
[SAM] ASCD 1.00

[1] # Speccy.pl | !!! Sobota, 5 Maja 2012 09:20 CET [05-05-2012 08:52 CET]

[SAM] ASCD 1.00

Aleks Keprt opublikował nową wersję swojego emulatora "ASCD", który pozwoli nam zaemulować jedną z najbardziej niespełnionych konstrukcji z lat osiemdziesiątych ośmiobitowym mikrokomputerem - SAM COUPE.

ASCD posiada możliwość tworzenia snapshotów, a celem jaki autor sobie wybrał jest możliwość nagrywania filmów video z przebiegu emulacji.

Ci, którzy szukają dodatkowych informacji o Samie, polecam wątki na forum Speccy.pl.

Bats 'n' Balls

1.00 - april 2012

  • New! Added the support of TZX tape files. Only standard data blocks via ROM hooks are supported atm.
  • ZIP-compressed snaps/tapes/disks can now be directly loaded into ASCD
  • Added the Recent Files list displaying 10 most recent snap/tape/disk files open
  • FDI: Added correct emulation of Missing disk status
  • FDI: Added correct emulation of Write protected disk status
  • Added autofire option for joystick (-autofire switch)
  • Open Tape/Snap menu option incorrectly offered only snapshot files in the filter list
  • D3D: OSD (on-screen-display) has now black color when border color is 6 or 7 (yellow or white)
  • Caps lock "fix" didn't work on many computers, so there is another fix in this version
  • Added low pass filter to ZX Beeper audio -> better music quality in some games
  • An OSD message is shown whenever DAC on IC 8255 is activated
  • SAA1099 soundchip is now available in ZX Spectrum 48/128 mode too
  • AY8910 soundchip is now available in Sam Coupé mode too
  • AY8910 soundchip is responding on its ports even if audio emulation is off
  • More precise attribute port 255 emulation
  • Fixed AY8910 port decoding (thanks to Velesoft)
  • Quickboot option is now configurable in config file and menu (it was always on)
  • Fixed a bug in SCS loader which caused it to report a file error when a datablock is longer than expected
  • Fixed problem with Sam Coupe Tab key behaviour after Alt+Tab

0.98 final - 08 april 2012

  • Sam: MODE 3 had switched palette entries 1 and 2
  • Sam: MODEs 3 and 4 ignore VMPR bit 0 (this was missing)
  • Sam: Better port access timings
  • Fixed AY8910 deadlock bug (was caused by audio thread race condition)
  • Added key shortcuts for floppy drives (F1, Shift+F1, F2, Shift+F2)
  • Added variable emulation speed and shortcuts to control it (F3, F4)
  • Added pause emulation option (available in menu and Ctrl+F3)
  • Moved QuickSave shortcut from key F4 to F5
  • Keyboard: Fixed caps lock problem
  • Keyboard: Better mapping of symbols on PC keyboard to ZX Spectrum keyboard
  • Video: Fixed palette problems in fullscreen mode when using DirectX 6 driver on Windows Vista and later
  • Video: Fixed windows size after return from fullscreen to windowed mode when using DirectX 6 driver
  • Video: User can now switch bilinear filtering (available in menu and Ctrl+F5)
  • Audio: Many fixes in audio emulation and Win32 sound update routines
  • Audio: Simplified DirectSound driver (because the support for old VXD drivers isn't needed anymore)
  • * Fixed ZX Printer's output, which was shifted one pixel
  • * Fixed minor incompatibility in kempston joystick emulation (top 3 bits were set instead of reset)
  • Fiexd minor bug in ZXS48k quickboot (RAMTOP was set 1 byte less the correct value)
  • Sam Coupé and ZXS 128k quickboots are now even faster
  • Saving of SCS snapshots is now allowed in ZX SPectrum 48/128 modes as well
  • Tape: Added VERIFY emulation to both ZXS and Sam modes
  • Tape: Message "Press any key and start tape" is now skipped
  • Tape: SAVE is faster on ZXS, because it doesn't wait 1 second after header anymore
  • Tape: When a LOAD/VERIFY command is issued and no tape is inserted, user is asked to insert one

0.98 WIP 3 - march 2012

  • Added ROM patches to quickboot all machines :-)
  • Added AVI recording feature - uses SCLS/MSUD/MJPG for video and MS-ADPCM for audio
  • Updated to the latest Dave Hooper's SAASound library version
  • Fixed: MouseStrobeTime was saved instead of LineNo in CPU structure of SCS file
  •  Fixed: EOF marker was missing when saving SCS snapshot
  • Fixed: F4 QuickLoad falsely reported OK even when there was error when loading the snapshot

0.98 WIP 2 - march 2012

  • Sam Coupé Snapshots are now public; next goal is to implement AVI video file writer
  • The snapshot code is still in development, now supported also for ZX Spectrum modes
  • QuickSave/QuickLoad feature now uses new snapshot format in all modes, including air recording
  • New file format for OpenAir recordings - files are now a lot smaller
  • Sam: Added printer support (wasn't implemented in Windows version yet) - saves to printout.txt
  • Sam: Improved floppy disk drive emulation, SAMDICE doesn't crash anymore, although it still doesn't work
  • Sam: Improved mouse emulation code
  • ZXS: Added support for 3x8bit DAC audio based on IC 8255 (ports 31,63,95,127 - MQM5 works :-))
  • ZXS: Added support for Fullerbox AY audio (it's always turned on in ZXS 48/128k mode)
  • ZXS: Added ZX Printer support - it saves the prints to zxprint.bmp file
  • Z80: Fixed ADC HL,rr incorrectly setting N flag
  • Z80: Added support for saving .z80 snapshot files (uncompressed 48KB only)
  • Mouse was too fast, so it is set 2 times slower than before
  • Changed contents of a disk images are now saved with a temp filename and then renamed back only if no error occurs

0.98 WIP 1 - march 2012

  • First public Win32 version - supports Windows 2000 and later, DirectX 6 (2D) and Direct3D 9 (3D)
  • MS-DOS version is now officially dropped
  • Updated to Visual C++ 2008 and Zlib 1.2.6
  • Fixed many bugs in the emulation core
  • Fixed Windows related bugs (especially in GUI)
  • Added support for saving .sna snaps (both 48k and 128k)
  • Added many items to Windows menu, but this is still quite incomplete
  • Fixed wrong flash speed (it flashed every 25 frames, now it flashes every 16 frames)

0.97 - march 2003

  • This is private (nonpublic) release for HCC Cup tournament
  • We are moving to Windows!
  • Fixed: uninitialized variable was used in fdi.c
  • Files resource.c and resource.h renamed to cfg.cpp and cfg.h
  • Huge changes in source code to strictly split platform dependent and platform independent code


wstecz05/05/2012 09:20
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