
[cpc] WinAPE v2.0 Alpha 19 Prerelease

[2] # EmuFrance | !!! środa, 4 Marca 2015 01:18 CET [04-03-2015 01:04 CET]

[cpc] WinAPE v2.0 Alpha 19 Prerelease

Pojawiła się nowa wersja alpha tego świetnego emulatora sprzętu CPC. Bagatelka, od ostatniej wersji "alpha" dzieli nas już 4 lata;P. Osoby, które śledzą rozwój winApe polecam zerknięcie na łamy CpcWiki, gdzie autora emulatora, pod nickiem Executioner, można swobodnie zagadnąć.  Od dłuższej chwili działa również Amstradowska 5 kolumna Emu-France;) A na naszym poletku warto zerkać na łamy Speccy.pl.

Wszystko wskazuje również na to, że niedługo pojawi się również świeża wersja SugarBox'a (wrzucam betę, szerzej o nim na CPCWiki), jednym słowem Amstrad trzyma się naprawdę nieźle.

Amstrad CPC:WinApe:AgentX III
AgentX w zielonym odcieniu... cóż, nie miałem Amstrada, za to zieleń dość dobrze kojarze po latach spędzonych przed rewelacyjnym Neptunem 156;)

WinApe Changelog

  • ???

Turn off automatic update.

NOWSZY [cpc] WinAPE v2.0 Beta 2
Amstrad WinApe:The Last Ninja 2
The Last Ninja 2 i najczęstszy kolor ekranu w Polsce, prócz oczywiście bursztynowego i czarnobiałego;) Posiadanie kolorowego monitora w świecie, gdzie często nie było po domach kolorowego TV było wybitną nobilitacją w latach '80. Reszta zadawaląła się Neptunem 156 i rosyjskimi wynalazkami, ewentualnie toczyła wojny z resztą domowników o dostęp do TV.

WinAPE  Version 2.0 Beta 2 05-Jan-2016

PLEASE NOTE: This release is a BETA release. Some features may not work as expected. There is a list of known issues at the end of this file.


  • Correct Z80 Flags emulation for IN and OUT and all derivatives.
  • Added support for CRTC Type 1 register 6 border blanking when set to zero.


  • Changed breakpoint conditions to use 32 bit values rather than 16 bit values.
  • Added a number of functions to breakpoint conditions to support 32 bit to 16/8 bit conversion.
  • Added true and false variables.


  • Added ability to load symbols from the WinAPE command line using the /SYM:filename parameter.
  • Option to automatically hide the output window on successful assemble.


  • Added documentation of command line parameters in help files.
  • Added documentation of new breakpoint condition variables and functions.
  • Updates ParaDOS 1.2 and ParaDOS 1.2+ ROM images to bug-fixed version which will work in slots below 7.

Known Issues

  • The ASIC does not allow a number of registers to be read. This does not affect any current Plus software, and needs to be analysed fully before being emulated.

Demos Tested - Not Fully Working

  • Power System Megademo (PWMD-A.DSK, PWMD-B.DSK, PWMD-C.DSK) - Last part before end reports CRTC Type 1 when Type 0 is used. - Screen jumps in Chany Part (Part 3)
  • S&KOH Intro (Not on DSK) - HSYNC problem
  • Soul Almighty (SOUL-ALM.DSK) - Digisampled jumper seems to jump too much (VSYNC?)
NOWSZY [cpc] WinAPE v2.0 Beta 1
Amstrad WinApe:Ikari Warriors
Ikari Warriors

Version 2.0 Beta 1    26-Nov-2015

This release is a BETA release. Some features may not work as expected.
There is a list of known issues at the end of this file.


  • Improved palette change emulation.
  • Z80 MEMPTR emulation.
  • Correct Z80 Flags emulation.
  • Fixed Z80 DAA instruction.
  • Re-mapped AY output volumes (again!).
  • Changed volume percentage of B channel to 75%.
  • Doubled the period for noise register.
  • Digiblaster and AmDrum emulation.
  • Allow read of AY register 15.
  • Fixed small residual volume on tape input when read bit was zero.
  • Fixed full residual volume on tape input when motor is turned off (and last bit read was high), previously caused disable of AY channel A.
  • Allowed for up to 32 Upper ROMs.
  • Allowed disc images to use up to 162 tracks (81 cylinders).
  • Fixed a keyboard bug with certain keyboard drivers returning key 0 as pressed (which was used for the (None) value). This caused multiple keys to be always pressed at the same time in the emulation.
  • Forced at least one tape read per frame to ensure tape progresses while playing even if the PPI is not read.
  • Reduced Tape Stall period when Tape Motor is turned off.
  • Changed CDT/TZX T-State conversion to 3470000 rather than 3500000 to allow some (badly created?) CDTs to work.
  • Fixed CDT/TZX Direct Recording block support.
  • Fixed CDT/TZX bit state transition (stays high for 1ms if that was the last state).
  • Changed CDT/TZX Standard block timing to match specification.
  • Fixed error on load of empty tape image.
  • Emulation of Dobbertin SmartWatch (Read Only), not currently available with SNR recording.


  • -.Split Display configuration for Windowed and Full Screen separate values for various options.
  • Added Digiblaster option to Printer port configuration.
  • Added the ability to select (None) for any unmapped key.
  • Added FIRE 3 to keyboard/joystick configuration.
  • Forced ROM remapping after configuration changes so the ROMs are changed immediately.

Tape Monitor

  • Added hints for details on various blocks.
  • Improved display of tape motor status.


  • New Memory Read/Write and Input/Output Breakpoints.
  • Disassembler display now shows in colours similar to assembler.
  • Added Pass Count to all Breakpoints to allow the number of passes before breaking to be defined.
  • Added the ability to Load and Save breakpoints from the Breakpoints window.
  • Fixed Follow PC and Break Instructions checkboxes.
  • Improved position checking for windows, allowing for multiple displays.
  • Improved row and column highlight and removal especially in full screen mode.
  • Breakpoint Window Condition editor resized with window.
  • Breakpoint Condition form now validates the condition when Ok is clicked.
  • GoTo no longer requires full 4 digit hex number to be entered. (eg. 38 can be entered rather than 0038).
  • Added Timers and associated window. These are controlled using breakpoint condition functions timer_start and timer_stop.
  • Added a number of variables to breakpoint conditions (eg. MODE, palette_select).
  • Ensured all breakpoints evaluate even on single-step and/or if another breakpoint triggered first.
  • Improved breakpoint condition function parameter count checks.
  • Add a hint to the Soft-Scroll register showing X and Y scrolls and blanking value.
  • Added the ability to load NOI symbol files using the Assembler Symbols window.



  • Editor support for Undo and Redo.
  • Display and move to correct column when TAB characters are used.
  • Display a * in the tab to indicate when a file has been modified but not saved.
  • Added a Save All menu item in the File menu.
  • Added SLL undocumented Z80 instruction.
  • Fixed OTDR instruction to output ED BB.
  • Fixed INCBIN access violation with empty include path when file not found.
  • Added an extra parameter (offset_high) to INCBIN to allow 32 bit offsets within the file.
  • Added an optional word parameter for RST instructions (eg. RST #18,label).
  • Added MEMORY function to read emulator memory during assembly.
  • Added CHECKSUM function and directive to produce a checksum or CRC for a region of memory or assembler output.
  • Added SAVE directive to save emulator memory to a file or direct to disc image.
  • Option to conditionally push PC to stack on run.
  • Option to automatically hide the output window on successful assemble.



  • Added VerticalHold (Offset #99) and MemEnable (Offset #9A). (See CPCWiki Version 3 SNA document for details).

AVI Writing


  • Forced writing of AVI frames on every frame refresh.
  • Forced emulator to full size if full size AVI is required.

User Interface

  • Stopped F8 key from entering debug mode while currently stepping over an instruction.
  • Patched VCL to fix ALT key causing controls to disappear.
  • Improved ALT, ESC and F10 key handling (You can now press CTRL-SHIFT-ESC without launching Windows Task Manager).
  • Added Normal Speed (100%) (SHIFT-F3) and High Speed (1000%) (SHIFT-F4) options.
  • Fixed a lot of form and font scaling issues.
  • Fixed Rename menu in disc editor.
  • Fixed Overwrite prompts and default extensions on file dialogs.



  • Support for HTML Help in newer versions of Windows.
  • Added /SHUTDOWN and /SHUTDOWN:FORCE command line parameters to shut down Windows when emulator is closed.
  • Added /SN:filename command line parameter to load a snapshot or recorded session.
  • Fixed a bug with SNR time calculation.
  • Force Vertical Hold to zero for session recording.
  • Added PCW and VORTEX formats.
  • Fixed a bug retrieving and writing blocks to/from CP/M format discs (ROMDOS formats with incorrect DPB extent mask entries D80/D40 etc).
  • Improved detection of double-stepped disc images.
  • Allow IMG files to be used as IDE drives.
  • Support for LBA-48 read and write commands (#24, #34) supporting up to 2TB (32-bit sector address).
  • Improved IDE status handling and handling of IDNF errors.
  • IDE CHS translation.
  • Some support for Get Drive Parameters command (#EC).

Known Issues


  • The ASIC does not allow a number of registers to be read. This does not affect any current CPC software, and needs to be analysed fully before being emulated.

Demos Tested - Not Fully Working

  • Power System Megademo (PWMD-A.DSK, PWMD-B.DSK, PWMD-C.DSK) - Last part before end reports CRTC Type 1 when Type 0 is used. - Screen jumps in Chany Part (Part 3)
  • S&KOH Intro (Not on DSK) - HSYNC problem
  • Soul Almighty (SOUL-ALM.DSK) - Digisampled jumper seems to jump too much (VSYNC?)
wstecz04/03/2015 01:18
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