
[Apple IIe] AppleWin Exp

[2] @ Niedziela, 16 Kwietnia 2017 00:49CET

[Apple IIe] AppleWin Exp

Nowa wersja AppleWinemulator rodziny komputerów APPLE II. (][, ][e, ][+) . (Experimental) - 15 Apr 2017

  • [Bug #392] Fixes for a2audit.dsk
    • Resulting in regressions in LC support for Gemstone Warriors (#395), Quark Catalyst V3 and BeagleWrite (#400).
  • [Bug #386] SSC:
    • Experimental support for 6551's DTR, DCD and DSR bits via -modem switch
      • ie. -modem is shorthand for passing -dtr -dcd -dsr
NOWSZY [Apple IIe] AppleWin Exp (Experimental) - 4 Dec 2017


  • [Bug #516] Internal video-mode was having PAGE2 permanently cleared (instead of just masked) when 80STORE was set.
  • [Bug #514] Emulator restart (or reset) wasn't clearing any pending Mousecard interrupt
NOWSZY [Apple IIe] AppleWin Exp (Experimental) - 21 Oct 2017


  • [Bug #504] Full-screen: hide mouse pointer after 2 seconds of inactivity (and show again if mouse is moved)
  • [Bug #469] New -no-printscreen-key switch to prevent the PrintScreen key from being registered.


  • [Bug #486] Peripheral card's expansion ROM ($C800-CFFF, eg. SSC) wasn't being correctly restored from a save-state. Resulting in regression: Mousecard crash to monitor (#495).
  • [Bug #320] Mockingboard/Phasor: support 'inactive' function like real hardware
NOWSZY [Apple IIe] AppleWin Exp
The Great American Cross-Country Road Race (Activision, Inc., 1985) (Experimental) - 21 Oct 2017


  • nw


  • [Bug #499] Flush current track (if dirty) before 'Send to CiderPress'
  • [Bug #496] Support polling of Mockingboard's & Phasor's 6522 IFR.Timer1
  • [Bug #492] UI fixes for full-screen & 2x windowed-mode
  • [Bug #464] Fix for full-screen: bottom line missing when vertical resolution is 768


NOWSZY [Apple IIe] AppleWin Exp (Experimental) - 29 Sep 2017


  • [Bug #488] New -fs-height=<best|nnnn> switch.
  • best: picks the highest resolution where the height is an integer multiple of (192*2)
  • nnnn: select a specific resolution with height=nnnn pixels Use to select a better resolution for full-screen mode. NB. This changes the display resolution (and restores on exit).
  • [Bug #428] Input option to use PC Joystick 1 Thumbstick 2 for emulated Joystick 2
  • Swapping disks while a drive is on now warns and prompts if you still wish to do this instead of silently failing with no feedback.
  • [Bug #323] Skip hard disk boot by holding down the Open-Apple key during an Apple II restart
  • [PR #441] Update zlib to latest version 1.2.11


  • [Bug #486] Peripheral card's expansion ROM ($C800-CFFF, eg. SSC) wasn't being correctly restored from a save-state
  • [Bug #460] Debugger: F2 whilst debugger active will immediately stop the drive spinning (allowing disk swap)
  • [Bug #456] Fix strange speaker clicks when changing configuration - DirectSound wasn't being uninitialised on a restart
  • [Bug #452] Fix for unmounted HD now gives "NO DEVICE CONNECTED" (before gave "I/O ERROR")
  • [Bug #450] Persist debugger state across an F2 (reset machine state)
  • [Bug #445] Debugger: BPM cmd: Support trigger on stack access for BRK,JSR,PLn,PHn,RTI,RTS
  • [Bug #437] AppleWin.chm blocked from opening - delete the AppleWin.chm:Zone.Identifier ADS
  • [Bug #423] Full support for INTC8ROM soft switch (fixes transient a2audit.dsk & Bejeweled failures)
  • [Bug #418] Fix for slot-3 ROM not returning floating bus when Uthernet card is enabled
  • [Bug #417] Typos in Uthernet documentation
  • [Bug #415] Fix for not being able to select Pravets 82
  • [Bug #413] Save-state: bug when saving >9 RAMWorks III 64K banks
  • [Bug #409] Fix for AppleWorks 5.1 flickering when booting (latent bug from 2006!)
  • [Bug #405] Screen flicker in full-speed mode
  • [Bug #403] PrintScreen from Color TV or B&W TV video modes is missing top line
  • [Bug #392] Fixes for a2audit.dsk
    • Resulting in regressions in LC support for Gemstone Warriors (#395), Quark Catalyst V3 and BeagleWrite (#400).
  • [Bug #389] Disk's write-protect detection mis-reporting when motor off
  • [Bug #387] Support for 40-track .nib files
  • [Bug #386] SSC: Experimental support for 6551's DTR, DCD and DSR bits via - modem switch ie. -modem is shorthand for passing -dtr -dcd -dsr
    • Experimental support for 6551's control bit: DTR via -dtr switch
    • Experimental support for 6551's status bits: DCD and DSR via -dcd and -dsr switches
  • [Bug #383] "Enhanced disk speed" is very slow when debugger is active
  • [Bug #269] When stepping, ESC no longer exits back to debugger (use F7, Pause keys or Debugger button instead).
  • [Bug #250] Debugger: When MODE_STEPPING, fix issue with disk LEDs staying on
  • [Bug #217] Debugger G(o) command should use normal speed
  • Debugger: Added new gg command:
    • command | run at normal speed? | run at full speed?   | video quality | sound quality
             g     |         yes          | only if disk active, etc | precise       | precise
             gg    |         no           | always                   | periodic      | muted
  • . [Bug #213] Pause not setting volume to zero
NOWSZY [Apple IIe] AppleWin Exp (Experimental) - 25 Apr 2017


  • Swapping disks while a drive is on now warns and prompts if you still wish to do this instead of silently failing with no feedback.


  • [Bug #423] Full support for INTC8ROM soft switch (fixes transient a2audit.dsk & Bejeweled failures)
  • [Bug #418] Fix for slot-3 ROM not returning floating bus when Uthernet card is enabled
  • [Bug #417] Typos in Uthernet documentation
  • [Bug #415] Fix for not being able to select Pravets 82
  • [Bug #413] Save-state: bug when saving >9 RAMWorks III 64K banks
  • [Bug #409] Fix for AppleWorks 5.1 flickering when booting (latent bug from 2006!)
NOWSZY [Apple IIe] AppleWin Exp (Experimental) - 24 Apr 2017

  •     [Bug #405] Screen flicker in full-speed mode
  •     [Bug #403] PrintScreen from Color TV or B&W TV video modes is missing top line
→ [Apple IIe] AppleWin Exp (Experimental) - 19 Mar 2017

  • [Bug #389] Disk's write-protect detection mis-reporting when motor off
  • [Bug #386] SSC:
    • Experimental support for 6551's control bit: DTR via -dtr or -dtr-invert args
    • Experimental support for 6551's status bits: DCD and DSR via -dcd[-invert] and -dsr[-invert] args

Revision 2212

Author: tomcw | Date: 19 marca 2017 22:48:59

  • Experimental - Bump version & update History.txt

Revision 2211

Author: tomcw | Date: 19 marca 2017 22:44:20

  • SSC: Experimental support for 6551's status bits: DCD and DSR via -dcd[-invert] and -dsr[-invert] args (#386)

Revision 2210

Author: tomcw | Date: 19 marca 2017 18:27:07

  • Savestate: SSC - DTR: added a todo comment

Revision 2209

Author: tomcw | Date: 18 marca 2017 22:33:45

  • LC 0xC08n.b0=1: After write-enable RAM, STA doesn't write-protect (#395)

Revision 2208

Author: tomcw | Date: 18 marca 2017 16:32:45

  • Experimental - Bump version & update History.txt

Revision 2207

Author: tomcw | Date: 18 marca 2017 16:18:14

  • Debugger: fix for MODE_STEPPING at was falsely breaking on floating bus

Revision 2206

Author: tomcw | Date: 18 marca 2017 14:56:18

  • SSC: Experimental support for 6551's DTR via -dtr or -dtr-invert args (#386)

Revision 2205

Author: tomcw | Date: 16 marca 2017 23:28:18

  • Fix for write to 0xCFFF (wasn't implemented), and clear IO_SELECT_InternalROM on 0xC006 (SLOTCXROM) access (#392)

Revision 2204

Author: tomcw | Date: 15 marca 2017 22:42:06

  • Fix for 2x read access to (odd addr) to enable write access (#392)

Revision 2203

Author: tomcw | Date: 12 marca 2017 22:56:42

  • Debugger: removed unused var

Revision 2202

Author: tomcw | Date: 12 marca 2017 22:54:08

  • Debugger: Mute sound when entering debugger from MODE_STEPPING:
  • . ie: ESC, F7 and Pause key
  • Debugger: Fix for MODE_STEPPING when jump from $C3xx to $C8xx:
  • . Don't break on floating-bus, as Expansion ROM will be switched in on
  • this access.
  • IORead_Cxxx(): Fix the logic for IO_SELECT when not slot-3

Revision 2201

Author: tomcw | Date: 10 marca 2017 23:00:01

  • Debugger:
  • . Improved break on FB or IO: account for slot empty (or not) & if expansion ROM enable
  • Memory:
  • . IORead_Cxxx(): Fix for Apple II support for when slot-3 is empty
  • . Apple II type was erroneously testing //e soft-switches

Revision 2200

Author: nick.westgate | Date: 8 marca 2017 11:13:56

  • Allow disk write protect read with drive off - Fixes #389
  • - Added comments
  • - Removed mistaken check for writing nibbles < 0x80
  • - Reset forces all switches off

Revision 2199

Author: tomcw | Date: 7 marca 2017 22:35:38

  • Debugger:
  • Move the BRK and invalid opcodes checks out of main emulation's Fetch() and into DebugContinueStepping()
  • Added a new break condition: when PC reads floating bus or I/O memory
  • On a break condition, output a 'Stop Reason' message to the console

Revision 2198

Author: tomcw | Date: 4 marca 2017 22:00:12

  • Added old doc about SSC registers

Revision 2197

Author: tomcw | Date: 26 lutego 2017 14:45:06

  • Improve ContinueExecution() whilst MODE_STEPPING:
  • . GetKeyState(VK_SCROLL) is slow, so only call periodically
  • . Account for g_nCpuCyclesFeedback before calling SpkrUpdate()

Revision 2196

Author: tomcw | Date: 25 lutego 2017 23:48:07

  • Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin

Revision 2195

Author: tomcw | Date: 25 lutego 2017 23:32:46

  • Support for #384:
  • . Debug 'G(o)' cmd now defaults to normal speed (and precise video updates)
  • . New debug 'GG' cmd enables full speed (and periodic video updates)
  • . Single-stepping (normal or full speed) now routed through ContinueExecution()
  • . Removed Cpu6502()/Cpu65C02() check for debug breakpoints
  • . Removed the (undocumented) SHIFT+F7 feature to exit debugger for 'normal speed breakpoints'
  • . Removed the g_bDebugNormalSpeedBreakpoints variable
→ [Apple IIe] AppleWin Exp (Experimental) - 18 Mar 2017

  • [Bug #392] Fixes for a2audit.dsk
  • [Bug #389] write-protect detection misreporting
  • [Bug #386] SSC: Experimental support for 6551's DTR via -dtr or -dtr-invert args
  • [Bug #383] "Enhanced disk speed" is very slow when debugger is active
  • [Bug #217] Debugger G(o) command should use normal speed
  • Debugger: Added new gg command:
  • command     run at normal speed     run at full speed     video quality     sound quality
  • g     yes     only if disk active, etc     precise     precise
  • gg     no     always     periodic     muted


→ [Apple IIe] AppleWin 1.26.6

AppleWin v1.26.0.6 17/10/16


  • [Bug #126,#157,#194] Beta NTSC and cycle-accurate video support
    The new supported video modes are now only: TV Color, TV B&W, Monitor Color, Monitor B&W
    NB. The old 1.25 modes have been removed eg. "Color (TV Emulation)".
  • Full-screen native resolution (no longer 640x480 resolution)
    NB. If your screen resolution is smaller than 1120x768, then you will get no scaling in full-screen.
  • [Bug #260] Save-state file v2: human readable (Yaml-based format)
  • All hardware configurations save/restored:
    • Apple model, sub-systems, memory, cards (except Uthernet and SAM cards)
    • NB. Old v1 .aws file format are still loaded
  • [Bug #270] Added SAM/DAC sound card support
  • AppleWin built with VS2008 Express (supports Windows 2000 or later)
  • Unit tests added for 6502 and 65C02 opcodes
  • Added -load-state command line option
  • New repo created with test save-state images: https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin-Test
  • Remove unsupported PC speaker sound types
  • [PR #235] New start-up title screen by Paulo Garcia
  • [PR #233] Configuration Dialog->Disk tab: Buttons replaced with drop-down menu for select/eject by Paulo Garcia


  • [Bug #129] Tight loop page-flipping causing heavy CPU load (fixed by NTSC / cycle-accurate video emulation)
  • [Bug #204] Problem running Wrath Of Denethenor (fixed by NTSC / cycle-accurate video emulation)
  • [Bug #317] [Disk] Only mounts version 1 .2mg not version 0
  • [Bug #296] VS2015 unresolved external in Release
  • [Bug #255] CyclesThisFrame not saved to save-state file
  • [Bug #282] Timing test for undocumented AXA (zp),Y
  • [Bug #288] Timing issue with DEC (abs)
  • [Bug #278] 6502 emulation: bSlowerOnPagecross setup too late in CPP macros
  • [Bug #271] Timing problems with ASL, INC and DEC (abs,X)
  • [Bug #264] JMP (IND) is 5 cycles only - not 6 - on 6502
  • [Bug #287] CPU emulation timing fixes
  • [Bug #286] -d1 command line argument & declining GPL causes crash
  • [Bug #277] SSI263 speech data-race leading to crash
  • [Bug #267] Mousecard movement & button events not working in MODE_STEPPING
  • [Bug #227] [Debugger] [1.25] AppleSoft symbol: COPY.FAC.TO.ARG.ROUNDED overflows into registers
  • [Bug #246] [Debugger] Memory (Changing Memory) command in CHM help files
  • [Bug #309] Silent Service hangs during Mockingboard use

Fixes since (6 Oct 2016):

  • [Bug #356] PrintScreen from Color TV or B&W TV video modes is missing top line


Revision 2401

Author: tomch | Date: 16 października 2016 22:15:03

  • Merge pull request #362 from AppleWin/Release-
  • Merge all the changes & fixes from the Release- branch back into master.

Revision 2400

Author: tomcw | Date: 16 października 2016 14:12:08

  • Bump to & update History.txt

Revision 2399

Author: tomcw | Date: 11 października 2016 22:52:11

  • Fix PrintScreen for Color TV and B&W TV (fix #356)

Revision 2398

Author: tomcw | Date: 6 października 2016 23:23:06

  • Bump to Restore the y-shift for TV Color + TV B&W

Revision 2397

Author: tomcw | Date: 2 października 2016 23:22:10

  • Extend quick fix for #341 (ANSI STORY - end credits)

Revision 2396

Author: tomcw | Date: 2 października 2016 18:09:36

  • Update History.txt with fixes for

Revision 2395

Author: tomcw | Date: 1 października 2016 16:24:20

  • Quick fix for #341 (alignment of NTSC Monitor/TV video modes)

Revision 2394

Author: tomcw | Date: 30 września 2016 22:31:09

  • Fix #354: superfluous dot on ']' char

Revision 2393

Author: tomcw | Date: 25 września 2016 22:50:07

  • Reworked NTSC_VideoRedrawWholeScreen(): now precisely call the update funcs for lines0-159 and line160-261, so that video V/H positions remain the same they were on entry (bug #352)

Revision 2392

Author: tomcw | Date: 25 września 2016 20:58:51

  • Fix for previous commit's regression - random data being drawn on line 0 (#352)

Revision 2391

Author: tomcw | Date: 25 września 2016 11:42:14

  • Added new function NTSC_VideoRedrawWholeScreen() to fix #352

Revision 2390

Author: tomcw | Date: 22 września 2016 23:34:16

  • For full-speed: update every 16ms of real-time (close #351)

Revision 2389

Author: tomcw | Date: 20 września 2016 22:47:43

  • Bump to, fix #350 (50% Scan line checkbox wasn't working), tweaked History.txt

Revision 2388

Author: tomcw | Date: 19 września 2016 23:22:24

  • Bump version to

Revision 2387

Author: tomcw | Date: 19 września 2016 23:14:57

  • Fixed #348 (>800KiB HDD images not mountable)

Revision 2386

Author: tomcw | Date: 18 września 2016 19:11:39

  • AppleWin.chm: Update main Config tab to reflect new NTSC video modes

Revision 2385

Author: tomcw | Date: 18 września 2016 18:54:38

  • Fixed #346 (Config->Disk tab)

Revision 2384

Author: tomcw | Date: 18 września 2016 16:56:22

  • Speed-up booting AZTEC.DSK (#347)

Revision 2383

Author: tomcw | Date: 17 września 2016 23:04:58

  • History.txt: fix typo in name

Revision 2382

Author: tomcw | Date: 17 września 2016 22:53:42

  • History.txt: add pull-request changes from @pedgarcia

Revision 2381

Author: tomcw | Date: 17 września 2016 22:35:49

  • History.txt: set today's date for release

Revision 2380

Author: tomcw | Date: 17 września 2016 22:26:45

  • Fix for flickery/bad video updates when MODE_RUNNING and full-speed (broken in previous 09fa6cc)

Revision 2379

Author: tomcw | Date: 17 września 2016 11:04:32

  • Fix to get GR2 working, but #345 still not complete

Revision 2378

Author: tomcw | Date: 17 września 2016 00:05:39

  • Fixed #342

Revision 2377

Author: tomcw | Date: 15 września 2016 22:25:48

  • Tweaks to help about sound and (C) year bumped to 2016

Revision 2376

Author: michaelangel007 | Date: 15 października 2016 07:28:39

  • Fix GR colors gray1 gray2 #253

Revision 2373

Author: michaelangel007 | Date: 14 października 2016 21:12:19

  • Debugger: NTSC: Import 16x1 and 64x1 bmp for palette for #357
wstecz16/04/2017 00:49
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