
[ATARI] Atari800 2.0.2 oficjalne pliki

[0] @ Poniedziałek, 4 Kwietnia 2011 07:31CET

[ATARI] Atari800 2.0.2 oficjalne pliki

W dość szybkim tempie pojawiły się na sourceforg'u oficjalne pliki atari800 2.0.2 wraz z changelogiem, co zmieniło się w tej wersji, po prawie dwuletniej przerwie. Kto nie ściągnął mojej kompilacji w sobotę - może pobrać wersję SDL i wersję DirectX.


SoloFlight: Jeden z symulatorów lotu wydany na ATARI, gdzie zamiast bomb, rakiet i działek, trzeba było przetransportować pocztę.


Version 2.2.0 (2011/04/02)

  • Another update after two long years. A lot of changes and major improvements:

New features:

  • SDL features synchronized sound (GTIA+POKEY digisounds play properly now)
  • SDL display enhancements (hardware accelerated using OpenGL)
  • DirectX display enhancements (also hardware accelerated)
  • Improved NTSC and PAL colours (presets: Standard/Deep Black/Vibrant)
  • Austin Franklin 80 Column card
  • Emulate the Alien Group Voice Box I and II
  • Added support for F12 turbo mode.
  • IDE emulation (compatible with MyIDE)
  • New Android port by Kostas Nakos (available in the App Market already)
  • Auto frame skip for slower devices (currently enabled for Android only)


  • trak-ball (cx22) emulation fixed
  • SDL: leftmost column missing in 16/32bpp fixed
  • DirectX default for Win32 SDL
  • SDL Display enhancements:
    • 1. Fullscreen resolution - this gives a list of all available resolutions from which a user chooses one. The default resolution is the next-bigger-than 336x240.
    • 2. Fullscreen: yes/no - obvious. Window size is independent from the chosen fullscreen resolution and can be changed by resizing the window.
    • 3. Rotate sideways: yes/no - rotates the screen by 90 deg. Works as earlier, ie. only for "standard" display (no NTSC filter, no 80 column card).
    • 4. Stretch - this option controls how display stretching (scaling) is performed. We can select one of:
      • a) none - no stretching at all
      • b) integer multiples (default) - width and height will be resized by 1x, 2x,
      • 3x etc.
      • c) full - stretching is unrestricted, display will cover the entire screen.
    • 5. Keep aspect ratio - this option controls how the display´s aspect ratio is corrected. 3 options available:
      • a) disabled - no aspect ratio correction, display will fill entire screen/window,
      • b) 1:1 (default) - width and height will be multipled by the same value
      • c) like real TV - display will be resized to reflect pixel aspect ratio of a
      • real Atari connected to a TV. Atari pixels are not square; pixel width-to- height ratio is about 0.857 for NTSC and 1.039 for PAL. This option reflectsthat.
    • 6. Host display aspect ratio - here the user enters aspect ratio of his monitor. This value is used to properly compute display aspect ratio when "Keep aspect ratio" is set to "like real TV". Set it to 4:3 (default), 16:9, 1.78:1 etc.
    • 7. Horizontal view area - this option sets the size of Atari screen area
    • visible horizontally. Choose one of:
      • a) narrow - 320 columns wide,
      • b) normal (default) - 336 columns wide,
      • c) full - 384 columns
      • d) custom - lets the user enter any value between 160 and 384.
    • 8. Vertical view area - similar to above:
      • a) short - 200 lines high
      • b) normal (default) - this setting is TV-system-dependent. In PAL this makes all 240 lines visible, while in NTSC top and bottom 8 lines are hidden, which leaves 224 lines visible. I´ve made this as such because apparently on NTSC
      • TVs not all 240 lines are visible. The value of 224 was taken by taking full
      • NTSC height (480, divided by 2) and cutting top and bottom 3.5% (different sources say 3.5% is the "action-safe" overscan area).
      • c) full - 240 lines high
      • d) custom - any value between 100 and 240.
    • 9. Horizontal offset - when amount of columns displayed is less than 384, thisoption "shifts" the visible screen area. Setting to higher than 0 shows moreof the right side, and lower than 0 shows more of the left side.
    • 10. Vertical offset - similar to above.
  • Additionally, the Alt+Shift+X shortcut that switches beetween standard80 column display is now also available as "Display settings->80 column display if available: yes/no".
  • The Alt+B switch however has been removed - since setting black/white colours can be done in Display settings anyway.
  • All new options are also available from command line and are saveable in
  • configuration.

New Android port features:

  • Efficient performance
  • Uses Opengl ES to handle scaling of the graphics
  • Runs on Android 1.6+
  • Novel on screen touch joystick control for less hand cramps & intuitive control
  • Supports multi touch input
  • Supports hardware keyboard with key remapping for joystick input
  • Supports the Wii Controller for joystick input
  • Supports the "move to SD" feature
  • Sound emulation very good but not perfect yet
  • Bypasses the emulator UI menu completely - goes ´the android way´ about it
  • Available in the App Market: market://details?id=name.nick.jubanka.atari800


wstecz04/04/2011 07:31
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