
[zx][beta] ZEsarUX v5.1 - XXX edition 29/05/17

[1] @ środa, 31 Maja 2017 22:21CET

[zx][beta] ZEsarUX v5.1 - XXX edition 29/05/17

ZEsarUX to kolejny multiemulator maszynek ze stajni Sir Clive'a - znajdziemy w nim praktycznie wszystkie modele począwszy od ZX80, przez tradycyjne modele Spektrusia, łącznie z tymi, które pojawiły się już z logiem Amstrada, aż po egzotyczny Z88 Cambridge, gdyby nie brak QL można by było powiedzieć, iż emuluje on wszystko z tej rodziny. Obecnie udaje również maszynkę Sam Coupe, czy też CPC464 (o innych egzotykach nie wspomnę - stąd feature w rozwinięciu). Od tej wersji autor dodaje również emulację Spectrum QL.

Emulator, autorstwa Cesara Hernandeza (to jego drugi projekt, po ZXSpectr) powstał z myślą o Unixie, jednak z czasem dorobił się również wersji pod Windowsy - patrząc na listę możliwości, to całkiem interesujący kombajn, którego warto mieć pod ręką jeśli potrzebujemy all-in-one z tęczą na pokładzie.
Trochę namieszane jest w changelogu do tej wersji testowej, zapewne autor nie poprawił daty, bo binarki są z 29 maja, ale czujcie się ostrzeżeni;)

Ostatnia pełna wersja tego multiemulatora sprzętu z Z80 na pokładzie to ZEsarUX v5.0 – Chase HQ edition


Version 5.1. 24 April 2017 (????) - xxx edition

  • Added machine Chrome (Italian ZX Spectrum Clone)
  • Added menu movement with mouse
  • Added Visualmem, Poke, Find, Save binary menus also for Sinclair QL
  • Added setting to test configuration
  • Added remote commands: get-audio-buffer-info, get-machines, save-binary-internal, set-machine, set-window-zoom
  • Added QL GUI Style
  • Added menu to find and set lives in games
  • Added actions commands to breakpoints, so you can run some actions when a breakpoint is fired
  • Added up to three AY Chips
  • Added emulation of other DAC chips appart from Specdrum: Covox, etc
  • Added setting to set 256kb or 512kb on Spectrum 128k machines
  • Added setting to set F keys (F1, F2, etc) to run different actions: reset, nmi, exit emulator, etc
  • Added TBBlue Sprite chip emulation
  • Improved TBBlue emulation: 1 MB RAM
  • Fixed turbo mode and breakpoints. Breakpoints were disabled when changing turbo mode
  • Fixed latency problems on all audio drivers
  • Fixed AY sound bugs when volume levels where > 15
  • Some other minor bugfixes and improvements
NOWSZY [zx] ZEsarUX 11.0 Beta 2 David edition 20(09??)/05/2024

Version 11.0-Beta2 - David edition. 20 May 2024

New things added:

  • Added ZENG/ZENG Online support on all emulated machines
  • Added support for ZX81 .P81 files
  • Added save support for ZX80 & ZX81 .Z81 snapshots
  • Added .zmenu type files to generate launcher menus
  • Added more vintage Spectrum programs/games from me
  • Added Debug Sensors SPK & MIC Bit from port FEH
  • Added some tape copiers to Storage-> Tape menu
  • Added setting for fast welcome message
  • Added PCW Video mode 1 palette selector


  • Allow to load Next .nex/.snx/.sna snapshots with additional files without having to copy them on the mmc file (it mounts automatically the esxdos handler)
  • Allow to limit max cpu turbo on Next
  • Allow to pause playing on AY Player
  • Improved Keyboard Help: now you can press keys by clicking mouse
  • Remember last path used on output tape
  • Allow to load 48kB MSX cartridges
  • Allow to load MSX cartridges with memory mapper Ascii 8kb, Ascii 16kb, Konami without SCC, Konami with SCC, R-Type
  • Easier compilation on Haiku OS
  • Improve Hexadecimal editor on ZX80 and ZX81: show inverse characters

Improved ZRCP:

  • Added menu function to sync local snapshot to remote using ZRCP
  • Added ZRCP commands: open-menu, print-error, get-text-overlay, cpu-history get extended
  • Allow to use cpu-step-mode from ZRCP on drivers stdout and simpletext
  • Support MMU restore state on ZRCP command "cpu-history restore" for Spectrum 128k/+2/+2a/+3

Improved QL emulation:

  • Allow autoload when inserting QL mdv/flp
  • Show 2 microdrive and 1 floppy icon on QL, instead of just one icon
  • Allow to enable/disable every drive

Improved file selector:

  • scrolling the current directory field if it does not fit on the window
  • can change extension filter
  • when saving files, cursor is located at the file field, and a file name is suggested
  • file selection zone has a different color
  • go up one directory when pressing left cursor key


  • Fixed http redirections when downloading using the Speccy Online Browser
  • Fixed bit 6 of FEH port depending on Issue2/3
  • Fixed Sam Coupe FEH sound port when enabling Real Beeper
  • Fixed segfault when trying to insert an unexistent Real Tape file
  • Fixed segfault inserting a ZX81 Real Tape and opening Tape Viewer

Version 11.0-Beta1 - David edition. 26 February 2024

New things added:

  • Added loading audio from external audio source, like a tape player
  • Added ZENG Online feature, which allows to run multiplayer online game using a central server
  • Added ZENG support on curses driver
  • Added save screen to .txt file
  • Added save screen to .stl file, useful to print on 3D Printer
  • Added function to shift bits on Hex Editor
  • Added TempleOS GUI Style
  • Added QNX GUI Style
  • Added menu function to sync local snapshot to remote using ZRCP
  • Added ZRCP commands: open-menu, print-error
  • Added setting to force CHR$ 128 mode on ZX81
  • Added search function to locate menu entries


  • Allow to not save configuration when exiting ZEsarUX
  • Allow to select normal ZEsarUX logo or X Anniversary logo
  • Allow to seng ZENG snapshots more frequently (even every 20 ms)
  • Allow to use cpu-step-mode from ZRCP on drivers stdout and simpletext
  • Allow autorewind setting for real tape too
  • Allow to disable Spectrum colours on real video mode too
  • Allow to press hotkeys at On Screen Keyboard

Improved ZX Vision:

  • Changed left click mouse behaviour: when pressing left mouse button out of a window, it will close all menus.
    If you need to keep menu open and set focus on emulated machine, just left click and also press shift key.
  • Improve window title background when not all buttons are visible
  • Improve clicking and drawing an always visible window
  • Menus can no longer be minimized (that had no sense)
  • Process switcher: unminimize windows when selecting them and they were minimized
  • Process switcher: now it can be set to be always visible
  • Process switcher: icon names are more descriptive
  • Menu titles are translated to selected language (not everything yet, please be patient)
  • Improve perspective for 3D Particles widget on View Sensors

Improved ZX Desktop:

  • Allow to set parameters when redefining upper buttons, for some actions like openwindow or set machine
  • Allow to reconfigure upper buttons by right clicking over them
  • When defining upper buttons or f-functions to SetMachine, machine name parameter is set to current machine
  • When creating new icon, upper buttons or f-functions of type OpenWindow, a window list is displayed to select


  • Fixed ZX Vision:
    • Fixed bug when printing on footer and column was out of bounds (exactly at column 32)
    • Fixed splash texts when row > 23
    • Fixed pressing keys '.' and ',' on menu when machine is ZX80 or ZX81
    • Fixed glitch on ZX Vision BeOS style, when pressing F5, window buttons didn't disappear or reappear
    • Fixed refresh windows after pressing F8 On Screen Keyboard
    • Fixed splash messages when background windows are enabled
    • Fixed initial position for many windows
    • Fixed invalid Data Bus value on Jupiter Ace (it's 20H instead of FFH)
  • Fixed blockage when drawing Text Adventure Map and corrupted GAC adventure
  • Fixed timings of opcodes CP (HL), CP (IX+d), CP (IY+d)
  • Fixed bug on ZRCP when handling simultaneous connections
  • Fixed betadisk sector rollover reading/writing (thanks Mak7ym). Fixed loading for example of: BR_DEA7H, HOMER, PARADISE


NOWSZY [zx] ZEsarUX 11.0 Beta 1 David edition 26/02/2024

Version 11.0-Beta1 - David edition. 26 February 2024

New things added:

  • Added loading audio from external audio source, like a tape player
  • Added ZENG Online feature, which allows to run multiplayer online game using a central server
  • Added ZENG support on curses driver
  • Added save screen to .txt file
  • Added save screen to .stl file, useful to print on 3D Printer
  • Added function to shift bits on Hex Editor
  • Added TempleOS GUI Style
  • Added QNX GUI Style
  • Added menu function to sync local snapshot to remote using ZRCP
  • Added ZRCP commands: open-menu, print-error
  • Added setting to force CHR$ 128 mode on ZX81
  • Added search function to locate menu entries


  • Allow to not save configuration when exiting ZEsarUX
  • Allow to select normal ZEsarUX logo or X Anniversary logo
  • Allow to seng ZENG snapshots more frequently (even every 20 ms)
  • Allow to use cpu-step-mode from ZRCP on drivers stdout and simpletext
  • Allow autorewind setting for real tape too
  • Allow to disable Spectrum colours on real video mode too
  • Allow to press hotkeys at On Screen Keyboard

Improved ZX Vision:

  • Changed left click mouse behaviour: when pressing left mouse button out of a window, it will close all menus.
    If you need to keep menu open and set focus on emulated machine, just left click and also press shift key.
  • Improve window title background when not all buttons are visible
  • Improve clicking and drawing an always visible window
  • Menus can no longer be minimized (that had no sense)
  • Process switcher: unminimize windows when selecting them and they were minimized
  • Process switcher: now it can be set to be always visible
  • Process switcher: icon names are more descriptive
  • Menu titles are translated to selected language (not everything yet, please be patient)
  • Improve perspective for 3D Particles widget on View Sensors

Improved ZX Desktop:

  • Allow to set parameters when redefining upper buttons, for some actions like openwindow or set machine
  • Allow to reconfigure upper buttons by right clicking over them
  • When defining upper buttons or f-functions to SetMachine, machine name parameter is set to current machine
  • When creating new icon, upper buttons or f-functions of type OpenWindow, a window list is displayed to select


  • Fixed ZX Vision:
    • Fixed bug when printing on footer and column was out of bounds (exactly at column 32)
    • Fixed splash texts when row > 23
    • Fixed pressing keys '.' and ',' on menu when machine is ZX80 or ZX81
    • Fixed glitch on ZX Vision BeOS style, when pressing F5, window buttons didn't disappear or reappear
    • Fixed refresh windows after pressing F8 On Screen Keyboard
    • Fixed splash messages when background windows are enabled
    • Fixed initial position for many windows
    • Fixed invalid Data Bus value on Jupiter Ace (it's 20H instead of FFH)
  • Fixed blockage when drawing Text Adventure Map and corrupted GAC adventure
  • Fixed timings of opcodes CP (HL), CP (IX+d), CP (IY+d)
  • Fixed bug on ZRCP when handling simultaneous connections
  • Fixed betadisk sector rollover reading/writing (thanks Mak7ym). Fixed loading for example of: BR_DEA7H, HOMER, PARADISE


NOWSZY [zx] ZEsarUX 10.3 Beta 1 XXX edition 13/04/2023

Beta version has a lot of changes:

New things added:

  • Added Machine Amstrad CPC 6128
  • Added Machine Amstrad CPC 664
  • Added Machine Amstrad PCW 8256
  • Added Machine Amstrad PCW 8512
  • Added Advanced menu items: now by default, advanced menu items are hidden, you should enable them on Settings->Advanced menu items
  • Added Visual Floppy to see floppy disk (+3, CPC, PCW, Betadisk) activity
  • Added Poke F-Function
  • Added Visual Real Tape F-Function
  • Added Process Switcher window, which is like a "Taskbar" on the ZX Desktop
  • Added Settings F-Function
  • Added DSK disk info menu: to get tracks and sectors of a disk
  • Added ZRCP command: "close-all-menus"
  • Added icon/F-key to open any window identified by its name
  • Allow F-keys to assign extra info for actions (like window name on openwindow action, or snapshot name on linktosnapshot action)
  • Added XEyes "Toy" to follow mouse
  • Added more Hotswap combinations
  • Added command line setting --machinelist to get machines list names whitespace separated
  • Added Sierpinsky Meter Type to View Sensors
  • Added .POK file Smartloading
  • Added SDL Audio Callback type setting in order to fix Windows Audio clicking


  • Improved Configuration:
    • better parsing: warning when ZEsarUX has been downgraded
    • if unknown parameter on configuration file, warn the user but start anyway
    • moved showing Configuration file from Running info menu to Settings-> Configuration file
  • Improved File selector:
    • Can show recent folders (press space on recent files)
  • Improved DSK viewer:
    • better filesystem detection
    • show hidden and read only files
    • show disk specification format
    • show where files are located on Visual Floppy
  • Improved DSK extractor:
    • better filesystem detection
  • Improved Debug Console: better refresh, dynamic width?? (TODO)
  • Improved Debug Messages: allow to filter by message class (DSK, PD765, etc...)
  • Improved Debug I/O ports window: autoresize content height when do not fit in window
  • Improved Debug CPU:
    • switched function keys "m" and "o": now "x" change mode, and "m" change memptr (to be coherent with other similar windows)
    • added (hl), (de), (bc)
    • added (nn) when selecting an opcode like: ld reg,(nn) and ld (nn),reg
    • added (ix+d), (iy+d) when selecting an opcode like: ld reg,(IX+d), etc
    • added continuos speed 4 (run 10 opcodes every time, with no pause)
    • show last memory pointer when changing it
    • show B register on satisfy condition for DJNZ
    • added new functions OPMRV(e), OPMWV(e), OPMRA(e), OPMWA(e): these return 1 if the last opcode has set any of these variables to e.
    • added pseudoregister EPC to parser to match memory bank and offset for PC register
    • allow holding keys for quick cursor move, etc
    • watches now show numbers in hexadecimal format
  • Improved View Sprites:
    • sprite is no longer disabled when changing memory pointer
    • you can view sprites up to 1024x1024
    • show PCW common format screen
  • Improved changing pointer on some windows: can use an expression when changing memory pointer on Debug CPU, View Sprites, Hexdump, Disassemble, Poke
  • Improved changing to machines with big displays (Next, QL, CPC...): zoom is autochanged to 1
  • Improved joystick type selection
  • Improved ZX Desktop:
    • Dynamic icons (Trash, My Machine, ...) assigned on top buttons now show dynamic state (trash empty/full, current machine image, etc)
    • Show icon indicators for open apps on ZX Desktop
    • Added setting to empty Trash on exit
    • Fixed icons zoom level when selecting some machines that use menu gui zoom = 2 (Next, CPC, QL, etc)
    • ZX Desktop size now is multiplied by GUI Zoom (Zoom 2 on machines like Next, CPC, QL, etc)
    • CF2 Floppy icon (+3, CPC, PCW) now is animated when motor is on
  • Improved ZX Vision:
    • Added windows TaskBar
    • Added Process ID (PID) for all windows
    • Text input fields now handle repeated keys
    • Some text input fields now have history of last items, and history is saved on configuration file
    • Added function to maximize all windows
    • Allow reducing character height
    • Improve window list showing spent time on each window and pid of each window/process
    • Improve rendering background windows
    • Yes/no confirmation dialogs are translated to si/no in Spanish and Catalan


  • Fixed random crash on startup on Linux when executing some network operations (check updates, check last users, send updates)
  • Fixed segfaults when exiting using CTRL-C
  • Fixed Spectrum +3 disk emulation: TODO: add more details here
  • Fixed autoload on Spectrum +3
  • Fixed bug that may crash ZEsarUX when changing to a machine with bigger resolution. It seems to affect Linux and Windows but not Mac. This is a bug that has always existed (a "long life bug" XD)
  • Fixed showing creator on DSK file viewer
  • Fixed pause: can now return when pressing mouse button too
  • Fixed assembler parsing expressions (NN) and NN is an hexadecimal number
NOWSZY [zx][beta] ZEsarUX 10.2 RC3 Hysteria edition 7/10/2022
Całkiem fajny desktop nowego ZEsaurUX - w samą porę, emulator do prostych nie należy a mnogość opcji konfiguracyjnych naprawdę przeraża.

ZEsarUX-10.2 Version 10.2-RC3 - Hysteria edition. 07 October 2022

New things added:

  • Added new emulated machines:
    • ZX Spectrum 48k+
    • Microdigital TK80
    • Microdigital TK82
    • Microdigital TK82C
    • Microdigital TK83
    • Microdigital TK85
    • Microdigital TK95 Spanish
    • Timex Computer 2048
    • Timex Computer 2068
    • Timex Sinclair 1000
    • Timex Sinclair 1500
  • Added Copy Interfaces emulation:
    • Defcon
    • Dinamid3
    • Hilow Barbanegra
    • Interface007
    • Microhobby Pokeador Automatico
    • Phoenix
    • Ramjet
    • Spec-Mate
    • Transtape
  • Added Dinamic SD1 emulation
  • Allow .Z80 corrupted snapshot loading from ZXSP emulator with additional header of 31 byte size
  • Added ZSF support for Timex TS2068, MK14, Chrome, Prism, Chloe, Sam Coupe
  • Added path setting where to download files from the speccy and zx81 online browser
  • Added disk image browsing from storage MMC/IDE menus
  • Added PZX load support as standard tape
  • Added TAP to PZX converter
  • Added TAP to TZX turbo converter (TZX Turbo 4000 bauds, to use with Rodolfo Guerra ROMS)
  • Added TAP to SCR converter
  • Added some actions than can be fired from command line and don't start ZEsarUX: --convert-tap-tzx, --convert-tap-tzx-turbo-rg, --convert-tap-pzx, --convert-tap-scr, --convert-tzx-tap, --convert-pzx-tap


  • Improved Z88 emulation:
    • Changed colour palette to better match a real Z88
    • Show keys shortcuts below the Z88 display
    • Snapshot setting & menu action to synchronize Z88 clock with your computer clock
    • Inserting Z88 cards: now it does not hang the emulator during the insert
    • Selecting Z88 cards: submenus for types and sizes
    • Z88 footer: show when writing a card in slot 3, colors follow style
    • Z88 device icons: different icons for slot 1,2,3, show when writing a card in slot 3, show when flap is open
  • Improved File selector:
    • Allow to have a full screen preview if window is big enough
    • Better hotkeys explanation
  • Improved Debugging:
    • Allow to change memory pointer to a value from the stack
    • Added a setting to show on which scanline has been executed a Halt, inverting border color
    • When enabling step mode, emulation is paused on all menus
    • Preserve step mode when exiting debug cpu that was opened by a breakpoint
    • When a breakpoint is fired, step mode is kept on all menus
    • Breakpoints actions "call", "printc", "set-register" and "write" can now use expressions instead of fixed values
    • Added breakpoint actions: "disassemble", "printregs"
    • Warn on footer when step mode
    • Enlarge width of breakpoints list
  • Improved SmartLoad & Drag-Drop:
    • Allow to load a .rom file as a custom rom file for the current machine
    • Allow to Drag-Drop when menu open
  • Improved ZX Vision:
    • Reorder windows when changing machine but only when ZEsarUX window is smaller than previous one
    • Custom arrows characters
    • Windows are now restored by default on starting ZEsarUX
    • Better resize & reposition for new windows out of range
  • Improved ZX Desktop:
    • Added configurable icons to the ZX Desktop: icons to windows, icons to actions, file links
    • Right mouse button is now used for secondary actions. It no longer simulates ESC key (unless you enable it on ZX Vision Settings)
    • Allow to extend ZX Desktop vertically
    • Added frame around emulated machine
    • Added setting to mix scr image with background
    • Allow to set any tape/snapshot/disk that contains a spectrum screen (SCR) as background
    • Apply frameskip when drawing ZX Desktop Background
  • Improved HiLow DataDrive emulation:
    • Allow to Format, Browse and Chkdsk a Hilow DataDrive image (.ddh file)
    • Allow to convert audio from a real Hilow DataDrive tape to an image file (.ddh)
    • Added technical documentation on the extras package
  • Improved ZX Spectrum Next emulation: added sprite rendering priority bit
  • Improved ZRCP: allow to change command prompt
  • Improved generated TZX and PZX files: include date and ZEsarUX version in header
  • Improved Custom machine menu: added +2E MMC machine
  • Improved Tape browser: show autostart line on basic blocks


  • Fixed handling files larger than 2 GB on 32 bit CPU (it also applies to the Windows version even on a 64 bit CPU)
  • Fixed using mmc images larger than 2 GB
  • Fixed redrawing ZX Desktop when resizing main ZEsarUX window
  • Fixed hang when using View Variables and memory is corrupted
  • Fixed hang pressing two times F-key assigned to Pause (Mac OS unaffected)
  • Fixed bug that may crash ZEsarUX when starting machine ZX Spectrum +2 Spanish. This is a bug that has always existed
  • Fixed losing inserted Z88 cards when changing cpu speed
  • Fixed Z80 behavior after EI or DD/FD prefixes and interrupts
  • Fixed Z80 behavior running block opcodes (LDIR, etc) and interrupts
  • Fixed .Z80 Timex TS2068 snapshot loading
  • Fixed showing Recent Files when file name contains character %
  • Fixed HiLow DataDrive emulation: can now load, save, format... all actions are now working
  • Fixed crash (stack smashing detected) when showing Debug CPU window (and compiled using -fstack-protector)
  • Fixed segfault when starting ZEsarUX + disabled welcome splash message + enabled reopen windows on start setting + no window to restore
  • Fixed trap print numbers on Spectrum and ZX81 (setting --chardetectcompatnum)
  • Fixed segfault when selecting an invalid file type on real tape
  • Fixed Keyboard Help image for Spectravideo 318
  • Fixed allowed machines when saving snapshots .ZX
  • Fixed Breakpoints actions: now are executed everywhere (even in the menu)
  • Fixed pressing key c (continuous mode) on debug cpu (emulation was unpaused temporarily)
  • Fixed TZX turbo files extract (including screen previews), convert & file info
  • Fixed .Z80 and .ZSF screen previews when using 128k screen page 7
  • Fixed .DSK extract
  • Fixed crash when saving .ZSF snapshots when a byte DD is found just before a byte is repeated more than 256 times
  • Fixed Next MMC images download. Now you need SSL enabled on compilation

Fixed ZX Vision:

  • Fixed showing cursor on edit fields and text length longer than visible

As always, there are some other minor bugfixes and improvements

ZEsarUX Version 10.2-RC2 - Hysteria edition. 24 August 2022

  • Added new emulated machines:
    • Microdigital TK80
    • Microdigital TK82
    • Microdigital TK82C
    • Microdigital TK83
    • Microdigital TK85
    • Microdigital TK95 Spanish
    • Timex Sinclair 1000
    • Timex Sinclair 1500
  • Added Hilow Barbanegra emulation
  • Added Transtape emulation
  • Added Microhobby Pokeador Automatico emulation
  • Added path setting where to download files from the speccy and zx81 online browser
  • Improved Z88 emulation:
    • Changed colour palette to better match a real Z88
    • Show keys shortcuts below the Z88 display
    • Snapshot setting & menu action to synchronize Z88 clock
    • Inserting Z88 cards: now it does not hang the emulator during the insert
    • Selecting Z88 cards: submenus for types and sizes
    • Z88 footer: show when writing a card in slot 3, colors follow style
    • Z88 device icons: different icons for slot 1,2,3, show when writing a card in slot 3
  • Improved ZX Spectrum Next emulation:
    • added sprite rendering priority bit
    • Improved ZRCP: allow to change command prompt
    • Improved generated TZX and PZX files: include date and ZEsarUX version in header
  • Improved Custom machine menu: added +2E MMC machine
  • Fixed using mmc images larger than 2 GB
  • Fixed redrawing ZX Desktop when resizing window
  • Fixed hang when using View Variables and memory corrupted
  • Fixed hang pressing two times F-key assigned to Pause (Mac OS unaffected)
  • Fixed bug that may crash ZEsarUX when starting machine ZX Spectrum +2 Spanish. This is a bug that has always existed
  • Fixed losing inserted Z88 cards when changing cpu speed
  • Fixed handling files larger than 2 GB on 32 bit CPU (it does apply to the Windows version even on a 64 bit CPU)

ZEsarUX-10.2 Version 10.2-RC1 - Hysteria edition. 22 July 2022

  • Allow .Z80 corrupted snapshot loading from ZXSP emulator with additional header of 31 byte size
  • Added ZSF support for Timex TS2068
  • Added setting for path where to download files from the speccy and zx81 online browser
  • Added machine Spectrum 48k+
  • Added machine Timex TC2048
  • Added machine Timex TC2068
  • Added disk image browsing from storage MMC/IDE menus
  • Added PZX load support as standard tape
  • Added TAP to PZX converter
  • Added TAP to TZX turbo converter (TZX Turbo 4000 bauds, to use with Rodolfo Guerra ROMS)
  • Added some actions than can be fired from command line and don't start ZEsarUX: -convert-tap-tzx, --convert-tap-tzx-turbo-rg, --convert-tap-pzx, --convert-tzx-tap, --convert-pzx-tap
  • Improved ZX Spectrum Next emulation: added sprite rendering priority bit
  • Improved ZRCP: allow to change command prompt
  • Improved generated TZX and PZX files: include date and ZEsarUX version in header
  • Improved File selector:
    • Allow to have a full screen preview if window is big enough
    • Better legend key explanation
  • Improved Debugging:
    • Added a setting to show on which scanline has been executed a Halt, inverting border color
    • When enabling step mode, emulation is paused on all menus
    • Preserve step mode when exiting debug cpu that was opened by breakpoint
    • When a breakpoint is fired, step mode is kept on all menus
    • Breakpoints actions "call", "printc", "set-register" and "write" can now use expressions instead of fixed values
    • Added breakpoint actions: "disassemble", "printregs"
    • Warn on footer when step mode
    • Enlarge width of breakpoints list
  • Improved SmartLoad & Drag-Drop:
    • Allow to load a .rom file as a custom rom file for the current machine
    • Allow to Drag-Drop when menu open
  • Improved ZX Vision:
    • Reorder windows when changing machine but only when ZEsarUX window is smaller than previous one
    • Custom arrows characters
    • Windows are now restored by default on starting ZEsarUX
  • Improved ZX Desktop:
    • Added configurable icons to the ZX Desktop: icons to windows, icons to actions, file links
    • Right mouse button is used now for secondary actions. It no longer simulates ESC key (unless you enable it on ZX Vision Settings)
    • Allow to extend ZX Desktop vertically
    • Added frame around emulated machine
    • Added setting to mix scr image with background
  • Improved HiLow DataDrive emulation:
    • Allow to Format, Browse and Chkdsk an Hilow DataDrive image (.ddh file)
    • Allow to convert audio from a real Hilow DataDrive tape to an image file (.ddh)
    • Added technical documentation on the extras package
  • Fixed bug that may crash ZEsarUX when starting machine ZX Spectrum +2 Spanish. This is a bug that has always existed.
  • Fixed Z80 behavior after EI or DD/FD prefixes and interrupts
  • Fixed Z80 behavior running block opcodes (LDIR, etc) and interrupts
  • Fixed .Z80 Timex TS2068 snapshot loading
  • Fixed showing Recent Files when file name contains character %
  • Fixed HiLow DataDrive emulation
  • Fixed crash (stack smashing detected) when showing Debug CPU window (and compiled using -fstack-protector)
  • Fixed segfault when starting ZEsarUX + disabled welcome splash message + enabled reopen windows on start setting + no window to restore
  • Fixed trap print numbers on Spectrum and ZX81 (setting --chardetectcompatnum)
  • Fixed segfault when selecting an invalid file type on real tape
  • Fixed Keyboard Help image for Spectravideo 318
  • Fixed allowed machines when saving snapshots .ZX
  • Fixed Breakpoints actions: now are executed everywhere (even in the menu)
  • Fixed pressing key c (continuous mode) on debug cpu (emulation was unpaused temporarily)
  • Fixed TZX turbo files extract (including screen previews), convert & file info
  • Fixed .Z80 and .ZSF screen previews when using 128k screen page 7
  • Fixed .DSK extract
  • Fixed crash when saving .ZSF snapshots when a byte DD is found just before a byte is repeated more than 256 times
  • Fixed ZX Vision:
    • Fixed showing cursor on edit fields and text length longer than visible
  • Some other minor bugfixes and improvements
NOWSZY [zx][beta] ZEsarUX 10.1 RC1 Carrier Command edition

Version 10.1-RC1 - Carrier Command edition. 28 March 2022

Differences from Beta 2:

  • Added joystick support for Hat controllers
  • Added new joystick event to exit ZEsarUX
  • Added action to trigger left-right movement on joystick, to play Decathlon-like games
  • Added MSX Joystick emulation
  • Added Spectravideo Joystick emulation
  • Added setting to select a different joystick on Windows and OS with SDL driver
  • Added Autorewind tape setting
  • Added Z80 Halt signal state support on zsf snapshot
  • Added device button for ZX-Uno Flash device

Improved Text Adventure Debugging:

  • Added Text Adventure Map
  • Added Locations Connections list
  • Added direct menu entry and f-function/button to view 8 (adventure debug)
  • Improved detection of some paws adventures (like superlopez and abracadabra)
  • Improved detection of some daad adventures (like jabato)

Improved Debug CPU:

  • New address breakpoint expression FPEEK, that can read contents in the range of the total machine address space
  • Added breakpoints actions to start and stop cpu transaction log

Improved ZX Vision:

  • Reduced up to 5 times cpu usage on menu by using a cache
  • Improve window refreshing by disabling autoframeskip while moving or resizing
  • Enlarge content size when resizing window without having to recreate it
  • Notify to the parent function when a window has been resized
  • Allow to avoid refreshing window when changing scroll
  • Added GUI styles: AmigaOS, Atari TOS, OS/2, RiscOS, ZEsarUX Plus (and this one is now the default style)
  • Detect when video driver can not use the current GUI style and set to another one that can use
  • Added maximize window button
  • Background button on inactive windows is hidden by default
  • Bigger window resize indicator (bottom-right of the window)
  • When sending a window to the background, and the setting "Background windows even when menu closed", the menu will be closed
  • Improve accented characters on different charsets
  • Added translation of menu items to Spanish and Catalan
  • Added shortcuts helper to see hotkeys pressed
  • Added button preview when customizing ZX Desktop buttons or F-keys
  • Show when a menu has submenus using the ">" character
  • Preserve minimized and maximized state on windows
  • Remember size before minimize and maximize window
  • Improved OSD Keyboard: allow to use mouse, preserve window geometry
  • Improved Keyboard Help: load image automatically when changing machine
  • Improved fbdev driver: added setting for double buffer to avoid flickering on menu (--fbdev-double-buffer)
  • Improved fbdev driver: added setting to avoid resolution change on Raspberry Pi full screen mode (--fbdev-no-res-change)
  • Improved ZX Spectrum Next emulation: added layer2 priority colour bit
  • Fixed showing character 127 on curses, stdout and simpletext video drivers
  • Fixed segfault pressing F5 after pressing pause key

Fixed ZX Vision:

  • Fixed glitches resizing some windows: AY Registers, Debug CPU, etc...
  • Fixed flickering when resizing Keyboard Help window
  • Fixed reducing all windows
  • Fixed bug restoring windows on startup when a previous error was generated
  • Fixed drawing scroll bars when window is not at the top of all windows
  • Fixed drawing close button on background windows
  • Fixed showing input tape insert state on menu and zx desktop icon when tape can't be opened
  • Fixed refreshing Visual Real Tape window when Top Speed condition

Some other minor bugfixes and improvements

Version 10.1 Beta 2 - Carrier Command edition. 18 February 2022

  • Added real joystick support on Mac
  • Added setting to change ULA Data bus value
  • Added showing microdrive label when expanding qlay mdv files of size 174930 bytes
  • Added action to trigger left-right movement on joystick, to play Decathlon-like games
  • Added new joystick event to exit ZEsarUX
  • Added Jupiter Ace TAP & TZX support on tape browser
  • Added TZX support for ID 33 - Hardware type
  • Added Z80 Halt signal state support on zsf snapshot
  • Added MSX Joystick emulation
  • Added Spectravideo Joystick emulation
  • Added another easter egg ;)

Improved Text Adventure Debugging:

  • added locations Map
  • added connections list

Improved Debug CPU:

  • now it highlights which registers will be modified by the opcode at the cursor position
  • added t-states counter on default view
  • allow to have a decimal view of opcode decoding using key m (mode)

Improved Accessibility:

  • added direct settings for inverse colours and gray mode
  • added setting to disable Flash

Improved ZX Vision:

  • Added maximize window button
  • Background button on inactive windows is hidden by default
  • Added GUI styles: AmigaOS, Atari TOS, OS/2, RiscOS, ZEsarUX Plus
  • Improve RetroMac GUI style: striped title bar
  • Improve BeOS GUI style: buttons positions right after the title
  • Added translation of menu items to Spanish
  • Text windows enlarge/reduce line width when resizing windows
  • Text windows wider by default (40 characters instead of 32)
  • Added button preview when customizing ZX Desktop buttons
  • Better detection of any file size of 6912 bytes is guessed as Spectrum screen
  • Show when a menu has submenus using the ">" character
  • Preserve minimized state on windows
  • Remember size before minimize window
  • Bigger window resize indicator (bottom-right of the window)
  • Enlarge content size when resizing window without having to recreate it
  • ZX Desktop: footer buttons to enlarge or reduce ZX Desktop, not just enabling or disabling
  • ZX Desktop: allow to set a background SCR file
  • ZX Desktop: added setting to disable ZX Desktop when going to full screen
  • Improved OSD Adventure Keyboard: allow to send space, enter and quotation marks
  • Improved handling of individual colour palettes modifications (Red, Green, Blue)
  • Improved portability of shell scripts
  • Fixed Z80 halt behavior and PC location
  • Fixed disabling border when realvideo enabled on machines: Colecovision, Master System, MSX, SG1000, SpectraVideo
  • Fixed drawing close button on background windows
  • Fixed redrawing footer when fade out
  • Fixed bug restoring windows on startup when a previous error was generated
  • Fixed refreshing Visual Real Tape window when Top Speed condition
  • Fixed preserve breakpoints state when doing smartload
  • Fixed saving snapshot on some events that close ZEsarUX (F-key, AY Player, etc)
  • Fixed loading/saving TZX as Standard tape on Jupiter Ace
  • Fixed segfault pressing F5 after pressing pause key
  • Fixed showing input tape insert state on menu and zx desktop icon when tape can't be opened
  • Fixed ejecting Spectravideo cartridge
  • Fixed bug on OSD Adventure Keyboard when words of 5 characters lenght and setting sending final space enabled
  • Fixed crash when saving configuration file larger than 20kb

Fixed ZX Vision:

  • fixed hang when pressing cursor up/down on any tabbed menu with only one line (like Audio Waveform)
  • fixed gitches resizing some windows: AY Registers, Debug CPU, etc...
  • fixed window Hex Editor while moving or resizing
  • fixed reducing all windows

Some other minor bugfixes and improvements

Version 10.1 Beta 1 - Carrier Command edition. 13 December 2021

  • Added setting to change ULA Data bus value
  • Added showing microdrive label when expanding qlay mdv files of size 174930 bytes
  • Added action to trigger left-right movement on joystick, to play Decathlon-like games
  • Added another easter egg ;)
  • Improved portability of shell scripts
  • Improved Debug CPU:
    • now it highlights which registers will be modified by the opcode at the cursor position
    • added t-states counter on default view
  • Improved ZX Vision:
    • ZX Desktop: allow to set a background SCR file
    • ZX Desktop: added setting to disable ZX Desktop when going to full screen
    • Better detection of any file size of 6912 bytes is guessed as Spectrum screen
    • Added AmigaOS GUI style
    • Added Atari TOS GUI style
    • Improve RetroMac GUI style: striped title bar
    • Improve BeOS GUI style: buttons positions right after the title
  • Improved Accessibility: added direct settings for inverse colours and gray mode
  • Improved handling of individual colour palettes modifications (Red, Green, Blue)
  • Fixed disabling border when realvideo enabled on machines: Colecovision, Master System, MSX, SG1000, SpectraVideo
  • Fixed segfault pressing F5 after pressing pause key
  • Fixed preserve breakpoints state when doing smartload
  • Fixed refreshing Visual Real Tape window when Top Speed condition
  • Fixed drawing close button on background windows
  • Some other minor bugfixes and improvements


NOWSZY [zx][beta] ZEsarUX 10.0 RC Carrier Command edition

Version 10.0 Release Candidate - Carrier Command edition. 14 September 2021

There are lots of changes in this version, but some of them are remarkable:

  • New machine emulated: Sega Master System
  • "Time machine" features: Automatic Snapshots to RAM + Rewind feature, backwards debugging, backwards run
  • Realtime translation of text adventure games in a ZEsarUX window
  • Can render any image from a Speccy Text Adventure (supported parsers: Quill, Paws, Daad, Gac)
  • Added Visual Real Tape. Now you can have an audio render of your tape, see tape blocks and rewind or move forward the cassette player
  • Can now browse Basic variables on ZX Spectrum, ZX81 and ZX80
  • Allow customize upper buttons to actions
  • Added Window View Sensors to graph internal emulation sensors, performance, statistics, etc
  • Added menu language selection between default (English) and Spanish. Only some texts are translated to Spanish

The full changelog for this version 10.0 is:

  • Added Sega Master System emulation
  • Added .sms file viewer
  • Added midi output and .mid support for QL and SN audio chips (Master System, SG1000, etc)
  • Added Automatic Snapshots to RAM + Rewind feature
  • Added new improved real tape loading algorithm
  • Added setting to disable TZX pauses
  • Added zsf to scr support for Next, ZX-Uno and TSConf snapshots
  • Added Jupiter Ace 51 KB RAM emulation
  • Added GUI styles: BeOS, Bloody, Grass, Ocean, Sunny, Panther, Sky
  • Added Fuzix ide image on the zesarux-extras package
  • Added ZSF snapshot support for Jupiter Ace, Z88
  • Added --slotcard-num setting to insert a Z88 card in a numbered slot (1, 2 or 3)
  • Added ZRCP command mmc-reload to reload MMC image
  • Added ZEsarUX logo on the window footer
  • Added setting to disable ZX80/81 tape traps
  • Added wav/rwa/smp tape audio browser, to view Spectrum/ZX80/ZX81 tape blocks from audio file
  • Added Visual Real Tape. Now you can have an audio render of your tape, see tape blocks and rewind or move forward the cassette player
  • Added menu language selection between default (English) and Spanish. Only some texts are translated to Spanish
  • Added file converters:
    • wav/rwa/smp to tap
    • wav/rwa/smp to p
    • wav/rwa/smp to o
    • rwa to wav
  • Improved Debug CPU Window:
    • Added backwards debugging, backwards run
    • Added cpu history menu to see registers in the past (same as you already had on ZRCP)
    • Mouse accions: click (toggle breakpoint, change registers), scrolling up/down by using the mouse wheel
    • Improve window refresh when pressing keys on non-step mode
    • Preserve step mode when assembling
    • Added new key to set PC=PTR
    • Added new key to go to next breakpoint type PC=dir
    • Allow to define up to 100 breakpoints (same that you could define using ZRCP)
    • Improved Debugging:
    • Can now browse Basic variables on ZX Spectrum, ZX81 and ZX80
    • Added setting to show location address of every basic line on menu View Basic
    • Added Window View Sensors to graph internal emulation sensors, performance, statistics, etc
    • Added command line setting to load source code
    • Improved ZX Vision menu interface:
    • Machine manufacturer list is now sorted by name (instead of some kind of mixed age and type)
    • Real tape icon now is animated when playing tape
    • Added actions for reinsert, rewind, ffwd real tape
    • Reorganized GUI Settings and Window Settings menu: "GUI Settings" menu is now called "ZX Vision Settings", "Window Settings" menu is now called "General settings"
    • Allow customize upper buttons to actions
    • Added setting to pause cpu emulation on menu when multitask active
    • Added Degraded ZX Desktop Fill Type
    • Added button on footer to switch ZX Desktop
    • Added Accessibility->GUI settings as a quick way to enable some GUI enhancements: high contrast style, hotkeys, etc
    • Show in file selector when a file can be expanded
    • Improved screen file previews: any file size of 6912 bytes is guessed as Spectrum screen
    • Maximizing windows now take care of size of ZX Desktop, when setting "Open menu on ZX Desktop" is enabled
    • Handle when pressing a window when menu closed
    • Added item to reduce+rearrange windows
    • Added some graphical meters on AY Registers, Core Statistics
    • Colour palette window now shows all colours that fit in the window
    • View sprite legend now adapts to size
    • Added setting to disable boxes around lower and upper ZX Desktop Buttons
    • Added support for accentuated characters
  • Improved Next emulation:
    • Turbo setting: make it by default limited on NextZXOS
    • ZSF snapshots include all info from port 123b (previous TBBlue .zsf snapshots are incompatible with this version, sorry!)
    • Added a splash message when changing Layer 2 modes
    • Improved Text Aventure Features:
    • Improved detection of Daad aventures on debugging
    • Now you can render any image from a Speccy Text Adventure (supported parsers: Quill, Paws, Daad, Gac)
    • Now you can use a text speech script which can translate text from the game and show the translated text on ZEsarUX window
  • Improved Find menu: now can find several bytes and open Hexadecimal Editor on the results list
  • Improved Audio to .mid exporter: allow changing instrument
  • Improved configuration file: increased maximum allowed size to 256kb and 2000 parameters
  • Fixed file previews on corrupted files: pzx, tap
  • Fixed rearranging windows and using total window height
  • Fixed Next ULA Scroll to use registers 0x26 and 0x27
  • Fixed Next tbblue port 123b behaviour: 48kb ram paging, shadow display, 3bit offset, read access
  • Fixed cpu-step behaviour the first time it's executed
  • Fixed cursor keys up/down on Jupiter Ace
  • Fixed --help and --experthelp settings: do not parse configuration file when showing help
  • Fixed autoload on spectrum 48k+ spanish
  • Fixed loading ZX80/81 Snapshots/Tapes when filename has more than one extension
  • Fixed wave shape type "Scroll" on View WaveForm
  • Some other minor bugfixes and improvements
NOWSZY [zx][beta] ZEsarUX 9.2 RC1 Cliff Hanger edition

Version 9.2-RC - Cliff Hanger edition. 11 March 2021

  • Added SamRam Gerton Lunter interface emulation
  • Added new ZX-Uno Prism video mode
  • Added Dandanator storage button icon
  • Added alternate Jupiter ACE rom
  • Added another fourth easter egg ;)
  • Added read only setting for esxdos handler
  • Added setting to redefine joystick fire key
  • Added Debug action to set PC register to zero
  • Added command line setting --copy-file-to-mmc to be able to copy files to a mmc image before starting ZEsarUX
  • Added ZRCP command realtape-open

Improved ZX-Uno emulation:

  • Updated BIOS, Flash and ESXDOS (ESXDOS now runs 0.8.6 final version)
  • Added command line setting --zxuno-initial-64k to allow loading a initial 64kb block in bootm mode, bypassing the normal boot rom

Improved TBBlue emulation:

  • Added .snx snapshot support
  • Added debug window to enable/disable individual sprites
  • Added relative sprite type composite/unified on sprite navigator
  • Added Sprites Debug memory zone
  • Optimize sprite rendering (saving 1% cpu on my computer)

Improved CPC emulation:

  • Added video scanlines rendering (A.K.A. Real Video)
  • Joystick emulation
  • Stereo emulation

Improved File utilities Browser:

  • Added support for browsing inside FAT filesystem disk images (.img, .mmc, .ide, etc)
  • Detect when source and target directories are the same when moving or copying
  • Show more info in some file viewers (.sna, .p, .o, etc)
  • Added .nex file viewer
  • Added copy and delete entire folder
  • Added SCR to TXT file converter

Improved Debug CPU Window:

  • Can load a source code
  • Tell when a condition is satisfied or not
  • Detecting when running a esxdos call, using the esxdos handler, and doing step over

Improved ZX Vision menu interface:

  • Added Turbo Vision GUI style
  • Added GUI Style Selector menu
  • Added GUI Test Style
  • Added key Shift+Cursor Right to switch to another window
  • Added action to minimize all windows
  • Added setting to ignore mouse click to open the menu
  • Added more utf-8 characters support
  • Added setting to show files in hexa+ascii using file viewer

Improved all-to-pixel text rendering:

  • Allow 1:1 scale
  • Allow to set window size and offsets in characters

Improved Speccy online browser:

  • now uses ZXinfo API V3
  • uses SSL SNI when downloading files

Improved Frameskip algorithm

  • Improved Core statistics: Add info about frames drawn & dropped
  • Improved Hex Editor: can now be backgrounded
  • Improved Debug I/O ports window: can now be backgrounded and it's reloaded continuously
  • Improved File spooling: delay can now be any value between 20 and 2000 ms (in increments of +20)
  • Improved File Browser: added file size information
  • Improved cocoa (Mac) driver: allows distinguish between left and right Ctrl key, and left and right Alt key
  • Improved panic screen: added countdown timer, extended to ZX Desktop

Fixed ZX-Uno bugs:

  • Fixed bugs on mmc and flash storage layer which prevented to update bios, esxdos rom or entire flash from the BIOS
  • Fixed chloe mmu mapping: bootm has priority. If bootm=1, can't map chloe. If bootm=0, can be chloe or +2a

Fixed TBBlue bugs:

  • Fixed relative sprites: when anchor sprite is not visible, negative coordinates, detecting unified/composite, mirror, rotation
  • Fixed 4bp sprites: pattern calculating, transparency, anchor
  • Fixed clipping (affected scrollnutter demo in the right round corners)
  • Fixed writing on divmmc memory when layer2 active

Fixed CPC bugs:

  • Fixed vsync and hsync interrupts
  • Fixed border colour
  • Fixed AY chip register selection
  • Fixed CRTC interrupts. After a CRTC interrupt with Z80 interrupts disabled, they were not fired when enabling Z80 interrupts
  • Fixed setting bit 4 of the "Select screen mode and rom configuration" register of the Gate-Array and interrupt request
  • Fixed RETURN key

Fixed IDE commands which affected almost all IDE firmwares: fatware, mdos, etc:

  • Fixed IDE command ECH Identify Drive
  • Fixed IDE command 91H Initialize Drive Parameters

Fixed annoying flickering in menu using XWindows video driver

  • Fixed Mac OS retina display window
  • Fixed Mac OS full screen
  • Fixed loading General Sound rom
  • Fixed segfaults on fileselector +3 DSK screen previews using Speedlock protected disks or bad disks
  • Fixed receiving large snapshots on ZRCP/ZENG
  • Fixed pixel color on text all-to-pixel text rendering (color inversion)
  • Fixed DivIDE/DivMMC mapram behaviour
  • Fixed some GUI style colours

Some other minor bugfixes and improvements

NOWSZY [zx][beta] ZEsarUX 9.2 Beta 1

Version 9.2 - beta 1 - xxxx edition. 05 February 2021

  • Added command line setting --add-file-to-mmc to be able to copy files to a mmc image before starting ZEsarUX
  • Added new ZX-Uno Prism video mode
  • Added Dandanator storage button icon
  • Added TBBlue snx snapshot support
  • Added SamRam Gerton Lunter interface emulation
  • Added ZRCP commands:
    • realtape-open
  • Added alternate Jupiter ACE rom
  • Added another fourth easter egg ;)
  • Added read only setting for esxdos handler
  • Added .nex file viewer

Improved File utilities Browser:

  • Added support for browsing inside disk images (.mmc, .ide, etc)
  • Detect when source and target directories are the same when moving or copying
  • Show more info in some file viewers (.sna, .p, .o, etc)
  • Added copy and delete entire folder

Improved File Browser: added file size information

Improved CPC emulation:

  • Video scanlines rendering
  • Joystick emulation
  • Stereo emulation
  • Improved Debug I/O ports window: can now be backgrounded and it's reloaded continuously
  • Improved File spooling: delay can now be any value between 20 and 2000 ms (in increments of +20)

Improved menu interface:

  • Added action to minimize all windows
  • Added setting to ignore mouse click to open the menu
  • Added more utf-8 characters support
  • Added setting to show files in hexa+ascii using file viewer

Improved ZX-Uno emulation:

  • Updated BIOS, Flash and ESXDOS (ESXDOS now runs 0.8.6 final version)
  • Fixed bugs on mmc and flash storage layer which prevented to update bios, esxdos rom or entire flash from the BIOS
  • Fixed chloe mmu mapping: bootm has priority. If bootm=1, can't map chloe. If bootm=0, can be chloe or +2a
  • Added command line setting --zxuno-initial-64k to allow loading a initial 64kb block in bootm mode, bypassing the normal boot rom

Improved TBBlue emulation:

  • Added debug window to enable/disable individual sprites
  • Added relative sprite type composite/unified on sprite navigator
  • Added Sprites Debug memory zone
  • Optimize sprite rendering (saving 1% cpu on my computer)

Fixed annoying flickering in menu using XWindows video driver

  • Fixed loading General Sound rom
  • Fixed segfaults on fileselector +3 DSK screen previews using Speedlock protected disks or bad disks

Fixed CPC bugs:

  • Fixed vsync and hsync interrupts
  • Fixed border colour
  • Fixed AY chip register selection
  • Fixed CRTC interrupts. After a CRTC interrupt with Z80 interrupts disabled, they were not fired when enabling Z80 interrupts
  • Fixed setting bit 4 of the "Select screen mode and rom configuration" register of the Gate-Array and interrupt request

Fixed TBBlue bugs:

  • Fixed relative sprites when anchor sprite is not visible
  • Fixed relative sprites and negative coordinates
  • Fixed relative unified sprites
  • Fixed writing on divmmc memory when layer2 active
  • Fixed detecting unified/composite sprites
  • Fixed calculating pattern on 4 bpp sprites
  • Fixed 4bpp sprites transparency
  • Fixed anchor on 4-byte sprites
NOWSZY [zx][beta] ZEsarUX 9.1 Beta 1 Toi Acid Game edition
Toi Acid Game (Iber Soft, 1989)

Version 9.1 - Beta 1 - Toi Acid Game edition. 05 November 2020

  • Added compile setting to disable networking functions
  • Added pc speaker audio driver (for Linux only)
  • Added date & time field info to ZSF snapshots
  • Added F-key function to show windows in background without having to open the menu
  • Added configuration & command line setting to save keymap type
  • Added SNA to SCR file converter
  • Added SP to SCR file converter
  • Added Z80 to SCR file converter
  • Added P to SCR file converter
  • Added ZSF to SCR file converter
  • Added debug console as a menu window
  • Added ZRCP commands:
    • qdos-get-open-files: to get open files from QL QDOS
  • Improved ZX Desktop:
    • Added direct buttons, to access menu items
    • Added devices buttons/icons, to show device activity and device configuration
    • Reordered menu items
    • Windows are not closed when changing ZX Desktop size
    • Added new ZX Desktop fill types: RainbowAlive, Chess, Grid, Random
    • Improved input number windows: added buttons to increase/decrease values
  • Improved loading .pok files: increased maximum pokes from 100 to 49152 pokes
  • Improved 1 bit resample audio filter
  • Improved ZRCP: Added MMU information to cpu-history command
  • Improved TBBlue emulation:
    • Added emulation of tbblue joystick type (register 5)
    • Added sprite zoom emulation
    • Added relative sprites emulation
    • Added sprite clipping emulation
  • Improved File Browser: added previews for screens (on .scr, .tap, .tzx, .pzx, .trd, .dsk, .sna, .sp, .z80, .p, .zsf)
  • Improved QL emulation:
    • Added sound emulation
    • Guessing of file name extension
    • Show all registers on Debug CPU window
    • Support ZSF snapshot
  • Fixed QL bugs:
    • Fixed loading QL Superbasic programs when line lenght usually longer than 128 bytes
    • Fixed loading executable files
    • Fixed using QL system calls and A6 pointer offset used after previous Trap was not 4
    • Fixed frame interrupt
    • Fixed system call FS.SAVE
    • Fixed system call FS.HEADS
    • Fixed system call FS.HEADR
    • Fixed system call IO.FSTRG
    • Fixed system call IO.EDLIN
    • Fixed system call IO.FCLOSE
    • Fixed system call IO.DELET
    • Fixed possible hang calling IO.SSTRG
    • Fixed cursor flashing
    • Fixed RTC emulation
    • Fixed reading keyboard when menu open
  • Fixed reading keys on SDL and X11 drivers with default keymap and machines QL, MSX and Spectravideo
  • Fixed restoring machine to msx, coleco, sg1000 and svi
  • Fixed showing last core frame time in Core Statistics window
  • Fixed segfaults when changing machines and having ZX Desktop windows opened
  • Fixed easter egg and cyrillic characters
  • Fixed segfaults when initializing audio and video drivers
  • Fixed rendering ZX Desktop on startup
  • Fixed arranging ZX Vision windows when changing machine or disabling border
  • Fixed panic screen extracting tap when invalid block
  • Fixed open error when extracting tap with Spectrum names with '/'
NOWSZY [zx][beta] ZEsarUX 8.1 Beta 2 Great Escape Edition
ZEsarUX 8.1 GUI

Version 8.1 beta 2- The Great Escape edition. 16 December 2019

Changes from the last beta version :

  • Added real joystick support on Windows
  • Added setting to disable looking for alternate character sets from sysvar 23606/7 on ocr functions
  • Added ZRCP commands:
    • extended-stack: having an internal stack for debugging stack value types
    • Added scr to tap file converter
    • Added setting to choose cpu type
  • Improved Debugging:
    • debug CPU window: can now resize height and have more debug lines, legend keys expand as width increases, registers located at the most right position
    • debug CPU window: show interrupt routine pointer on im2 mode
  • Improved menu:
    • added more cyrillic characters support
    • -isabled menu items (the ones in red) are now called as "unavailable" instead of "disabled"
  • Improved accesibility:
    • say when a selected menu item is not available
    • Mac OS speech filter doesn't fail anymore when message has "-"
    • selected item menu is called now "Selected item" (was called "Active item" before)
  • Improved Waveform: new scroll type
  • Fixed error when trying to open user files on MacOS Catalina
  • Fixed segfault error when failing to open a directory
  • Fixed RETI behaviour
  • Fixed Real Joystick support: buttons to event table is not set to defaults automatically anymore
  • Fixed setting a configured memory breakpoint like this "--set-mem-breakpoint 0000H 2" which was fired on startup
  • Fixed opening the menu on stdout driver on the first start of ZEsarUX
  • Fixed Accessibility bugs:
    • now menu settings (anything between square brackets []) are played at the end of the menu line
    • now menu settings ([ ] and [X]) are played as "enabled"/"disabled"
wstecz31/05/2017 22:21
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Emulator DSP sygnowany przez imć Leniada, pozwalaja na zabawę maszynkami arcade i ośmiobitowcami - CPC, ZX Spectrum (z bardzo fajnie rozwiązanym podglądem plików), a także Colecovision, Nintendo 8 i CGB/GB - wszystko, co ma Z80 na pokładzie jest mile widziane;) Ostatnia pełna wersja tego DSP Emulator DSP 0.22 Final pojawiła się 19 listopada 2023 r.
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Jest taki zestaw emulatorów, albo w zasadzie autorów emulatorów, którzy do swoich programów podchodzą w sposób mistyczny - albo piszą do poduszki i wrzucają od czasu, do czasu, na jakimś forum informację o nowej wersji, albo informują o nim tylko nielicznych. Do tej grupy na pewno należy SPUD, miły i fajny emulatorek sprzętu ZX Spectrum autorstwa ...
[zx] ZEsarUX 11.00 - Version David 6/06/24 [zx] ZEsarUX 11.00 - Version David 6/06/24
ZEsarUX to multiemulator maszynek ze stajni Sir Clive'a - znajdziemy w nim praktycznie wszystkie modele począwszy od ZX80, przez tradycyjne modele Spektrusia, łącznie z tymi, które pojawiły się już z logiem Amstrada, aż po egzotyczny Z88 Cambridge i Spectrum QL. ZEsauRX poradzi sobie też z emulacją Sam Coupe, czy też CPC464 (o innych egzotykach nie wspomnę, jak np. emulacji ...
[zx] ZEsarUX 11.0 Beta 2 David edition 20(09??)/05/2024 [zx] ZEsarUX 11.0 Beta 2 David edition 20(09??)/05/2024
ZEsarUX to multiemulator maszynek ze stajni Sir Clive'a - znajdziemy w nim praktycznie wszystkie modele począwszy od ZX80, przez tradycyjne modele Spektrusia, łącznie z tymi, które pojawiły się już z logiem Amstrada, aż po egzotyczny Z88 Cambridge, gdyby nie brak QL można by było powiedzieć, iż emuluje on wszystko z tej rodziny. ZEsauRX poradzi sobie też z emulacją Sam ...
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