
[VCS] Stella 3.4.2 SVN2261

[2] @ !!! Poniedziałek, 4 Lipca 2011 01:28 CET [04-07-2011 00:50 CET]

[VCS] Stella 3.4.2 SVN2261

Pojawiły się nowe zmiany w tym emulatorze Atari 2600 - poprawki mają przygotować Stellę na zmianę filtrów ekranu, w najbliższych wersjach program będzie wykorzystywał bibliotekę Blargg's NTSC Libraries, której pracę możemy już oglądać np. w emulatorze Nintendo 8 - Nestopii.


Miner 2049'er (1982)

3.4.1 to 4.x: (XXXX xx, 2011)

  • The debugger 'print' command now indicates "special" addresses if they are read-only (R), write-only (W) or read-write (R/W).
  • Fixed a bug in scrolling the mouse-wheel in certain debugger UI items would cause the program to crash; scrolling now works as expected.

Revision: 2261

Author: stephena Date: 23:52:33, 3 lipca 2011

  • Removed some 'throw(...)' declarations, which are deprecated in the latest version of the C++ standard.
  • Fixed bug when using snprintf; we must use BSPF_snprintf, since the function has different names in different OS's.
  • Optimized loading of PNG images in the RomInfoWidget so that memory allocations aren't continuously being done.  Basically, memory is allocated once and then only re-allocated if a new image is larger than all previous ones.  This can increase memory use slightly, as the image data stays around between image loads, and it remembers the largest image loaded.  But if you images are all mostly the same size, it should hurt memory usage too much.  And it really helps on certain systems where repeated (re)-allocations can cause problems.

Revision: 2260

Author: stephena Date: 19:08:42, 3 lipca 2011

  • Removed all traces of the OpenGL TV filters.  This is due to be replaced by Blargg NTSC filtering, but we need to revert to base functionality first.
  • Cleaned up the debugger API wrt converting values from integers to strings (and vice-versa).  There is now only one method for each of these functions,rather than several ways to do so.  In the process, convert from unsafe sprintf functions into snprintf (eliminate potential buffer overflows).
  • The debugger 'print' command now indicates if any assigned label represents a read-only location (R), a write-only location (W), or a read/write location (R/W).
  • Fixed bug in DataGridWidgets (used in debugger ROM and CPU registers), where scrolling the mouse-wheel would cause a segfault.  Scrolling the mousewheel now changes these items as expected.

Revision: 2259

Author: stephena Date: 22:20:19, 12 czerwca 2011

  • Make sure all hexidecimal number output in the debugger is in uppercase.
  • Bumped version number.

Revision: 2258

Author: stephena Date: 15:54:41, 12 czerwca 2011

  • Updated FAQ list with recent sound-related feedback.

Revision: 2257

Author: stephena Date: 01:58:57, 12 czerwca 2011

  • Tagged 3.4.1 release.

Revision: 2256

Author: stephena Date: 01:55:53, 12 czerwca 2011

  • Final changes for 3.4.1 release.

Revision: 2255

Author: stephena Date: 01:50:59, 12 czerwca 2011

  • Updated webpage for 3.4.1 release.

Revision: 2254

Author: stephena Date: 00:45:50, 12 czerwca 2011

  • Fixed bug with autoexec.stella debugger file not actually executing its contents.  The file was being accessed and read, but the commands it contained weren't being executed!  This bug appeared in April 2010, so it looks like not many people are using this feature (or at least they're not reporting it).
  • Cleaned up a few compiler warnings in DebuggerParser class.
  • Bumped version # for beta release.

Revision: 2253

Author: stephena Date: 17:59:19, 11 czerwca 2011

  • Updated Windows code for recent FilesystemNode class changes.

Revision: 2252

Author: stephena Date: 17:58:42, 11 czerwca 2011

  • Remove notion of 'current directory' from the file handling for UNIX systems.  Pathnames are always accessed internally as full/absolute pathnames, and while they can be loaded and saved with the '~' symbol (to indicate the users home directory), they are still always mapped to absolute paths.

Revision: 2251

Author: stephena Date: 22:50:19, 9 czerwca 2011

  • Zero-byte ROMs are now rejected, instead of being loaded as Supercharger ROMs.
  • Fixed bug in handling analog axes with jitter; they were overriding events from digital, hat and keyboard input.

Revision: 2250

Author: stephena Date: 16:00:30, 9 czerwca 2011

  • Cleaned up the FilesystemNode API a little, removing some redundant code.
  • The debugger 'saverom' command now uses absolute filenames, and by default will save data in the users home directory if a proper path isn't included in the filename.  This fixes a major bug where ROMs were being saved to the current or application directory, which in some cases were invalid locations.


wstecz04/07/2011 01:28
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