Fixed crash when attempting to load empty file as symbol file.
  • Debugger: Source path matching now allows partial path matches both ways and has improved behavior with duplicate filenames in different directories.
  • Debugger: Fixed wrapping of frame counter in history window.
  • Debugger: Built-in kernel symbols now take priority over loaded symbols.
  • Debugger: Fixed page scrolling in history window after enabling CPU history tracking.
  • IDE: Added mandatory Recalibrate, Read Verify, Read Multiple, Write Multiple, Seek, Set Multiple Mode, and Initialize Device Parameters commands.
  • IDE: Fixed response from device 1 status register.
  • IDE: Improved response from Identify Drive command.
  • IDE: Set transfer mode command is now supported.
  • Cartridge: Reverted OSS 034M mapper back to original bank order and added OSS 043M mapper mode for alternate bank layout.
  • Input: Fixed crash when activating triggers to unavailable controllers.
  • PIA: Implemented IRQB and control bit 6.
  • HLE: Fixed escape handling in display handler.
  • HLE: Screen setup now matches the display list and playfield addressing of the stock OS ROM.
  • HLE: Fixed cartridge handling so that cartridges are run after disk boot completes.
  • HLE: Added known RTS instruction at $E4C0.
  • HLE: CIO now allows SPECIAL commands to be issued on a closed IOCB.
  • HLE: Boot loader now sets DBYTLO/DBYTHI to $0400 before launching.
  • HLE: Fixed crash in CIO on OPEN command with unknown device.
  • HLE: S: now supports the Get Status, line, and fill commands.
  • UI: Disk sector display was incorrect for accelerated writes.
  • UI: Fixed crash if DirectX 9 is not installed.
  • UI: Display window can no longer be undocked in full screen mode.
  • UI: Adjusted default NTSC color preset. The old preset is still available.
  • UI: Command-line processing now better matches standard VC++ escaping rules.
  • UI: Direct3D9/OpenGL rendering now works over Remote Desktop with Windows Vista/7.
  • SoundBoard: Restricted $D5/D6xx mapping to $D500-D53F and $D600-D63F.
  • POKEY: Fixed incorrect latching on IRQST bit 4 (serial output ready IRQ).
  • POKEY: Fixed deassert timing for IRQST bit 3 (serial output complete IRQ).
  • POKEY: Added partial emulation of SKSTAT bit 4 (direct input) during disk transfers.
  • Cassette: Fixed data blocks being silently dropped when reading some .cas files.
  • Cassette: Fixed inaccuracy in data rate produced from loading .cas files.
  • GTIA: Fixed incorrect color for %1000 pattern in mode 10 with lores ANTIC input.
  • VBXE: Warm reset no longer resets all registers like a cold reset.


wstecz24/12/2011 23:18
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