
[ATARI] Atari800 2.2.1 2059

[1] @ Wtorek, 24 Maja 2011 02:44CET

[ATARI] Atari800 2.2.1 2059

Deweloperska wersja emulatora małego Atari [sdl] z poprawkami p. Tomasza 'krOtki' Krasuskiego. Atari800 po poprawkach ma jedną zasadniczą zaletę w stosunku do ALTIRRY - pozwala stworzyć plik .CAS i zapisać do niego program np. w BASICU (CLOAD/CSAVE).


2011-05-21  2059

  • DOC/USAGE, atari800.man, cassette.[ch], ui.c: Add an option for making the attached cassette image read-only.
  • cassette.[ch]: Cleanup - rearrange function order to place the functions  related to the SIO patch together at the bottom of the files.
  • cartridge.[ch], ui.c: Merge "Insert Cartridge"/"Remove Cartridge" menu options into one, to make it consistent with other file-selectors in the menu (ie. display filename, Enter=Insert, BkSp=Remove). Ditto for the  "Insert|Remove SDX Piggyback Cartridge" options.
  • ui.c: Don't leave the "Cartridge Management" menu after inserting/removing a cartridge. The behaviour was inconsistent with other menus.
  • screen.c: Minor fix - missing "else" in Screen_Initialise().

2011-05-21  2053

Tomasz Krasuski  <kr0tki@poczta.onet.pl>

  • Fixed a bug with SIO sounds remaining audible after saving to tape with SIO patch (reported by Krzysztof Karkosza).
  • During coldstart, don't automatically hold Option on non-XL/XE machines. This fixes unwanted keystrokes when running cartridges on 400/800 with the "Disable Basic" option. Also, don't hold Start on booting the 5200.
  •  Bugfix: When "Selecting System" and choosing 800/48KB RAM twice in a row, BASIC would get disabled even if the "Disable BASIC" option was set to "No". This was caused by missing initialisation of cartridge memory in MEMORY_InitialiseMachine().

2011-05-18  2050

Tomasz Krasuski <kr0tki@poczta.onet.pl>

  • Fixed a bug with CASSETTE_description not being properly ended with '' when tape is inserted (reported by Achim Haertel).

2011-05-18  2050

Tomasz Krasuski <kr0tki@poczta.onet.pl>

  • Fixed a bug with CASSETTE_description not being properly ended with '' when tape is inserted (reported by Achim Haertel).

2011-05-18  2050

Tomasz Krasuski <kr0tki@poczta.onet.pl>

  • Fixed a bug with CASSETTE_description not being properly ended with '' when tape is inserted (reported by Achim Haertel).

2011-05-18  2050

Tomasz Krasuski <kr0tki@poczta.onet.pl>

  • Fixed a bug with CASSETTE_description not being properly ended with '' when tape is inserted (reported by Achim Haertel).

2011-05-15  2049

Tomasz Krasuski <kr0tki@poczta.onet.pl>

  • Improve cassette emulation, to allow loading some non-standard tapes (e.g. Feud/Turbo 2600, Miecze Valdgira II,  Operation Blood).  Emulation of SERIN was inaccurate - new byte appeared in SERIN only if the   serial input IRQ was enabled, and it happened 2 scanlines after the byte's   transmission has _started_. On a real machine, a byte appears in   SERIN at the same time the serial input IRQ is generated, that is, when   the byte's transmission _ends_; and it happens even when the IRQ is   disabled. The bug caused issues with tapes of _certain_ baudrates (e.g. 577   baud). Changed the way cassette IRQ is invoked - there is no notion of   "cassette IRQ delay" anymore. Instead, CASSETTE_AddScanLine returns TRUE   on SERIN update.   Added partial emulation of SKCTL reset bits - due to improved SERIN   accuracy proper emulation of serial IO resetting is now needed to load tapes correctly.

2011-05-09  2048

Tomasz Krasuski <kr0tki@poczta.onet.pl>

  • Fixed a segfault when reading tape blocks longer than4096 bytes, by dynamically allocationg memory when needed. Blocks loadedwith SIO patch are now copied to Atari memory even when they are too short or the checksum is wrong - this duplicates the behaviour of the unpatchedsystem. CASSETTE_buffer no longer used outside cassette.c, so it's made  static.

2011-05-09: 2046

Tomasz Krasuski <kr0tki@poczta.onet.pl>

  • Fixed a bug with PIA's tape motor state and COMMAND line state not being restored on loading of a savestate.
  • Display SIO activity for tapes only when a tape image is attached.

2011-05-08: 2045

Tomasz Krasuski <kr0tki@poczta.onet.pl>

  • Added support for switching bettween tape loading/saving without need to re-attach a tape image. Added a "Tape management" menu with new options for tape rewinding and creating a blank CAS image. Added loading/saving of the currently attached tape image in the config file. Without the SIO patch, a user now must manually switch tape recording on/off if needed. Fixed some bugs and cleaned the code a bit.


wstecz24/05/2011 02:44
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