
TRS32 1.25 - Tandy Radio Shack Emulator

[1] @ Czwartek, 14 Października 2010 09:25CET

TRS32 1.25 - Tandy Radio Shack Emulator

TRS32 stworzony przez Matthew Reed jest komercyjnym emulatoremu mikrokomputerów Tandy Radio Shack, którego pierwsze modele rozpoczęto sprzedawać w lata '70. Niestety nawet jak dla mnie sama platforma jest na tyle egzotyczna, że trudno mi nawet napisać coś konkretnego o samym emulatorze:)
TRS32 kosztuje 69 dolarów, co jak można wyczytać na wikipedii jest jedną dziesiąta, za którą można było kupić pierwszy model tego komputera w roku 1977, przypadek?;)

Unregistered Shareware Version:

  • Works under all current versions of Windows
  • Full Windows application — no low-level hardware conflicts!
  • Model I, Model III, Model 4, and Model 4P emulation
  • Four floppy disk drives (with optional realistic disk drive sound)
  • Cassette tape drive with graphical on-screen controls
  • Exatron Stringy Floppy emulation
  • Printer support
  • Serial port for RS-232 communications
  • Joystick support (using a Windows joystick — TRISSTICK and Alpha Products joysticks are emulated)

Registered Version:

  • All features included in the shareware version
  • Built-in emulation of an Epson FX-80 dot matrix printer (including graphics and control codes)
  • High resolution graphics (Radio Shack and Micro-Labs)
  • Up to 1 megabyte of additional memory in Model 4 and 4P modes
  • Hard disk support
  • Orchestra 85/90 music generation

This release includes two bug fixes and one new feature:

  • William Bosacker sent me a NEWDOS/80 boot disk that kept generating “Device not available” errors instead of displaying a directory. I tracked the problem down to a one bit error in the emulated interrupt status ports. This qualifies as one of the most obscure emulation bugs I have ever found; it would occur only one time when reading that one port at that one instant.

  • Ira Goldklang sent me a Model III boot disk that was being identified as Model 4 by the “Autostart” feature. Although the disk still worked (it just ran in Model III mode), I added recognition of this unusual boot sector to the autostart routine.

  • I also added a new feature suggested by Ira Goldklang. Now hovering the mouse cursor over the floppy drive indicator light in the status bar will display the current drive status and position. This makes it easier to determine if a boot disk is loading or just cycling endlessly.

wstecz14/10/2010 09:25
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