
[zx] Spud 0.211

[1] # SpeccyLive | !!! Poniedziałek, 26 Września 2011 22:15 CET [26-09-2011 22:15 CET]

[zx] Spud 0.211

Spud pozwala nam pobawić się w emulację maszynek ZX Spectrum - począwszy od 16 aż do +3 (co prawda, spud jest rozpowszechniany także z plikami systemowymi innych klonów jednak zabrakło mi czasu na ich testowanie).

Autor - Richard Chandler, poprawił część błędów jakie nękały jego emulator z poprzedniej edycji, jednak jakoś nie mogę się do niego przekonać... tak po prostu:) Nawet prosty interfejs do korzystania z bazy Infoseeka World of Spectrum pozwalający pobrać pliki i dodatki do wyszukiwanych pozycji (dopiero kiedy szukamy konkretnej gry okazuje się jak dużo przed WOS'em jeszcze pracy, jeśli chodzi o prawa do publikacji), jakoś mnie nie zachęcił do programu. Nie przeszkadza to jednak temu, aby inni mieli szansę go polubić.


v0.211 (Spanish edition)

  • ADDED: Code optimised and streamlined. Maximum speed has been increased by over 200 frames a second.
  • FIXED: DirectDraw now works with nVidia graphics cards (this is a well documented nVidia problem and not Spud specific!!).
  • FIXED: Infoseek sporadically crashed Spud if it couldn't connect to WoS or internet.
  • FIXED: ULAplus Editor wasn't transferring colour from default palette to current palette.
  • FIXED: Spud crashed if unknown ID's were present in the Archive block when tape loading.
  • FIXED: Spud should work with all Direct3D dlls now.
  • REMOVED: Spud for some reason cannot go from full-screen to wndow mode in D3D so the D3d mode has been replaced by GDI for the moment.


  • ADDED: Spud can now query WoS Infoseek and download game and associated files.
  • ADDED: Spud can now SAVE snapshots in all supported formats.
  • ADDED: Soft reset menu option.
  • ADDED: ULAplus palette editor.
  • ADDED: PC logging.
  • ADDED: PC logging for one frame.
  • ADDED: Ability to control emulation speed (10% - 1000%).
  • ADDED: Colour palette options available.
  • ADDED: Tape wobble.
  • ADDED: Tape autoload.
  • ADDED: Standalone register view dialog box.
  • ADDED: Debugger. Breakpoints (No conditional yet).
  • ADDED: Debugger. Various Single Step options.
  • ADDED: Debugger. Various RUN options.
  • FIXED: Due to DirectSound, Spud would crash when loading a game after have changed rendering method.
  • FIXED: Border drawing routines were being called more often than required.
  • FIXED: More obscure bugs in the Z80 core.
  • FIXED  Lots of little bugs than I can't remember.


  • ADDED: ULAplus. Now runs and correctly displays all programs written using ULAplus.
  • ADDED: AY sound.
  • FIXED: The display now works correctly for all those clever progs like the demos and the joefish colourswitching programs.  The display SHOULD now be 100% accurate. (Unless you know different)
  • FIXED: A couple of more obscure bugs in the Z80 core.


  • ADDED: Removed the menubar when in full screen mode, press F1 to return to Window mode.
  • FIXED: Spud dialog boxes don't wipe out the display when moved anymore. [Skarpo]
  • FIXED: Spud should now run for those with DirectX9. (Unless you know different). [Skarpo]
  • FIXED: GDI to DirectDraw to D3D switching sometimes crashed Spud.  [Arjun]
  • FIXED: WORD and DEC no longer slightly overwritten in calculator. [Arjun & Skarpo]
  • FIXED: Screen no longer blanked out when moving along the menubar. [Skarpo]
  • FIXED: I accidentally upload a version of Spud where I changed all the compiler settings which caused the tape loading to fail. [ASH-II]


  • ADDED: Spud now loads all 48k .tzx and .tap files.
  • ADDED: Standalone disassembly dialog box.
  • ADDED: Standalone Memory view dialog box.
  • FIXED: Updated the Tape Browser.
  • FIXED: Loading a config file crashed Spud, hopefully fixed.
  • FIXED: A couple of bugs in the Z80 core (a couple of rarely used instructions).


  • ADDED: Drag and Drop for all snapshot formats


  • FIXED: Spud now doesn't always sit in the middle of the screen.
  • FIXED: Display Basic button in the Options now works [Woody]
  • FIXED: Load Configuration now works. [Woody]
  • FIXED: Sound works properly (no really, try Fairlight!!)
  • FIXED: Pause was broken somehow, now back in action.
  • FIXED: Sound Disabled, When re-enabled was slowing Spud right down now fixed.
  • FIXED: Scanlines don't slow Spud down now when display in DirectDraw.
  • ADDED: New options for Sound.
  • REMOVED: Direct3D rendering, I need to sort the dlls problem out.


  • FIXED: Frames Per Second is now accurate.
  • FIXED: Got rid of that awful buzzing sound when the debugger was open [Woody].
  • FIXED: Inaccurate displacement for relative jumps in the debugger [Woody].
  • FIXED: Emulator speed should now be 100% on GDI rendering for 200% and full screen modes.
  • FIXED: Some games overwrite the BASIC area and cause problems when the debugger tries to decode the BASIC, an option has been added to disable BASIC decoding.
  • FIXED: The Edit Memory function in the debugger now works properly.
  • FIXED: Scanlines wasn't working [Jimmy].
  • FIXED: Window repositioning is now sensible when rescaling.
  • FIXED: Rewind Tape option no longer crashes Spud when no tape has been inserted [Jimmy].
  • FIXED: Turning Sound off no longer crashes Spud [Jimmy].
  • FIXED: Calculator dividing by 0 no longer crashes Spud [Jimmy].
  • FIXED: "Signed" radio button now works [Jimmy].
  • FIXED: Tape loading now improved (but by no means anyway near perfect).
  • ADDED: Spud can now load SZX, SNX and SP files.
  • ADDED: Can now emulate 16K Spectrum.
  • ADDED: Can now emulate 128K Spectrum.
  • ADDED: Can now emulate Issue 2 or Issue 3 keyboard.
  • ADDED: Now shows model currently being emulated in status bar.
  • ADDED: Frameskip option added.
  • ADDED: Volume control added to sound options dialog.
  • ADDED: Can now render the display in Direct3D.
  • ADDED: Tickboxes in Options to show ROM calls and System Variables in Disassembly.
  • ADDED: New Dialog added to debugger so you can disassemble code to a file.
  • ADDED: You can now load and save configuration files.
  • ADDED: You can load a default configuration.
  • ADDED: You can now load and use a custom ROM.
  • ADDED: You can now set default folders for ROMS, snapshots and tapes.


  • FIXED: The speed issue, should run at correct speed now (hopefully!!!) [Everybody!!]
  • FIXED: Break didn't work i.e 10 GOTO 10. [Woody]
  • FIXED: Took out all the libraries for OpenGL and Direct3D [BadBeard amongst others]
  • FIXED: In Tape Browser when a comment was selected erronous values were displayed.
  • FIXED: Frames Per Second is now a little more accurate, though I'm not sure how accurate.
  • FIXED: Certain snapshots wouldn't load (Atic Atac being one) due to slight misprogramming of interrupts. [Woody]
  • ADDED: Filename now displayed in tape browser.


  • First public release.
wstecz26/09/2011 22:15
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