
[Atari] Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 r385

[1] @ Sobota, 23 Lipca 2011 10:10CET

[Atari] Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 r385

Następne poprawki w Virtual Jaguar - małe czyszczenie kodu i opcja pozwalająca na zaznaczenie romów, które VJag nie potrafi obsłużyć.  

Evolution - Dino's Dudes

Virtual Jaguar SVN Changelog

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 Revision: 385

Author: shamus Date: 01:24:54, 23 lipca 2011

  • Small code cleanups, file picker now grabs everything it knows about by
  • default. To look at even stuff VJ *doesn't* understand can be overridden by a config option.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 Revision: 384

Revision: 384 Author: shamus Date: 19:53:35, 21 lipca 2011

  • Hooked up the UI/frontend controller #2 to the Jaguar core, final fixes to the controller configuration dialog.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 Revision: 383

Author: shamus Date: 02:33:57, 21 lipca 2011

  • Fixed bug with missing BIOS on first boot of Virtual Jaguar.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 Revision: 382

Author: shamus Date: 02:12:18, 21 lipca 2011

  • Added 2nd controller to config dialog.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 Revision: 381

Author: shamus Date: 21:52:10, 20 lipca 201

  • Added auto-pause when going into/out of the file selector.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 Revision: 380

Author: shamus Date: 17:57:29, 20 lipca 2011

  • Minor changes to make the key definition dialog a bit nicer.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 Revision: 379

Author: shamus Date: 13:33:19, 20 lipca 2011

  • Controller tab now shows correctly redefined keys.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 Revision: 378

Author: shamus Date: 05:53:40, 19 lipca 2011

  • Fixed OP regression in Rayman, probably others.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 Revision: 377

Author: shamus Date: 03:29:50, 19 lipca 2011

  • Fixed stupid bug giving bogus failure message to user in Alpine tab.

Revision: 376

Author: shamus Date: 02:32:12, 19 lipca 2011

  • Kludge: Keep BIOS from running in Alpine mode.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 Revision: 375

Author: shamus Date: 15:15:57, 18 lipca 2011

  • Added Jaguar BIOS files: You no longer need them, they're built in--just like on a real Jaguar. ;-)

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 Revision: 374

Author: shamus Date: 01:15:33, 18 lipca 2011

  • Added more developer friendly stuff to Alpine mode.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 Revision: 373

Author: shamus Date: 03:46:30, 16 lipca 2011

  • Fixed software loading to load independently of Jaguar ROM space, added new developer options. try using --alpine to see them. ;-)

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 Revision: 372

Author: shamus Date: 22:49:33, 14 lipca 2011

  • Fixes for the 68K IRQ system. There's probably a little more to do though.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 r371

Author: shamus Date: 19:05:21, 13 lipca 2011

  • Added stricter TOM memory checking.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 r370

  • Minor corrections to the file DB.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 r369

  • More enhancements to the file chooser.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 r368

  • Resolving inconsistent state part I

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 r367

  • Resolving inconsistent state part I

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 r366

  • Added possibility to run DSP without host audio output, added configure options for same, fixed log not to dump out when it reaches 10MB, instead it silently ignores any further output. Also, attempting to run VJ with "use BIOS" checked and no BIOS loaded no longer causes a virtual crash.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 r364

  • Removed no longer used config options from config dialog.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 r363

  • Various UI enhancements, like keyboard list searching in cart dialog.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 r362

  • Fixed OP scaling bug for sizes of 7.0 and up.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 r361

  • Fixed 24BPP mode (used R twice instead of B), fixed problem with Object
  • Processor not running correctly (should be from VC=0), added some keys to the cartridge dialog to allow dismissing and running using ESC & Return.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 r360

  • New artwork for CD loading.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.0 r359

  • Merging qt-experimental into trunk.


wstecz23/07/2011 10:10
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