
QEMU/9821 - Windows Snapshot (20/03/2011)

[2] @ Niedziela, 20 Marca 2011 11:29CET

QEMU/9821 - Windows Snapshot (20/03/2011)

Po dłuższym czasie Toshiya Takeda powrócił do swojego projektu portu pod Windowsy emulatora/virtualizera Quemu, (kontynując jego rozwój po Kazu's), Program pozwala udawać maszynki oparte na architekturze  ARM, PowerPC czy też SPARC. Więcej o projekcie Quemu można poczytać tutaj.

Dzisiejszy snapshot, jest wersją eksperymentalną, która przynosi poprawki do emulacji japońskiej konstrukcji NEC PC-9821


FM sound like a bombshell (OPNA) tried to implement.
YM2608 + CS4231A so, 98MULTi CanBe It is equivalent to a built-in sound.
I will have the core used in other emulators are fmgen.

QEMU is has been implemented in C, C + +, there was hard to incorporate fmgen.
configure / makefile to Ranaku write well, and quite a work to build (laughs)

Previously when trying to implement, QEMU I had problems with the accuracy of the timer,
This time, qemu_get_clock_ns () is used to back-port.
This function, Win32 environment QueryPerformanceCounter () will be taken from
There are environment dependent, we can now get real time with high accuracy.

In implementation, qemu_mod_timer () in real time using the unit and interrupt 1msec doing, (1msec If you specify a unit, actually becomes 2 ~ 3msec is about)
At that time qemu_get_clock_ns () to drive the sound Yarimasu only get elapsed time.
In addition, when you get the status, the drive to determine whether the source timers,
Naka Tokino the drive to update the status of the instrument to drive too.

In addition, a floppy disk I / F in, 1MB/640KB when switching modes,
IRQ / DMA was added to the process of change.
However, the DIP switch settings, and as usual mode, fixed to 1MB.


wstecz20/03/2011 11:29
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