
[GameBase] C64 Dreams 0.60

[11] @ Czwartek, 15 Czerwca 2023 02:20CET

[GameBase] C64 Dreams 0.60

C64 Dreams, podobnie jak Gamebase 64, jest próbą stworzenia w miarę kompletnej biblioteki oprogramowania dla Commodore C64. Jeśli GameBase ze względu na kod swojego środowiska wygląda jak baza danych dla księgowego, tak C64 Dreams z nawiązką nam to wynagradza. Nie ma w tym nic dziwnego, projekt wykorzystuje środowisko Launchboxa, bardzo rozbudowanej nakładki, katalogu - potrafiącej połączyć ze sobą nie tylko dumpy i uruchamiający je emulator ale też dodać pliki dodatkowe - instrukcje, skany okładek i nośników, a nawet muzykę i wideo - wszystko to po to aby jak najbardziej wzbogacić naszą kolekcję o dodatkowe informacje. Jasne, GB ma dokładnie takie same możliwości jednak oba programy dzieli prawdziwa przepaść w ich prezentacji. Nie ma w tym nic złego, jak dla mnie oba rozwiązania mają swoje niezaprzeczalne plusy.

W wypadku C64 Dreams autor nie tylko zadbał o możliwość zagrania w ok. 3500 tytułów, do których dołączono opisy, screenshoty, recenzje i skany reklam promujące konkretne tytuły - całość to tytaniczna robota polana multimedialnym sosem - zresztą po sieci krąży sporo podobnych projektów np. Launchbox z dedykowaną zawartością dla Segi Dreamcast, czy też projekt ogólnieemulacyjny, obejmujący praktycznie większość platform (od ZX Spectrum, bo właśnie DC) - swego czasu Dax go udostępniał, jeśli więc ktokolwiek spotkał się z tymi projektami wie jak bardzo "bogato" ogląda się te multimedialne encyklopedie.

Jeżeli zależy wam na skupieniu na informacji GameBase da wam mniej rozpraszających bodźców, jeśli jednak chcecie po prostu dobrze się bawić, zwłaszcza na większym ekranie i z padem/joyem w ręku, to interfejs C64 Dreams sprawdzi się świetnie. Wystarczy rzucić okiem na dołączone wideo.

Tutaj niestety pojawia się jeden, naturalny minus tego typu kolekcji - waga archiwum końcowego. Cały C64 Dream to 33 gb danych, które grzecznie możemy pobrać albo wolniej z Internet Archive, albo ciut szybciej dzięki Torrentowi. Ironicznie aby powspominać sobie tytuł sprzed lat potrzebujemy obrazu dyskietki w porywach 200 kb i emulatora powiedzmy 11 mb. Aby jednak cieszyć się bardziej szczegółową informacją związaną z tytułem potrzeba paredziesiąt megabajtów więcej;)


BigBox w C64 Dream. Zapewne widok jaki zobaczą tylko posiadacze licencjonowanego LaunchBoxa
Strona Gry w C64 Dream (BigBox)
Widok w tradycyjnym podglądzie na bibliotekę tytułów.
ArticFox (1986, Dynamix Inc). C64 Dream i w końcu właściwa gra.

C64 Dreams 0.60 HotFix II 5/06/2023

Download: https://archive.org/download/c64-dreams-v0.60/C64 Dreams v0.60 Hotfix 6-5-2023.7z

  • Corrected joystick port mapping for players 2-4 in all games that used 3+ joystick adapters (multitap). Some were correct as-is, others needed adjustments. Games corrected are below:
    • Frogs
    • Hockey Mania
    • Shotgun
    • IK+
    • Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road
    • Bugbomber*
      *the port mapping for Bugbomber has been corrected but it needs to be noted that the joystick controls for ports 3 and 4 don't seem to entirely work - player 3 can't move up and down and player 4 can't use bombs. This has been true in every version of the game I've tested (and I've tested several). I've also tested the emulated Kingsoft adapter (which Bugbomber uses) in Joyride v1.6 and everything worked as expected there which makes me think that there is just something odd/wrong going on with this particular game.
    • SNAFU '64
    • Zatacka
  • Slightly adjusted aspect ratio for Mega Bezel as it was just a little bit wider than it should have been previously
  • Made some slight adjustments to brightness and color settings in 4k Mega Bezel presets
  • Corrected all custom cropping configs so that they now maintain the correct aspect ratio when using the Mega Bezel shader (standard shaders were unaffected). There are 96 games where this is relevant.
  • Changed Mega Thrusterball's auto-warp value to "Ignore Audio" to bypass load screen (which plays music)
  • Corrected Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing and Cloud Kingdoms to use Joystick Port 1
  • Added missing notes overlay for Dominion
  • Updates the Extras plugin so that it will work with newer versions of LB; only relevant if you A) enable updates in the included version of LB or B) import into a separate newer version of LB

Quick note, I just made a stealth update to the hotfix. It fixed a very minor issue introduced with the original upload if you happened to be using any of the backgrounds by TheNamec. New version is the same link/filename.

C64 Dreams 0.60 HotFix 1 1/05/2023

  • Updates the Extras plugin so that it will work with newer versions of LB; only relevant if you A) enable updates in the included version of LB or B) import into a separate newer version of LB (which doesn't exist yet)
  • Fixes input mapping for players 2-4 in Frogs, Hockey Mania, and Shotgun

Download: Outdated (include in HotFix2)


C64 Dreams 0.60 1/05/2023

Poster, logotyp dla C64 Dreams

Download: Archive.org / DDL


  • Replaced 10th Frame with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced 221B Baker Street with d81 version by Stephan Scheuer
  • Replaced 3D Time Trek with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced ACE 2088 with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Addams Family, The with MultiLoad64 version
  • Replaced Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Pool of Radiance with bugfixed Easyflash by Nostalgia
  • Replaced Alternate Reality II - The Dungeon with Easyflash version by Fairlight + TREX
  • Replaced Android Control with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Assault Machine with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Baal with +9 version by Transcom (GB64 version)
  • Replaced Back to the Future Part III with MultiLoad64 version
  • Replaced Bank Run with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Bard's Tale III, The with Easyflash version by Nostalgia
  • Replaced Battle of the Planets with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Battlefield with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Bear Essentials, The with +3DP Special Edition by Onslaught
  • Replaced Biff with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Big Mac with +6HDG version by Excess
  • Replaced Black Magic with UCF + Wanderer version (GB64 version)
  • Replaced Blade Runner with +7DGM version by Hokuto Force
  • Replaced Boxer, The with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Castle Blackstar with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Castle Dracula with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Causes of Chaos, The with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Challenge of the Gobots with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Chopper Command with +4HD version by Excess
  • Replaced Chubby Gristle with +1DG version by Hokuto Force
  • Replaced Cityattak! with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Codename-Mat II with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Congo Bongo (Disk Version) with +5DIR version by Nostalgia
  • Replaced Cool World with MultiLoad64 version
  • Replaced Crossroads II with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Dead or Alive with +6D version by Hokuto Force
  • Replaced Death Wake with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Dropzone with +10DFGH Easyflash version by Knight Rider + Remember
  • Replaced Dynamite Dux with +8DHI version by Hokuto Force
  • Replaced Dynamoid with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Elvira - The Arcade Game with MultiLoad64 version
  • Replaced Endless with +3DG version by Cracker Force Nijmegen
  • Replaced Escape New York with +3T version by Hokuto Force
  • Replaced Espionage with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced FA Cup Football with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Faery Tale Adventure, The with +2D Easyflash version by CSixx
  • Replaced Fallen Angel with +5DGHI version by Hokuto Force
  • Replaced Fire Ant with +1MDGHS 101% version by Raiders of the Lost Empire
  • Replaced Fix It Felix Jr. with +4HD version by Excess
  • Replaced Flaschbier with +3DT version by Excess
  • Replaced Force, The with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Freak Factory with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Frosty The Snowman 2 Turbo with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Galactic Games with MultiLoad64 version
  • Replaced Galaga with V1.06 +1D version by Excess
  • Replaced Garfield - Big Fat Hairy Deal with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Gothik with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Graeme Souness International Soccer with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Grand Larceny with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Greyfell with +7DW +Map version by Hokuto Force
  • Replaced Hades Nebula with +3DMFGH version by Mayday!
  • Replaced Halcyon with +7DGHF version by Alpha Flight + Hokuto Force
  • Replaced Happy Hacker with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Harvey Headbanger with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Headache with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Helm, The with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Hibernated 1 - This Place is Death with Director's Cut version from author's page on itch
  • Replaced House of Usher with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Hybrid with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Hyperbowl with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced I.C.U.P.S. with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Interview with Coderz + Gulas version (fix)
  • Replaced IQ with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Jocky Wilson's Darts Compendium with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced John Lowe's Ultimate Darts with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Kane with +6HDG version by Excess
  • Replaced Karateka with MultiLoad64 version
  • Replaced Katabatia with V1.1 +4D version by Genesis Project
  • Replaced Knightmare (Activision) with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Kokotoni Wilf with +3DG version by Alpha Flight + Hokotu Force
  • Replaced Last Duel with +6DFGHI version by Hokuto Force
  • Replaced Little Sara Sister Trilogy with v1.5 +7H version by Laxity
  • Replaced Masters of the Universe in Terraquake with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Maxwell Manor - The Skull of Doom with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Mean Streets with +6DRW Easyflash version by Nostalgia
  • Replaced Mind Control with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Mordon's Quest with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Neverending Story, The with MultiLoad64 version
  • Replaced On-Field Football with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Pac-Man with +1DGHM version by Raiders of the Lost Empire
  • Replaced Panther with +1DHMP version by Raider of the Lost Empire
  • Replaced Phobia with +14DFH Tapecart version by Nostalgia
  • Replaced Predator with MultiLoad64 version
  • Replaced Punch & Judy with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Retrograde with +3 Easyflash version by WideGuy Industries
  • Replaced Robocop 2 with +1 Easyflash version by Master
  • Replaced Robocop with updated bugfix version of +8DFHIR version by Nostalgia
  • Replaced Rootin' Tootin' with +4HGD version by Hokuto Force
  • Replaced Scramble Infinity with V1.2 +7D version by Excess
  • Replaced Silicon Warrior with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Slaine The Celtic Barbarian with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Summer Games II with MultiLoad64 version
  • Replaced Summer Games with MultiLoad64 version
  • Replaced Super Trolley with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced SWIV with +12DFHIR Easyflash version by Nostalgia
  • Replaced Terramex with version by Fusion
  • Replaced Treasure Island (Mastertronic) with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Turbo Charge with +10DFHIR version by Nostalgia
  • Replaced Underwurlde with +4DG version by Alpha Flight + Hokuto Force
  • Replaced Up´n Down with +1DGH version by Raiders of the Lost Empire
  • Replaced Vigilante with +6DHI version by Hokuto Force
  • Replaced World Series Baseball with OneLoad64 version
  • Replaced Lady Pac with v1.8 +2 by Laxity
  • Replaced Moon Cresta with +6DHM version by Hokuto Force
  • Replaced Gateway to Apshai with +6DGHM version by Raiders of the Lost Empire
  • Replaced Electro World with +4HDG version by Excess


  • Added Microprose Soccer (Indoor) as additional app (right-click menu) for Microprose Soccer
  • Replaced Kacper (Polish) with Kulfon in the Bad Demons Land (English)
  • Update DB association for Finders Keepers to be the Mastertronic game, not Carousel (media was already correct)
  • Adjusted cropping on Thruster Ball and Mega Thrusterball
  • Added custom cropping for Cabal as the top and bottom were being cut off previously
  • Added custom cropping for F1 GP Circuits and Infinity Worlds in the Space as the bottom was being cut off previously
  • Corrected missing save disk for The Magic Candle (simultaneous cart and disk)
  • Updated Retroarch to 1.11 (custom-compiled for cg support)
  • Updated remap files to use LStick to Digital (Forced) because of changes to Retroarch since 1.9.4 which make the stick not work correctly without this setting
  • Set new input_hotkey_block_delay value to 0 as using any higher value serves no purpose in this setting other than to potentially cause erroneous inputs (back/select does nothing on its own, by design)
  • Corrected config editor notes to list hard sync as false by default
  • Renamed Mercenary to Mercenary (Novagen Software) because Mercenary (Krysal) was added
  • Renamed Ninja to Ninja (Mastertronic) because Ninja (SoftGold) and Ninja (FHD Software) were added
  • Renamed "Zaxxon" to "Zaxxon (Synapse Software)" because Zaxxon (Sega) was added
  • Renamed "Super Zaxxon" to "Super Zaxxon (HesWare)" because Super Zaxxon (Sega) was added
  • Renamed "Black Knight" to "Black Knight (TimSoft)" because Black Knight (Interdisc) was added
  • Renamed "Mini Golf" to "Mini Golf (Magic Bytes)" because Mini Golf (Capcom) was added
  • Renamed "Double Dragon" to "Double Dragon (Melbourne House)" because Double Dragon (Ocean) was added
  • Renamed "Exorcist" to "Exorcist (Magic Bytes)" because Exorcist (Mr. Micro) was added
  • Renamed "Brian Jack's Superstar Challenge" to "Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge"
  • Renamed "Elvira II - The Mistress Strikes Back" to "Elvira II"
  • Renamed "Punch and Judy" to "Punch & Judy"
  • Renamed "Knightmare" to "Knightmare (Activision)"
  • Renamed "Frankenstein (Zepplin Games)" to "Frankenstein (Zeppelin Games)"
  • Added a.k.a. title of "The Official Father Christmas Game" to Father Christmas
  • Added a.k.a. title of "Tower Toppler" to Nebulus
  • Added a.k.a. title of "Dream Team Challenge 3 on 3" to Dream Team Basketball
  • Added a.k.a. title of "Final Assault" to Chamonix Challenge
  • Added a.k.a. title of "Gear Works" to Clik Clak
  • Added a.k.a. title of "Oil Imperium" to Black Gold
  • Added a.k.a. title of "Mr. Angry" to Stringer
  • Added a.k.a. title of "Armageddon Man" to Global Commander
  • Added a.k.a. title of "Swash" to Snokie
  • Updated HTML code for the codewheels for Hillsfar, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Curse of the Azure Bonds, Legacy of the Ancients, Chip's Challenge, Sorcerer and Rocket Ranger to improve accuracy / size calculations. Thanks @azazel_1125 !
  • Removed Cosmic Relief as it was a duplicate of Terramex (alternate region title)
  • Removed Cavern Fighter as it was a duplicate of DNA Warrior
  • Removed Kinetix as it was a dupliate of Dynamix
  • Removed Head Start as it was a duplicate of Schizofrenia
  • Removed I-Wizard as it was a duplicate of Spooks
  • Removed Dive Bomber as it was a duplicate of They Stole a Million
  • Added review for Chamonix Challenge (referred to as "Final Assault" in Zzap! 64)
  • Corrected Crossbow, Deliverance - Stormlord II, Demon Attack, and Laser Squad to use joystick port 1
  • Added alternate launch option for Portal (2018) for mouse control
  • Fixed Planet X2 config installer so that it can now accept the user-supplied rom in either .d64 or .crt format
  • Replaced Vandalism News 70 with REU version
  • Removed auto-loading state from First Samurai - it would sometimes cause the game to not load correctly
  • Removed one Zzap!64 review for Faery Tale Adventure, The that was included erroneously - it was for the Amiga version
  • Added save disks to Dragonworld, Fahrenheit 451, Majik, The Necris-Dome, Nine Princes in Amber, Perry Mason, Pilgrim, Quest for the Holy Grail, and The Ring of Power
  • Added custom cropping to Winter Camp as the bottom part of the screen was cut off previously
  • Removed notes overlay for Karateka as it's no longer necessary for the new version of the game that's included
  • Added Ozone II as additional app (right-click) option for Radius - it's a hack of that game
  • Adjusted Questprobe titles so that they default to European version and then added US version as an additional app (right-click) menu option
  • Added missing Zzap!64 reviews for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Secret of the Silver Blades, Gradius, and The Island of Dr. Destructo
  • Added Elite: Flicker Free version as additional app (right-click) option for Elite
  • Added missing notes overlay for Rescue on Fractalus! (SuperCPU version)
  • Replaced Trashman with New Generation Software version (this was the intended version to begin with, but was incorrectly using the Creative Software version previously)
  • Replaced Caveman with Arlasoft version (this was the intended version to begin with, but was incorrectly using the Compute! version previously)
  • Renamed "International Tennis" to "International Tennis (Zeppelin Games)", corrected media/metadata to match, as well as removed the Zzap!64 review and manual as these were all for the Commodore version, not Zeppelin
  • Added some missing images for SID tracks (only relevant in some image views)
  • Added missing 4-player config settings for Hockey Mania and Zatacka
  • Fixed a bug with Zatacka which caused the order of player inputs to be incorrect
  • Set It's Magic II to use TDE + autowarp - some versions of this game apparently require it
  • Added missing additional app (right-click) option for the Easyflash version of Sam's Journey
  • Added external save disk to Briley Witch Chronicles as this allows the user to continue to keep their saves if the developer updates the game; added a note in the game's folder about rom naming in this case - you need to name the cartridge rom "Game.crt" so that both the game and disk can be attached at the same time - if you've already installed the game previously you will need to rename your rom from "Briley Witch Chronicles.crt" to "Game.crt"
  • Fixed a broken reference in the .bat for Metal Dust
  • Updated Star Paws to latest (bugfixed) OL64 version
  • Corrected publisher name for The Isle of the Cursed Prophet and The Sky is Falling to be "Psytronik Software" instead of "Psytronic Software"
  • Renamed "Lost Realms of Murkasada: Episode 1" in LB to "Lost Realms of Murkasada" and added both Episode 1 and Episode 2 as additional apps (right-click menu) - default launch is Episode 1; updated fanart box and 3D box title accordingly
  • Made GPU Screenshots enabled by default


  • Created new playlists for RPGs and Shmups to facilitate quickly browsing these specific genres; more such playlists will be created over time as this is a work in progress
  • Added game-specific background music for as many games as possible in Launchbox - 2368 out of 3500 games now have music
  • Added new Mega Bezel shader options which are highly recommended if your GPU and CPU can handle it; a variety of screens and backgrounds are available of my own creation as well as some from Namec; you can find a lot more info on Namec's creations here: https://retrogamingpacks.blogspot.com


  • Remade every single 3D box in the collection - the rationale for this is that, originally, the 2000~ that I made were designed to mimic the same style as that used by a user on the Launchbox forums (marcoooo) who made a set of 3D boxes for C64 games, and his boxes had the logo for "The C64" (i.e. the plug and play device from a couple years ago) on them, which this project has no affiliation with (not that I have anything against them, I think it's a cool project) - this had always irritated my OCD, so I finally decided that I was going to remake them all from scratch without the logo, covering both the ones that I had created previously and all the ones from marcoooo's set that I was using; many cover improvements were made along the way so it was worth it in the end, but hoo boy was this a long and tedious undertaking
  • Replaced hundreds of box covers with higher quality ones
  • Added hundreds of new manuals, bringing the total to 1929, with 55% coverage - many of these were found thanks to the help of the amazing Smiling Spectre of the eXoDOS project, thanks again dude!
  • Changed all games to use 6581 SID instead of 8580 - I started noticing a few too many instances where things just didn't sound right with 8580 + digiboost; the SID and demoscene stuff are still set to 8580 unless I'd specified otherwise previously
  • Upscaled all bezels to 4k - there are some minor scaling artifacts when upscaling from the previously 1080p bezels to a higher resolution such as 1440p, but not when downscaling from a higher resolution
  • Upscaled all notes overlays to 4k
  • Upscaled all screenshots by 4x with nearest neighbor scaling to preserve quality - this increased the total filesize by less than 100MB but made them a lot easier to see in the process; some of the screenshots were relatively poor quality to begin with so in some cases this is just polishing a turd, but the vast majority of them are a nice improvement
  • Color and contrast corrected hundreds of screenshots (still a work-in-progress)
  • Added new column to game details spreadsheet to indicate source (CSDb, GB64, etc.) and added links to GB64 pages where relevant
  • Replaced "Text Adventure" column on game details spreadsheet with "Genre" and added genre tags for text adventures, RPGs, and Shmups; others will be added over time as this is a work in progress
  • Added additional games to Best of Vol. 7 and created new playlist for Best of Vol. 8
  • L'Abbaye des Morts has gone free to download so the rom for it is now included!
  • Linked hundreds of games to LBGDB entries that didn't exist when they were originally added
  • Added missing release date years wherever possible (only 22 games in the collection are missing this info now - cases where the release year is unknown)
  • Reset last played, play time, and play counts for all LB entries
  • Set all games installed status to yes in Launchbox
  • Added 4k variant of CRT-Easymode-Halation-C64 shader in Configurator


  • Commodore Format 55-61 (complete)
  • Your 64 1-14 (complete)
  • Commodore Power-Play 1-23 (complete)


  • Amanita by Samar Productions
  • Christmas Megademo by Atlantis+Bonzai+Genesis Project+Lethargy+Offence
  • Cocktail To Go by Bonzai
  • E2IRA by Arise
  • F20 by Lethargy
  • I Adore My C64 by Lethargy
  • Lifecycle by Offence + Prosonix
  • The World Is Not Enough - We Need More Scrollers by Bonzai
  • Thirsty by Atlantis
  • Fjortis by Fatzone


  • Ash & Dave - Dual Cassette II (SID Collection)
  • Chuinho - Future Unsure (Digi Drama)
  • Chuinho & Shogoon - N.O.I.R.
  • Dave - Journey Through the Prism
  • F7sus4 - Timewarp Spheres
  • Fegolhuzz - Bruce Printscreen
  • Flex - Pilgrimage to Paradise
  • Flotsam - City of Love (Extended Edition)
  • Flotsam - Daiquiri Island Song
  • Flotsam - Evoluer
  • Flotsam - Hues
  • Flotsam - Luma
  • Flotsam - Monumenta Absentiae
  • Flotsam - Raster Heroes
  • Hate Bush - Do Drum Machines Dream?
  • Hermit+Shogoon+Nordischsound - Diamond City Radio (SID Collection)
  • Jammer - Brooke Lynne
  • Jammer - Constellations
  • Jammer - Latest Revision
  • Jammer - Miami Shoreline
  • Jammer - Persona Non Grata
  • Juzdie - Step Acide
  • Lft - Sommargubbe
  • Linus - MultiStyleHills, 90210
  • Linus - Simon & Motherfunkel
  • LukHash - Cyberchip Musicdisk (SID Collection)
  • MCH - Bionic Storm III
  • Mibri - Lydia on Speed Dial
  • Mutetus - Gunnar Ö
  • Mutetus - Tooting My Own Horn
  • Nordischsound - Warriors of the World
  • psych858o - Cyberpsych
  • psych858o - kHz
  • Shogoon - CheeZZy Top
  • Shogoon - Hedgehog the Hero
  • Shogoon - No More Alibis
  • Shogoon - Something to Sing
  • Stinsen - Hardwood
  • theK - (The Next) Awakening
  • Vincenzo - Destination: Funktown


  • Amaurote Isometric
  • Avoid the Noid
  • Beyond the Forbidden Forest
  • Delve - The Goblin's Grotto
  • Demon Attack
  • Duck Hunt
  • Fire King
  • First Samurai
  • Intruder: The Space Quest
  • Kobayashi Naru
  • Kwah!
  • Lady Tut
  • Las Vegas Casino
  • Lords
  • Macadam Bumper
  • Mafia
  • Magic House
  • Magic Rufus
  • Magic Wood
  • Magus, The
  • Master Blaster (Zeppelin)
  • Masters of Time
  • Masters of Time
  • Mechanicus
  • Mercenaries
  • Metalmaze
  • Metron
  • Mickey's Space Adventure
  • Mig-29 Soviet Fighter
  • Milk Race
  • Minotrace
  • Mission Omega
  • Monstrum
  • Moonsweeper (Imagic)
  • Mopper
  • MOT
  • Mr. Cool
  • Necris-Dome, The
  • Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It
  • Nu, pagadi!
  • Nuclear Embargo
  • P-47 Thunderbolt
  • Pac-Land
  • Pik n Mix
  • Quark IX
  • S.P.R.E.R.O.
  • Shard of Inovar
  • Venom
  • West Bank
  • Working Stone, The
  • Zeppelin


  • Aardvark
  • ACE 2
  • Acid Rain
  • Advanced Tactical Fighter
  • After Burner (Activision)
  • After Burner (Mindscape)
  • Airwolf II
  • Amaurote
  • Amaurote Isometric
  • Ant Attack
  • Apeshit
  • Araknifoe
  • Arctic Shipwreck
  • Art from China
  • Artillery Duel Deluxe
  • Astro Pilot
  • Authentic Tetris, The
  • Aztec Tomb Adventure
  • Babylon's Ark
  • Bagman Comes Back
  • Bagman Strikes Back
  • Ball & Chain
  • Ball Crazy
  • Battle Kingdom
  • Battlot
  • Bazair
  • Bburago Rally
  • Black Hawk
  • Black Holes
  • Black Knight (Interdisc)
  • Blipblaster
  • Bomberman C64
  • Bootskell
  • Breakers
  • Briley Witch Chronicles
  • Brimstone - The Dream of Gawain
  • Buffalo Roundup
  • Bugs Inc.
  • Burnin' Rubber
  • Castle Shadowgate
  • Chuckie Egg II
  • Cisco Heat
  • Cosmic Combat DX
  • Cosmic Meals
  • Crime and Punishment
  • Crossfire (Atlantis Software)
  • Crystal Fever
  • Curse of Rabenstein, The - 40th Anniversary Edition
  • Curse, The
  • Cycles, The
  • Daley Thompson's Decathlon
  • Daley Thompson's Supertest
  • Dartz
  • Dedale
  • Deliverance (The Power House)
  • Delve - The Goblin's Grotto
  • Demon Star II
  • Demons of Topaz
  • Dicing With Death
  • Double Dragon (Ocean)
  • Droid Rumble
  • Duck Hunt
  • Escape MCP
  • Essex
  • Evil Dungeon
  • Exorcist (Mr. Micro)
  • Extricator
  • Eye of the Beholder
  • Final Programme, The
  • Flunky
  • Flying Saucers
  • Footballer of the Year
  • Footballer of the Year 2
  • Frogs and Flies 64
  • Fruit Machine Simulator
  • Fruit Machine Simulator 2
  • Galaxian DX
  • Gilligan's Gold
  • Gnome
  • Gold Quest 6
  • Gyro Run
  • Halley Project, The
  • Head Hunter
  • Heartland
  • Heavy Metal Paradroid
  • Hollywood Hijinx
  • Hunchback II - Quasimodo's Revenge
  • Infidel
  • James Fly
  • Jr. Pac-Man
  • Jungle Joe
  • Ket Trilogy, The
  • Key-Quest 64
  • Kick and Kill
  • Kill the Saucers
  • Killer
  • Killer Games
  • Killer Watt
  • Killing Machine
  • Killozapp
  • Kinetic Connection
  • King's Bounty
  • King's Ransom
  • Kings of the Beach
  • Kitron - The Duel
  • Klemens
  • Knight Trap
  • Knight's Journey
  • Knightmare! (Romik Software)
  • Knights & Demons
  • Knoorkie
  • Knötie in Cave
  • Kobayashi Naru
  • Koko
  • Kong Strikes Back!
  • Kopido
  • Kosmic Kanga
  • Kosmodrom
  • Krypton (Ace Software)
  • Kupiec
  • Kurdor
  • Kwah!
  • L.A. Police Department
  • Labiraton
  • Labyrinth Adventure
  • Lady Tut
  • Lancelot
  • Lancer Lords
  • Land of Neverwhere
  • Land of the Purple Sea
  • Lane Crazy
  • Lane Mastodon vs The Blubbermen
  • Las Vegas Casino
  • Laserwheel
  • Latent Fusion
  • Laurel & Hardy
  • Lava Flow
  • Lawn Tennis
  • Lazarian
  • Lazarus
  • Lazer Duel
  • Lazer Maze (Ranger Software)
  • Lazer Tag
  • Lazertech
  • Le Parc
  • Leap Frog
  • Leaping Larry (Krypton Force)
  • Leather Goddesses of Phobos
  • Legend of Kage
  • Legend of Leydon House, The
  • Legend of the Knucker-Hole, The
  • LeiLei Relay
  • Leisure Suit Leo II - The Secret of Maniac Island
  • Lemmings
  • Leonardo
  • Lester
  • Lethal Weapon
  • Leviathan
  • Life-Term
  • Lifeform
  • Light Cycles (Joe Young)
  • Lights On
  • Limes & Napoleon
  • Line of Fire
  • Lions of the Universe
  • Little Dragon, The
  • Little Green Man
  • Little Nippers Deluxe
  • Liverpool - The Computer Game
  • Living Daylights, The
  • Livingstone I Presume
  • Loco
  • Logic (CP Verlag) (1993)
  • Long Life
  • Long Riders, The
  • Loopy Landa
  • Loopz
  • Lords
  • Lords of Doom
  • Lorella
  • Lost Crown of Queen Anne, The
  • Lost Ninja, The
  • Love Tramp
  • Lucky Egg
  • LuftrauserZ
  • Luma
  • Lunar Jailbreak
  • Lunar Leeper
  • Lunari
  • Lykia - The Lost Island
  • Macadam Bumper
  • Mad Mix Game - The Pepsi Challenge
  • Mad Springs
  • Madrax
  • Mafia
  • Magess of Midgard
  • Magic Duel
  • Magic Events, The
  • Magic House
  • Magic Johnson's Basketball
  • Magic Madness
  • Magic Micro Mission
  • Magic of Endoria
  • Magic Rufus
  • Magic Stone
  • Magic Wood
  • Magical Formula
  • Magus, The
  • Majik
  • Mancave
  • Marble Springs
  • Margo
  • Mars Patrol
  • Marsh Fighter
  • Master Blaster (Zeppelin Games)
  • Master Ninja - Shadow Warrior of Death
  • Masters of Time
  • Match Buster
  • Match Day
  • Match Point
  • MatchSCII
  • Max Torque
  • Maxi Golf
  • Maximum Overdrive
  • Mayday Squad!
  • Maze Chase
  • Maze Chase Again
  • McDonaldland
  • Mean Car
  • Mean City
  • Mean Machine
  • Mechanicus
  • Mega Starforce - Return to the Great Star
  • Mega Starforce Remix
  • Melee
  • Melonmania
  • Mercenaries
  • Metal Warrior Ultra
  • Metallic Legend
  • Metalmaze
  • Metron
  • Mickey Mouse
  • Mickey's Space Adventure
  • Micro Mouse
  • Microcosm
  • Microdot
  • MicroLeague Baseball
  • MicroLeague WWF Wrestling
  • Midnight Raider
  • Miecze Valdgira II
  • Mig-29 Soviet Fighter
  • Mike Mech
  • Mikie
  • Milk Race
  • Millie & Molly
  • Miner-1861
  • Mini Golf (Capcom)
  • Mini Putt
  • Mining
  • Minotrace
  • Misfortune
  • Missile Blasta Remastered
  • Missile Command (Interceptor Software)
  • Mission 1 - Project Volcano
  • Mission 2 - Project Gibraltar
  • Mission Jupiter (Codemasters)
  • Mission Jupiter (Softdisk)
  • Mission Monday
  • Mission Omega
  • Mission on Thunderhead
  • Mission X-2
  • Mobster
  • Mollusk Redux, The
  • Monday Night Football
  • Mondu's Fight Palace
  • Monster Buster
  • Monster Mash
  • Monsters!
  • Monstrum
  • Montrix
  • Monty Mole
  • Monty Python's Flying Circus
  • Moon Crises 1999
  • Moon Crystals
  • Moon Hop
  • Moon Patrol
  • Moon Stroll
  • Moon Survival
  • Moonbeamer
  • Moonracer
  • Moonraker (Loadstar)
  • Moons
  • Moonsweeper (Imagic)
  • Moonsweeper (Tronic Verlag)
  • Mopper
  • Moribund
  • MOT
  • Motocross (Codemasters)
  • Motor Massacre
  • Motorbike Madness
  • Motorhead
  • Mouse Trap
  • Movie Mayhem
  • Moving Target
  • Mr. Cool
  • Mr. Dig
  • Mr. Dynamite
  • Mr. Speedy and His Adventures
  • Mr. Wino
  • Ms. Pac-Man
  • MTV Remote Control
  • Murder in the Mediterranean
  • Murder in the Monastery
  • Murder in the Museum
  • Murder on the Zinderneuf
  • Murder Times Seven!
  • Murray Mouse - Supercop
  • Mutant Monty
  • Mysterious Mountain
  • Mystery (CP Verlag)
  • Mystery (Magna Media)
  • Mystery Master - Felony!
  • Mystery Master - Murder by the Dozen
  • Mystery of the Nile
  • Mystical Mission
  • Myth (Rainbird)
  • NaCl - Natriumchlorid
  • Najemnik
  • Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle
  • Narnia
  • NATO Assault Course
  • Navigator
  • Navy SEAL
  • NBA
  • Necris-Dome, The
  • Necromancer's Realm, The
  • NEIL Android
  • Nemesis - Escape From Euboea
  • Neptune's Caverns
  • Neptune's Daughters
  • Nether
  • Nether Earth
  • Neuronics
  • Nibbler (Compute)
  • Nick Faldo's Championship Golf
  • Night Driver
  • Night Raid (TND)
  • Night Raider
  • Nightmare on Elm Street, A
  • Nightmare Planet
  • Nightwing
  • Ninja (SoftGold)
  • Ninja Massacre
  • Niobia
  • Nixy - The Glade Sprite
  • NO - Never Outside!
  • No Limit
  • Nodule
  • Nonsense
  • Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It
  • North Sea Inferno, The
  • Nosferatu the Vampyre
  • Nu, pagadi!
  • Nuclear Embargo
  • Obicontrol
  • Ocean Conqueror
  • Ocean Ranger
  • Odyssey (Little Red Hen Software)
  • Oh No!
  • Oilmania
  • Old Mine Hoist
  • Olin in Emerald - Kingdom of Myrrh
  • Omega Force One
  • Omicron
  • Omidar
  • Omni-Play Basketball
  • Omni-Play Horse Racing
  • On Ice
  • On the Farm
  • On the Farm II
  • On the Farm III
  • One on One
  • One-Day Cricket
  • Oo-Topos
  • Operation Anoria
  • Operation Firestorm
  • Operation Hanoi
  • Operation Metalstorm
  • Operation Neptune
  • Orb of Millean
  • Orbital Rescue
  • Orcapult
  • Ordeal
  • Oregon Trail
  • Ormus Saga II, The - Guild of Death
  • Ormus Saga III, The - The Final Chapter
  • Ormus Saga, The
  • Osmium
  • Ostfriesland Games
  • Otherworld
  • Outpost
  • Outrage
  • Over the Top
  • Overkill - The Death of New Generation
  • Oxxonian
  • Oy Up!
  • P-47 Thunderbolt
  • Pac-Land
  • Pac-Mania
  • Pacos Pete - The High Plains Drifter
  • Paintress
  • Pale Moon
  • Pancake
  • Pancho
  • Paper Planes
  • Party Quest
  • Pegasis
  • PHM Pegasus
  • Pik n Mix
  • Plekthora
  • Pole Position II
  • Popeye (A400)
  • Power at Sea
  • Powerboat Simulator
  • President is Missing, The
  • Project Space Station
  • Puzzle Bobble
  • Pyjamarama!
  • Quark IX
  • Questprobe II - Spider-Man
  • Quicksand
  • Rags to Riches
  • Rainbow Chaser
  • Rambler
  • Ray Fish DX
  • Re-Bounder
  • Revelation
  • River Raid 2
  • Roadwar 2000
  • Robot Jet Action
  • RodMan Jr.
  • Rowman
  • Run Santa Run!
  • Runn'n'Gunn
  • S.P.R.E.R.O.
  • Santa's Workout
  • Scout the Stray
  • Shard of Inovar
  • Sigma 7
  • Silk Dust
  • Skate Rock
  • Slash with Ash
  • Snoopy
  • Snow Strike
  • Snowball Sunday
  • Soul Force
  • Space Harrier II
  • Space Racer
  • Special Agent
  • Spirit of the Stones
  • Star Eggs
  • Star Fleet I - The War Begins!
  • Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
  • Starglider
  • Stella Gets a Lobotomy
  • Stellar 7
  • Straight Up
  • Strike Fleet
  • Strike Team
  • Sub Chase 64
  • Subway Vigilante
  • Sum Ducks
  • Supa-Catcha-Troopa!
  • Super Pac-Man
  • Super Zaxxon (Sega)
  • Survivors, The
  • Swiss Family Robinson
  • T-Bird
  • Tales of the Arabian Nights
  • Tenebra
  • Tenebra 2
  • They Stole a Million
  • Thunderground
  • Tooth Invaders
  • Track & Field
  • Traffic
  • Trailblazer
  • Treasure Island (Windham Classics)
  • Tristan and Isolde
  • Turrican III
  • Tutankham
  • Tutankham Returns
  • Ugh!
  • Uhg
  • Valhalla
  • Venom
  • Vincent
  • War in Middle Earth
  • Wizard of Oz, The
  • Working Stone, The
  • Yie Ar Kung-Fu II
  • Zaxxon (Sega)
  • Zeppelin
  • Zero Gravity
  • Zone Z
  • Zytron Mega Blast


wstecz15/06/2023 02:20
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