
[VCS] Stella 3.4.2 SVN2283

[2] @ Sobota, 26 Listopada 2011 18:50CET

[VCS] Stella 3.4.2 SVN2283

I jeszcze poprawka w emulatorze starej konsoli ATARI - Video Computer System 2600, albo według nazwy prototypu i bodajże roweru jednego z autorów tej jednej z najważniejszych i najpopularniejszych konstrukcji z początku lat osiemdziesiątych.

Revision: 2283

Author: stephena Date: 26 listopada 2011 18:08:40

  • Updated included PNG library to latest release (1.5.6).

Revision: 2282

Author: stephena Date: 25 listopada 2011 15:17:05

  • The default snapshot dir is much saner, defaulting to the users' desktop on OSX and Windows, and the home directory in Linux. The associated commandline has been changed to 'snapdir'.
  • Added 'GL VBO' toggle button to the Video Settings UI, and in general cleaned up its interface.

Revision: 2281

Author: stephena Date: 20 listopada 2011 02:55:13

  • Updated properties file for Breakout ROM; it actually has a 4-player mode, so both ports should be set to use paddles.

Revision: 2280

Author: stephena Date: 19 listopada 2011 19:28:17

  • Updated some code comments and the documentation.

3.4.1 to 3.5: (December XX, 2011)

  • Replaced NTSC TV filtering with Blargg NTSC filters.  These filters work in OpenGL mode only, but in contrast to the old filters, they  now work with OpenGL 1.x / OpenGL ES.
  • Huge restructuring of the OpenGL code, making it compatible with OpenGL 2.x+ features (such as vertex buffer objects), while at the same time keeping compatibility with OpenGL 1.5 / OpenGL ES.
  • Added logging facility, whereby the output of the application is available within Stella itself.  This can still be printed to theconsole, or also saved to a file.  Add the 'loglevel' and 'logtoconsole' commandline arguments which control these settings, and removed the 'showinfo' argument as it's now redundant.
  • Updated DPC+ bankswitching scheme to latest code provided by SpiceWare. Added MAMCR handling to the Thumb ARM emulation code.  Note that MAMCR isn't actually emulated, it is just ignored for now.  This fixes a bug whereby accessing MAMCR would crash the ARM emulation.
  •  Added 'thumb.trapfatal' commandline argument, which causes the Thumb ARM emulation to either trap on a fatal error (throw an exception to the debugger and exit emulation) or simply log the error and continue.  This should normally always be enabled, butcan be disabled by developers for testing reasons.
  • The debugger 'print' command now indicates "special" addresses if they are read-only (R), write-only (W) or read-write (R/W).
  • Fixed a bug in scrolling the mouse-wheel in certain debugger UI items would cause the program to crash; scrolling now works as expected.
  •  Fixed compile issues in the latest versions of Ubuntu and Debian, and  fixed UNIX desktop file so that Stella will launch with a ROM when  selected from its icon.  Thanks go to Stephen Kitt for this code
  •  Updated include PNG library to latest stable version.

Revision: 2279

Author: stephena Date: 7 listopada 2011 23:50:23

  • Reverted TIA changes that affect late NUSIZx changes.  More work is needed in this area. Added commandline argument 'thumb.trapfatal', which causes fatal errors in the Thumb ARM emulation to really be treated as fatal (ie, the emulation stops and throws an exception).  This is enabled by default (as it always should be). When disabled, fatal errors simply log the error and continue with emulation. This was added because the current HarmonyCart ARM code isn't always exactly compatible with the emulation in Stella, and there is a lagtime from when Harmony implements something to when the same functionality is added to Stella.

Revision: 2278

Author: stephena Date: 5 listopada 2011 23:31:40

  • Updated DPC+ code to latest changes from Spiceware for the Frantic ROM. Specifically, the 3-voice audio routines read from ROM instead of RAM, and the setting the ARM MAM register no longer causes the ARM emulation to crash.

Revision: 2277

Author: stephena Date: 28 października 2011 01:07:07

  • Added patches provided by Stephen Kitt <steve@sk2.org>.

Revision: 2276

Author: stephena Date: 7 września 2011 12:57:32

  • Updated OSX project files for recent OpenGL changes.

Revision: 2275

Author: stephena Date: 3 września 2011 17:33:26

  • Updated VS 2005 project files for recent OpenGL changes.

Revision: 2274

Author: stephena Date: 3 września 2011 17:29:24

  • Updated VS 2010 project files for recent OpenGL class changes.

Revision: 2273

Author: stephena Date: 28 sierpnia 2011 23:49:16

  • Large reorganization of the OpenGL code, separating out FBSurfaces into
  • distinct GUI vs non-GUI (aka TIA) classes.  This makes it easy to proceed from this point on, since I don't have to worry about breaking one mode
    when making changes to the other.
  • Preliminary support for TIA scanlines in OpenGL mode.  It's disabled for
    now, but is progressing nicely.  This will be part of the new TV effects
    in the next major release.


wstecz26/11/2011 18:50
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