
[ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 4.10 test XXVIII 21/12/2022

[0] # AtariAge Altirra 4.01 | !!! Piątek, 23 Grudnia 2022 01:37 CET [24-11-2022 22:01 CET]

[ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 4.10 test XXVIII 21/12/2022

Nowe wersja testowa Altirry emulatora ATARI XE/XL/5200/2600. Dodano wsparcie dla typu cart SIC! , czyli naszego rodzimego pomysłu. 

Ostatnia pełna wersja tego emulatora, autorstwa Avery 'Phaeron' Lee,  jaka publicznie została udostępniona to Alirra 4.00 z 13 listopada 2021 r.


The Last Ninja II Silly Venture 2022 Winter Edition (Jakub Husak / Peter Scott, 2022.12.08)
Agent USA (Scholastic, Inc., 1984)

Altirra 4.01 Beta XXVIII (28) 22/12/2022


  • nw

features added

  • Debugger: Added initial support for DWARF5 debugging information from LLVM-MOS .elf files.
  • Debugger: Disassembly window now supports address expressions and mixed source/disassembly view.
  • UI: Paste can now paste visible control characters from Unicode.

bugs fixed

  • Debugger: Fixed ##BANK annotations in MADS listings not being parsed properly with decimal bank numbers.
  • UI: Fixed an issue where Unicode text would sometimes be read out of the clipboard as ANSI text.

author's comment:

  • Adds preliminary support for ELF/DWARF5 debugging symbols emitted by LLVM-MOS.
  • The debugger now supports showing source lines in disassembly view.
  • Fixed a bug with parsing of ##BANK annotations in MADS list files
  • Added support for copying text as hex and copying/pasting control symbols as Unicode, and fixed a bug where sometimes text was not properly fetched from the clipboard as Unicode.

Altirra 4.01 Beta XXVII (27) 25/11/2022

Dropzone (1984, U.S. Gold Ltd.)


  • nw

features added

  • Cartridge: Added support for SIC+.

bugs fixed

  • Cartridge: Fixed banking issues with SIC! during flashing and when loading save states.  Improved accuracy of timer reloads.

author's comment:

  • Adds support for SIC+ cartridge.
  • Fixed SIC! bugs with debugger reads, flashing, and save states.
  • Added support for MX29F040 flash.
  • Added advanced config vars to set CAR types for supported cartridge types that don't have an assigned CAR number.

The register info in the SIC+ schematic was incorrect, so I had to reverse the GAL equations from the JED to derive the chip enables. It turned out to be pretty simple, bit 7 was repurposed from write protect to chip select. Flashing is supported, swap and recover switches currently not. I added the MX29F040 since that's the chip seen in the latest pictures of the SIC+ cartridge; however, it's virtually the same as an Am29F040B except for IDs and a slight change in sector erase timeout and there shouldn't be any software besides the flasher that would notice.

Note that the SIC+ firmware images from the SDX betas will not work. Earlier versions are for a different register set than the current SIC+ design supports. The current 4.49g beta ones will work, but the pregenerated .bin image only contains the top 8K of each bank and isn't in a form that the emulator can use. However, the flasher disk can be run with a blank SIC+ cart and then that saved to a usable image.


Altirra 4.01 Beta XXVI (26) 23/11/2022


  • nw

features added

  • Cassette: Added support for SIO data out controlled turbo (Turbo Blizzard).

bugs fixed

  • POKEY: Serial output bit state is no longer reset by initialization mode.
  • POKEY: Improved accuracy of timer reloads.

author's comment:

  • Accuracy fix for reload timing for POKEY timers, adjusting it by one cycle to match hardware.
  • Adds support for turbo tape control by SIO data out (Turbo Blizzard).
  • SIO serial data output is no longer reset by initialization mode (affects two-tone mode).

The last one was the result of some scope checks on the 130XE after debugging some reliability issues with a two-tone cycle test. Turns out that none of the reset mechanisms in POKEY reset the bit being sent out through the SIO data output line, so if you stop a transmission at the wrong time, POKEY will just keep holding the data output pin low continually until another byte is sent. Fun for devices waiting for command frames or if you need to use timer 1 in two-tone mode for 1.79MHz clocking.

→ [ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 4.10 test XXV 20/11/2022
Geos Conv. (2022). W końcu i w sumie smutne, że GEOS nie trafił na Atari w latach osiemdziesiątych - to naprawdę był zacny system dla C64.

Altirra 4.01 Beta XXV (25) 20/11/2022


  • nw

features added

  • nw

bugs fixed

  • Debugger: Source window was keeping stale source line data when reloading symbols.

author's comment:

Fix for line number debug info not being refreshed properly in debugger source windows when reloading symbols

Altirra 4.01 Beta XXIV (24) 12/11/2022


  • nw

features added

  • Debugger: Added Breakpoints pane and Ctrl+B as a shortcut for a new breakpoint.
  • Devices: APT partitions on hard disks can now be opened in Disk Explorer.
  • PerfAnalyzer: Added support for exporting to Chrome tracing format.

bugs fixed

  • PerfAnalyzer: Fixed NMI showing as IRQ when NMI preempts IRQ.
  • UI: Fixed focus glitching when selecting a docked tab with an undocked pane selected.

author's comment:

Adds support for exploring disk images stored in APT partitions. This is accessed by the context menu on a hard disk device:


...which then opens the Disk Explorer with a view of APT partitions on the disk, with options to mount the disk image within each partition, or import/export the partition as a disk image:


This should make it a bit easier to manage partitioned hard disks.

Altirra 4.01 Beta XXII (22) 16/10/2022

Rampage (Activision, Inc., 1987)


  • nw

features added

  • Devices: Added shortcut command to temporarily mount VHD images in Windows to access FAT32 partitions.

bugs fixed

  • Additions: Fixed BRK instruction in LOADEXE.COM.
  • Devices: Fixed bug with virtual FAT16/FAT32 hard drives returning bad sector data when re-reading final partial data sectors of a file.

author's comment:

  • Fixed a couple of issues with LOADEXE on the Additions disk and the Deferred/Disk Boot EXE loader modes.
  • Fixed the virtual FAT16 and FAT32 devices returning bad data when re-reading the last data sector of a file.
  • Added a command to temporarily remount a VHD in Windows for easier access to FAT32 partitions.
  • Crash dialog now reports EXE-relative offset if available.

Altirra 4.01 Beta XXI (21) 3/10/2022

Montezuma's Revenge Redux (2021, TIX and Playsoft 2020)


  • nw

features added

  • Devices: Added SimCovox support.

bugs fixed

  • Devices: Fixed SD card multiple-block write command.
  • Devices: Fixed SD card state not being reset on SD power toggle.
  • POKEY: Improved accuracy of serial port clock timing.

author's comment:

  • Fixed SD card multiple block write operations.
  • Fixed messed up buttons in Tape Control dialog with new dark mode checkboxes.
  • Fixed cassette audio dropping out after running continuously for >20 mins.
  • Fixed OS C: workaround option affecting turbo tape reads.
  • Added emulation of serial clock phase and reset.
  • SIDE 3 SD power toggle now also resets SD card state.
  • Added SimCovox emulation support.

Altirra 4.01 Beta XX (20) 17/09/2022


  • nw

features added

  • Debugger: Memory pane now has an option to display 8bpp graphics.

bugs fixed

  • nw

author's comment:

  • Fixed a crash when disabling stereo with the downmix-stereo-to-mono option enabled.
  • Optimizations and fixes to FLAC decoding.
  • Added 8bpp graphics visualization mode to debugger memory pane.

Altirra 4.01 Beta XIX (19) 06/09/2022

Broadsides (1983, Strategic Simulations, Inc.)

Altirra 4.01 Beta XVIII (18) 28/08/2022


  • nw

features added

  • Audio: Added 800 console speaker acoustics simulation.
  • Firmware: Added detection of several XF551 firmware ROMs.
  • UI: Added dark mode support for checkboxes and radio buttons.

bugs fixed

  • Disk: XF551 full emulator now supports IN A,BUS instruction used by some modified firmware.

author's comment:

  • XF551: Added missing IN A,BUS instruction preventing some modified firmware images from running.
  • Added firmware detection for XF551 rev. 7.4/7.7 and US Doubler rev. L.
  • Added 800 speaker emulation.
  • Fixed a bug with the the speaker volume override in Advanced Configuration getting overwritten with stereo POKEYs enabled.
  • Updated to latest Windows 11 SDK and removed macOS Wine64 crash workaround that should no longer be needed. Please indicate if this build starts crashing with that issue again.
  • Disabled options in Configure Systems now still show their state.
  • Added custom dark mode rendering support for checkboxes and radio buttons.

The 800 speaker emulation (Configure System > Outputs > Audio > Simulate console speaker) modifies the sound rendering of console speaker sounds to simulate the acoustics of the 2" speaker inside of the 800's case, which has some significant muffling and resonance. It's implemented by FFT convolution of the raw output with a step impulse that I recorded from an 800 with a microphone.

→ [ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 4.10 test XVII 17/07/2022

Altirra 4.01 Beta XVII (17) 18/07/2022 (Bugfix)


  • nw

features added

  • nw

bugs fixed

  • nw.


  • Problem with advconfig



Altirra 4.01 Beta XVI (16) 18/07/2022


  • nw

features added

  • Audio: Added option downmixing stereo POKEY output to mono
  • Disk: 810/1050 full drive emulations now warn on attempts to use double-sided disks that can't be read in those drives.

bugs fixed

  • Cassette: Fixed FLAC decoder errors with some files on ARM64 version only.

authors comment:

  • 810/1050 full disk drive emulators now have tighter validation for disk geometry: they will now warn when attempting to use 80 track, double sided or 26 sector per track double density disks.
  • Fixed unintended change in GTIA speaker volume and added an advanced config var for overriding the volume (audio.speaker_vol_override).
  • Added option for downmixing stereo audio to mono.
  • Fixed some crashes related to the adaptive vsync profiler and calibration UIs at small window sizes.
  • Fixed bugs in the profiler's Copy as CSV option causing double context menus and incorrect data dumps.



Altirra 4.01 Beta XV (15) 07/07/2022

Spiky Harold (Firebird, 1986). Najbardziej irytująca, wkurzająca i frustrująca gra na Atari... przynajmniej dla mnie. Z drugiej strony była to jedna z lepszych gier z tamtych czasów;)


  • Display: Direct3D 11 and borderless mode are now enabled by default for new installs.
  • UI: ANTIC/GTIA visualization options have been moved to the Debug menu.

features added:

  • Debugger: Randomize Memory on EXE Load option now logs when randomization occurs and uses the global randomization seed.
  • Display: Added adaptive speed option to lock to refresh rate for reduced latency.

bugs fixed:

  • Debugger: Fast boot hook now marks memory as preset to avoid tripping false uninitialized memory errors when heat map trapping is enabled.
  • Display: Fixed crash when forced out of D3D11 exclusive full screen mode by OS due to an overlapping window.
  • UI: Fixed non-native file browser not working with UNC paths.

authors comment:

  • View > Screen Effects now has pertinent links to Configure System or Windows Settings when HDR is supported but not enabled.
  • Added a calibration screen to tune white/black levels and check HDR rendering.
  • Fixed corrupted text rendering in HDR mode.
  • Fixed the "use system SDR intensity" HDR settings not saving.
  • Fixed the non-native (exclusive full screen) file browser corrupting UNC network paths.
  • Debugger: Fixed heat map triggering bogus traps in the OS with fast boot enabled, due to main memory not being marked as initialized when skipping the memory test.
  • Debugger: Randomize-on-EXE-load now uses the global seed, and prints a warning to the console when it activates.
  • Fixed a random crash that occurred when the emulator was forced out of D3D11 exclusive fullscreen by Windows due to being covered by another program.
  • High-precision timers are now used on Windows 10 1803+ for more stable emulator timing.
  • Fixed D3D9 code running unnecessary ticks in the background.
  • Major rework of D3D11 display code for improved latency tracking and reporting.
  • Added an adaptive vsync option (D3D11 only).

This version has some pretty major rework of the D3D11 rendering path to further reduce latency. For best results, you will need to have D3D11 enabled in Options (now default for new installs), and be running on Windows 8.1 or later. A change to the waitable latency object handling helps avoid 1 frame of latency after mode changes or accessing menus, and another change to leverage frame statistics to track vsync times helps schedule presentation times to drop ~0.5 frames of latency or so. There is also a new option in Configure System > Speed to adjust the emulation speed to match vsync, which in optimum conditions (full-screen with stable timing) can drive latency down to half a frame on average. This only works when the refresh rate is close to the ideal rate (60Hz for NTSC, or 50Hz for PAL).

There are also a bunch of related new config vars to debug this, if needed. The most pertinent one is an old one, display.show_debug_info, which displays some more statistics now:

"Present latency" now measures the latency from both Direct3D and the DWM, when frame statistics are available. In optimal conditions in exclusive full-screen mode or when the DWM is able to devote an overlay (Hardware: Independent Flip), Altirra will be able to drive this down below 1 frame (<16.7ms). When DWM compositing is involved, this will unfortunately always be at least ~1.5 frames and sometimes even 2.5 frames on average. I spent days fighting this with GPUView and various strategies and there is no way around this, the Windows 10 DWM has a bug where sometimes it will stack two frames into its flip queue and drive the latency up for everything one frame higher than necessary. Windows 7 in classic theme avoids this delay as there is no composition, but there are some pretty major problems in DXGI in that version such that windowed vsync is still less effective there than it is on Windows 8.1+.

On the other hand, after extensive testing, I've gotten better at River Raid and Kaboom!. Still suck at Alley Cat, where apparently my issues were not latency related.

There are also some changes to HDR rendering, although aside from the calibration screen there's no actually much different. I went down that particular rabbit hole while diagnosing rendering issues on a new LG27GN800B monitor, which turns out to have quite worse HDR rendering than my existing LG27GL83A due to a much more aggressive tone mapping curve which makes everything muddy. The new HDR calibration screen helps expose this. I also found out that it is possible to influence the tone mapping curve by setting the MaxCLL and MaxFALL values sent to the monitor, but it's not clear if this is helpful -- most of the time it just makes the monitor tone map more aggressively and try to lie even more about how bright it can actually display. But at least the calibration screen makes it easier to tell what's happening, and whether you can actually get better colors in HDR mode or not.

Altirra 4.01 Beta XIV (14) 18/06/2022

Command Remade (Shanti77,2022)


  • nw

features added

  • nw

bugs fixed

  • AltirraOS: Improved compatibility of TIMFLG usage and initial register values on tape boot.
  • Cassette: Accelerated C: loads now set TIMFLG.
  • Debugger: Improved load speed of source windows.
  • Debugger: Fixed symbol-related crash when opening source windows with deferred symbol loads.
  • Debugger: Fixed Step Out/Into commands not using source mode in an undocked source window.
  • PerfAnalyzer: Tape channels now show proper jumps when accelerated loads occur.
  • UI: Progress dialogs are now suppressed in exclusive full screen mode to avoid popping out of full screen when loading tapes.

authors comment:

  • SIO acceleration routines now set/clear TIMFLG. This fixes the Boulder Dash tape above with accelerated C‍: enabled.
  • Fixed busted tape signal trace channels in Performance Analyzer after an accelerated load.
  • Improved load speed of large text files into debugger source windows.
  • Fixed a crash when opening source windows with deferred symbol loads.
  • Fixed Step Into and Step Out not using source mode when used in a source window that is undocked.
  • AltirraOS updated to 3.14: now uses correct values for TIMFLG, and improves compatibility of undocumented register state on tape boot to fix another variant of the above loader. (These seem to have been sold from some store in Poland? Or maybe a BBS....)
  • Load progress dialog is suppressed in exclusive full-screen mode to avoid popping out of full screen when loading tapes.
→ [ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 4.10 test XIII 30/05/2022
Abu Simbel Profanation (Felipe De Toro Year, 2022), org. Dinamic Software, 1985. Cholerny pixel perfect i perfect timing - już pierwsza plansza uczy pokory - prawie jak w Spiky Harold.


Altirra 4.01 Beta XIII (13) 30/05/2022


  • nw

features added

  • Display: Reduced buffered frame latency in display paths.

bugs fixed

  • Debugger: Fixed .printf command outputting a garbled character with %
  • Input: Add Ctrl+Shift+Alt+0 as an alias for Ctrl+Shift+0 to work around Windows stealing this key for a keyboard layout switching shortcut.
  • POKEY: Fixed glitches in low linked timer 3 audio output when updating linked timer 3+4 state.

authors comment:

  • The default keyboard layouts now have Ctrl+Shift+Alt+0 aliased to Ctrl+Shift+0, to work around the bug with Windows 10 text services randomly eating it.
  • Fixed a bug in the debugger's .printf command with %d/%i and very large numbers.
  • Fixed performance analyzer not seeking to the correct instructions when the history pane has Collapse Loops disabled.
  • Added still image device to complement the video generator for ComputerEyes input.
  • Made a couple of experimental changes to reduce latency. The video output path tries harder to avoid buffering frames ahead of the display code, the display code uses double buffering instead of triple buffering, and the D3D11 path requests 1-frame latency on both the swap chain and device as appropriate.
  • Fixed a couple of issues with reinitializing linked timers that were causing glitches, including the above noted issue. The primary culprit was a 3-cycle skew adjustment to the ch1+2 path that hadn't been applied to the ch3+4 path.

Altirra 4.01 Beta XII (12) 9/05/2022

ComputerEyes firmy Digital Vision pozwalał na przechwytywanie klatek z kamery i VCR dla tak zaawansowanych maszynek jak AppleII, Commodore C64 i ATARI. Fajna ciekawostka. Fot. Worthpoint


  • nw

features added

  • nw

bugs fixed

  • Debugger: Fixed long pauses or broken history listings when toggling the collapse options in the History window.
  • HDevice: Fixed append mode not working for files on H6-H9:.

authors comment:

  • Adds initial support for the ComputerEyes Video Acquisition System.
  • Fixes H6-H9: not supporting append mode.
  • Fixes very long delays or garbled instruction readouts when toggling the collapse modes in the history pane.
    • The ComputerEyes device needs a composite video input, of which there is currently one sub-device that sends a static test image. If no video device is attached, then the CE will act as with no video signal (no sync). The ComputerEyes device digitizes one column per threshold per frame, so an 8-level image will take 43 seconds to capture. It is capable of 16-level capture but you need V2.0 of the software to do it. Theoretically, VBXE would be able to display 320x240x16 grayscale from this. A quirk of the CE software is that the bi-level Normal mode uses the maximum threshold, so the brightness needs to be adjusted up for multi-level and down for bi-level. I don't know why they didn't use mid-level threshold for bi-level.

Altirra 4.01 Beta XI (11) 2/05/2022


  • nw

features added

  • nw

bugs fixed

  • nw

authors comment:

  • Fixed incomplete banking setup for 5200 Super Cart in 128K and 256K sizes.

Altirra 4.01 Beta X (10) 1/05/2022


  • Input: Light pens and light guns have been split for 4.10+. Input presets may need to be updated and offsets readjusted.

features added

  • Input: Improved accuracy of light pen/gun trigger pulse timing.
  • Input: Added an option for light pen/gun noise.
  • UI: Keyboard shortcut dialog now has better support for binding Alt+keys and is more keyboard accessible.

bugs fixed

  • nw

authors comment:

  • Improved Keyboard Shortcuts dialog to be more reliable at binding Alt+key combinations.
  • Shortened and adjusted timing offset light pen/gun trigger pulse to be more realistic.
  • Split light pen/gun controllers apart so they have different offsets and to get rid of the inversion on the pen switch. Existing input maps need to be remade to take advantage of this.
  • Removed extraneous secondary button from light pen/gun controllers.
  • Added light pen noise emulation.

Altirra 4.01 Beta IX (9) 26/04/2022

Gacek + VXBE Version (Bomb Jack clone) (Shanti77, 2022). Pobrać można np. z Atari Area


  • Input: Light pen/gun offsets have been reset in this 4.10+ to accommodate offset errors in previous versions. 

features added

  • Display: Added support for DXGI 1.3 seamless custom refresh rate support on integrated display panels.
  • Input: Extended immediate pots option to allow support immediate light pen/gun inputs.
  • Input: Added interactive tool to recalibrate light pen/gun offset.

bugs fixed

  • Input: Fixed vertical offset on light pen/gun position in PAL.

authors comment:

  • Adds support for DXGI 1.3 seamless custom refresh rates, which can be enabled in Tools > Options > Display. There are narrow circumstances in which this works: you need Windows 8.1 or newer and both a video driver and internal LCD panel that supports appropriate custom refresh rates, with no external displays connected, and running borderless full screen. When this works, the emulator can switch the LCD panel to 50Hz for smooth PAL operation even if the display doesn't normally report 50Hz as a supported refresh rate. Unfortunately, Windows doesn't provide usable ways to determine when a custom refresh rate actually takes effect, so this can only be verified visually.
  • Fixed a possible crash when scaling up in the video recorder.
  • Added a bunch of advanced debug config vars for the display code.
  • The D3D11 driver now displays some vsync timing information and composition mode when debug info is enabled.
  • Fixed light pen/gun vertical position being way off in PAL. As a result of this fix, the light pen/gun offset has been reset in 4.10-test9 to be separate from previous versions. (0,0) is now an average-ish position for some XEGS light gun games.
  • Added a command to recalibrate the light pen/gun offset. Unlike the dialog settings, this is interactive where you can click on where the emulated program thinks the light pen/gun position is, and the emulator will auto-compute the offset adjustment based on that.
  • The immediate paddle option now also enables immediate light pen/gun updates, which can also remove 1 frame of latency for light pen/guns.
  • Some internal code reorganization to improve building of the RMT plugins, removing some more extraneous dependencies and formally relicensing the remaining ones. The RMT plugins and the libraries used in them are now GPLv2 with an explicit linking exception for noncommercial use. This additional exception is retroactive. See COPYING.RMT in the source archive for details. Note that there is no functional change in the RMT plugins in this version.
  • YASM has been removed as a build dependency.

A few misc notes:

  • This version contains some pre-work on trying to reduce latency, but the WIP was not stable enough to release yet. One thing I discovered is that some night light reduction programs, notably f.lux, can introduce an extra frame of latency in full-screen mode. This is because the default settings for that program force the DWM to composite. You can tell if this is happening if the D3D11 debug info says that the composition mode is [Composed: Flip] instead of [Hardware: Independent Flip].
  • Multiple monitors can also cause additional latency in windowed mode. With two monitors, the Windows 10 DWM will sometimes lose track of the flip queue and queue more than one frame, raising the minimum latency to 2+ frames. Also, in some cases it cannot promote a window to hardware overlay if two monitors are active.
  • The light pen calibration screen in the Atari Graphics cartridge is somewhat difficult to get past because it has a strict limit on the PENH values it will accept, and as a result it will not accept the calibration positioning unless you either aim left of it or set the offset negative. I suspect that this is because the Atari light pens have a different horizontal offset than light guns, but need to get data from an actual light pen to verify. If this is the case, I'll need to put in a separate offset for light pens.
→ [ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 4.10 test VIII 13/03/2022

Altirra 4.01 Beta VIII (8) 13/03/2022


  • np

features added

  • Cartridge: Added support for CAR types 71-75 (5200 Super Cart, bank 0 init version of MaxFlash 8Mbit).
  • Cartridge: Added support for the XE Multicart.
  • Debugger: Memory locations can now be edited in the Memory panel.
  • UI: The Check for Updates dialog now has a link to the internal RSS feed used to deliver the new update info.
  • UI: Added support for copying and pasting characters from the interactional character set.

bugs fixed

  • Disk Explorer: Fix incorrect Unicode mappings for control characters in viewer.

authors comment:


  • Fixed an issue with cassette audio sometimes desyncing after an accelerated C: load.
  • Added support for CAR types 71-75. Special thanks to the Atari800 development team for confirming that it was OK to use info from their carts.txt file that hadn't been published in a release yet.
  • The Check For Updates dialog now has a link to the internal RSS update feed.
  • The Memory pane in the debugger now supports editing memory.
  • Warp now starts instantly when in slow motion, rather than only on next frame.
  • Added a config var for the slow motion speed ratio.
  • Fixed Unicode mappings in disk explorer text viewer.
  • Copy/paste now supports the international character set, and the default layout now maps international characters to their Ctrl+key equivalents.
  • Added XE Multicart support.

As the XE Multicart build scripts produce a short cartridge image, you'll need to check the 'show all mappers even if they may not work' option to see those cartridge modes.

Altirra 4.01 Beta VII (7) 01/02/2022

  • BugFix: "... With the test-6 version, I cannot load any tape images (.cas, .wav; standard or turbo). I've completely reset the settings, but no help. E.g. I load a tape image with a cassette boot file, restart with START+OPTION, press a key and then nothing happens. The tape control dialog doesn't respond to PLAY or STOP or PAUSE. The .pia debug command shows motor on"  Source

Altirra 4.01 Beta VI (6) 30/01/2022

Pooyan (Datasoft, Inc., Aug, 1983)


  • np

features added

  • np

bugs fixed

  • AltirraOS: Fixed compatibility issue with KEYDEL handling (fixes cursor movement in BrushupV40).
  • Custom Devices: Blocked ++/-- increment operators to avoid confusion (they were parsed as pairs of unary operators, which was usually not intended).
  • Debugger: Fixed memory window horizontal scrollbar not updating after some changes.
  • Display: Fixed low quality text rendering in D3D11 mode after a change in HDR mode.
  • PCLink: Directory enumerations now report if a directory is the root or a subdirectory.
  • PCLink: Improved path compatibility with standard SpartaDOS X path parser.

authors comment:

  • Compiler changed to Visual Studio 2022.
  • AltirraOS: Improved compatibility of KEYDEL handling.
  • Custom Devices: Script compiler now parses and blocks ++ and -- operators to prevent them from being parsed as pairs of unary operators.
  • Debugger: Fixed memory window horizontal scroll bar.
  • Devices: Lifted internal PIA limit which could cause devices to break in unusual cases with too many devices connecting to the PIA inputs.
  • Display: Retuned monochrome artifacting fix to high artifacting filter to restore comparable quality of color modes to 4.00.
  • Display: Fixed broken text after toggling HDR on the fly.
  • PCLink: Directory enumerations now report if the directory is root or a subdirectory.
  • PCLink: Improve compatibility of path parsing compared to base SDX filesystem.
  • Tape: C‌: SIO patch is now more flexible in handling of the transfer mode byte.
  • Tape: Improved quality of tape resampler.
  • Tape: Fixed incorrect rate handling of pwml chunks in CAS files.
  • Tape editor: Fixed store waveform option not actually doing anything.
  • Tape editor: Added Copy Decoded Data command.
  • Tape editor: Restored previous version of FSK decoding so that there are both now block-oriented and freeform decoders.


Altirra 4.01 Beta V (5) 23/12/2021

ION Roadway (James Sommers, 1983)


  • nw

features added

  • Cassette: Added support for PWM encoded turbo data in CAS files.

bugs fixed

  • Display: Fixed monochrome modes with VBXE or high artifacting.
  • Tape Editor: Fixed extraneous bit data being added when saving a new CAS file after editing.

authors comment:

  • Fixed bugs with monochrome modes not working with VBXE or high artifacting modes. Unfortunately this fix also results in the return of some chroma artifacts in NTSC high artifacting mode that were previously being incorrectly canceled; I may try to retune the artifacting filters again at some point.
  • Tape editor: fixed broken CAS saves after some edits, highlight and scroll to changes on undo, add menu option and shortcut to re-run decoding analysis after doing an edit, redo FSK decoding in the tap editor to be closer to regular emulation decoding to increase reliability, shift+click now only moves the endpoint of the selection, warn when standard blocks will be converted to FSK on CAS save, and optimize FSK blocks on save.
  • C: SIO patch now supports disabling the timeout with DTIMOT=0, which fixes some tapes that had extremely long blocks (>4.5 minutes).
  • Added support for loading PWM-encoded chunks in CAS files.

Altirra 4.01 Beta IV (4) 20/12/2021

IXION (US Gold, 1985)


  • nw

features added

  • Cassette: Added config variable to manually tweak balance between mark/space bit detectors.
  • Tape Editor: Bit position is now marked purple if a single bit flip is identified that would fix a bad checksum in a standard block.

bugs fixed

  • Cassette: Fixed FLAC decoder crash with some block sizes.
  • Cassette: Accelerated C: loads now properly leave tape running after block load.
  • Cassette: Accelerated C: loads now handle block reads with timeouts longer than 30 seconds.
  • Cassette: Fixed regression with FSK blocks in CAS files being read as turbo pulses instead of FSK pulses.
  • Display: Reduced frame jitter in D3D11 windowed mode on Windows 8.1+.
  • Tape Editor: Fixed draw tool using wrong threshold for bit polarity with waveform display enabled.
  • Tape Editor: Fixed SIO capture option not showing enable state on menu.
  • Tape Editor: Captured accelerated C: loads now show sync bytes.
  • Tape Editor: Block checksum status is more reliably shown during live SIO data capture.
  • UI: /startuplog can now exclude log channels with '-' and ignores Ctrl+C.

authors comment:

  • Fixed crash with loading some FLAC files.
  • Accelerated C: loads now properly leave tape running after block load. This fixes some tape loaders that mix C: loads and custom tape routines.
  • Fixed regression with FSK pulse blocks in .CAS files being loaded as turbo data instead.
  • Improved frame rate stability with windowed vsync in D3D11 mode on Win8.1+.
  • /startuplog: now allows disabling log channels and blocks Ctrl+C.
  • C: patch can now load blocks longer than 30 seconds. (There are tapes with single blocks that are minutes long.)
  • Tape editor: fixed draw tool with waveform displayed, SIO capture option now shows enabled state, accelerated C: loads show sync bytes, and block checksum status displays more reliably during live captures.
  • The tape editor now also has a feature where it will attempt to identify the position of a bit error in an SIO data capture, by highlighting it in purple:
    Altirra - attempt to identify the position of a bit error in an SIO data capture

    Sadly, unlike a CRC, it isn't possible with the SIO checksum to identify which bit is likely to be bad since the SIO checksum is just a simple sum of all bytes. However, what is possible is to check whether the computed and recorded checksums differ by the value of a single bit. The tape editor now does this, and highlights the bit position in purple. This narrows down the bit error to a specific bit position among all of the bytes in the record, and helps guide manual repairs to the bitstream.

Altirra 4.01 Beta III (3) 12/12/2021

Gorf (Roklan Corporation, 1982)


  • nw

features added

  • Devices: NVRAM can now be isolated per profile and follows the temporary profile state.
  • Display: SDR/HDR balance in HDR mode can now use the system-wide SDR intensity setting.
  • HDevice: Added full long filename mode.

bugs fixed

  • Disk: Fixed too short timeout for Record Not Found (RNF) errors.
  • Disk: Improved sound of recalibrations in 810-based standard emulation modes.
  • Disk: Retuned receive rates for Happy 810 and Happy 1050 standard emulation modes.
  • Disk: Fixed idle motor-off timeout occurring too quickly after long commands with retries.
  • Disk: Retuned XF551 high-speed C/E to data frame delay.
  • VFS: Fixed wrong file being accessed when using atfs:// paths to access files inside a DOS 2 disk image.

authors comment:

  • VFS: Fixed off-by-one error when accessing files on a DOS 2 image using the atfs:// prefix.
  • ATBasic: IOCB#7 is now automatically closed on I/O errors to avoid SAVE files being kept open for write.
  • Disk: Retuned XF551 high speed C/E to data frame delay based on firmware timings.
  • Additions: Fixed incorrect device ID in loadexe.xex.
  • HLE: "Disk boot" program load mode now simulates an SDFS disk to trigger the EXE load under SDX.

Altirra 4.01 Beta II (2) 28/11/2021


  • Devices: NVRAM can now be isolated per profile and follows the temporary profile state.
  • Display: SDR/HDR balance in HDR mode can now use the system-wide SDR intensity setting.
  • HDevice: Added full long filename mode.

features added

  • Devices: NVRAM can now be isolated per profile and follows the temporary profile state.
  • Display: SDR/HDR balance in HDR mode can now use the system-wide SDR intensity setting.
  • HDevice: Added full long filename mode.

bugs fixed

  • Display: Workaround for D3D11 minimum precision crash on Intel Iris Xe driver.
  • Profiler: Fixed negative unhalted cycle counts showing up around STA WSYNC instructions.
  • Serial: Pad out 850 relocator to match length of original firmware relocator (fixes compatibility with loaders that hardcode the relocator length).

authors comment:

  • Debugger: Fixed cycle counting error that caused negative unhalted cycle counts in the profiler around WSYNC writes.
  • Devices: 850 bootstrap relocator length padded to same length as original hardware to fix compatibility issues with hardcoded loaders, particularly Bobterm.
  • Devices: NVRAM is now stored into profiles and has its own profile category.
  • Display: Added workaround for crash in Intel Iris Xe graphics driver in D3D11 mode. (min16float4 interpolator copied to min16float4 output -> crash, thanks Intel.)
  • Display: Additional precision improvements in high artifacting algorithms.
  • Display: Added support for using the system-wide SDR intensity value in HDR mode.
  • HDevice: Added long filename mode.

Altirra 4.01 Beta I (1) 14/11/2021


  • nw

features added

  • Devices: Improved selection behavior when adding or removing devices.
    Added emulation of buffered track reads for Happy 1050 and Speedy 1050 devices in standard emulation mode.

bugs fixed

  • AltirraOS: Fixed math pack compatibility issue with FDIV modifying FLPTR (fixes B-Graph pie chart routine).
  • AltirraOS: Fixed a cursor position checking bug with split screen Gr.0 (fixes the BASIC game House of Usher).
  • Disk: Fixed too short timeout for Record Not Found (RNF) errors.
  • Disk: Improved sound of recalibrations in 810-based standard emulation modes.
  • Disk: Retuned receive rates for Happy 810 and Happy 1050 standard emulation modes.
  • Disk: Fixed idle motor-off timeout occurring too quickly after long commands with retries.
  • UI: Reduced glitches when toggling the debugger or full screen mode.

authors comment:

  • The device tree now better preserves selection when adding or removing devices.
  • AltirraOS updated to 3.32 with fixes for a couple of compatibility issues with the math pack, so B-Graph and House of Usher now work.
  • Fixes to the docking UI to reduce glitching when switching layouts or toggling full screen mode, due to panes becoming visible too soon and drawing in weird places before being moved to their final location.
  • Fixed a few timing bugs in the standard disk emulator. 810s now produce the head bump sound, the timeout was too short for Record Not Found (RNF) errors, and with long retries the idle timeout was sometimes kicking in too soon. Happy 810 and 1050 now have retuned receive rates.
  • The standard disk emulator now attempts to emulate track buffering for the Happy 810, 1050, and Speedy 1050 profiles, where the drive will burst transmit sectors from memory after reading in new tracks. This makes timing closer to the default modes for those drives. The Happy 1050 commands for toggling track buffering are now also support.
wstecz23/12/2022 01:37
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