
[Atari] Steem SSE 3.5.4.x beta r160

[1] @ Wtorek, 5 Listopada 2013 01:38CET

[Atari] Steem SSE 3.5.4.x beta r160

Kolejne poprawki i początek nowej serii wersji testowej emulatora Atari ST - STEEM SSE (Steven Seagal Edition).  A dla tych, którzy jeszcze nie uzupełnili sobie kolekcji menu disc'ów - polecam zerknąć tutaj, albo na pewien serwis warezowy, który o dziwo ma całkiem pokaźną zakładkę retro. 

Steem 3.5.4.x beta [r160] 

  • Bugfix drive internal variable "motor on" (European Demos OVR V).
  • Bugfix (useless) feature STE HIRES HSCROLL wasn't available (oops).
  • Bugfix VBL jitter (Japtro).
  • New status info in the tool bar, giving: ST model, TOS version, available memory, plus whether 6301 and pasti are on.
  • 'Shifter panic': swap good/bad bands to be more like screenshot of Omega Full Overscan. Shifter panic is only WU2, by choice, to limit options. Omega works in WS2, Death of the Left Border in WU1 (at least, in Steem).
  • No line +2 when Shifter destabilised: Darkside of the Spoon STE (choose one of the wake-up states to remove flicker, because otherwise Steem will ignore destabilisation).
  • Internal:
  • Reordering of shifter tricks analysis, refactoring. Some tests for shifter tricks now handled in a state machine-like   manner, not looking for specific switches anymore => better emulation,   more performing tests.  Debugging and removing some hacks related to "wake-up" and wake-state".


NOWSZY [Atari] Steem SSE 3.5.4.x beta r164
Atari ST Steem:ECO:Ocean Software Ltd.:Denton Designs:1988:
ECO (Ocean Software Ltd., 1988)

Steem SSE v3.5.4 beta changes (R164)

  • Bugfix drive complete command on empty drive (European Demos "insert B").
  • Bugfix ACIA timing when not using true 6301 emu (Sapiens).
  • Bugfix display 400x278 interpolated scanlines shift.
  • Safer behaviour for some options (6301, VSync...)
  • Disk manager: right click on name to read full name, useful for very long names.

Changelog updates

  • New option "VSync". This gives you the best display provided your monitor has the correct refresh rate (50hz/100hz for most programs).Combined with 'Interpolated Scanlines' this should give you the best experience of the great game Goldrunner in window mode on LCD screen. This should work in window mode as well as in fullscreen mode. This consumes some CPU power (but not as much as Triple Buffering). This could interfere with "Compositing" (Desktop Window Manager) in Windows Vista and 7 in window mode. In Windows 8 you can't disable Compositing!
  • New option "Triple Buffering". This may be useful to eliminate "tearing" or "ghosting", at the price of high CPU use. This should work in window mode as well as in fullscreen mode (stretch mode only). "Compositing" (Desktop Window Manager) in Windows Vista and above makes this option useful only in fullscreen mode, in window mode there's already no tearing. This illustrates that those display problems may also be handled at driver or OS level.
  • New status info in the tool bar, giving: ST model, TOS version, available memory, plus whether 6301 and pasti are on, and name of current disk. Also option for the name of current disk.
  •  New display size options. 
    •  384 x 270 normal
    •  400 x 278 max in fullscreen 800x600 mode
    •  412 x 280 max overscan
    •  416 x 286 max plasma
      Depending on the program, one or the other size will be better.  Generally the smallest is sufficient. The sizes count only for border effects in colour mode. Steem displays what's inside the video RAM even at the extremities of the borders, regardless of blanking or plane shifs introduced by shifter tricks on a true ST. That's why 412 x 280 may be actually more faithful than the   max size. If option 'Hacks' is checked, the image will show 52 left   border pixels in 412 x 280 and 416 x 286 modes. If not, only 48.   I believe 52 is the right number, but am not sure. In order to avoid   rewriting the rendering system we also use tricks to obtain those 4 more    pixels. It may break in some yet unknown cases.   Note that internally 400 x 278 is emulated as 416 x 286, and a trick is used   to change resolution at rendering time (blit).   This may cause the display to go black or be shifted or another kind of   bizarre when the emulator isn't running.   400 x 278 allows one to read the full text of Best Part of The Creation.  416 x 286 has recently been modified, so this mode and derived modes  400 x 278 and 412 x 280 could still be a bit buggy.   In short, all bigger than normal (384 x 270) display sizes use various   tricks.
NOWSZY [Atari] Steem SSE 3.5.4.x beta r162
Atari ST Steem:F16 Combat Pilot:Digital Integration Ltd.:Digital Integration Ltd.:1989:
F16 Combat Pilot (Digital Integration Ltd., 1989)

Steem SSE v3.5.4 beta changes (R162)

  • New option "VSync". This gives you the best display provided your monitor has the correct refresh rate (50hz/100hz for most programs).Combined with 'Interpolated Scanlines' this should give you the best experience of the great game Goldrunner in window mode on LCD screen. This should work in window mode as well as in fullscreen mode. This could interfere with "Compositing" (Desktop Window Manager) in Windows Vista and above in window mode.
  • New option "Triple Buffering". This may be useful to eliminate "tearing" or "ghosting", at the price of high CPU use. This should work in window mode as well as in fullscreen mode (stretch mode only). "Compositing" (Desktop Window Manager) in Windows Vista and above makes this option useful only in fullscreen mode, in window mode there's already no tearing. This illustrates that those display problems may also be handled at driver or OS level.
  • New status info in the tool bar, giving: ST model, TOS version, available memory, plus whether 6301 and pasti are on, and name of current disk.


→ [Atari] Steem SSE 3.5.4.x beta r159
Atari ST Steem:Altered Beast:Activision, Inc.:SEGA Enterprises Ltd.:1989:
Altered Beast (Activision, Inc., 1989)

Steem 3.5.4.x beta [r159] 281013

  • Bugfix crash in very large display size on some systems.
  • Bugfix option 'Pasti only for STX' could make Steem treat pasti images as native on loading a snapshot.
  • Bugfix: (useless) feature STE HIRES HSCROLL wasn't available (oops).
  • 'Cold reset & run': reset IKBD buffer (Transbeauce 2).
  • New status info in the tool bar, giving: ST model, TOS version, available memory.
  • New display size options.
    • 384 x 270 normal
    • 400 x 278 max fullscreen
    • 412 x 280 max overscan
    • 416 x 286 max plasma
    • Depending on the program, one or the other size will be better. Generally the smallest is sufficient. The sizes count only for border effects in colour mode. Steem displays what's inside the video RAM even at the end of the borders, regardless of blanking or plane shifs introduced by the "stabiliser" overscan technique on a real ST.


→ [Atari] Steem SSE 3.5.4.x beta 231013

Steem 3.5.4.x beta [r14?] 241013

  • Internal: 0 byte lines now handled in a state machine-like manner, not looking for specific switches anymore => better emulation, more performant tests.
  • Bugfix option 'Pasti only for STX' could make Steem treat pasti images as native on loading a snapshot.
  • Bugfix crash in very large display size.
  • New large display mode 416 x 286
  •  'Cold reset & run': reset IKBD buffer
  • Beta bugfix 'write SDP'


→ [Atari] Steem SSE 3.5.4.x beta r14x
Atari ST Steem:Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel (a.k.a. Police Quest 1):Sierra On-Line, Inc.:Sierra On-Line, Inc.:1987:
Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel (a.k.a. Police Quest 1) (Sierra On-Line, Inc., 1987)

Steem 3.5.4.x beta [r14?]

  • No line +2 when Shifter destabilised: Darkside of the Spoon STE (choose one of the wake-up states)
  • Wake-up state: The option has become much more complicated, with 4 states instead of 2. It is that complicated on the ST.
 +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Steem option |    Wake-up concepts   | | variable  |           | +------------------+---------------+------------+------------+ | WAKE_UP_STATE | DL Latency |  WU  |  WS | |     |  (Dio)  | (ijor) | (LJBK) | +------------------+---------------+------------+------------+ | 0 (ignore)  |  -  |  -  |  -  | |  1   |  3  | 2 (warm) |  2  | |  2   |  4  | 2 (warm) |  4  | |  3   |  5  | 1 (cold) |  3  | |  4   |  6  | 1 (cold) |  1  | +------------------+---------------+------------+------------+ 
  • DL is a latency electronically measured by Dio between two signals, 'DE' and 'LOAD'. Steem now uses this variable internally, so the simplest is to classify options according to it. This puts the WS in a strange order though!
  • WU are the two wake-up states first found by ijor.
  • WS are the more detailed "wake states" fond by LJBK.
  • The "Bee" demos by LJBK will recognise WS1-4, and the demos will run correctly in all WS.
  • Normally you'll use this option only if the display of some demo isn't correct without.
  • Internal: 0byte lines now handled in a state machine-like manner, not looking for specific switches anymore => better emulation, more performant tests.
  • Bugfix option 'Pasti only for STX' could make Steem treat pasti images as native on loading a snapshot.
  • Bugfix crash in very large display size.
  • Yet another display size, 416x286, as maximum. The choices now only indicate horizontal x vertical pixels. 416 is temporary, could be back to 412 soon.
wstecz05/11/2013 01:38
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