
[ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 2.81

[3] @ Poniedziałek, 17 Października 2016 20:11CET

[ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 2.81

Nowa wersja emulatora Altirra, poprawkowa dla poprzedniej serii. Widocznie Phaeron, znów przygotowuje się do dłuższej serii testów 2.90.

Altirra Version 2.81 [16/10/2016]:

bug fixes

  • Cartridge: Fixed saving SIDE 1 cartridge images.
  • Cartridge: Fixed crash with XEGS cartridge types.
  • HLE: Fixed crash when viewing PBI region in debugger with PBI acceleration disk ROM enabled.
→ [ATARI] Altirra x86 i x64 2.80

Altirra Version 2.80 [September 3, 2016]:


  • Devices: MyIDE and KMK/JZ IDE (IDEPlus) have been moved to the Devices tree.
  • Input: The preset input maps for 5200 mode and the Xbox 360 Controller been changed.
  • Input: Input mapping speeds have been adjusted; mappings in relative mode may need to be fixed up.
  • UI: Error message help has been moved from Shift+hover to Alt+click.

features added

  • Audio: Added emulation of serial I/O noise with audio channels silent.
  • Cartridge: Added support for alternate image layout of 5200 Bounty Bob cartridge.
  • Cassette: Added support for recording cassette tapes.
  • Cassette: Added option to add slight randomized jitter to tape start position to work around load timing issues with deterministic timing.
  • Covox: Variable base address and mono/4ch. settings added.
  • Covox: Volume is now adjustable (Audio Options).
  • Debugger: All special variables in debugger expressions can now be specified with a @ prefix, i.e. @a. The non-prefixed form is now deprecated due to symbol/number conflicts.
  • Debugger: Focus is now automatically switched between the console and the display when starting and stopping execution.
  • Debugger: Heat map can now be used to detect accesses to uninitialized memory (hmt command).
  • Debugger: Expression parser can now optimize +/-0, *0, and *1 patterns.
  • Debugger: .tapedata command now accepts a length option.
  • Debugger: .basic_dumpline now has a function to show addresses and byte values for each token (-k).
  • Debugger: Added db/dbi -c option to dump mode 1/2 strings.
  • Debugger: Added emulation network packet tracing (.netpcap, .netpcapclose).
  • Debugger: Added .basic_rebuildvvt command to fix corrupted BASIC variable type/index entries.
  • Debugger: PC breakpoints and step execution are now supported for Veronica.
  • Debugger: Added eb (enter byte) and ew (enter word) commands.
  • Debugger: Fixed disassembly of 65C02 RMBn/SMBn/BBRn/BBSn instructions.
  • Debugger: Added .kmkjzide command.
  • Devices: Added Corvus Disk Interface emulation.
  • Devices: Added Pocket Modem emulation.
  • Devices: Added simple joystick dongle emulation.
  • Disk: Added VRWSafe write mode (virtual read/write with format prohibited), and added option to set default write mode.
  • Disk: Added emulation of Indus GT Synchromesh and SuperSynchromesh firmware modes.
  • Disk: Added emulation of full format times when accurate timing is enabled.
  • Disk: Added support for formatting and exploring DOS 1.x disks and for DOS 1.x files on DOS 2.0S disks.
  • Disk: Partial emulation of built-in Happy drive commands.
  • Disk: Added command to expand all .ARC files on a SpartaDOS disk.
  • Disk Explorer: File viewer mode and window position is now persisted.
  • Disk Explorer: SDFS filesystem handler now validates the full directory tree and allocation bitmap.
  • Display: Added /w command line switch to force windowed mode.
  • Display: Added DXGI-based windowed vsync support to D3D9 display driver for reduced CPU usage with DWM composition.
  • Firmware: Added autodetection of 5200 2-port BIOS, Black Box, and MIO ROMs.
  • Firmware: Firmware dialog now supports drag-and-drop.
  • HLE: Program loader now warns on init segment behaviors that may not work with DOS.
  • HLE: Added PBIDisk device for PBI-based acceleration of disk and serial bus requests.
  • IDE: MyIDE, KMK/JZ IDE, and IDE Plus 2.0 now support slave devices.
  • IDE: IDE Plus 2.0 SDX, write protect, and partition switch buttons are now supported.
  • IDE: IDE Plus 2.0 revision and ID switch are now controllable.
  • Input: Improved mouse interrupt timing algorithm.
  • Input: Acceleration can now be adjusted independently of speed for digital-to-analog mappings.
  • Input: Added driving and keyboard controller support.
  • Input: Reset system screensaver timeout when controller input changes.
  • MMU: Added support for 256K Rambo configuration, which aliases 64K with main memory.
  • Network: Added TCP logging channel for monitoring gateway TCP stack status.
  • UI: Added /si and /nosi as synonyms for /singleinstance and /nosingleinstance.
  • UI: Added profile system for switching full or partial configurations.
  • UI: File associations can now be set user-local as well as system-local.
  • UI: Added option to reset all settings.
  • UI: Added option to control whether simulation is paused while menus are open.
  • UI: Detect files dragged from .zip files in Windows Explorer and use a VFS path to the compressed file if possible.
  • VFS: Images mounted within .zip and .gz files are now restored on next load.

bugs fixed

  • AltirraOS: Fixed XEGS game cartridge activation.
  • AltirraOS: Fixed errors getting dropped in cassette handler.
  • AltirraOS: Fixed extra initial block and incorrect partial block problems when writing cassette streams.
  • AltirraOS: Fixed CIO read record when line exactly fits in buffer.
  • AltirraOS: Fixed broken inverse key.
  • AltirraOS: S: clear also clears split-screen area.
  • AltirraOS: Optimized C/E->data frame path in SIO for better robustness when DLIs are active.
  • AltirraOS: Fixed race condition in SETVBV.
  • ANTIC: Fix power-up values for PENH and PENV registers.
  • ATBasic: Added workaround for BASIC programs that have a corrupted function open parens.
  • ATBasic: Force implicit NEW if LOAD or CLOAD fails.
  • ATBasic: Fix crash in INT() with certain ranges of large numbers.
  • ATBasic: Remove added variables when parsing error occurs.
  • Cartridge: Changed initial bank for XEGS/SXEGS carts to 0.
  • Cartridge: Fixed flash indicator not always appearing while programming The!Cart cartridges.
  • CPU: Fix D flag not being cleared on interrupt entry in 65C02/65C816 mode and I not being cleared in 65C816 native mode.
  • CPU: Fixed second write cycle for read/modify/write instructions in 65C816 emulation mode.
  • Debugger: Fixed assembly and disassembly of 65C816 COP instruction from COP #n to COP n.
  • Debugger: Fixed issue with Step Over breaking PC breakpoints.
  • Debugger: PC breakpoints are now bank sensitive.
  • Debugger: Fixed assembler giving branch range errors when assembling above bank 0.
  • Debugger: Fixed disassembly of 65C02 RMBn, SMBn, BBRn, and BBSn instructions.
  • Display: Fix for intermittent display redraw issues when stopped in debugger with display composition enabled.
  • Display: Fixed centering of enhanced text mode after switching modes.
  • Display: Enhanced text mode (hardware) now uses correct colors for Gr.1/2.
  • Display: Fixed excessive CPU usage with enhanced text mode with debugger open.
  • Display: Removed broken fixed function bicubic stretching code paths. They were broken and pre-shader cards don't have the fill rate to do 5+ passes at 60fps anyway.
  • Disk: Fixed density detection issue with Set PERCOM Block command in XF551 mode (again).
  • Disk: Fixed crash when mounting .ARC file with no decodable files in it.
  • Disk: Retuned command ACK timings for 1050-based drives.
  • Disk: 850 and 1050 emulation modes now implement proper respective behavior with long sectors.
  • Disk: Allow loading of truncated .ATRs with a partial final sector.
  • Disk: Fixed handling of sectors with bad address field CRCs.
  • Disk: Fixed record type bits in FDC status in 810 mode.
  • Disk Explorer: Fixed rename operations on SDFS disks not marking volume changed.
  • Flash: Toggle bits are now implemented during the multiple sector erase timeout period.
  • HLE: Improved register return state when accelerating ZFR0/ZF1/ZFL calls.
  • IDE: Fixed excessive flushing of VHD block bitmap after allocating space.
  • IDE: Force power and reset states on MyIDE-II when CF card is removed.
  • IDE: Improved compatibility of CHS mapping behavior.
  • IDE: IDEPlus 2.0 now supports external cartridge control.
  • Input: Fixed mouse being able to escape from capture at high speeds.
  • Input: Digital-to-analog mappings no longer change speeds between NTSC and PAL.
  • Input: Fixed preset maps sometimes not resetting if they were modified in the same session.
  • Input: Fixed 5200 CONSOL bits being inconsistent internally after reset (fixes 5200 Pole Position controller input).
  • Input: Fixed 5200 trackball controller behavior when bound to mouse move inputs.
  • MMU: Fixed case where MMU was not reset when switching from 400/800 mode to XL/XE mode, causing a power-up crash.
  • MMU: Axlon memory no longer aliases with PORTB extended memory.
  • Network: Fixed TCP stack checking wrong sequence number against incoming ACK in some cases.
  • Network: Improve TCP PSH and ACK handling.
  • Network: Fix inability to write some CS8900A control registers through PacketPage ports.
  • PCLink: Fixed incorrect return codes from rename command.
  • PCLink: Directories are now readable as byte streams.
  • POKEY: Improved emulation of fast pot scan mode.
  • POKEY: Improved RANDOM emulation when switching in and out of init mode.
  • POKEY: Fixed serial output ready IRQ occasionally not triggering when expected.
  • SIDE2: Implemented CF change detection.
  • SIDE2: The right cart window of the top cartridge half can now be enabled without the left half.
  • Simulation: Modified DRAM A randomization pattern in 5200 mode to match 5200's address line mapping.
  • UI: Disable Shift+hover help when Shift key is bound to an input map.
  • UI: The kernel firmware menu is now filtered to kernels compatible with the current hardware mode.
wstecz17/10/2016 20:11
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