
[ATARI] Atari800 3.0.0

[1] @ !!! Poniedziałek, 11 Marca 2013 00:25 CET [04-03-2013 19:03 CET]

[ATARI] Atari800 3.0.0

Właśnie pojawiły się źródła nowej wersji Atari800 3.0.0. A800 to emulator Davida Firtha udający maszynki Atari XL/XE. Jeśli ktoś śledził zmiany w kodzie a800 w publikowanych wcześniej wersjach testowych nie poczuje większych zmian.

Póki co, tylko oficjalne źródła i dystrybucja deb, być może wieczorem uda mi się skompilować wersję pod Win, bądź dorzuci ją ktoś z devteamu a800.

Screaming Wings (Red Rat Software Ltd, 1986)

Atari800 version 3.0.0 (released on 2013/03/03)

This version brings so many changes that I couldn't help myself and had
to increase the major version. Frankly, I have tried going with 2.3.0
but after hard thinking I decided that the reworked configure process
and all the internal and UI changes justify the major version bump.

This release brings more than 22 months of work done mostly by Tomasz
Krasuski. Actually if not counting Colleen (the Android port developed
by Kostas Nakos) almost everything else in this release was done by
Tomasz. So thank him and enjoy :-)


New features:

  • Option to automatically save configuration on exit
  • More settings saved in configuration:
  • currently attached tape file
  • cartridge settings, including currently attached cartridges
  • state of R-Time 8
  • system settings, including Mosaic/Axlon RAM size
  • New Tape Management menu - can now create blank tape images, switch tape to read/write in order to save additional data at the end of the current tape image, rewind/fast forward the tape, and mark it as read-only. See DOC/USAGE for details.
  • Displaying tape position when "Show sector/block counter" is enabled.
  • Reworked Cartridge Management menu - now displays filename of the attached cartridge.
  • Option to disable restarting of the machine after cartridge change.
  • When attaching a cartridge from the command line, cartridge type can now be specified using the new -cart-type and -cart2-type options.
  • New cartridge types supported:
    • OSS 8 KB cartridge
    • OSS two chip 16 KB cartridge (043M)
    • Blizzard 4 KB cartridge
    • AST 32 KB cartridge
    • Atrax SDX 64 KB cartridge
    • Atrax SDX 128 KB cartridge
    • Turbosoft 64 KB cartridge
    • Turbosoft 128 KB cartridge
    • Ultracart 32 KB cartridge
    • Low bank 8 KB cartridge
    • SIC! 128 KB cartridge
    • SIC! 256 KB cartridge
    • SIC! 512 KB cartridge
    • Standard 2 KB cartridge
    • Standard 4 KB cartridge
    • Right slot 4 KB cartridge
  • The configure script can now auto-detect some of the available display and sound interfaces before compiling.
  • Option to enable XEP80 added to The Emulator Settings menu.
  • Emulation of the 1200XL, including console LEDs, no built-in BASIC, the
  • F1-F4 keys (mapped to arrow keys in the SDL version) and the on-board J1 jumper.
  • Emulation of the XE Game System, including the built-in game and detachable keyboard.
  • Revamped the Select System menu (now called System Settings). Can now select many system settings, including RAM expansions, OS and BASIC revision, and more.
  • System ROM settings moved to a separate menu. Now it stores paths to all known official revisions of the Atari OS, the 5200 BIOS, all BASIC revisions, and the XEGS built-in game. The OS revision to use is chosen automatically when selecting a machine type (for example, the 400/800 OS PAL or NTSC version is chosen depending on the selected TV system).
  • 400/800: Emulation of all RAM sizes achievable with different combinations of the CX852 and CX853 modules - from 8 to 48 KB.
  • Emulation of 32/48KB memory sizes in the XL/XE mode, compatible with memory expansions for the 600XL manufactured by RC Systems.
  • Emulation of the MapRAM hardware hack.
  • Display settings: "Hue" renamed to "Tint". Tint now configurable also in PAL mode.

New Android port features:

  • Renamed Atari800 Android port to "Colleen"
  • Implemented extended key remapping
  • Implemented the B: device (8-bit games can reach the web now)
  • Support for Xperia play keycodes added
  • Remapped dpad enter to break
  • Added paddle emulation
  • Optimized file selector, allow roaming outside of ext. storage dir
  • Added an exclusion border for paddle mode
  • Implemented state saving
  • Implemented Planetary Defense mode, a Koala Pad click-where-I-point mode
  • Natively supported UI on post-Honeycomb devices
  • Fixes for Jelly Bean (audio stuttering, keypad dialogs, soft keyboard)
  • Added new dialog for cartridge type selection
  • UI fine tuning

General Fixes:

  • Bugfixes in cassette emulation - works reliably even for tape images with long (> 4096 B) blocks.
  • Fixes in save states - loading of save states works correctly even with an attached bank-switched cartridge or with an Axlon/Mosaic RAM expansion.
    • Note 1: Format of the state files has changed. Old save states can still be opened, but newly-created ones cannot be opened in older versions of Atari800.
    • Note 2: Tape position is not restored on loading of save states. Do not save state during tape loading/saving - it won't work as expected.
  • "Disable BASIC when booting Atari" no longer emulates pressing of the Option key when in the 400/800 mode.
  • Fixed a bug with BASIC sometimes disabling itself when switching system type to 400/800
  • Minor bugfixes in file selector
  • Fixed emulation of SpartaDOS X piggyback cartridge functionality
  • "Save Screenshot" fixed - it saved an interlaced screenshot instead of a normal one.
  • SDL version: Swapped mapping of right and middle mouse buttons, to make it identical to the X11 and Win32 ports.
  • Monitor: fixed displaying/disassembling of memory area $D000-$D7FF - with the new supported cartridge types, code may reside on page $D5, and now it can be debugged.
  • SDL version: fixed a blue border when in OpenGL BGRA32 mode.
  • Minor fixes in parsing of command-line options.
  • Rewritten XEP80 emulation - now more accurate and supports switching between NTSC/PAL modes with correct aspect ratio. XEP80 emulation now requires a charset ROM image, path to which should be set in the XEP80_CHARSET line in the config file.
  • Fixed operating system patches not working with all official revisions of the OS.
  • Fixed emulation of separate ANTIC/CPU access to XE RAM when Self-Test is enabled.
  • Fixed the emulator menu sometimes being displayed incorrectly (missing font) when running without an OS ROM image.
  • Improved accuracy of generated colours in PAL mode.
  • Fixed emulation of the H: read operation - Turbo Basic's BLOAD now works on H: devices.


wstecz11/03/2013 00:25
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