
[zx] Spud 0.210

[2] @ Czwartek, 5 Maja 2011 07:58CET

[zx] Spud 0.210

Spud jest w miarę nowym emulatorem ZX Spectrum - począwszy od 16 aż do Amstradowskiego +3, który podobnie jak Spin pozwala korzysztać z bazy Word od Spectrum aby odnaleźć interesujący nas tytuł. Spud, gdy  zostanie skończony, bo póki co, korzystanie z niego to czysty masochizm, pozwali wyszukiwać sprite'y, pozwala także na podgląd i edycję palety ULAplus (znacznie zwiększająca ilość kolorów, które możemy wyciągnąć ze Spectrusia).

Korzystać z tego oprogramowania w innym celu niż pomoc nad jego rozwojem to naprawdę zły pomysł, na scenie jest już tak duża ilość emulatorów tej konstrukcji, należy się wstrzymać jeszcze parę wersji, zanim autor nie poprawi paru naprawdę upierdliwych błędów.


  • ADDED: Spud can now query WoS Infoseek and download game and associated files.
  • ADDED: Spud can now SAVE snapshots in all supported formats.
  • ADDED: Soft reset menu option.
  • ADDED: ULAplus palette editor.
  • ADDED: PC logging.
  • ADDED: PC logging for one frame.
  • ADDED: Ability to control emulation speed (10% - 1000%).
  • ADDED: Colour palette options available.
  • ADDED: Tape wobble.
  • ADDED: Tape autoload.
  • ADDED: Standalone register view dialog box.
  • ADDED: Debugger. Breakpoints (No conditional yet).
  • ADDED: Debugger. Various Single Step options.
  • ADDED: Debugger. Various RUN options.
  • FIXED: Due to DirectSound, Spud would crash when loading a game after have changed rendering method.
  • FIXED: Border drawing routines were being called more often than required.
  • FIXED: More obscure bugs in the Z80 core.
  • FIXED  Lots of little bugs than I can't remember.


  • ADDED: ULAplus. Now runs and correctly displays all programs written using ULAplus.
  • ADDED: AY sound.
  • FIXED: The display now works correctly for all those clever progs like the demos and the joefish colourswitching programs.  The display SHOULD now be 100% accurate. (Unless you know different)
  • FIXED: A couple of more obscure bugs in the Z80 core.


  • ADDED: Removed the menubar when in full screen mode, press F1 to return to Window mode.
  • FIXED: Spud dialog boxes don't wipe out the display when moved anymore. [Skarpo]
  • FIXED: Spud should now run for those with DirectX9. (Unless you know different). [Skarpo]
  • FIXED: GDI to DirectDraw to D3D switching sometimes crashed Spud.  [Arjun]
  • FIXED: WORD and DEC no longer slightly overwritten in calculator. [Arjun & Skarpo]
  • FIXED: Screen no longer blanked out when moving along the menubar. [Skarpo]
  • FIXED: I accidentally upload a version of Spud where I changed all the compiler settings which caused the tape loading to fail. [ASH-II]


  • ADDED: Spud now loads all 48k .tzx and .tap files.
  • ADDED: Standalone disassembly dialog box.
  • ADDED: Standalone Memory view dialog box.
  • FIXED: Updated the Tape Browser.
  • FIXED: Loading a config file crashed Spud, hopefully fixed.
  • FIXED: A couple of bugs in the Z80 core (a couple of rarely used instructions).


  • ADDED: Drag and Drop for all snapshot formats


  • FIXED: Spud now doesn't always sit in the middle of the screen.
  • FIXED: Display Basic button in the Options now works [Woody]
  • FIXED: Load Configuration now works. [Woody]
  • FIXED: Sound works properly (no really, try Fairlight!!)
  • FIXED: Pause was broken somehow, now back in action.
  • FIXED: Sound Disabled, When re-enabled was slowing Spud right down now fixed.
  • FIXED: Scanlines don't slow Spud down now when display in DirectDraw.
  • ADDED: New options for Sound.
  • REMOVED: Direct3D rendering, I need to sort the dlls problem out.


  • FIXED: Frames Per Second is now accurate.
  • FIXED: Got rid of that awful buzzing sound when the debugger was open [Woody].
  • FIXED: Inaccurate displacement for relative jumps in the debugger [Woody].
  • FIXED: Emulator speed should now be 100% on GDI rendering for 200% and full screen modes.
  • FIXED: Some games overwrite the BASIC area and cause problems when the debugger tries to decode the BASIC, an option has been added to disable BASIC decoding.
  • FIXED: The Edit Memory function in the debugger now works properly.
  • FIXED: Scanlines wasn't working [Jimmy].
  • FIXED: Window repositioning is now sensible when rescaling.
  • FIXED: Rewind Tape option no longer crashes Spud when no tape has been inserted [Jimmy].
  • FIXED: Turning Sound off no longer crashes Spud [Jimmy].
  • FIXED: Calculator dividing by 0 no longer crashes Spud [Jimmy].
  • FIXED: "Signed" radio button now works [Jimmy].
  • FIXED: Tape loading now improved (but by no means anyway near perfect).
  • ADDED: Spud can now load SZX, SNX and SP files.
  • ADDED: Can now emulate 16K Spectrum.
  • ADDED: Can now emulate 128K Spectrum.
  • ADDED: Can now emulate Issue 2 or Issue 3 keyboard.
  • ADDED: Now shows model currently being emulated in status bar.
  • ADDED: Frameskip option added.
  • ADDED: Volume control added to sound options dialog.
  • ADDED: Can now render the display in Direct3D.
  • ADDED: Tickboxes in Options to show ROM calls and System Variables in Disassembly.
  • ADDED: New Dialog added to debugger so you can disassemble code to a file.
  • ADDED: You can now load and save configuration files.
  • ADDED: You can load a default configuration.
  • ADDED: You can now load and use a custom ROM.
  • ADDED: You can now set default folders for ROMS, snapshots and tapes.


  • FIXED: The speed issue, should run at correct speed now (hopefully!!!) [Everybody!!]
  • FIXED: Break didn't work i.e 10 GOTO 10. [Woody]
  • FIXED: Took out all the libraries for OpenGL and Direct3D [BadBeard amongst others]
  • FIXED: In Tape Browser when a comment was selected erronous values were displayed.
  • FIXED: Frames Per Second is now a little more accurate, though I'm not sure how accurate.
  • FIXED: Certain snapshots wouldn't load (Atic Atac being one) due to slight misprogramming of interrupts. [Woody]
  • ADDED: Filename now displayed in tape browser.


  • First public release.
wstecz05/05/2011 07:58
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