
[VCS] Stella 3.5.5

[1] @ Niedziela, 5 Lutego 2012 00:19CET

[VCS] Stella 3.5.5

Nowa wersja z repozytorium Stelli - emulatora konsoli ATARI 2600. Zanim nie pojawi się oficjalny build 3.5.5 można zassać ten.

Chopper Command

3.5 to 3.5.5: (February 05, 2012)

  • Due to changes in the debugger, old state files will not work with this release
  • Fixed bug in sound restructuring introduced in the last release; in some cases, there could be some sound 'crackling' when starting a ROM after at least one ROM had already been loaded.
  • Several significant improvements to the debugger I/O tab:
    • added controller input widgets for many of the built-in controllers, allowing to control joysticks, paddles, etc from within the debugger
    • added ability to modify the SWCHB/SWBCNT port B registers.
    • added ability to view TIA INPTx and VBLANK latch/dump bits.
  • Reworked 'mcontrol' argument, and added ability to map the mouse axes separately for paddles 0-3 or driving controllers 0-1.  In such modes, the left mouse button is tied to the x-axis, and the right button is tied to the y-axis.
  • Mouse 'specific-axis' mode is now saved per-ROM, meaning that each ROM can have separate settings.  For example, this allows one ROM to use paddles 0 and 1, while another can use paddles 0 and 2, etc.
  • The key-combo for switching the mouse between controller modes is now  'Control-0' (Control-1,2,3 have been removed).  This switches between all possible modes for the current virtual controllers.
  • Fixed bug in 'Fixed Debug Colors' mode; under certain circumstances, playfield graphics could be coloured as being player graphics
  • Fixed bug in PAL color-loss setting in Video Settings; changing the settings wouldn't take effect until the ROM was reloaded.
  • Fixed bugs with cheatcode handling; loading a ROM with a cheat disabled would sometimes trash the emulation.  More work is required in this area, including the ability to create more advanced types of cheats.
  • Updated ROM properties database for all Sega Genesis controller compatible ROMs.  Also, the mouse can now emulate a Genesis controller, with the left/right buttons mapped to buttons B and C, respectively.
  • Added 'FA2' bankswitch scheme, thanks to code from Chris D. Walton.  This scheme will be used in an upcoming 'Star Castle' ROM.
  • Updated internal ROM properties database to ROM-Hunter version 7 (thanks go to RomHunter for his tireless research in this area).
  •  Added several PERL tools to help in automation of analyzing RomHunter ROM set releases.
  • Fixed compile issues in Irix when using the default compiler instead of gcc.  Thanks go to Rainer M. Canavan for this code.
  • Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.
wstecz05/02/2012 00:19
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