
[ZX] JSpeccy v0.90 22.05.2012

[1] @ !!! Wtorek, 22 Maja 2012 00:16 CET [22-05-2012 00:11 CET]

[ZX] JSpeccy v0.90 22.05.2012

JSpeccy jest emulatorem ZX Spectrum napisanym w środowisku JAVA przez Jose Luisa Sancheza. Jak zwykle poprawiono parę błędów i dodano nowe skalowanie okna i filtry graficzne (mocno obciążające system)

JSpeccy v0.90, May 21, 2012

Bugs fixed:

  • Each time was reset (F5) the Spectrum, the configuration was lost Natural Keyboard mapping
  • In the +2 A / +3 the interrupt line remains active for 32 t-states as in the 48K and not 36 as in the 128K
  • In models of 128K, the first line is the bottom edge 255. Starting a line later.
  • The snapshots only SNA format IFF2 saved.
  • To restore the state of Z80 when loading a snapshot, IFF2 IFF1 was loaded from.
  • If you try to exit the emulator and a tape is running, stop it before leaving to avoid delays
  • All models are emulated Spectrum early-timing. Now Rotatrix4-demo works fine on all models.
  • Containment was introduced in the final stages of the instructions IN / OUT (and derivatives) when emulating the +2 A / +3. That caused the malfunction Nyantro demo.
  • Before writing to video memory, you must refresh the screen. Now the test stime works well in all models (this was the only test that did not happen JSpeccy so far).
  • The AY-8912 was selected not immediately 16k/48k mode and needed to change the model to be activated.
  • In the model 128k, breaks record can not contain a value between 0xC0-0xFF if you select a page of RAM with containment. If so, the Spectrum is reset and prints a warning message on the console
  • When loading a snapshot of a +2 / +3, is not configured correctly if the Spectrum page was blocked (bit 5 of 0x7ffd)
  • When using the ULA + mode, you must redraw the entire screen each time you change the color palette.
  • Access to ports ULA + has the same contention that access to port 0xFE and which would correspond to the specifications of the Spectrum. Now HAM256 Viewer works of Andrew Owen.
  • There have been some changes which speed up a little (more) quick loading of tapes.
  • Sometimes when you finish loading a tape, the edge is left with the last image of the load lines. I hope I have definitively settled (it is a mistake that is costing me elusive hunt).
  • When a tape is loaded quickly, the emulator does not respond immediately to pressing the reset button.
  • For when using the emulator on Windows operating systems, there was a thread on hold forever, that is allowing a higher resolution in the scheduler. Now this thread is released only if JSpeccy runs on some version of Windows.

And now the fun part, the news:

  • A user of the forums, called VELESOFT, found that there are two models of +2. Some, who should be first and perhaps the less numerous, they had a defect in a chip called HAL10H8. This defect is to blame for that can not be read 0x7ffd port without hanging the machine and that the record I can not contain a value in the range 0xC0-0xFF if you select a page of RAM in contention. It seems that at some point the defect was fixed. So we have two sub-models of +2, some which are functionally equal to a 128k with an Amstrad ROM and the latter, without such errors. JSpeccy and emulated with a +2 correction 0x7ffd port, so I incorporated the registration correction I. This will allow the programs can be tested in the two variants of hardware, so they can detect problems such as overdrafts (later) by the Mojon Twins in his Cray super-5 and Maritrini Monster Slayer. If you have earlier versions of either of them will not work in 128k mode, although they will in +2 / +2 A / +3.
  • When using any of the extended screen modes (x2, x3, x4) you can now choose how Java performs the enlargement in size. There are three possibilities, namely: the standard, which is the one used so far, with bilinear interpolation, which smoothes the graphics so they do not look so pixelated, and bicubic interpolation, a method that offers more quality at the expense of consuming CPU (nothing is free).
  • Were added three image filters. One that attempts to emulate the way the old CRT televisions distorted colors on the edges where they chrominance changes. In some programs are more noticeable than others, for example, in the brickwork of the Arkanoid and, as a filter prior to the extension (if any), choose a bilinear or bicubic filter makes the image is unclear, but everyone to try and stay with what you like. Furthermore, this filter is directly incompatible with ULA + and will be automatically disabled if you choose to emulate ULA +
    The second filter is an RGB monitor emulation filter is exclusive on PAL-TV, or one or the other, and works from screen size greater than 1.
    The third filter can be used alone or together with the filter-PAL TV, and simulates the effect of the old television scanlines, so that not applied to the RGB filter. It is also necessary to use a screen size greater than one.
  • Added support for blocks CALL / RETURN on TZX tape files. I only know a program that use, the Hollywood Poker is in TZXVault, but if any more out there I hope it works well.
wstecz22/05/2012 00:16
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