
[ZX] Nowe wersje ZX-Editor 2.1 i Paintbrush 2.2

[1] @ !!! Sobota, 19 Maja 2012 09:55 CET [19-05-2012 09:54 CET]

[ZX] Nowe wersje ZX-Editor 2.1  i Paintbrush 2.2

Jahn Class opublikował nowe wersje ZX-Editora i ZX-Paintbrusha wchodzących w skład pakietu Zx-Modules, chyba jedynego tak rozwiniętego zestawu oprogramowania narzędziowego dla "gumiaczka".

ZX-Editor, drugi obok bardzo wygodnego BasIn'a, który używam do testów listingów.

ZX-Editor Feb. 2012

  • ZX-Editor now can receive ZXP (ZX-Paintbrush) pictures that contain ULA+ palette data.
  • Added Basic token help for keywords THEN, TO, STEP
  • BugFix: When using the mouse controlled context help button (Help menu), while a Basic token help is shown, the context help displayed the Basic token help instead of the clicked control.

ZX-Editor Apr. 2012

  • ZX-Editor now can receive SCREEN$ blocks that contain an ULA+ palette. Also Timex screens are supported.

ZX-Editor May 2012

  • New program version 2.1 published

ZX-Paintbrush 2.1 April 2012

  • Now it's possible to fill a CHX map with any Windows font.
  • Implementing the abilities to receive and to save ULA+ and Timex screen blocks.
  • Adding Timex mode. Completing the ULA+ picture conversion by using the external picture converter Image2ULAPlus.

ZX-Paintbrush 2.1 May 2012

  • Adding new tool "free attributes". Draw a line with your mouse and change the touching colour attributes only. With this tool you don't need to disable pixel drawing to change colour attributes.
  • Bugfix: The tools "pixel inverter", "attribute inverter" and "invisible inverter" did not set the modified-state, nor it didn't set an undo entry.
  • Adding a new tool "shader tool" that helps for creating/erasing grayed areas for CHX character maps.

ZX-Paintbrush 2.2 May 2012

  • New program version 2.2 published.
wstecz19/05/2012 09:55
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