
[ARCADE] Supermodel 0.3a-WIP SVN271

[1] @ Sobota, 30 Listopada 2013 23:27CET

[ARCADE] Supermodel 0.3a-WIP SVN271

Po ponad rocznej przerwie pojawiła się nowa aktualizacja świetnego emulatora maszynek arcade SEGA MODEL 3 - SuperModel Barta Trznadlowskiego, o tyle jest to zaskakująca aktualizacja, że przynajmniej ja położyłem już krzyżyk nad rozwojem tego emulatora. Z drugiej strony, nie ma co się cieszyć wspomiana rewizja to poprawki... z zeszłego roku - tylko dopiero teraz dołączone do publicznego repozytorium.

Kompilacja VS2010, należy zerknąć też na następne devbuildy - gdyż kod repozytoryjny jest mocno zaśmiecony i nie mam 100% pewności, że wszystko będzie działać tak jak autorzy sobie tego życzyli.

Zainteresowanych odsyłam do tego wątku na forum projektu, być może teraz po tym spóźnionym commicie forum projektu nieco odżyje.

Arcade Sega:Model3:Supermodel:SkiChamp:Sega:1998
SkiChamp (Sega, 1998)
Arcade Sega:Model3:Supermodel:Scud Race Plus:Sega:1997
Scud Race Plus (Sega, 1997)

Supermodel 0.3a[SVN 271]

Author: nikdd | Date: 30 listopada 2013 20:39:59

Some updates to Supermodel made at beginning of the year but only now got around to checking in (better late than never...):

  • hooked up the remaining controls in Supermodel (except for Magical Truck Adventure which does not work at all yet). The new controls are:
    • InputAnalogJoyTrigger2 and InputAnalogJoyEvent2 for the additional second trigger and event buttons that were missing from Star Wars Trilogy,
    • InputRearBrake and InputMusicSelect for the rear brake and music selection buttons that were missing from Harley Davidson,
    • InputAnalogGunXXX, InputAnalogTriggerXXX, InputAnalogGunXXX2 and InputAnalogTriggerXXX2 for the analogue guns of Ocean Hunter and LA Machineguns (NOTE: these controls must be calibrated in the games' service menus otherwise they will not work properly. Also, the alignment of the gun cursor does not line up very well with the mouse position at the moment, but at least the games are a bit more playable now, although still with numerous graphical glitches...)
    • InputSkiXXX for the controls of Ski Champ, making the game playable now.
  • hooked up existing InputViewChange control to Harley Davidson's view change button
  • improved the handling of InputGearShiftUp/Down inputs so that they work better with the driving games. With Dirt Devils, ECA, Harley and LeMans this means they map directly to the game's own shift up/down controls, while with the 4-speed games such as Daytona 2, Scud Racer and Sega Rally 2, they simulate the user shifting up and down through the gears
  • added defaults for the new controls to Supermodel.ini
  • other small code tweaks:
    • fix small bug with handling of pos/neg inputs mapping to a control with inverted range (0XFF to 0x00) - this was needed to get Ski Champ's X-axis to work properly
    • removed Wait method from InputSystem and added to CThread as CThread::Sleep instead
    • added FrameTimings struct to hold all frame timings in a single place
  • No networking code yet as just haven't had a chance to work on it since initial progress at the beginning of the year - am *hoping* might have some time to pick it up again over Christmas...

Supermodel 0.3a[SVN 270]

Author: trzy | Date: 6 września 2012 07:38:35

  • Changed output "Pause" to "pause", as it is spelled in MAME, for MAMEHooker.

Release 11/09/2024

  • Changed the resolution selection method.
    Changed the question of whether to display a window to determine the screen position when selecting a resolution larger than the monitor resolution to a Yes/No selection. In my case, I can display 5760x1080 by placing triple 1920x1080 monitors side by side.

  • Added ForceFeedback options.
    Also, if ForceFeedback is checked in the Control tab, the startup option "-outputs=win" is added.

W sam raz na wypełnienie trzech monitorów;)

Release 22/08/2024

  • Add scuddxo.jpg
  • change daytona2.jpg

  • Fixed an issue where double-clicking the first line would not launch the game.
  • Now displays a horizontal scrollbar.

  • Fixed the problem of column headers popping out from Issue #38

Release  13/07/2024


Release  13/07/2024

  • Added favorite feautures
  • Add/remove from favorites using the right-click context menu:
    • Favorites will turn pink.
  • Click Show Favorites, which has been added to the menu strip, to change the display mode:

Release  13/07/2024

Improving Input Device Index Retrieval for Supermodel3 Gun Games

To play gun shooting games on Supermodel3, you need to configure the input devices, which can be very cumbersome. In particular, you cannot retrieve the index of the input devices (mouse or light gun) without invoking the key configuration prompt. Additionally, Supermodel3 sometimes whimsically changes the index of the input devices (though this hasn’t happened in my environment so far).

  • In this update, I have made it possible to obtain the index of input devices without invoking the key configuration prompt. Version was incomplete, but this update fixes it so that the index can be obtained even for mice using Windows standard drivers; in fact, it assigns them. For more details, please refer to the source code.

Streamlining Input Device Configuration for Supermodel3 Gun Games


  1. Selecting Input Type:

    • Go to the Control tab and select "rawinput" as the input type.
    • When you attempt to start a game with the "analog_gun" type, a pop-up window will appear.
  2. Assigning Player Controls:

    • Click on "Player1 Shoot me!" with the mouse or light gun you want to assign to Player1.
    • Similarly, click on "Player2 Shoot me!" with the device you want to assign to Player2. You can assign the same device for both players if desired.
    • Once both players are assigned, the OK button will become clickable. Click it to proceed.
    • If you don't want to change the settings, press the ignore button.
    • To cancel the launch itself, press the cancel button.
  3. Calibration and Configuration:

    • If this is your first time setting up the game, or if you're experiencing aiming issues, access the title's configuration menu to calibrate the sights.
    • Note that in "L.A. Machineguns," there might be occasional issues with the sights not moving, even though they are recognized in test mode. Restarting the game a few times might resolve this.
    • If aiming issues persist, consider deleting the nvram to reset the settings.
  4. Additional Notes:

    • The Location Test version of "The Lost World" might not allow sight calibration.
    • Despite these challenges, the thrill of gun shooting games is well worth it.

Rediscover the fun of gun shooting games! It's the perfect way to enjoy some exciting gameplay with friends or loved ones.


Release  11/07/2024

  • Added 'Ignore' button to not update the ini file.
  • Added display of inputs. Refers to Games.xml.
  • When inputtype is rawinput and inputs is analog_gun, you need to select the mice to use when LoadRom.
  • Select Player1 and Player2 to press the OK button.
  • Also added rawinputhook. Access it from the small button on the right.
  • When rawinputhook is enabled, mouse index and data are displayed in real time.
  • After starting the ui, connected mice will be unknown. Try disabling them and enabling them again to get the index.
  • If it is still unknown, investigation is required.
  • This fix was made after receiving a report that the mouse index may change every time Supermodel3 is started.
  • However, in my environment, the mouse index does not change every time it is started. The mouse index has sometimes changed when Windows is restarted.

Release  07/07/2024

  • Any changes you make to the InputSystemType will be reflected immediately in the ini file.

Release  06/07/2024

  • I added Rawinput to Input type in the Control tab. I don't know if this option works properly.
  • I've updated the source code, but it's pretty spaghetti. I added the ability to record and play controller input, but this requires the use of third-party drivers and libraries, and I thought it might not be acceptable to everyone, so I disabled this function, and this version of the code is incomplete.

Release  fix 14/06/2024

Supermodel 3 GUI - nakładka pozwalająca na odpalenie gier SEGA SUPER MODEL 3 w paru kliknięciach.
  • It wasn't working properly so I fixed it. (June/14)


Release 11/06/2024

  • Option to Add/Remove supersampling key from initial file.
    The ini file will be rewritten when the checkbox is checked/unchecked.
  • I wanted to display the version of the supermodel being used, but since the version information was not included, I decided to display the last write date instead.

Release 06/04/2024

  • Important updates
    I found an issue that is not important to most people, but is important.
    We recommend removing previous versions.
    I can't go into detail about this issue, but
    This issue is no longer a threat in
Co raz więcej funkcjonalności we frontendzie - niestety frontend to tylko nakładka, więc np. scanline musiał zostać nadany w sztuczny sposób, bez współpracy z developerami SUPERMODEL będzie to tylko kwiatek do kożucha.

Release 06/04/2024

  • typo

Release 05/04/2024

Looks like I made a small mistake thinking about Linda's butt.

  • opacity values are now saved correctly.
  • opacity value can be set from 1 to 10.

If you are using and have problems with your ini files, it will automatically repair them. I deleted it because there was a bug that caused problems with the ini file.

  • Changed all shortcut keys to press Ctrl key at the same time.
  • Changed the role of Ctrl+S keys to display scanline cycles.
  • → Scanning line (thick) → Scanning line (thin) → Scanning line (very thin (image)) → Disable →
  • The opacity value is also saved in the ini file.

If the screen height is higher than 1080, the scan lines (very thin (image)) will be too thin to work well. Conversely, at low resolutions (thick) and (thin) are almost the same.

Release 30/03/2024

  • Changed the behavior of Fake-Scanline.
  • Now records whether Fake-Scanline is enabled or disabled in the ini file.
  • Also Gamepadviwer.
  • The display contents of About have been changed.

Release 26/03/2024

  • Changed the display method of fake scanlines.
  • Better with FHD (1920x1080) or higher resolution.

Release 25/03/2024

  • Added FakeScanLINE enable/disable button
  • Added "Get Global IP Address" button
  • Other minor issues fixed

Release 24/03/2024

  •  Fake ScanLine
    •  press 'S' key Enabling/disabling fake scanlines.
    •  press 'P'/'O' Opacity +/-
    •  press 'I' Form BringToFront

Note: Doesn't work in fullscreen. We recommend disabling borderless. The lower the resolution of the monitor, the more effective it is. It's fake.

Release 23 Mar 2024

Release 21 Mar 14:45

  • Check it up
  •  You can assign keys for "Pause", "Save State", "Load State", "Change Save Slot".
  •  You can freely set the title.
  •  Supermodel3 - PonMi

  • Color issue fixed

  •  You can choose the background color.
  •  If visibility is not good, please change the fore color as well.

Release1.0.7.5 15 Mar 18:29

  •  typo 'PowerPCFrequency'
  • The width of the label was so narrow that it was cut off.

  •  Fixed sort issue

minor fix

  •  Release files no longer include the Config folder and Game.xml and Supermodel.ini.
  •  If the Config folder is not found at startup, the software will display a warning window and exit.
  •  Typo



Sega Model 3 UI 16/03/2024

  • display the number of Rom files you own.
  • Availability is now displayed within the game list.
  • Message window no longer appears when determining position and resolution
  • If a window goes missing when setting the position and resolution, press the R key on your keyboard and it will return to the main monitor.
  • Rows for selected games are no longer visible

Sega Model 3 UI 16/03/2024

fix more

  • when determining its location and resolution.
  • Darken the brightness of the window background image.
  • A window larger than the resolution cannot be specified.
  • It will not work correctly if the magnification is not 100%.
  • The row of selected games and the number of games are now displayed.
  • A warning window now appears when determining some values

Sega Model 3 UI 1.0.7 / 15/03/2024


  • The resolution collection has been converted to an external file.
  • A warning will now appear correctly if the resolution you are trying to adjust is larger than the screen size of the main form.
  • You can now change the font size.
  • Changed the color of some controls
  • It may have become difficult to see.
  • Delete Write ini button
  • Written to ini file when app closes
  • Typo
  • Changed some snap images.

Sega Model 3 UI 1.0.5/6 / 13/03/2024


  • Now remembers the sort order & last selected game
  • I've tried maintaining selected rows when sorting but it's difficult.

undo what went wrong

  • A warning window will now appear when overwriting the ini file.
  • The width of the Gamelist frame can now be adjusted.
    The setting values are written to the ini file.
  • Added a button to get the local IP address.
    It is unknown if it will function properly.
  • I think the True-Hz value was wrong. Correctly 57.524160

Sega Model 3 UI 1.0.4 / 12/03/2024

small fix

  • The game list can now be sorted.
  • A warning will now appear if you select a window size that is larger than your monitor resolution.
  • The image of the selected game is now displayed in the background of the window for determining the position.
    ・The background color of the popup during loading was a little strange, so I changed it.


Sega Model 3 UI 1.0.3 / 11/03/2024

Dodano ustawienie supersamplingu
  • Fixed an issue with specifying the rom folder path.
  • The Refreshrate item only reads and writes the ini file, so
    • I tried adding a checkbox for True-hz. This is not a True-hz command option - just rewrite RefreshRate to 57.524160.

Sega Model 3 UI / 10/03/2024

  • Supersampling can now be set. (1-8)

Sega Model 3 UI 1.0.1 / 6/03/2024

Nowa wersja frontendu SegaSuperModel 3UI - ułatwia jak zwykle korzystanie z emulatora, który wymaga poleceń wpisywanych z linii komend. Dla opornych, ale przydatne;)

New Sega Model 3 UI is now available for public use, and we invite everyone to explore and enjoy the new emulator experience.

Additional features

  • Borderress can now be set.
  • A window will appear where you can decide the display position.
  • Please press the 3-point leader button.
  • Resolution can now be selected only from the drop-down list. Need a fix?
  • CrossHairStyle can now be selected.
  • RefreshRate is fixed at 57.5246. Need a fix?
  • PowerPC frequency can now be set to 0.
  • 0 is Auto
  • Added a Write ini button.
  • It is also written to the ini file when you press 'LoadRom'
  • Added 'Step' display to Gamelist
  • I didn't know the font, so I chose the normal "Arial".


  • Fixed an issue where "." could not be entered in Address out in Network settings.
    Alphabet characters can no longer be entered.


  • You can now fine-tune the display position using the cursor keys.
  • Fixed an issue where the window for determining the display position in a multiple monitor environment would appear in a position other than the main display.
  • Corrected to always display which display has the window that determines the display position in a multiple monitor environment.
  • A confirmation window will now be displayed when overwriting the ini file.
  • 'Auto' is now displayed when the PowerPC frequency is 0.


wstecz30/11/2013 23:27
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