
[ZX] ZXMak.net 2.4.x[4] Alpha

[1] @ !!! środa, 12 Października 2011 10:29 CET [12-10-2011 10:00 CET]

I jeszcze raz w ciągu ostatniej doby Aleksander Makeev daje o sobie znać nanosząc kolejne poprawki w swoim emulatorze mikrokomputerów opartych na konstrukcji ZX Spectrum.


Latest version 244:

  • little refactoring for memory interface:
    • SetRomImage->RomPages/GetRomIndex
  • ULA ATM: add border for 640 & 320 modes (better stretch when switch)
  • Memory ATM: added WD93 ports when TRDOS ROM is not active

version 243:

  • added feature to override ROMS.ZIP with files in ROMS folder (good for ROM-mods and ROM experiments)
  • ULA ATM: fix attribute decoding
  • ULA ATM: implement fast 640x200 rendering
  • ULA ATM: added 320x200 mode
  • ULA ATM: added palette port
  • ULA ATM: fix incompatibility with non ATM memory
  • Memory Map: added TRDOS & SHADOW lines state
  • default palette for ULA's changed

version 242:

  • fix NumPadPeriod key on Quorum Keyboard
  • cut border size for ULA Quorum (now display is 320x240 - good for fullscreen)
  • fix norom mode for Memory PROFI
  • added Tools->Memory Map window
  • added ULA ATM450 (beta) with 640x200 video mode
  • added Memory ATM450 512K

version 241

  • fix Z80 flags: SCF/CCF/INI/OUTI/IND/OUTD
  • fix Z80 memptr: LDDR/LD (de/bc),A/*(index+drel)/ADD IY,rp/IN A,(nn)
  • added Quorum Beeper
  • added Scorpion Beeper
  • cut border size for ULA Quorum

version 240:

  • fix port #FF for ULA ZX Spectrum 48/128 (sprite flicker in SIDEWIZE)
  • remove port #FF from Pentagon/Scorpion based ULA's
  • fix NMI handling for Memory QUORUM
  • rename bus event CYCLE_M1 to PreCycle
  • setting INT state moved into UlaDeviceBase
  • fix ULA Scorpion INT processing (there is a little kludge for Scorpion INT processing, will be removed later)
  • cut borders for ULA Quorum
  • fix WD93 port selection for Memory Quorum (thanks to Eltaron)
  • set AY port mask to #C0FF for non original spectrum memory (to avoid port conflicts in Quorum)
  • added new ULA - Delta-C (beta)
  • added new keyboard - Quorum, created by Eltaron, thanks

version 239:

  • Shortcuts changed! (remove F1,F3,F5,F7,F8,F9 keys with Alt+Ctrl+Insert, Pause)
  • change IBetaDiskDevice interface to open WD93 regs for other devices
  • rewrite WD93 activation for Memory Scorpion and Memory Quorum (Quorum now can see WD93)
  • fix WD93 led when accessed with no TRDOS
  • Added new menu VM with new option to generate NMI (Magic, Scorpion Service Monitor)
  • Remove display device from virtual machine settings dialog. Now these parameters available through View menu and stored in registry
  • added ESC key scanning for standard keyboard
  • decrease border size for ULA PROFI
  • review timings for Pentagon/Scorpion based ULA's

version 238:

  • Memory Profi 1024: implemented CP/M port selection for WD1793 (boot CP/M success)

version 237:

  • fix Alt+Enter shortcut (Fullscreen mode) which was accidentally removed in previous version
  • fix WD1793 emulation (seek, read)

version 236:

  • fix CYCLE_M1 event for plugin devices
  • rewritten IKeyboardDevice and IMouseDevice interfaces, now device can process all keyboard keys
  • fix sound mixer volume bug

version 235:

  • improved multicolor debugging (flush video changes after StepInto and StepOver)
  • fix GUI performance bug
  • fix Leningrad-1 timings (AQUAPLAN, thanks zst for photo)
  • quick boot added (F1)

version 234:

  • load ROM pack according to mapping file
  • fix Quorum Memory device
  • fix Quorum ULA device
  • little changes for IMemoryDevice interface (new properties IsMap48 and Map48 used to detect & save 48K snapshots correctly)
  • little refactoring for snapshot serializers;
  • improve 48K mode detection for SZX, Z80 and SNA serializers
  • improvement for ULA video table calculator (support INT shifts more than 224T)
  • fix timings for ULA Leningrad 1 and add even M1 waiting
  • fix thread synchronization bug in debugger

version 233:

  • error handling improvement;
  • different rom sets for each memory device
  • ULA Leningrad 1 added (WAIT is not implemented yet, not tested)
  • new memory devices added: Spectrum 48, Spectrum 128, Quorum (just 128K clone + custom rom set)
  • detect 48K mode added for SZX serializer (in 48K mode Machine Id will be set to Spectrum 48K and 3 ram pages will be serialized instead of 8)
  • fix SNA serializer (128K bug, thanks to [bETA]mEN)

version 232:

  • major changes in beam trace algorithm for all ULA devices, now multicolor emulation is more precise and more fast;
  • improved Scorpion ULA (now artifacts which exists on other emulators is missing from Binary Love Demo);
  •  fix port #FF for all Spectrum ULA's (ulatest3, ulatest3mod);

version 231:

  • new ULA device added
  • "ZX Spectrum 48 [+Snow]" (test Snow Effect Emulation);
  • cut right border on original ULA devices, according to documentation;
  • fix INT length for original spectrum ULA's (BPS2 loader from MDA DEMO, ulatest3, etc; thangs to [bETA]mEN);
  • tape sound added (you can change volume through settings dialog)
  • little changes in tape traps handler- little changes in Z80CPU & BusManager
  • new event BeforeM1 added. Useful to implement traps and other things. This event appears before RDMEM_M1


wstecz12/10/2011 10:29
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