
[TOOLS] Romulus 0.011

[2] @ Wtorek, 13 Września 2011 17:23CET

[TOOLS] Romulus 0.011

Pojawiła się kolejna wersja Romulusa, który podobnie jak ClrMAME pozwala porządkować i zarządzać romsetami emulowanymi przez MAME/MESS. Program jest w stanie importować pliki .dat (stary format i pliki XML), radzi sobie też całkiem dobrze z Messem, czyta także pliki spakowane w formatach ZIP, RAR i 7z.


Romulus 0.11 13.09.11

  • - ADDED Stop button in processing window available in a lot of actions.
  • - ADDED Automatic romspath maker and configuration. This is available in popup menu in profiles list and using a base path Romulus can detect or create folders for romspath based in Profile name or Profile description. This is a very usefull option for manage a new or already created folders. TODO LIST DONE.
  • - ADDED Send to generator option available in Profiles list and Scanner tool buttons. This can send the selected profile to Generator to export to other format or select/unselect roms before export or for example split a profile.
  • - ADDED popup menu for Scanner - loaded profiles tabs to send to first, send to last possition and delete tab.
  • - ADDED Automatic detection of OS Language and if is available in Romulus automatic setting up. This will be done the first Romulus run or when no INI file exists.
  • - ADDED possiblity to maximize / minimize when processing windows is making a process just making a click in taskbar.
  • - ADDED flashing window message in taskbar when Romulus is not the active application.
  • - ADDED Windows theme Vista and 7 for Treelist, Listview, Opendialog and Savedialog for all Romulus components.
  • - CHANGED Removed Listview dotted rectangle when a line is focussed like Windows Explorer.
  • - CHANGED File extensions different to ZIP RAR or 7Z are checked as compressed and manage it if is necessary, else are managed as uncompressed roms.
  • - CHANGED Generator checkboxes are used from windows theme. For example in Windows XP and Windows 7 are diferent bitmaps for checkboxes and Romulus display your correct OS checkbox bitmap.
  • - CHANGED All command line params are converted to OEM, this will fix problems with some special filenames when making some actions like compress, uncompress or run emulators.
  • - CHANGED Importation removed "." changed with empty at end of set names because a compressed file can have this filename "romname..zip" but a uncompressed mode a folder can not be "Setname." with point at final.
  • - CHANGED Importation removed "." changed with "" at start of filename reason same as the other change.
  • - UPDATED 7z binary to 9.22 version.
  • - IMPROBED speed hack for Scan compressed files with a lot of folders inside.
  • - IMPROBED speed in some general functions.
  • - IMPROBED speed for Log displaying lines.
  • - FIXED some problems applying headers when correct filename to rebuild is the same of header check.
  • - FIXED when header is activated for a profile was not closed correctly and is active for the next profiles without header selected.
  • - FIXED compressing files that filename is same as filename compressed.
  • - FIXED move to backup function fails when filename to backup is the same of existing folder.
  • - FIXED When stay on top of Romulus is active the messages window was on back and not in front.
  • - FIXED Update Offlinelist profile using Updater option causes errors.
  • - FIXED Sometimes when DAT import fails next DATs tryed to imported fails too.
  • - FIXED Some problems when processing window is active and user can use other options that must not be used when processing window is making the process forzing sometimes an exception.
  • - FIXED importation filesizes in HEX format 0x0000, i found only a DAT file using this kind of expression.
  • - FIXED XML some special chars in export profile options, (",&....).
  • - FIXED donation bug link in settings window


wstecz13/09/2011 17:23
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