
[pc9801] Neko Project II SVN1621

[1] @ Niedziela, 24 Sierpnia 2014 17:15CET

Neko Project II jest jednym z najstarszych emulatorów, jakie pokutują jeszcze w zasobach try2emu japońskich maszynek NEC'a PC-9801VM, NEC PC-9801VX i Epson PC-286. W ciągu ostatnich paru lat doczekał się niezliczonych portów na inne systemy niż Windowsy, a jak się okazuję jego repozytorium wcale nie jest wymarłym miejscem - co prawda, miszmasz jest spory jednak sprawne oko znajdzie pomiędzy poprawkami dla IOS'a czy MacOS'a także zmiany dla wersji pod Windowsy. 

Każdy kto gustuje w japońskich tytułach powinien odświeżyć sobie ten emulator słynący przede wszystkim z bardzo przejrzystego menu i bardzo dobrej prędkości działania.

Neko Project II [SVN 1621]

Author: yui | Date: 19 sierpnia 2014 11:13:15

Neko Project II [SVN 1620]

Author: yui | Date: 7 sierpnia 2014 11:49:45

Neko Project II [SVN 1619]

Author: yui | Date: 7 sierpnia 2014 09:46:30

Neko Project II [SVN 1618]

Author: yui | Date: 7 sierpnia 2014 09:27:39

Neko Project II [SVN 1617]

Author: yui | Date: 7 sierpnia 2014 05:53:01

  • adds C-cast
  • refs #31
  • svn merge -r 1606:1607 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1616]

Author: yui | Date: 7 sierpnia 2014 05:52:10

  • adds C-cast
  • refs #31
  • svn merge -r 1602:1606 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1615]

Author: yui | Date: 6 sierpnia 2014 09:21:04

  • ♳ reverts android-project
  • svn merge -r 1589:1588 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn-dev/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1587:1583 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn-dev/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1614]

Author: yui | Date: 6 sierpnia 2014 06:41:51

  • Copied remotely

Neko Project II [SVN 1613]

Author: yui | Date: 11 lipca 2014 14:15:43

  • Win32: supports recoding avi
  • svn merge -r 1421:1423 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_record_avi
  • svn merge -r 1526:1527 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_record_avi
  • svn merge -r 1548:1582 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_record_avi

Neko Project II [SVN 1612]

Author: yui | Date: 11 lipca 2014 14:06:16

Neko Project II [SVN 1611]

Author: yui | Date: 11 lipca 2014 14:03:59

  • Win32: refactor
  • svn merge -r 1523:1524 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_record_avi
  • svn merge -r 1525:1526 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_record_avi
  • svn merge -r 1527:1528 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_record_avi

Neko Project II [SVN 1610]

Author: yui | Date: 11 lipca 2014 14:02:38

  • Win32: refactor (adds vc6macros)
  • svn merge -r 1524:1525 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_record_avi

Neko Project II [SVN 1609]

Author: yui | Date: 7 lipca 2014 05:41:39

  • G.I.M.I.C のレジスタ追加

Neko Project II [SVN 1608]

Author: yui | Date: 2 lipca 2014 10:19:07

  • G.I.M.I.C のデータ転送を別スレッド化

Neko Project II [SVN 1607]

Author: yui | Date: 2 lipca 2014 09:17:03

  • ✓ adds cast

Neko Project II [SVN 1606]

Author: yui | Date: 2 lipca 2014 09:16:22

  • ✓ adds cast

Neko Project II [SVN 1605]

Author: yui | Date: 2 lipca 2014 08:37:29

  • ↺ svn merge -r 1591:1602 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
NOWSZY [pc9801] Neko Project II rev 32

【2017/05/28】 Neko Project 21 / W ver0.86 rev32

  • A bug in multimedia timer on Win9x has been fixed!

【2017/05/27】 Neko Project 21 / W ver 0.86 rev 31

  • DOS driver of LGY-98 LAN board is now available!

【2017/05/16】 Neko Project 21 / W ver0.86 rev 30

  • Fixed a bug that Xe 10 built-in window accelerator could not be used with FreeBSD's X Window System

【2017/03/04】 Neko Project 21 / W ver 0.86 rev 29

  • Fixed a bug that the CD drive will not recognize by fast restart of Win9x &
  • Fixed bug that character string drawing of Win 3.1, Win 9 x was disturbed while using CL-GD 54 xx & optional CHS image creation & dynamic capacity VHD support etc.

[2017/01/26] Neko Project 21 / W ver 0.86 rev 28

  • 86 Sound source freeze countermeasure · HOSTDRV GUI setting addition · PC - 9801 - 86 addition etc.

【2017/01/14】 Neko Project 21 / W ver 0.86 rev 27

  • Protected mode FDC driver now works! (Excluding Win95)

【2017/01/03】 Neko Project 21 / W ver 0.86 rev 26

  • IDE's interrupt bug fix & automatic selection of window accelerator
NOWSZY [pc9801] Neko Project II rev 25

(2016/12/19 ver. 0.86 rev 25)

  • Window Accelerator Implements screen display a little seriously (analyzes QEMU code)
  • It might be a correction for example city simulation game
  • I think that the occurrence of scan width misalignment on the screen will decrease
  • Because it may be deteriorated in reverse, please report in that case
  • If you move Win 3.1 using WSN - A4F, only the screen of 1024 x 764 64 k colors (interlace) collapses, but those who are not interlaced are properly reflected, so leave it for the time being
  • Supports SL9821 disk image once
  • Since it can not be said that the disk is not damaged, use is self-responsibility
  • Once you can do a single operation including formatting
  • Because the format is special, it seems to freeze when using the actual machine IDE BIOS

(2016/12/16 ver. 0.86 rev 24) 【Important】
12/17 before 21:00 There was a bug in the file with 16 bit I / O and 256 color mode and it was fixed

  • MELCO WSN-A4F came to be reflected as much as Windows 3.1
  • Since driver installation is somewhat confusing, please refer to "Using WSN-A4F" in the Win 3.1 setup procedure of the site Win 3.1 can use 1280 x 1024 high color
  • However, if there are a lot of high resolution and color number, dust will easily appear on the screen
  • Some graphics may be garbled
  • Added DirectDraw emulation mode switching setting
  • Although it existed as a private function in the past, it put it out on the table
  • In the emulation mode, most cases are nearest neighbor interpolation, so dots will appear nicely in case of integer multiplication
  • Added integral multiple to the display mode at full screen (Integer multiple)
  • Please use in conjunction with DirectDraw emulation mode
  • Fixed a problem that sometimes fails when screen switching in window accelerator MultiThread mode
  • (Added) I made it possible to mount the hard disk image of SL9821

(2016/12/0 ver. 0.86 rev 23)

  • · WAB-S hardware cursor can now be displayed
  • - Fixed an issue that the window accelerator type setting was reflected immediately without resetting
  • · WSN-A2F / A4F seems to be added experimentally
  • · I want to be able to use it in Win 3.1 in the future
  • · At the moment only you will see the level screen that you can do (graphic collapse)
  • · Driver for Win 3.1 only works with EPSON machine version which gets more than 16 MB of memory with file name m2
  • · Since the official installer can not be set up due to board automatic recognition failure, please manually specify INF
NOWSZY [pc9801] Neko Project II rev 24


  • を公開しました。WSN-A4FがWindows3.1で程々に映るようになりました
  • WSN-A4F came to show about moderately on Windows 3.1


NOWSZY [pc9801] Neko Project II rev 23


  • Neko Project 21/W ver0.86 rev23を公開しました。WAB-Sのハードウェアカーソルが表示できるようになりました
  • WAB-S hardware cursor can now be displayed


  • Neko Project 21/W ver0.86 rev22を公開しました。ウィンドウアクセラレータ修正&MELCO WAB-S実装&メモリ上限増などなど
  • Window accelerator modification & MELCO WAB-S implementation & memory upper limit etc.


NOWSZY [pc9801] Neko Project II rev 21

Neko Project 21 / W ver 0.86 rev 21 has been released.

  • Raw Input Mode Added an option to fix WinNT without defect fix & actual machine BIOS.
NOWSZY [pc9801] Neko Project II SVN1729

For the most recent release

Also passed official (?) Of already eight years than release,

  • Than at the time of the environment, and the specifications such as the CPU power is remarkably improved
  • that Mac OS X and mobile environment had completely changed
  • That also there is a change in the actual FM sound source chip environment
  • And that maintenance of the full C is bad to go in addition to improvement
  • By reason of the Na, and summarizes the source code of the current situation before you make significant improvements, we have decided to temporarily release.

ver0.82 → ver0.84

  • Minor fixes only (should not changed fundamentally ...)
  • ver0.81 → ver0.82
  • MPU-PC98II - Fixed MIDI reset at the time of mode switching
  • VERMOUTH - ver1.16 edition to the replacement


  • Modification of the bug that had always ended up in LA sound source in MIDI module judgment
  • (Nde another troublesome) WinNT only UCS2 edition release of

Revision 1734

Author: yui | Date: 3 maja 2015 04:20:38

  • updates document
  • svn merge -r 1730:1733 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Revision 1732

Author: nonaka | Date: 3 maja 2015 03:54:10

  • Pass pointer of dotclock to XF86VidModeGetModeLine(), not dotclock value.
  • Avoid SEGV at startup.

Revision 1731

Author: yui | Date: 3 maja 2015 03:25:07

  • increments the version number

Revision 1729

Author: yui | Date: 2 maja 2015 16:24:01

  • windows: support RE:birth
  • refs #50
  • svn merge -r 1716:1720 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic
  • svn merge -r 1725:1728 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic

Revision 1727

Author: yui | Date: 2 maja 2015 13:29:39

  • Windows: always failed reading timestamp
  • refs #49
  • svn merge -r 1722:1724 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic

Revision 1726

Author: yui | Date: 2 maja 2015 13:28:36

  • Windows: reodrder restoring FM registers
  • svn merge -r 1724:1725 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic

Revision 1723

Author: yui | Date: 2 maja 2015 12:55:44

  • Windows: failed at exit with G.I.M.I.C / C86BOX
  • svn merge -r 1720:1722 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic

Revision 1717

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2015 16:55:27

  • windows: supports G.I.M.I.C
  • refs #45
  • svn merge -r 1672:1673 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic

Revision 1714

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2015 16:42:02

  • X11: changes eol-style
  • svn merge -r 1658:1659 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Revision 1713

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2015 16:39:26

  • MacOSX: support C86BOX
  • refs #48
  • svn merge -r 1685:1687 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic

Revision 1712

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2015 16:32:24

  • MacOSX: supports G.I.M.I.C
  • refs #47
  • svn merge -r 1592:1593 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic
  • svn merge -r 1605:1609 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic
  • svn merge -r 1682:1685 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic
  • svn merge -r 1699:1701 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic

Revision 1710

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2015 15:53:38

  • windows: supports C86BOX
  • refs #46
  • svn merge -r 1673:1674 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic

Revision 1709

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2015 15:47:37

  • windows: supports G.I.M.I.C
  • refs #45
  • svn merge -r 1609:1673 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic
  • svn merge -r 1674:1676 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic
  • svn merge -r 1681:1682 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic
  • svn merge -r 1701:1711 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_gimic

Revision 1708

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2015 15:09:09

  • SDL2: changes for warning on SDK (non-used)
  • svn merge -r 1696:1704 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Revision 1707

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2015 15:02:57

  • windows: TimerA in debugger
  • svn merge -r 1705:1706 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Revision 1703

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2015 13:02:27

  • windows: write LFO register on romeo
  • refs #3
  • svn merge -r 1680:1688 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Revision 1702

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2015 13:01:53

  • windows: write CSM register on romeo
  • refs #40
  • svn merge -r 1680:1688 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Revision 1698

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2015 06:15:42

  • windows: moves files to misc
  • svn merge -r 1679:1680 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Revision 1697

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2015 06:07:33

  • SDL2: updates font manager
  • svn merge -r 1565:1567 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Revision 1695

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2015 05:40:33

  • windows: supports recoding avi
  • svn merge -r 1421:1423 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_record_avi
  • svn merge -r 1526:1527 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_record_avi
  • svn merge -r 1548:1582 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_record_avi

Revision 1694

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2015 04:48:16

  • windows: omits utf8
  • svn merge -r 1515:1517 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1520:1531 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1615:1620 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Revision 1693

Author: yui | Date: 27 kwietnia 2015 12:50:35

  • windows: refactors ini/arg parser
  • svn merge -r 1610:1612 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Revision 1692

Author: yui | Date: 27 kwietnia 2015 12:43:40

  • windows: moves files to misc
  • svn merge -r 1427:1428 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1607:1610 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1620:1625 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1663:1680 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Revision 1691

Author: yui | Date: 27 kwietnia 2015 12:00:21

  • warning (error: C2117 in c++)
  • refs #44
  • svn merge -r 1542:1548 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_record_avi
  • svn merge -r 1656:1657 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Revision 1690

Author: yui | Date: 27 kwietnia 2015 11:47:06

  • fixed font size
  • refs #43
  • svn merge -r 1661:1662 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Revision 1689

Author: yui | Date: 27 kwietnia 2015 11:43:29

  • adds C-cast
  • refs #31
  • svn merge -r 1657:1658 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Revision 1623

Author: nonaka | Date: 5 listopada 2014 05:14:33

  • Merge GitHub pull request #3
  • - Fixed alignment issue XF86VidModeModeInfo and XF86VidModeGetModeLine have different padding.
  • - Set values only if XF86VidModeGetModeInfo() is successful.


→ [pc9801] Neko Project II SVN1604


Neko Project II [SVN 1604]

Author: yui | Date: 2 lipca 2014 05:46:25

  • uses arguments
  • svn merge -r 1521:1522 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_record_avi

Neko Project II [SVN 1603]

Author: yui | Date: 2 lipca 2014 05:36:11

  • SDL2: supports keyboard (extend keys)
  • refs #39
  • svn merge -r 1594:1601 http://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1600]

Author: yui | Date: 30 czerwca 2014 10:26:39

  • MacOSX: 10.7 で起動しない
  • svn merge -r 1591:1594 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1599]

Author: yui | Date: 30 czerwca 2014 10:25:50

  • MacOSX: chagne type: application
  • svn merge -r 1589:1591 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1598]

Author: yui | Date: 30 czerwca 2014 10:14:26

  • SDL2: updates cfg immediately
  • svn merge -r 135:136 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn-dev/xmil-pre/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1597]

Author: yui | Date: 30 czerwca 2014 10:13:25

  • iOS: Changes rectangles to display keyboard
  • svn merge -r 1579:1581 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1596]

Author: yui | Date: 30 czerwca 2014 10:12:01

  • SDL2: couldn't open files with R/O
  • refs #38
  • svn merge -r 1581:1583 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1595]

Author: yui | Date: 30 czerwca 2014 10:10:11

  • embed: ファイル選択を見直し (Xmilでバグってたので...)
  • svn merge -r 1570:1579 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1578]

Author: nonaka | Date: 7 czerwca 2014 04:01:31

  • enable_ia32 is always true, if only enable_build_all is true.

Neko Project II [SVN 1577]

Author: nonaka | Date: 7 czerwca 2014 03:37:08

  • Use correct define for resume.

Neko Project II [SVN 1576]

Author: nonaka | Date: 7 czerwca 2014 03:35:16

  • Xnp21 use np21rc, np21.sav and np21.s??, not np2rc, np2.sav, np2.s??.

Neko Project II [SVN 1575]

Author: yui | Date: 5 czerwca 2014 16:21:32

  • changes rand in SSG noise
  • refs #35
  • svn merge -r 1568:1569 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1574]

Author: yui | Date: 5 czerwca 2014 16:20:17

  • fixs SSG noise with gcc
  • refs #34
  • svn merge -r 1567:1568 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1573]

Author: yui | Date: 5 czerwca 2014 16:17:15

  • iOS: adds icons
  • svn merge -r 1547:1561 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1564:1565 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1572]

Author: yui | Date: 5 czerwca 2014 16:14:44

  • SDL2: get attributes in file finding
  • refs #32
  • svn merge -r 1562:1564 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1569:1570 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1571]

Author: yui | Date: 5 czerwca 2014 16:11:44

  • SDL2: matching caps in filename
  • refs #33
  • svn merge -r 1561:1562 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1560]

Author: nonaka | Date: 2 czerwca 2014 18:01:12

  • Added to build all programs option (--enable-build-all).

Neko Project II [SVN 1559]

Author: nonaka | Date: 2 czerwca 2014 17:59:56

  • Change homepage URL.

Neko Project II [SVN 1558]

Author: yui | Date: 2 czerwca 2014 15:52:20

  • VS-C: updates projects
  • svn merge -r 1514:1515 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1557]

Author: yui | Date: 2 czerwca 2014 15:24:02

  • SDL2: support iOS
  • refs #5
  • svn merge -r 1506:1507 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1508:1509 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1513:1514 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1545:1547 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1556]

Author: yui | Date: 2 czerwca 2014 15:18:24

  • SDL2: support Intel-MacOSX
  • refs #5
  • svn merge -r 1504:1507 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1510:1512 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1555]

Author: yui | Date: 2 czerwca 2014 15:13:53

  • SDL2: supports mutex
  • refs #29
  • svn merge -r 1509:1510 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1554]

Author: yui | Date: 2 czerwca 2014 15:12:25

  • renames for MacOSX
  • - beep → g_beep
  • - keyname → s_keyname
  • refs #27
  • svn merge -r 1502:1503 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1553]

Author: yui | Date: 2 czerwca 2014 15:07:11

  • changes long to INTPTR
  • refs #22
  • svn merge -r 1499:1500 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1552]

Author: yui | Date: 2 czerwca 2014 15:04:02

  • changes long to INTPTR
  • refs #20
  • svn merge -r 1500:1501 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1551]

Author: yui | Date: 2 czerwca 2014 15:01:02

  • changes long to INTPTR
  • refs #21
  • svn merge -r 1494:1499 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1550]

Author: yui | Date: 2 czerwca 2014 14:52:22

  • SDL2: updates main interface
  • refs #5
  • svn merge -r 1506:1508 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1517:1520 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1544]

Author: yui | Date: 16 maja 2014 05:54:05

  • unifies sign
  • refs #31
  • svn merge -r 1541:1542 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_record_avi

Neko Project II [SVN 1543]

Author: yui | Date: 16 maja 2014 05:52:52

  • unifies BOOL / BRESULT
  • refs #31
  • svn merge -r 1540:1541 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/support_record_avi

Neko Project II [SVN 1530]

Author: yui | Date: 1 maja 2014 12:36:42

  • Windows: reverts NP21 projects
  • svn merge -r 1428:1427 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1519]

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2014 07:18:12

  • SDL2 Windows
  • refs #29
  • svn merge -r 1512:1513 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1518]

Author: yui | Date: 28 kwietnia 2014 07:14:40

  • SDL2 Windows
  • - uses precompiled headers
  • - changes _countof to SDL_Arraysize
  • svn merge -r 1501:1502 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1503:1504 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1498]

Author: yui | Date: 20 kwietnia 2014 11:00:46

  • supports SDL2_ttf
  • refs #5
  • svn merge -r 1479:1480 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1497]

Author: yui | Date: 20 kwietnia 2014 10:59:40

  • adds SDL2 project
  • refs #5
  • svn merge -r 1450:1460 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1478:1479 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1489:1493 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1496]

Author: yui | Date: 20 kwietnia 2014 10:53:48

  • coverting to sjis in file_attr @ SDL
  • svn merge -r 1493:1494 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1495]

Author: yui | Date: 20 kwietnia 2014 10:52:15

  • fixs craches called file_attr_c @ SDL
  • svn merge -r 1491:1492 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1490]

Author: yui | Date: 19 kwietnia 2014 17:29:47

  • reverts controling OPNA address register to ver0.80
  • refs #4
  • svn merge -r 1431:1434 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1439:1440 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1488]

Author: yui | Date: 19 kwietnia 2014 14:58:15

  • adds converting UTF-8
  • refs #13, #14
  • svn merge -r 1477:1478 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1487]

Author: yui | Date: 19 kwietnia 2014 14:56:02

  • refactors codecnv (EUC)
  • svn merge -r 1476:1477 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1486]

Author: yui | Date: 19 kwietnia 2014 14:31:33

  • refactors codecnv
  • svn merge -r 1470:1472 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1474:1476 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1485]

Author: yui | Date: 19 kwietnia 2014 14:16:39

  • removes an old method in convcnv
  • refs #12
  • svn merge -r 1469:1470 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1484]

Author: yui | Date: 19 kwietnia 2014 14:14:10

  • adds the null-terminal at old-converting
  • refs #18
  • svn merge -r 1472:1474 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1483]

Author: yui | Date: 19 kwietnia 2014 14:04:15

  • refactors np21 projects
  • refs #19
  • svn merge -r 1462:1465 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1466:1469 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1482]

Author: yui | Date: 19 kwietnia 2014 13:53:08

  • static-links C-Runtime @ VS2005, VS2008
  • refs #15
  • svn merge -r 1465:1466 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1481]

Author: yui | Date: 19 kwietnia 2014 12:44:48

  • supports ROMEO @ x64
  • refs #16
  • svn merge -r 1425:1427 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1428:1431 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1434:1439 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1460:1461 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1467:1469 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1468]

Author: yui | Date: 18 kwietnia 2014 02:26:51

  • omits cygwin makefile
  • refs #17
  • svn merge -r 1461:1462 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1455]

Author: rururu | Date: 16 kwietnia 2014 06:34:00

  • keys on CSM when interrupts
  • refs #2
  • svn merge -r 1437:1438 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/rururu/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1454]

Author: rururu | Date: 16 kwietnia 2014 06:29:40

  • adds amd98 joy-port
  • refs #10
  • svn merge -r 1436:1437 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/rururu/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1453]

Author: rururu | Date: 16 kwietnia 2014 06:28:14

  • changes amd98 clock
  • refs #9
  • svn merge -r 1436:1437 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/rururu/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1452]

Author: yui | Date: 16 kwietnia 2014 06:00:25

  • changes output directories and adds resource solution @ Visual Studio 2008
  • refs #8
  • svn merge -r 1440:1445 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01
  • svn merge -r 1448:1450 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1451]

Author: yui | Date: 16 kwietnia 2014 05:55:01

  • merges np2 and np2x64 projects @ Visual Studio 2005
  • refs #7
  • svn merge -r 1446:1448 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1449]

Author: yui | Date: 16 kwietnia 2014 03:14:17

  • omits Visual Studio 2003
  • refs #6
  • svn merge -r 1445:1446 https://amethyst.yui.ne.jp/svn/pc98/np2/branches/yui/WORK_01

Neko Project II [SVN 1424]

Author: Anthony J. Bentley | Date: 21 listopada 2013 08:16:40

  • Grammar fixes in manpage.

Neko Project II [SVN 1419]

Author: NONAKA Kimihiro | Date: 27 lipca 2013 03:25:12

  • Update snapshot date.

Neko Project II [SVN 1418]

Author: NONAKA Kimihiro | Date: 27 lipca 2013 03:21:02

  • Compile with GTK+ older than 2.18.

Neko Project II [SVN 1417]

Author: NONAKA Kimihiro | Date: 27 lipca 2013 03:20:15

  • Added --enable-gtk-deprecated-api option.

Neko Project II [SVN 1416]

Author: NONAKA Kimihiro | Date: 27 lipca 2013 01:39:34

  • Update snapshot date.

Neko Project II [SVN 1415]

Author: NONAKA Kimihiro | Date: 26 lipca 2013 15:12:53

  • Change homepage URL.

Neko Project II [SVN 1414]

Author: NONAKA Kimihiro | Date: 27 czerwca 2013 09:17:44

  • assign full-screen mode toggle or menu disp toggle to F11 key.

Neko Project II [SVN 1413]

Author: NONAKA Kimihiro | Date: 18 czerwca 2012 16:45:06

  • Update snapshot date.

Neko Project II [SVN 1412]

Author: NONAKA Kimihiro | Date: 18 czerwca 2012 16:44:22

  • Use gate descriptor size instead of SS descriptor size, when INTRA-PRIVILEGE-LEVEL-INTERRUPT.

Neko Project II [SVN 1411]

Author: NONAKA Kimihiro | Date: 18 czerwca 2012 16:43:43

  • avoid warning on LP64.

Neko Project II [SVN 1410]

Author: NONAKA Kimihiro | Date: 18 czerwca 2012 16:42:48

  • Add FLDCW dummy implements.

Neko Project II [SVN 1409]

Author: monaka | Date: 20 maja 2012 07:11:00

  • cosmetics

Neko Project II [SVN 1408]

Author: monaka | Date: 2 marca 2012 04:42:03

  • note recent change.

Neko Project II [SVN 1407]

Author: monaka | Date: 2 marca 2012 04:36:00

  • dump date.

Neko Project II [SVN 1406]

Author: monaka | Date: 2 marca 2012 04:35:05

  • IRET_pm_return_to_vm86: Don't check EIP range.

Neko Project II [SVN 1405]

Author: monaka | Date: 7 lutego 2012 10:43:12

  • bump date.

Neko Project II [SVN 1404]

Author: monaka | Date: 7 lutego 2012 10:42:42

  • note recent change.

Neko Project II [SVN 1403]

Author: monaka | Date: 7 lutego 2012 10:35:53

  • remove IA-32 info, already note at readme.txt.

Neko Project II [SVN 1402]

Author: monaka | Date: 7 lutego 2012 10:30:05

  • interrupt_task_gate: fix push size when push error code.

Neko Project II [SVN 1401]

Author: monaka | Date: 7 lutego 2012 10:11:11

  • show register name instead of number.

Neko Project II [SVN 1400]

Author: monaka | Date: 7 lutego 2012 09:14:07

  • more debug.

Neko Project II [SVN 1399]

Author: monaka | Date: 7 lutego 2012 09:01:55

  • fix compile with MORE_DEBUG.

Neko Project II [SVN 1398]

Author: monaka | Date: 7 lutego 2012 09:01:03

  • formatting

Neko Project II [SVN 1397]

Author: monaka | Date: 5 lutego 2012 23:40:40

  • bump date.

Neko Project II [SVN 1396]

Author: monaka | Date: 5 lutego 2012 23:19:47

  • fix expand up segment range check for DOS/4GW.

Neko Project II [SVN 1395]

Author: monaka | Date: 5 lutego 2012 08:39:03

  • bump version.

Neko Project II [SVN 1394]

Author: monaka | Date: 5 lutego 2012 07:36:14

  • fix segment limit.

Neko Project II [SVN 1393]

Author: monaka | Date: 5 lutego 2012 07:31:44

  • replace segdesc_clear to memset

Neko Project II [SVN 1392]

Author: monaka | Date: 5 lutego 2012 07:16:08

  • segdesc_set_default: static'ed

Neko Project II [SVN 1391]

Author: monaka | Date: 5 lutego 2012 03:26:47

  • note recent change.

Neko Project II [SVN 1390]

Author: monaka | Date: 5 lutego 2012 03:22:49

  • load_segreg: always segment limit is 0xffff.

Neko Project II [SVN 1389]

Author: monaka | Date: 5 lutego 2012 03:18:10

  • load_segref: when real-mode, segment limit is 0xffff.

Neko Project II [SVN 1388]

Author: monaka | Date: 5 lutego 2012 03:17:33

  • show descriptor type.

Neko Project II [SVN 1387]

Author: monaka | Date: 5 lutego 2012 01:06:08

  • SDL_mixer depends SDL

Neko Project II [SVN 1386]

Author: monaka | Date: 5 lutego 2012 01:01:40

  • collect date

Neko Project II [SVN 1385]

Author: monaka | Date: 5 lutego 2012 01:01:05

  • dump date.

Neko Project II [SVN 1384]

Author: monaka | Date: 5 lutego 2012 01:00:30

  • check enable_sdl for SDL

Neko Project II [SVN 1383]

Author: monaka | Date: 4 lutego 2012 10:59:07

  • remove.

Neko Project II [SVN 1382]

Author: monaka | Date: 4 lutego 2012 10:58:39

  • remove patch file.

Neko Project II [SVN 1381]

Author: monaka | Date: 4 lutego 2012 10:09:05

  • revert previous commit.

Neko Project II [SVN 1380]

Author: monaka | Date: 3 lutego 2012 21:16:56

  • move extracting np2tool.

Neko Project II [SVN 1379]

Author: monaka | Date: 3 lutego 2012 17:51:38

  • do progress.

Neko Project II [SVN 1378]

Author: monaka | Date: 3 lutego 2012 17:46:32

  • note title.

Neko Project II [SVN 1377]

Author: monaka | Date: 3 lutego 2012 17:25:58

  • copy np21.* from working area.

Neko Project II [SVN 1376]

Author: monaka | Date: 3 lutego 2012 17:24:09

  • note reference.

Neko Project II [SVN 1375]

Author: monaka | Date: 3 lutego 2012 17:16:33

  • added patch and relese script.

Neko Project II [SVN 1374]

Author: monaka | Date: 3 lutego 2012 14:20:05


Neko Project II [SVN 1373]

Author: monaka | Date: 1 lutego 2012 01:51:33

  • cosmetic

Neko Project II [SVN 1372]

Author: monaka | Date: 31 stycznia 2012 23:31:25

  • note recent change.

Neko Project II [SVN 1371]

Author: monaka | Date: 31 stycznia 2012 23:07:53

  • bump date.

Neko Project II [SVN 1370]

Author: monaka | Date: 31 stycznia 2012 23:07:23

  • note recent change.

Neko Project II [SVN 1369]

Author: monaka | Date: 31 stycznia 2012 23:06:24

  • CALL, ENTER, PUSHA: don't check stack room size at real mode.

Neko Project II [SVN 1368]

Author: monaka | Date: 31 stycznia 2012 15:35:21

  • bump date.

Neko Project II [SVN 1367]

Author: monaka | Date: 31 stycznia 2012 15:35:09

  • note recent change.

Neko Project II [SVN 1366]

Author: monaka | Date: 31 stycznia 2012 15:30:16

  • fix LEAVE.

Neko Project II [SVN 1365]

Author: monaka | Date: 29 stycznia 2012 16:00:55

  • bump date

Neko Project II [SVN 1364]

Author: monaka | Date: 29 stycznia 2012 15:53:54

  • fix thinko.

Neko Project II [SVN 1363]

Author: monaka | Date: 29 stycznia 2012 15:53:26

  • cosmetics.

Neko Project II [SVN 1362]

Author: monaka | Date: 29 stycznia 2012 11:33:10


Neko Project II [SVN 1361]

Author: monaka | Date: 29 stycznia 2012 04:22:24

  • separate FWAIT insn.

Neko Project II [SVN 1360]

Author: monaka | Date: 29 stycznia 2012 03:59:28

  • comment.

Neko Project II [SVN 1359]

Author: monaka | Date: 24 stycznia 2012 19:42:27

  • - note man page.
  • - capitalized glib, gtk+.

Neko Project II [SVN 1358]

Author: monaka | Date: 24 stycznia 2012 19:36:39

  • cosmetics.

Neko Project II [SVN 1357]

Author: monaka | Date: 24 stycznia 2012 19:19:56

  • cosmetics.

Neko Project II [SVN 1356]

Author: monaka | Date: 24 stycznia 2012 19:17:47

  • update version date.

Neko Project II [SVN 1355]

Author: monaka | Date: 24 stycznia 2012 18:58:08

  • no required gcc.

Neko Project II [SVN 1354]

Author: monaka | Date: 24 stycznia 2012 18:28:22

  • more debug.

Neko Project II [SVN 1353]

Author: monaka | Date: 24 stycznia 2012 18:27:58

  • no need to check tlb before paging.

Neko Project II [SVN 1352]

Author: monaka | Date: 24 stycznia 2012 18:17:13

  • fix CPU_CR0.

Neko Project II [SVN 1351]

Author: monaka | Date: 24 stycznia 2012 16:52:06

  • FWAIT can't cause NM_EXCEPTION...

Neko Project II [SVN 1350]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 11:50:55

  • - nuke __func__
  • - use macro instead of imm.

Neko Project II [SVN 1349]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 11:37:13

  • note recent changes and revert version.
  • we don't release 0.84 yet.

Neko Project II [SVN 1348]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 11:23:54

  • when vm86 mode, use linear memory access funtion not own function.

Neko Project II [SVN 1347]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 11:01:11

  • when error cause, a20 is disable.

Neko Project II [SVN 1346]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 10:59:51

  • MEMR_READ8 use segreg not segbase.

Neko Project II [SVN 1345]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 10:51:48

  • const'fy

Neko Project II [SVN 1344]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 07:09:45

  • update version date.

Neko Project II [SVN 1343]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 07:01:44

  • s/PAGE_{SIZE,MASK}/CPU_&/g

Neko Project II [SVN 1342]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 06:31:28

  • note recent change.

Neko Project II [SVN 1341]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 06:18:09

  • avoid warning.

Neko Project II [SVN 1340]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 06:12:35

  • avoid warning.

Neko Project II [SVN 1339]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 06:04:07

  • avoid warning.

Neko Project II [SVN 1338]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 06:00:13

  • - remove unused variable.
  • - avoid warning.

Neko Project II [SVN 1337]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 05:57:24

  • avoid warning.

Neko Project II [SVN 1336]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 05:54:47

  • const'fy.

Neko Project II [SVN 1335]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 05:53:59

  • increace drawmng.pal size.

Neko Project II [SVN 1334]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 05:46:47

  • remove unused variable.

Neko Project II [SVN 1333]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 05:45:54

  • include sys/stat.h for stat(2) at soundmng.c

Neko Project II [SVN 1332]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 05:43:14

  • de-const'fy.

Neko Project II [SVN 1331]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 05:23:29

  • de-const'fy.

Neko Project II [SVN 1330]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 05:23:10

  • fix build failure.

Neko Project II [SVN 1329]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 05:20:55

  • remove unused variable.

Neko Project II [SVN 1328]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 05:20:24

  • deconst'fy

Neko Project II [SVN 1327]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 05:05:05

  • OEMCHAR'ed.

Neko Project II [SVN 1326]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 05:03:22

  • avoid LP64 warning and some formatting.

Neko Project II [SVN 1325]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 04:57:31

  • fix format string.

Neko Project II [SVN 1324]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 04:55:39

  • avoid LP64 warning.

Neko Project II [SVN 1323]

Author: monaka | Date: 23 stycznia 2012 04:52:54

  • avoid LP64 warning.

Neko Project II [SVN 1322]

Author: monaka | Date: 22 stycznia 2012 22:56:51

  • remove np2tool.d88 before unzip'ed

Neko Project II [SVN 1321]

Author: monaka | Date: 22 stycznia 2012 22:53:55

  • don't hide unzip log.

Neko Project II [SVN 1320]

Author: monaka | Date: 22 stycznia 2012 22:47:13

  • fix my license notice.

Neko Project II [SVN 1319]

Author: monaka | Date: 22 stycznia 2012 22:23:43

  • update version date.

Neko Project II [SVN 1318]

Author: monaka | Date: 22 stycznia 2012 22:21:22

  • modify recent change.

Neko Project II [SVN 1317]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 20:15:40

  • cosmetics

Neko Project II [SVN 1316]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 20:09:40

  • more restructured linear memory access interface.

Neko Project II [SVN 1315]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 19:49:31

  • more restructured linear memory acccess interface.

Neko Project II [SVN 1314]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 19:33:58

  • more debug.

Neko Project II [SVN 1313]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 19:26:55

  • more debug messages.

Neko Project II [SVN 1312]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 19:26:39

  • fix exception.

Neko Project II [SVN 1311]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 19:26:10

  • restructured linear memory access interface.

Neko Project II [SVN 1310]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 19:25:34

  • restructured check_io().

Neko Project II [SVN 1309]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 12:36:47

  • compile again.

Neko Project II [SVN 1308]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 12:36:06


Neko Project II [SVN 1307]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 12:32:16

  • more debug.

Neko Project II [SVN 1306]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 09:19:22

  • fix cpu_stack_push_check.

Neko Project II [SVN 1305]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 09:10:37

  • segdesc_dump: show segment bits.

Neko Project II [SVN 1304]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 09:05:47

  • MEMCALL'ed.

Neko Project II [SVN 1303]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 09:02:50

  • more debug messages.

Neko Project II [SVN 1302]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 09:02:38

  • fix warning.

Neko Project II [SVN 1301]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 08:48:22

  • get_stack_pointer_from_tss: fix debug print.

Neko Project II [SVN 1300]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 08:45:56

  • cosmetics.

Neko Project II [SVN 1299]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 08:45:08

  • fix cpu_reg2str().

Neko Project II [SVN 1298]

Author: monaka | Date: 8 stycznia 2012 08:34:17

  • - formatting help messages.
  • - enable TRACE when debug options enabled.
wstecz24/08/2014 17:15
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