
[GB] Zboy 0.52

[1] @ !!! Poniedziałek, 23 Kwietnia 2012 00:27 CET [23-04-2012 00:26 CET]

[GB] Zboy 0.52

Mateusz Viste opublikował nową wersję emulatora Zboy, który pozwoli nam odpalić pod linuksem i windowsem udawaną konsolę NINTENDO GameBoy. Nowa wersja została wzbogacona o GUI, która pozwoli nam ominąć wpisywanie komend, jak i możliwość podkolorowania paru tytułów jakie ukazały się na tego monohromatycznego handhelda.

Dig Dug podkolorowany przez Zboya
Dig Dug bez koloryzacji

zBoy v0.51 [22 Apr 2012]

  • added a GTK-based GUI,
  • added a colorization feature that allows zBoy to render some games in color by using specially crafted palettes (following titles are supported so far: Super Mario Land, Tetris, Pinball Revenge of the Gator, Pac-Man, Asteroids, Dig Dug, Tetris Attack).

zBoy v0.51 [14 Jan 2012]

  • Fixed a bug in the emulation of the "POP AF" CPU instruction (was wrongly setting the F register),
  •  Fixed a bug in the emulation of the "DAA" CPU instruction,
  •  Fixed a bug in the emulation of RR and RL CPU instructions (the flag Z must be set accordingly to the result),
  • Fixed a bug in the emulation of "LD HL,SP+n" and "ADD SP,n" CPU instructions (wrong update of Carry and Half Carry flags),
  •  Fixed a bug in the command line parameters parser, that could lead to crash of the emulator in case of incorrect parameters passed to zBoy,
  •  Added a micro tile cache to the backgroung generation engine,
  •  Added the --nocpuidle option to make zBoy not idling the CPU when having some spare time (this option might give better results on hi-latency systems),
  •  Added EXPERIMENTAL support for serial link emulation (two player mode over network) - this feature is in early alpha stage, so not rock stable yet (it also requires a very good network connectivity between both peers), successfully tested on Tetris, Tetris 2, Tetris Blast, Kwirk and Dr. Mario,
  •  Replaced the --skipframes option by --limitfps (allows to limit the FPS emulation rendering in the range 1..60 FPS),
  •  General code optimizations - the emulation speed has increased about 15x (Super Mario Land passed from 80 to 1200 FPS on my laptop),
  •  Heavy code cleanup to make zBoy compiling without warnings in -pedantic mode.

Zboy 0.5 changelog (4 09 2011).

  • zBoy has been entirely rewritten in C language, using SDL for input, video and timing routines,
  • Added support for 8x graphic scaling (which ends up with a game resolution of 1280x1152),
  • Added support for screensaver inhibition under Windows (--NOSCREENSAVER),
  • Palette customization has been hardcoded into zBoy (no support for external palette files anymore, but you can choose an alternative palette from a predefined set of palettes),
  • Fixed the time adjustment routine (it doesn't speeds up over 100% of normal game speed after being late for some time),
  • Replaced the EPX graphic filter by Scale2x (slightly faster), and renamed EPX3 by Scale3x (which is the technically correct name),
  •  Made the Scale2x scaling the default one,
  • Dropped DOS support,
  • Dropped fullscreen support,
  • Fixed the ADC opcode emulation (wasn't setting the C flag when carry from bit 7) - this made all the Megaman serie playable,
  • Fixed the SBC opcode emulation (wasn't setting the C and H flags properly),
  • Implemented the gameboy type checking via the FF00h joypad register,
  • Added the possibility to disable the graphic "Window" used in many games (by default under the F3 key),
  • Fixed a bug in IRQ generated by the coincidence register - was generating several IRQs in one scanline (now it generates only one IRQ for a matching scanline) - this made the intro of Prince of Persia working.
wstecz23/04/2012 00:27
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