
[PSX] Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin v2.0 r47

[1] @ Niedziela, 1 Lipca 2012 22:22CET

[PSX] Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin v2.0 r47

Pokopom is a pad plugin that emulates a DualShock1 and DualShock2 controller for PS1 and PS2 emulators. It only uses XInput, so as  to avoid the DirectInput troubles with X360 controllers. It currently has only some basic configuration dialog, and defaults to use the first and second XInput controllers as pad1 and pad2 respectively.  The plugin supports rumble with a nice custom curve, and has extended analog stick range to cover the 'square' on PSX's controllers.

Revision 47

Author: krossx3 | Date: 1 lipca 2012 19:50:45

  • Durazno:
  • -. INI version stuff. If there's a version mismatch (like now) defaults are used.
  • -. Target changed to Net 4.0, since it's the only SDK I have at the moment.
  • Pokopom:
  • -. Same INI stuff.
  • -. Added Anti deadzone to the GUI
  • -. More granularity to Linearity, now with a slider.

Revision 44

Author: krossx3 | Date: 29 czerwca 2012 19:12:06

  • Durazno:
  • -. Anti deadzone implemented with a GUI slider and all. (haven't tested it)
  • -. Linearity has more granularity now, so the INI must be changed! (just add a zero, default 3 is now 30)

Revision 43

Author: krossx3 | Date: 29 czerwca 2012 04:25:19

  • Pokopom:
  • -. Anti deadzone as an INI setting for now, in % like Deadzone.
  • Also, in r36 the INI setting ExtentionThreshold was added too. Defines the "perfect" circle radius and affects many things. See the PDF in the Downloads section, it would be the small circle.
wstecz01/07/2012 22:22
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