
Beepola 1.05.03

[1] @ Niedziela, 10 Października 2010 12:38CET

Beepola 1.05.03
Beepola jest prościutkim trackerem pod Windows pozwalającym na komponowanie utworów w postaci nadającej się do odtwarzania na komputerach Sinclair Spectrum i kompatybilnych, pozwala także nagrywać muzyczkę w formacie WAV. Rippuje też muzykę z orginalnych produkcji dla spektrusia.
Beepola obsługuję parę modeli renderujących dźwięk, dzięki czemu możemy dobrać najbardziej pasujące brzmienie.

Special FX Beeper Engine

  • Supports note sustain settings
  • 2 tone channels
  • 1 percussion channel, with 4 percussion sounds.   

Phaser1 Beeper Engine

  • Full 5 octaves for both tone channels
  • Channel 2 is a programmable phasing synthesiser, allowing up to 100 unique instruments per song
  • 1 percussion channel, with either 8 high-quality digitally sampled percussion sounds, or 9 synthesised drum sounds available
  • Has none of the detuning effects that are present in many other beeper engines.

The Music Box Beeper Engine

  • Small player routine (approx. 217 bytes, depending upon the features selected at compile time)
  • 2 tone channels
  • Fixed note lengths, and the fact that it does not use an Interrupt Service Routine mean that this tone generator is well suited for producing 2 channel in-game music. The "play next note" routine call be called at regular intervals from within a main game loop, or from an IM2 interrupt routine, to achieve song playback while a game or other code is running.
  • Clean-sounding square wave tones.

The Music Studio Beeper Engine

  • Small player routine (approx. 214 bytes, depending upon the features selected at compile time)
  • 2 channels, one of which may contain percussion
  • 13 percussion sounds
  • Sawtooth-style synthesized tones.
  • Fixed note lengths, and the fact that it does not use an Interrupt Service Routine mean that this tone generator is well suited for producing 2 channel in-game music. The "play next note" routine call be called at regular intervals from within a main game loop, or from an IM2 interrupt routine, to achieve song playback while a game or other code is running.

The Savage Beeper Engine

  • 2 tone channels
  • 1 percussion channel with 5 drum sounds
  • Ornaments (up to 31 unique ornaments per song)
  • Glissando effect (range of 255 possible values) for both channels
  • Skew and skew XOR effects to change the timbre of the sounds for both channels   
  • FX effect to support a range of addition sound effects for each channel.
Jeśli drzemie w tobie dwukanałowy Mozart i tęsknisz do dźwięków z dzieciństwa, wydobywających się z głośniczka "gumiaczka", ten program jest dla Ciebie, a jak skończysz daj znać;), chętnie posłucham.

 v1.05.03 - 28/Aug/2010

  1.  Toolbar hints are now displayed while a song is playing.
  2.  Fixed a number of issues related editing ornaments in the Savage engine.
wstecz10/10/2010 12:38
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