
[GB/CGB] Gambatte 0.5.0 wip1/2 SVN271/273

[1] @ !!! Wtorek, 20 Września 2011 09:01 CET [19-09-2011 11:07 CET]

Gambatte to całkiem przyjemny multiplatformowy (Win, Mac, Linuks) emulator konsolek NINTENDO GameBoy i GB Color. Od dłuższego czasu było wiadomo, że coś się dzieje w jego kodzie, jednak przez użycie biblioteki QT i typowo deweloperskiego kodu (prawie jak ostatni WinVice 2.3.10, gdzie połowy rzeczy po prostu nie ma:P). Teraz pojawiła się wersja wip, którą na spokojnie można potestować - niestety autorzy nie wrzucili pełnej informacji o tym, co uległo zmianie od ostatniej oficjalnej wersji, która pojawiła się prawie 3 lata temu, dlatego wrzucam zapiski z repozytorium z tego roku, każdy wyszpera sobie w nich (a jest co przeglądać) zmiany, które go będą interesować.

Osoby, które poszukują kodu wykonawczego i źródła tego emulatora powinny zaglądnąć na sourceforge.

Revision: 273

Author: sinamas Date: 19 września 2011 23:48:08

  • Support shared mode WASAPI surround mix format.

Revision: 272

Author: sinamas Date: 18 września 2011 18:07:15

  • Fix missing cast causing 64-bit build failure.

Gambatte Revision: 271

Author: sinamas Date: 18 września 2011 07:15:00

  • about edit.

Gambatte Revision: 270

Author: sinamas Date: 18 września 2011 02:02:03

  • edit about.

Gambatte Revision: 269

  • Author: sinamas Date: 17 września 2011 18:54:55
  • Add GBA CGB mode option.

Gambatte Revision: 268

Author: sinamas Date: 17 września 2011 16:18:14

  • Add save path selection.
  • Stop using different file name for save files when forcing DMG.

Gambatte Revision: 267

Author: sinamas Date: 16 września 2011 00:21:40

  • refactoring.

Gambatte Revision: 266

Author: sinamas Date: 16 września 2011 00:08:53

  • Dont re-initialize on resetAudio for engines that drain when paused.

Gambatte Revision: 265

Author: sinamas Date: 15 września 2011 23:20:36

  • Fix build error due to missing MSG declaration on non Q_WS_WIN.

Gambatte Revision: 264

Author: sinamas Date: 15 września 2011 00:28:37

  • Set worker thread MMCSS priority to "Audio".
  • Flush audio on ROM load to avoid noise from previous ROM when switching.
  • Deactivate undesired menu options on ROM load fail stop.
  • Use fast, fail-safe ROM reset.

Gambatte Revision: 263

Author: sinamas Date: 15 września 2011 00:19:10

  • reenable some printing on load fail due to unsupported mbc.

Gambatte Revision: 262

Author: sinamas Date: 12 września 2011 02:27:14

  • -Be less sensitive when configuring joystick input.

Gambatte Revision: 261

Author: sinamas Date: 11 września 2011 22:51:40

  • Use event driven scheduling for shared mode WASAPI.
  • Include 96000 Hz as a sampling rate listed by default.

Gambatte Revision: 260

Author: sinamas Date: 11 września 2011 18:03:55

  • Separate vsync option for exclusive full screen because it tends to work better, so you may want to enable it while leaving non-exclusive vsync off.
  • Add some tool tips.

Gambatte Revision: 259

Author: sinamas Date: 11 września 2011 06:32:50

  • Work around DWM compositor screwing up when duplicating frames by adding "DWM triple buffering" option (on by default) which sets presentparameters with frame queueing for all blitters.
  • Work around DWM breaking windows with frame queuing after composition is disabled and re-enabled, by resetting present parameters on next video frame after composition enable event.
  • Work around DWM breaking OpenGL window on minimize by unsetting present params on hide event, and setting on show event.
  • Ignore sync to vblank when DWM composition is active.
  • Deactivate sync to frame rate option when DWM composition is active.
  • Make window size setting a menu rather than a part of video settings dialog.
  • Work around Windows file dialog blocking events by waiting for pause to complete before launching such dialog.
  • Work around events getting blocked when resizing on Windows by consuming pending blit requests on resizeEvent.
  • WASAPI: Detect and use shared stream sampling rate in shared mode because all other rates appear to fail.
  • Default screen names start at "1" rather than "0".
  • Build fixes for mingw gcc 3.4.
  • Refactoring.

Gambatte Revision: 258

Author: sinamas Date: 4 września 2011 17:16:25

  • Add one level of unrolling to cic2.

Gambatte Revision: 257

Author: sinamas Date: 1 września 2011 23:21:17

  • Allow intermediate polyphase sinc resamplers in a resampling chain to start/end (after fold) roll-off at limit of hearing if applicable, not just the final one.
  • Modify chain cost formulae and their derivatives for optimal ratios accordingly.

Gambatte Revision: 256

Author: sinamas Date: 25 sierpnia 2011 19:35:27

  • refactoring.

Gambatte Revision: 253

Author: sinamas date: 15 sierpnia 2011 19:44:33

  • don't wait for video frame consumption if approximate usecs from underrun is low comapred to video frame timeout.
  • refactoring.

Gambatte Revision: 252

Author: sinamas Date: 4 sierpnia 2011 02:43:06

  • slightly higher precision in frametime inc/dec representation.

Gambatte Revision: 251

Author: sinamas Date: 4 sierpnia 2011 02:20:58

  • get rid of trailing zero artifact.

Gambatte Revision: 250

Author: sinamas Date: 4 sierpnia 2011 01:52:46

  • Adjustable base frame rate.

Gambatte Revision: 249

Author: sinamas Date: 1 sierpnia 2011 23:28:14

  • refactoring.

Gambatte Revision: 248

Author: sinamas Date: 1 sierpnia 2011 23:27:24

  • Increase start threashold to full buffer. Block rate estimation when pcm not in running state. Default custom device plughw rather than hw.

Gambatte Revision: 247

Author: sinamas Date: 1 sierpnia 2011 08:01:08

  • one more decimal position in refresh rate representation.
  • use xrandr screen names
  • hide empty full mode comboboxes
  • windowed resolution -> window size
  • lots of refactoring.

Gambatte Revision: 246

Author: sinamas Date: 23 lipca 2011 19:02:32

  • libgambatte: *
  • tons of re (cgb _and_ dmg).
  • $ ./run_tests.sh
  • ...
  • Ran 2755 tests.
  • 0 failures.

Gambatte Revision: 245

Author: sinamas Date: 6 stycznia 2011 01:05:38

  • Add preliminary testrunner for automated testing.
  • Many tests modified to be compatible, quite a few remaining.
  • Add some of the new DMG tests, leave the rest for later. Running of DMG tests disabled for now because SVN libgambatte is out of date.
  • Some tests fixed and verified on DMG.

Gambatte Revision: 244

  • Author: sinamas Date: 4 stycznia 2011 19:33:14
  • Fix 2xSAI video filter reading out of bounds.
wstecz20/09/2011 09:01
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