
[Atari] Virtual Jaguar 2.0.3 PreRelease r420

[1] @ !!! Piątek, 25 Maja 2012 22:06 CET [25-05-2012 20:17 CET]

Nowa wersja repozytoryjna emulatora konsoli ATARI JAGUAR, skompilowana przez Kitajca. Tylko dla bardzo zainteresowanych, wersja mocno skopana (albo przez kompilację, albo shamus jeszcze pracuję). Przy okazji, stary zestaw QTLib przestał działać, wrzucam paczkę z nowymi dll'ami.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.3 PreRelease [SVN 420]

Author: shamus | Date: 25 maja 2012 00:47:12

  • Added bits & pieces to allow cross compilation under MXE.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.3 PreRelease [SVN 419]

Author: shamus | Date: 24 maja 2012 21:08:14

  • Minor tweaks to Makefiles, added command line switches for most options.

 Revision: 418

Author: shamus Date: 1 maja 2012 14:07:31

  • Initial stab at getting the DSP to run in the host audio IRQ. Needs testing.

2012-04-28 Some fairly major changes are coming to Virtual Jaguar in the DSP handler. It should give better performance (and sound!) on multi-core systems. Assuming all goes well, this will be included in the upcoming 2.1.0 release. Plans are also in place to add a few remaining missing things, such as full screen capability and gamepad support.

Virtual Jaguar 2.0.3 PreRelease Revision: 417

Author: shamus Date: 11 kwietnia 2012 19:25:55

  • Reverted win32 specific fix: wasn't necessary. :-P

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 416

Author: shamus Date: 11 kwietnia 2012 19:10:26

  • Fix to compile on win32.

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 415

Author: shamus Date: 8 kwietnia 2012 19:38:38

  • Preliminary support for passing in filenames from the command line.

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 414

Author: shamus Date: 8 kwietnia 2012 18:26:53

  • Added switch to disable untuned tank circuit, for slower computers.

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 413

Author: shamus Date: 13 lutego 2012 01:31:18

  • Preliminary fixes for memory accesses between $200000 and $7FFFFF, proper handling of objects with IWIDTH of zero.

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 412

Author: shamus Date: 27 stycznia 2012 11:16:43

  • Initial fixes for audio subsystem. Fragile; may break in unexpected ways.

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 410

Author: shamus Date: 27 grudnia 2011 22:30:15

  • Revert VC fix, switch from 'fast' to 'compatible' UAE core.

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 408

Author: shamus Date: 23 grudnia 2011 13:56:29

  • Fixed VC to act like a real Jaguar. :-)

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 408

  • Fixed VC to act like a real Jaguar. :-)

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 407

  • Emulate OP related bug properly (we hope).

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 406

Author: shamus Date: 9 grudnia 2011 23:49:06

  • Tweaks for OP dumping. Hopefully removing all duplicate entries now.

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 405

Author: shamus Date: 9 grudnia 2011 22:12:40

  • Improved OP logging, small changes to GPU read/write alignment.

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 404

Author: shamus Date: 26 listopada 2011 18:20:35

  • Left some bits dangling in the GPU and log. :-P

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 403

Author: shamus Date: 26 listopada 2011 18:16:41

  • Separated activation of aligned STOREs from aligned LOADs.

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 402

Author: shamus Date: 26 listopada 2011 10:40:05

  • RISC LOAD/STORE alignment fixes.

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 400

Author: shamus Date: 18 listopada 2011 xx:xx:xx

  • Video rendering now has correct timing per frame, in both NTSC and PAL mode.

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 400

Author: shamus Date: 10 listopada 2011 16:54:55

  • Compilation fixes for the M68000 core.

Virtual Jaguar Revision: 399

Author: shamus Date: 3 listopada 2011 22:30:52

  • Added new 68000 cpu core based on UAE's 68000. Here be dragons. ;-)

Virtual Jaguar Virtual Jaguar v2.0.2 GCC/Qt

  • Fixed problem on OP with 24BPP bitmaps. [Shamus]
  • Cosmetic GUI fixes. [Shamus]
  • Switched to UAE 68000 CPU core. [Shamus]

Virtual Jaguar v2.0.2 GCC/Qt

  • Fixed problem on OP with 24BPP bitmaps. [Shamus]
  • Cosmetic GUI fixes. [Shamus]

Virtual Jaguar v2.0.1 GCC/Qt

  • Fixed NTSC timings; they were hardwired to PAL rates. [Shamus]
  • Fixed possible missing trailing slash on path fields input by user. [Shamus]
  • Fixed exit hotkey to work on Win32. [Shamus]
  • Changed PAL/NTSC switch to only work when virtual machine is powered off. [Shamus]
  • Miscellaneous documentation fixes. [Shamus]

Virtual Jaguar v2.0.0 GCC/Qt

  • Switched GUI to Qt. And there was much rejoicing. ;-) [Shamus]
  • Added detection code to fish out files from inside ZIP archives. What this means is that now you can have other goodies inside of your ROM ZIP like labels, box art, and overlays. See built-in help for details. [Shamus]
  • Various usability improvements, too many to list here. ;-) [Shamus]
  • Various compatibility improvements to the Jaguar core, too many to list here. ;-) [Shamus]



wstecz25/05/2012 22:06
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