
[ATARI] Altirra 2.40 Test XXI RC2[?]

[1] # Abris | !!! Piątek, 18 Października 2013 23:36 CET [18-10-2013 21:55 CET]

[ATARI] Altirra 2.40 Test XXI RC2[?]

Aktualizacja emulatora "małego Atari" od Phaerona, który jak zwykle serwuje nam kolejny zestaw zmian i ulepszeń pozwalających cieszyć się oprogramowaniem z ośmiobitowych mikrokomputerów firmy Atari

Atari XE:XL:800:Altirra:Los Angeles SWAT:Mastertronic Ltd.:Sculptured Software, Inc.:1986:
Los Angeles SWAT (Mastertronic Ltd., 1986). W Polsce dość często można było ją spotkać jako Commando.

Altirra 2.40 test 21 [18.10.2013]

 bugs fixed

  • Cartridge: Fixed $BFxx reading with 5200 64K cartridge type.
NOWSZY [ATARI] Altirra 2.40 Test XXII RC2[?]
Atari XE:XL:800:Altirra:Mr. Do:Datasoft, Inc.:Universal Co., Ltd.:1984:
Mr. Do (Datasoft, Inc., 1984)

Altirra 2.40 test 22 [21.10.2013]

 bugs fixed

  • GTIA: Fixed regression with hires player-playfield collisions (since 2.30)
→ [ATARI] Altirra 2.40 Test XX RC1

Altirra 2.40 test 20 [07.10.2013]

 bugs fixed

  • 65C816: Fixed (dp), (dp,X), and (dp,Y) behavior with DP!=0.
→ [ATARI] Altirra 2.40 Test XIX RC1
Atari XE:XL:800:Altirra:Whomper Stomper:Adventure International:1982
Whomper Stomper (Adventure International, 1982)

Altirra 2.40 test 19 [06.10.2013]

 features added

  • Recorder: Added option for encoding duplicate frames as full frames.

 bugs fixed

  • LLE: Fixed CIOINV timing so that emulated CIO hooks work.
  • LLE: Corrected K: debounce logic and E: AUX2 open handling (fixes Action! with LLE firmware).
  • Printer: Emulated P: device now supports the PUT CHARS command with len=0.
  • Serial: Emulated R: device supports break interrupts.

author's comment:

  • This version fixes Action! when using the LLE kernel and MAC/65 when using LLE/HLE kernels or floating-point acceleration. There are also a bunch of other fixes to the math pack support when not using the vanilla OS-B or XL/XE math pack. I also fixed a couple of bugs in emulated P: and R: that were reported to me (single byte writes to P: being broken and R: not responding to keyboard break).


→ [ATARI] Altirra 2.40 Test XVIII
Nadral (Atari Inc., 1985)

Altirra 2.40 test 18 [05.09.2013]

 features added

  • 65C816: Optimized mode switches.
  • Debugger: r (register) command now allows access to 65C816 registers.
  • Profiler: Added 65C816 support.

 bugs fixed

  • 65C816: Fixed cycle timing for TXY instruction.
  • Debugger: Fixed incorrect disassembly on step when running from high banks.
  • LLE: 5200 BIOS now strobes NMIRES for DLIs.

author's comment:

  • Fixed a couple of crashes and a bad 65C816 mode switching performance problem, added 10MHz/14MHz modes and shadowing options, and added 65C816 support to the profiler:


→ [ATARI] Altirra 2.40 Test XVI

Altirra 2.40 test 16 [04.09.2013]

 features added

  • UI: File > Exit now confirms if there are modified images.

 bugs fixed

  • 5200: Floating data bus is now enabled in 5200 mode
  • POKEY: SKSTAT bit 1 is now emulated.
→ [ATARI] Altirra 2.40 Test XV
Rainbow Walker (Synapse Software Corporation, 1983)

Altirra 2.40 test 15 [27.08.2013]
zmiany w porównaniu do test12

 features added

  • CPU: Preliminary support for accelerated 65C816 operation.
  • Disk: Added "Extract Boot Sectors" command to disk dialog for use with bootable virtual disks.
  • Recorder: Added .WAV file audio recording.
  • UI: Added on-screen indication for some view mode changes.
  • UI: Added support for per-monitor DPI scaling in Windows 8.1.
  • UI: Added custom debug font dialog for half point sizes.

 bugs fixed

  • 65C816: Read/modify/write instructions now do read/write/write in emulation mode.
  • Debugger: Fixed LLE kernel ROM auto-reload and symbol load option.
  • Debugger: UI panels are now more consistent with debugger commands in numeric base handling.
  • GTIA: Fixed bug with VDELAY on missiles.
  • LLE: Decimal flag is now cleared before dispatching IRQs.
  • LLE: Fixed BRK handler to handle stack wrapping.
  • HLE: Added partial fix for CDTMA1 during accelerated disk reads (fixes Ankh with SIO patch enabled).
  • UI: Fixed GDI handle leak in text editor.
  • U1MB: Fixed PIA read decoding to only respond to $D300-D37F (unfixes Bounty Bob Strikes Back!). 

author's comment

  • This build fixes problems with the debugger sometimes switching to a Flyspeck 5 font, VDELAY issues with missiles, Ultimate1MB issue that let some games access the joystick when they shouldn't, and 65C816 mode doing read/read/write instead of read/write/write for read-modify-write insns in emulation mode.
  • Also new to this version is the ability to run the CPU in 65C816 mode accelerated, at either 3.58MHz (2x) or 7.14MHz (4x). This is very preliminary and WILL break a lot of games and demos, particularly ones that require precise cycle timing. It also runs a bit faster than it should right now because it allows access to hardware registers at fast speed instead of slowing down to 1.79MHz. However, it's useful for testing code that can use a faster CPU, such as a 65C816 OS. Besides productivity and BASIC programs, there are a few games that magically benefit from this -- Ballblazer runs great at 7.14MHz. I did have to put in a nasty hack to slow down the CPU to 1.79MHz for two cycles following a write to WSYNC, so I'd be interested in any experience people have with compatibility of this emulation vs. a real 65C816 accelerator.


→ [ATARI] Altirra 2.40 Test XII
Alley Cat (ariolasoft GmbH, 1983)

Altirra 2.40 test 12 [08.07.2013]

  • Update to allow copying text out of the XEP-80 screen, and with added support for custom video modes


→ [ATARI] Altirra 2.40 Test XI

Altirra 2.40 test 11 [30.06.2013]

  • Fix for scrolling issue with tall logical lines, internal charset support, and better of emulation of unusual charset addressing modes
  • Fix for burst mode not working properly, and improved logging support (lfe xepdata / lfe xepcmd)
→ [ATARI] Altirra 2.40 Test IX
Tusker (Mirage Soft, 1993)

Altirra 2.40 test 9 [30.06.2013]

features added

  • Debugger: Verifier can now detect 64K address space index wrapping and abnormal DMA conditions.
  • Debugger: Added fbx (fill bytes with expression) command.
  • XEP80: Initial support.
wstecz18/10/2013 23:36
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