
[arcade] DSP Emulator 0.11b3 WIP (08/06/11)

[1] @ !!! środa, 8 Czerwca 2011 13:28 CET [08-06-2011 13:28 CET]

[arcade] DSP Emulator 0.11b3 WIP (08/06/11)

DSP, to multemulator, który udaję Spectrum, Amstrad, Nintendo 8, Colecovision, GameBoya/Color, Callus Capcom 1, a także wzrastająca z wersji na wersję ilość maszyn arcade. Zaiste ciekawe to zestawienie:). Emulator wymaga bibliotek SDL do poprawnej pracy..

DSP 0.11b3 jest, jak chwała się autorzy, jest pełna zmian na lepsze - poprawa prędkości emulacji czy też  pozbycie się błędów w grafice. Największe zmiany zanotują fani gier działających na 'Sega System 16A' i 'Irem M72'.


 DSP 0.11b3 07/06/11


  •     + Sprites: Added a new function for sprites, rather than draw the entire plane, just overlaps small graphics over the sprite
  •     + Graficos: Added a new system to reset only then necessary graphics when a color is changed and the palette is dynamic, before was marked the whole plane (very obious in 'Shinobi' or 'Thunder Hoop')
    •     + Revised directory system
    •     + PPI8255: Rewrited all the emulation
    •     + Sonido Konami
      •          - Fixed tempo
      •          - Simplified the system
  •     + Kaneko Pandora: CCorrected the position of the sprites when they are not draw on the screen
    •     + General cleaning of the code, checked the drivers to implement the cache system with dynamic palette
  • -Frogger
    •     + Added two PPI8255, emulated controls and sound correctly.
    •     + Fixed clock in sound CPU
  • -Black Tiger
    •     + Fixed strange colors (look the castle, screen 4)
    •     + Added some priorities (look the bridge on screen 3)
  • -Tecmo Hardware
    •     + Reviewed all the video system
    •     + Revised ROM paging
  • -Psychic 5
    •     + Revised RAM paging
    •     + Revised palette system
  • -Mysterious Stones
    •     + Fixed sprites cuts
  • -Rally X Hardware
    •     + Jungler - Fixed priorities
  • -Mikie
    •     + Fixed priorities
  • -Vigilante
    •     + Simplified the video system
  • -Tiger Road Hardware
    •     + Simplified the video system. Now the background plane is much smaller and uses scrolling to move through the real plane.
  • -Mappy HW
    •     + Fixed priorities
  • -Circus Charlie
    •     + Simplified scroll system
  • -Irem M72 Hardware
    •     + Fixed scroll and sprites
    •     + Implemented raster IRQ
    •     + Implemented controls
  • -Sega System 16a
    •     + Fixed sprites
    •     + Fixed some graphics problems
    •     + Added PPI8255
  • -Combat School
    •     + Fixed priorities
  • -Time Pilot
    •     + Added driver with sound
wstecz08/06/2011 13:28
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