
[c64] Micro64 1.00.2011.11.30 Build 639

[1] @ środa, 30 Listopada 2011 14:29CET

[c64] Micro64 1.00.2011.11.30 Build 639

Program Mico64 pozwala, pod Windowsami, zaaemulować staruszka Commodore C64, jego początki sięgają roku 2006, gdy na party BreakPoint został przedstawiony prawie skończony FB051  daleki przodek Micro64. Emulator należy do tzw. "cycle exact", czyli programów starających się na najdokładniesze odwzorowanie prawdziwego mikrokomputera.


Version: 1.00.2011.11.30 Build 639 SVN revision: 1194

Date: 30. November 2011 Time: 04:37

  • Removed deprecated 1541 clock rate LFO and cycle offset settings
  • Fixed bug in the VIA timer emulation
  • Rewrote IEC serial bus signal latency stuff

Version: 1.00.2011.11.26 Build 638 SVN revision: 1170

  • Date: 26. November 2011 Time: 00:33
  • Fix diskette detach bug

Version: 1.00.2011.11.25 Build 637 SVN revision: 1163

Date: 25. November 2011 Time: 07:20

  • Updated floppy sounds
  • Updated 1541 sound engine
  • Added faster second 1541 true drive emulation without mechanics emulation (motor spin up/down time, head seeking time, and so on) as optional option for slower computers
  • micro64ide has his own config file now

Version: 1.00.2011.11.24 Build 636 SVN revision: 1154

Date: 24. November 2011 Time: 02:18

  • Fixed IEC timing bug and other some small bugs in the 1541 emulation

Version: 1.00.2011.11.22 Build 635 SVN revision: 1150

Date: 22. November 2011 Time: 20:54

  • Fixed wrong-location-fetch bug at matrix access if it is BA is still pending (fixes some remain small plain-optical graphic errors)

Version: 1.00.2011.11.22 Build 634 SVN revision: 1148

Date: 22. November 2011 Time: 15:53

  • Sprite collisions in the optional non-single-pixel-dot-clock-exact VIC emulation are pixel-exact now, like in the default single-pixel-dot-clock-exact VIC emulation.
  • Optical sprite DMA side effects in the optional non-single-pixel-dot-clock-exact VIC emulation are also implemented now, like in the default single-pixel-dot-clock-exact VIC emulation.

Version: 1.00.2011.11.21 Build 633 SVN revision: 1143

Date: 21. November 2011 Time: 15:51

  • Fixed more bugs in the optional non-single-pixel-clock-exact VIC emulation

Version: 1.00.2011.11.21 Build 632 SVN revision: 1141

Date: 21. November 2011 Time: 04:43

  • Optimized and fixed some bugs in the non-single-pixel-clock-exact VIC emulation
  • Added Alt+X hotkey for to toggle between non-single-pixel-clock-exact VIC emulation and single-pixel-clock-exact VIC emulation

Version: 1.00.2011.11.19 Build 631 SVN revision: 1128

Date: 19. November 2011 Time: 23:14

  • Replaced old whole-cycle-exact VIC emulation with a new 4-pixelblockwise-exact VIC emulation, and renamed the halfexact VIC emulation to 1-singlepixelwise-exact emulation
  • Fixed a bug in the PRG2D64 routine

Version: 1.00.2011.11.18 Build 630 SVN revision: 1105

Date: 18. November 2011 Time: 21:39

  • Fixed IRQ handling in the non-halfcycle-pixel-exact only-wholecycle-spritesatlineend-exact VIC emulation

Version: 1.00.2011.11.18 Build 629 SVN revision: 1102

Date: 18. November 2011 Time: 20:51

  • Removed old buggy lightpen emulation and implemented new hopefully bug free lightpen emulation

Version: 1.00.2011.11.18 Build 628 SVN revision: 1095

Date: 18. November 2011 Time: 03:54

  • Ported some code parts from the half-cycle-pixel-exact VIC emulation for the whole-cycle-exact-linedbasedsprites VIC emulation, so that this is also a bit less more accurate than before.

Version: 1.00.2011.11.17 Build 626 SVN revision: 1083

Date: 17. November 2011 Time: 15:41

  • Optimized half cycle pixel exact VIC emulation, mainly by reordering the by-the-VIC-emulation-used variables to get better memory alignments of these.
  • Extended "+audiowav" command line parameter so that "+audiowav=<wavfilename>" is also possible now for audio WAV export.

Version: 1.00.2011.11.16 Build 625 SVN revision: 1052

Date: 16. November 2011 Time: 12:37 

  • Yet again more function inlining
  • Whole cycle VIC emulstion microoptimized

Version: 1.00.2011.11.15 Build 624 SVN revision: 1044

Date: 15. November 2011 Time: 16:38

  • Change 1541 diskette change duration to a bit longer time duration
  • Change 1511 diskette drive confusion PRNG random generator from plain LCG to a KISS-like PRNG (XorShift128+LCG32+MWC32) when the electronics see too many (more than two) low bits at the sync bit sequence mark search phase, but this drive electronics confusion part should be better modelled in a right way in the near or far future, instead over a stupid PRNG.

Version: 1.00.2011.11.15 Build 623 SVN revision: 1042

Date: 15. November 2011 Time: 14:28

  • Again more function inlining code optimizations.

Version: 1.00.2011.11.15 Build 622 SVN revision: 1026

Date: 15. November 2011 Time: 09:42

  • More function inlining optimizations

Version: 1.00.2011.11.15 Build 621 SVN revision: 1022

Date: 15. November 2011 Time: 07:04

  • - Optimized VIC and CIA emulations (usage of more reasonable function inlining, removed wasted memory accesses, and so on) for a bit more better overall performance on mid-range and high-end CPUs.

Version: 1.00.2011.11.13 Build 620 SVN revision: 1006

Date: 13. November 2011 Time: 17:25

  • Added "SID brightness" setting (from 0% for dark to 100% for light) - Reworked SID waveform generator output + envelope generator output multiplying virtual-DAC code part. It uses now a PremultipliedDACTable [EnvelopeGenerator Output,WaveformGenerator Output] array with premultiplied 64-bit double floating point values and truncated as 32-bit integer values for more performance and for more accurate premultiplied values at the same time (besides the maybe more bad CPU cache usage now (more CPU cache read misses), due to the much larger size of the array now) (the result array value will passed to the filter code part), instead of WaveFormDACTable[WaveformGeneratorOutput]*EnvelopeDACTable[Envelope GeneratorOutput] (both were arrays of to 32-bit truncated integer values of 32-bit floating point values) as it was before this change.
  • Implemented the 8580 filter in 32-bit x86 inline assembler for the 32-bit Delphi windows build of micro64, the 32-bit x86 FreePascal and 64-bit FreePascal x64 linux builds uses still the pure object pascal implementation of it. The reason for this is that the Delphi compiler don't support a signed shift right operator or instrinc function (only a unsigned shift right), FreePascal do have for this the SARLongint instrinc function with a compiler patch from me a long time ago. And the 6581 filter code is and will be pure object pascal code, because this code part for the 6581 filter stuff is bigger than the code for the 8580 filter stuff (due to the various more complex analog part simulation stuff at the 6581 filter) to reimplement this also in a reasonable way in plain inline assembler, so that the expense would be greater than it would be worth it.

Version: 1.00.2011.11.12 Build 619 SVN revision: 1001

Date: 12. November 2011 Time: 20:24

  • Fixed a very stupid bug in the SID filter stuff 

Version: 1.00.2011.11.12 Build 618 SVN revision: 999

Date: 12. November 2011 Time: 10:50

  • Rewrote big parts of the SID emulation (maybe highly experimental rewrite)
  • Improved application data path directory detection for older Windows versions than Windows 2000 (so for Win9x)

Version: 1.00.2011.10.23 Build 617 SVN revision: 921

Date: 23. October 2011 Time: 15:45

  • Added missing color pixel shift register synchronization at the WholeCycleExact->HalfCycleExact VIC-II switch routine

Version: 1.00.2011.10.23 Build 616 SVN revision: 919

Date: 23. October 2011 Time: 14:36

  • Fixed switch bug between halfcycle-pixel-dot-clock-based VIC-II emulation and wholecycle-linebasedsprites VIC-II emulation

Version: 1.00.2011.10.23 Build 615 SVN revision: 915

Date: 23. October 2011 Time: 00:28

  • Added instable illegal opcode modes (BadCopy runs now in instable-illegal-opcode-mode no. 1)

Version: 1.00.2011.10.22 Build 614 SVN revision: 912

Date: 22. October 2011 Time: 21:52

  • Improved keyboard matrix emulation

Version: 1.00.2011.10.22 Build 613 SVN revision: 910

Date: 22. October 2011 Time: 05:58

  • Updated keyboard code

Version: 1.00.2011.10.22 Build 612 SVN revision: 908

Date: 22. October 2011 Time: 04:10

  • Another SDL key -> C64 key translation bug fix

Version: 1.00.2011.10.22 Build 611 SVN revision: 906

Date: 22. October 2011 Time: 03:48

  • Fixed SDL-Key-to-C64-Key-translator routine

Version: 1.00.2011.10.21 Build 610 SVN revision: 903

Date: 21. October 2011 Time: 22:41

  • Moved log file even into the home path


wstecz30/11/2011 14:29
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