
[ATARI] Atari++ 1.7.0

[2] @ !!! Piątek, 4 Stycznia 2013 22:51 CET [04-01-2013 22:49 CET]

[ATARI] Atari++ 1.7.0

ATARI++ Thomasa Richtera, emulatora małych ATARI  dla linuxa,i dla Windowsów, po prawie dwóch latach doczekał się nowej aktualizacji. Niestety, ani na stronie, ani w dołączonej dokumentacji brak jest wzmianki, co też nowego zostało poprawione/dodane.

Its emulation features are stunning:

  • Cycle precise emulation; this includes correct emulation of horizontal kernels and programs that modify chip registers within a horizontal line. In a less technical language, software making use of advanced displaying techniques will be emulated correctly.
  • Emulation of an advanced 1050 disk drive including single, double and enhanced density. The emulator not only understands .atr and .xfd files, but comes with a mini-boot loader that allows you to boot from binary load files (.exe and .com).
  • Supports .gz compressed images, and .DCM disk images. No additional tools required to load these disks.
  • Precise emulation of ANTIC and GTIA graphics, including undocumented scrolling features, undocumented GTIA player/missile priorities and collision detection, and some other less known GTIA features. Color artifacting is also available.
  • Precise emulaton of POKEY sound, including "Software Speech", high-pass filters and POKEY hardware timer interrupts. An emulation of the console speaker is also included.
  • Precise emulation of the POKEY SIO (serial transfer) protocol, including the Atari "sound effects" on disk loading and some lesser known influences of serial transfer on the sound subsystem.
  • Pokey stereo hack ("Gumby") included in the emulation.
  • Emulates graphics output either thru X11, or the SDL library, including a screen snapshot feature, saving images as PGM, BMP or PNG.
  • Sound output is either emulated by the Open Sound System (OSS), the ALSA system, the SDL library, or by recording the sound samples into a WAV file in CD quality.
  • Cylce-precise 6502 emulation, including "extra-instructions" that are not documented in the 6502-manual, and also including all known hardware-bugs of the 6502.
  • Cylce-precise emulation of Pokey timer and interrupts.
  • Printer emulation thru  standard LPR printer user interface.
  • Flicker-Fixer option for games that toggle palettes fast for more colors.
  • Emulation of color artifacts due to PAL color subsampling
  • Optional de-blocking filter for magnified output
  • Built-in Os emulation
  • Joystick, paddle and lightpen emulation by keyboard or mouse, or by standard analogue PC joysticks. A special home-made interface allows the connection of Atari digital joysticks by an additional joystick driver. Hence, you'll be able to play all your old games even with your digital joysticks.
  • Includes emulation of the Pokey POT reading mechanism.
  • Saves and loads machine states to save games in the middle of the game play, and allows to resume from that point later on.
  • Includes emulation of a variety of cartridge types, including 5200 games cartridges and Oss supercarts.
  • Effective emulation of 800XL/XE and cartridge bank-switching mechanisms.
  • Emulation of the Atari 850 Interface box by the serial port of the host computer, including a full 850 driver "in ROM".
  • Interfaces to "Hias'" AtariSIO driver, allowing you to connect real Atari hardware to the PC.
  • Includes a Dos 2.xx compatible interface to the filing system of the emulator.
  • Easy to use graphical user front-end for simple setup and configuration, includes saving and loading of (human-readable) configuration files. The user front-end also allows to setup details like the player/missile collision setup to build "game-trainers" on demand.
  • Includes a built-in monitor allowing experts to debug Atari software easily.
  • And the best: It is free.
wstecz04/01/2013 22:51
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