
[multi] BizHawk 1.0.3

[1] @ !!! Sobota, 31 Marca 2012 09:29 CET [30-03-2012 08:32 CET]

[multi] BizHawk 1.0.3

BizHawk - napisany w C# (czyli wymaga całego kramu, w postaci .NET, SlimDX) multiemulator pozwala udawać  konsole: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Sega Master System, SEGA SG-1000, SEGA Game Gear, PC-Engine (TurboGrafx-16) / CD-ROM, SuperGrafx i kalkulator TI-83 a także patrząc w kod trwają pracę nad emulacją ATARI2600 i PSX. Posiada bogate wsparcie dla rerecordingu - nie jest to dziwne, jeśli zerknie się na fundatorów projektu (Zeromous, A.Delikat, Vecna). 

News dodałem już wczoraj, jednak nieupubliczniałem go do czasu aż pojawi się oficjalna binarka projektu, nawet ze względu na to, że Interim (wersja deweloperska) różni się od oficjalnego projektu (w oficjalnym np. niedostępne są opcje, nad którymi team dopiero pracuje, jak przykład można przywołać emulację ATARI2600).

Bizhawk / Features

Casual Gaming

  • Full Screen support
  • Controller and Hotkey mapping
  • Joypad support (for both controller and hotkeys)
  • Auto (Rapid) Fire controls

Pro Users / Rerecording

  • Basic re-recording and rerecording
  • "Bullet-proof" rerecording"
  • Frame/Lag/Rerecording counters
  • Input Display
  • Auto-hold
  • Alpha version of "TAStudio"
  • Ram Watching/Poking tools
  • Ram Searching
  • Lua Scripting
  • Rewind

BizHawk 1.0.3:


  • Uses much less CPU power when paused
  • handle # in paths
  • fix how anchoring works in the message config dialog
  • Cheat Window, Ram Watc, Lua Console - fix exception when clicking Move Up on the first item in the list.


  •     Multiple scripts at once support
  •     Fix random crashing/closing of emulator when using emu.frameadvance()
  •     Show lua script errors in output window instead of crashing the emulator
  •     Added:
    • savestate.save()
    • savestate.registersave()
    • savestate.registerload()
    • movie.isloaded()
    • movie.length()
    • movie.filename()
    • movie.getreadonly()
    • movie.setreadonly()
    • movie.getinput()
    • moviegetrerecordingcounting()
    • moviesetrerecordingcounting()
    • input.get()
    • joypad.getimmediate()
    • joypad.set()
    • emu.yield(), allows a script to run while emulation is paused and interact with the gui/main window in realtime
    • overhauled:
      • joypad.get() - now returns lua table of buttons pressed (not mneomnic string)
      • gui.text()/gui.alert() now have optional anchor property, fix not displaying when paused, fix y coordinate bug

console GUI:

  • add a *.txt option in the openfile dialog, allow drag & drop of .txt files
  • track session changes
  • menu options:
  • disable lua scripts on load
  • autoload session
  • Added Pause Property To Scripts, Menu Option To Pause/Resume Scripts, Shows number of paused scripts
  • If User Opens A Script That Is Currently On The Session, It Will Toggle It On.
  • If User Deletes The Script From The Session, It Will Stop.
  • Script Counter Now Updates On More Circumstances.
  • Fix saving/loading of sessions
  • Fix so session saves seperators, can't edit separators
  • Edit opens all selected scripts instead of the first one
  • Drag & Drop for lua sessions
  • Save Session Menu Option now Enable/Disable correctly
  • Increase/Decrease Window Size hotkeys (mapped to Alt+Up/Alt+Down by default)   
  • Add options in record dialog for the system ID to be added to file   
  • Removed .fm2 / .mc2 from the Play Movie dialog.
  • Fix TAStudio ArgumentOutOfRangeException at read-only movie end
  • Record movie dialog - if file already exists, confirm overwrite
  • Small GUI Fixes to play movie dialog


  • TODO: link and mention number of tests passed
  • pass 10-even_odd_timing and 05-nmi_timing accuracy tests
  • pass more apu_test 4-jitter and 6-irq_flag_timing (necessary for timing on other tests)
  • pass all cpu interrupt tests
  • pass all sprite hit tests
  • make fake boards for almost every mapper
  • fix nametable viewer screenshots garbage pixels off by one bug
  • nametable viewer - add shortcut buttons for common display area sizes 


  • Fix ( and ) hotkeys being switched
wstecz31/03/2012 09:29
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