
[SMD] LibRetro - Genplus-gx 1.7.4.x SVN878

[2] @ !!! Wtorek, 22 Lipca 2014 02:45 CET [22-07-2014 02:44 CET]

[SMD] LibRetro - Genplus-gx 1.7.4.x SVN878

Oficjalna wersja emulatora GenPlus-GX w postaci wkładu dll biblioteki libretro, którą można używać np. poprzez frontend RetroArch

genplus-gx [SVN 878]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 20 lipca 2014 23:28:53

  • [libretro] synced with github repository

genplus-gx [SVN 877]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 14 lipca 2014 16:22:09

  • [Wii] fixed support for 3rd-party classic controllers with invalid calibration settings (continued)

genplus-gx [SVN 876]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 14 lipca 2014 16:06:20

  • [Wii] fixed support for 3rd-party classic controllers with invalid calibration settings

genplus-gx [SVN 875]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 7 lipca 2014 23:14:16

  • [Gamecube/Wii] fixed lightgun crosshair & CD leds positionning when using NTSC filter

genplus-gx [SVN 874]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 6 lipca 2014 20:59:10

  • [Core/VDP] improved Mode 5 sprite parsing accuracy (verified on real hardware)
NOWSZY [SMD] LibRetro - Genplus-gx 1.7.4.x SVN889

genplus-gx [SVN 889]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 17 sierpnia 2014 18:32:00

  • [libretro] added core options for inverting MD Mouse Y-axis (needed by Populous II) & showing lightgun crosshair

genplus-gx [SVN 888]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 17 sierpnia 2014 17:15:44

  • [libretro] fixed MD Mouse Y-axis & added support for XE-1AP second stick (bi-directional)

genplus-gx [SVN 886]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 17 sierpnia 2014 14:54:40

  • [libretro] improved LightGun, Terebi Oekaki & Pico pointer precision

genplus-gx [SVN 882]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 9 sierpnia 2014 19:08:03

  • [libretro] added support for MD Mouse, lightguns (Menacer, Justifier, Light Phaser), analog devices (Paddle, Sports Pad, XE-1AP) & PICO tablet

genplus-gx [SVN 881]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 9 sierpnia 2014 18:59:34

  • [libretro] synced with Github repository
→ [SMD] LibRetro - Genplus-gx 1.7.4.x SVN873
Sega Genesis:LibRetro:Genesis Plus GX:B.O.B:Electronic Arts, Inc.:Gray Matter Inc.:1993:
B.O.B (Electronic Arts, Inc., 1993)

genplus-gx[SVN 873]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 18 czerwca 2014 23:02:38

  • Updated latest builds

genplus-gx[SVN 866]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 5 kwietnia 2014 14:37:32

  • [libretro] added current Win32 build to repository

genplus-gx[SVN 864]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 5 kwietnia 2014 14:25:07

  • [libretro] added support for Master System homemade multitap

genplus-gx[SVN 862]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 5 kwietnia 2014 00:43:43

  • [libretro] fixed typo

genplus-gx[SVN 861]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 5 kwietnia 2014 00:35:27

  • [libretro] fixed core resolution changes detection

genplus-gx[SVN 857]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 1 kwietnia 2014 20:13:51

  • [libretro] synced with github repository

genplus-gx[SVN 855]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 2 marca 2014 17:47:44

  • [libretro]
  • - fixed framebuffer size for PAL interlaced mode
  • - added support for in-game resolution changes through RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SYSTEM_AV_INFO

genplus-gx[SVN 847]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 17 grudnia 2013 17:08:38

  • [libretro] synced with latest github pull request

genplus-gx[SVN 845]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 1 grudnia 2013 13:32:23

  • [libretro] fixed configurable YM2612 DAC quantization option

genplus-gx[SVN 844]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 27 listopada 2013 23:08:52

  • [libretro] improved libretro implementation
  • .added support for .mdx ROM files
  • .added missing core settings (system hardware, region, lock-on, multitap, master system FM,...)
  • .fixed viewport width when NTSC Filter is enabled with Mega Drive or Mega CD games using H-32 mode
  • .code cleanup

genplus-gx[SVN 809]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 1 lipca 2013 22:09:48

  • [libretro] synced with github repository

genplus-gx[SVN 790]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 17 czerwca 2013 22:40:07

  • [libretro] synced with github repository

genplus-gx[SVN 787]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 17 czerwca 2013 02:00:10

  • [libretro] fixed compilation issues & removed unused code

genplus-gx[SVN 780]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 16 czerwca 2013 22:32:48

  • [libretro] synced with github repository

genplus-gx[SVN 771]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 19 kwietnia 2013 16:55:53

  • [libretro] synced with github repository

genplus-gx[SVN 765]

Author: ekeeke31 | Date: 19 kwietnia 2013 16:29:15

  • [libretro] fixed retro_reset function: using soft-reset is not safe as it doesn't reset the whole system (RAM, VDP, etc)
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Do ściągnięcia
genesis plus gx libretro r878.7z
genesis plus gx libretro r873.zip
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