
[Duo] PCE/MacPlus i PCE/IbmPc 251112

[1] @ !!! Poniedziałek, 26 Listopada 2012 22:31 CET [26-11-2012 22:26 CET]

[Duo] PCE/MacPlus i PCE/IbmPc 251112

Zaktualizowano dwa emulatory ze strony PCE. Pierwszy, MacPlus to standardowy emulatorek komputerów Apple Macintosh (Macintosh 128K, Macintosh 512k, Macintosh 512ke i Macintosh Plus), drugi dość nietypowy - emuluję praprzodka PeCeta, konstrukcję, która królowała znacznie wcześniej, niż Tajwańczycy wpadli na pomysł, że można produkować tanie podróbki podzespołów IBM'a - IBM PC 5150  (i jego późniejszą wersję IBM PC/XT 5160).
MacPlus nie posiada jeszcze ani emulacji dźwięku, ani też AppleTalka, więc jeszcze trochę minie nim zagrozi np. Bassiliskowi.
Warto zerknąć na screenshoty z emulowanego PCE/ibmpc, gdzie króluje GEM (System graficzny Xeroxa, potwornie drogi ale w tamtych czasach, to co potrafił Windows, GEM robił 5 razy szybciej na maszynie o porównywalnych parametrach).

Ventura Publisher 2.0 (Wyse 700 1280*800*2). Photo@PCE
MacPaint 1.4. Photo@PCE

Author: Hampa Hug <hampa@hampa.ch> Date:   2012-11-25 10:32:13 +0100

  • pfdc: Improve automatic geometry detection
  • In addition to the number of cylinders, heads and sectors, the sector size and encoding are now also detected. This is used  to automatically detect IBM 3740 and RC759 Piccoline disks.

Author: Hampa Hug <hampa@hampa.ch> Date:   2012-11-25 10:31:31 +0100

  • macplus: Map the right Alt key to the Enter key on the Mac Plus keyboard

Author: Hampa Hug <hampa@hampa.ch> Date:   2012-11-22 14:31:07 +0100

  • char-pty: Don't fail if the PTY can't be set to non-blocking

Author: Hampa Hug <hampa@hampa.ch>Date:   2012-10-14 06:42:09 +0200

  • macplus: Support Macintosh Classic screen brightness

Author: Hampa Hug <hampa@hampa.ch> Date:   2012-10-14 06:41:33 +0200

  • macplus: Make the Macintosh Classic a separate model from the Macintosh SE

Author: Hampa Hug <hampa@hampa.ch> Date:   2012-10-14 06:41:00 +0200

  • macplus: Work around a bug in handling of simultaneous ADB requests
  • The current ADB emulation does not handle two ADB devices requesting service at the same time correctly. This patch doesn't actually fix the problem, but it lessens the impact when a key is pressed while the mouse is being moved.

Author: Hampa Hug <hampa@hampa.ch> Date:   2012-10-14 06:40:20 +0200

  •     macplus: Add new message emu.iwm.status

Author: Hampa Hug <hampa@hampa.ch> Date:   2012-10-14 06:39:51 +0200

  • macplus: Make drive numbers 1 based in messages emu.iwm.ro and emu.iwm.rw

Author: Hampa Hug <hampa@hampa.ch> Date:   2012-09-04 23:12:39 +0200

  •     macplus: Add IWM floppy disk support

Author: Hampa Hug <hampa@hampa.ch> Date:   2012-09-04 23:11:53 +0200

  • macplus: Support more than one speed limit
  • The emulation speed can now be limited by more than one source independently. The lowest speed limit set is used at all times.

Author: Hampa Hug <hampa@hampa.ch> Date:   2012-09-04 23:11:26 +0200

  • mac: Support setting a start date for the real time clock

Author: Hampa Hug <hampa@hampa.ch> Date:   2012-09-04 23:06:37 +0200

  •     lib: Rename global variables log and log_cnt to avoid name collisions
wstecz26/11/2012 22:31
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